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Sure Signs That Never Fail

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Yes, fall is coming. The bumble bee lirones it wit bis lazy wing ; the cricket chirps it. and all nature wiys si in Blgnfl uimiist akalili-, and these are snnie ;' the siirns : School meetln'B bare. Cas billa begin bo ekmgate. I'e.uiies are rlpenlag ! f-h-u-ni ! The lxiys go "eooning" - melons, etc. (rapes ure trettimg color in iheir pulp. ('nol nights are Jack l-'rost's mease ners. The rush for the WorM'a Fair increaaea. Btirdocks are ripening In the fence corners. The cnterpillnrs are numerous and obirusive. The hay fever ker-chew-ker-chewcliew.s you. "FresJi oysters" received daily is ano Uier sign. The grasahoppera are increasinK in mimbers daily. The pigs are getting almost fat enough to kill. The Lnst oí the Mos juito?n- very inlerestintr, Indeed. There is on occasional load of wood upon tlie market. The man in the moon gets full wltb trreater frequency. The ')ld ronnder says : ■'inake it six aionths, judire." ('liiirch coniMiences at 7:30 o'clock nmr, insiead oí at 8. The northern resorter returns home for a season of rest. A tinse ii do%vn appoars on the siiiiiüintiir.ired upper lip. l-ike congreee, nouapte teaTes desert tho gro n r t be yeilow. Tihe lawn is carpeted with dried and prematurely fallen leaves. The katydlda vary the monotony (►: thcir "dids" witli didn'ts-." '1 ie ice man (iirures it out that you owe him for about four month's. Thci-e is a roStJe amonir the corn leaves tliat crackles in jour ear. )ld Sol is uctt inii lazier every morninir. and -retires earlior every nlgfot. Tlic crickets ehlrp on the hearth- o anywfaere -lse they happen to be. Coa] advanees resularly 2 cents a ton per numtih- jtist for aseare! The oldest cltireö predicts a cold, hard winter the noosebone ditto. The heavy "schooner" Kives way to the small thin glass- abomt two fingers. Tlic 'saMiiili hiianet.s" in the milHnery Btore windows are "perfectly aiku-ealtle." The moon is brigbter, and the young folks stroll langukOy in its love engienderlng raya. Thrce ..'; ks rake hl the pot. N. B.- (A cbart l'nniislieil with this Blgn on appllcatlon.) ín the arly morning the spider webs gllsten in the meadows Uke patohee oí sier. Tlie ldaekbirds arrive In Hoeks, stop and avliil-. and tlien Hy :n lowai-ds t lic south. "The pertatT crop's a fallure," a.nd the country is on the roed to the dei n i ut km lov-vows. The l:;d VVBO lias a.n eye tor ilifistmas business nnw dro]is In at Sunday Schooi occasionally. TJie nasturt ians in jour vase hudiUe bogether and twlne avound each other wltto graal aifeclion. TJic little green lKetles sing a song oi 2-z-7.-z-7.-7. ! ffiving tlie letter the Gerinaii projiunciation of tset. There's a haiiness in theatmosjihere, a perfume In the air- frequent - Jy the roffUlt ot' burning leaves. Tlie upan-o v is hunting up a house in town aft er spending; the summer toraglng on the farmer's grain. Tho pumpkin, whlch has heretolore been ;i strong greenbacfcer, quletly i 1,;i:jüi's and comes out for ; )l i. i i rii'.-un suda nemaína stationary, 20 1, bul iiii' iemand la lighter and niny chance thc ratto to - 1 l'or 1. (Dillen nul vies with oat-taila in aiioriiinu' bhe grate and deeorating the unoaed corner back . the tel ■- tete. The house fly sncaks in every time a screen (loor is opemed, and cllngB to (inicie with exaaperating jicrsislcncy. A niíuiia for abnarmal fisli stories permeates the atmosphere oí offices uliose occupants have heen absent for the seíison. The city hen thnt has Been sluit up all summer, is nllowod to roani around on your hack steps and front ]Hi!(h once more. The wiatf.r apple fhat has liuiic; its bead in absolute greenneaa toe weeks, now begins to blush beoause of Old SOl'8 pers.sient kisses. Marriage licenses are in better "demaaid, which has a ieculiarly enehanting effect upon ('onnty Clerk Jirown's inonstacliless sinilc. Thrills oí pleasure occasionnlly smuufile thtinselvcs through the country snparviKor's aaiatomy as he anticipatus ili October session. The head of the house takes down the clothes cast off im the spring, hies hini to a renevator, and appears in a new fall snit the Sunday followiníí. TJie cool of the evenlng overtaJtea tJie Immblf bae wliile jyat hering his food in the flowers, and lie remátala until the inorning Bun wanna up his wings. That 'ild snag that has been in your jaw and acted as a horbOC of refuge for blackbeiiy umi otlier small seeds for 1J, ih'.'iT many suinniers, serves yon with a sumnums for ejectment. The man who didn't work out his vnad tax last by haulinf; mud into the center oí the hignway now BCOOpa dust into Hile holes WOTD in the roadlK'd by the jkutow tires used in sumiller travel. The vote in the House Monday, on tlie repeal of the Slierinan law, and the knock out of the free silver coinage cranks by nearly 100 inajority, was a happy surprise to the country, and a dead set bark to the free ellverites. If the senate will do as well .■ will be soine hope ior the country. o .lust road tliis item, wül you? "Demoorats and repuibUcaaa in Se-ward and a score oí otlicr counties in Kansas propoae a ttieloo ticket, 'to jiresent a solid ph-alanx against the onward inarch .' (populist) anarchy and disorder that tbreatena to ,-- troy Une credit and good name of Kansas and huid lier people up to derision." " The coaiiiressinan ironi this district, Mr. Gorman lias atwaye avowed hlmselí to be a iree silverit'. and (lus Peters, of Seio, supporfced hini onee on tluu firound alone, and vet he voted each and evcry tinii' last Monday with the goW boga. Has Jlmmle heani SOmthlng drop V 0r has soine ome .iunijied on his neok hard? Wall until Petera geta hold of iiim. Duxlng ttue paal few weeks live or six DjlUiomS i laisliels of wlieat each weck have been sen.1 i' Burope [ram lilis cotintry. As í here is a shortage over there it is a pity that ihey are gettimg it from UB so clieaply. The BhOTtage o; cuiTcncy and difficulty oi toans is preTenting Une sale 0l HHK-Ji n' the wheat and is nut al togefcher a ourse, tor it may -j.;c wlieat a chance to go up in price, B0 aa to -et a bet ter ttgUTB ior later exporta.


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Ann Arbor Courier