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Next -Monilay la Bcfaool meeting. Ileoiry B. Dodaley is vei-.v busy taking the school census. Tiie Board of Regenta wili have a Besskxn to-noirow. The low jircssurc nr mi preesure of water Suoday, was caused by the jramps Immiis iscd to fill tJue reservoir. A fino and very stylisli tallor shop Jiias been opemed up txn K. Ann st., J. W. SlK-oly & {., Kwmrrly of Til8n, Oliio. TJmiOO service will held at the I'.aiitist einu-eh lU'xt .Sunday evenins, ;i:d Je. 3. V. Ilratlsliaw will OCrupy the pulpit. By iet of the last legislatura, all - r'sliups must be closed on Sundays. Yosterday was the day lor the law to ïake effect. NeitJier the wool buyer nor the wool gruwor eau brag any tJiis year r pronta. They are Ijoth in the frec trade consommé. Edwnrd liurkc, of Northfield, :i brother oí Win. Burke, o tilia city, dicd very raddenly last. Saturday inorning, of haart diae&se. 1 Smtday School of St. Anárew'a cliurcli, wliich has takeoi a resting spell of a lew weeks, -vill resume its ■re-giilar kossíoois next Sunday. A basket of fine Bartlet and Ftemlah Iïcanty pean trom Etail l'ain-'s (irclianl OO W. Huron ut., has beïped tci pleaae the palatea trf tho Oouri-er force. Tlie opera house 'il open on Fri(!.iy cvcninii, Sept. Mh. with the "Old irnmestead." Oourt will be in aemlon Sept. llth om' dav. lor niotions, etc. The regular berin olcoort will not conven ■ uutii Octóber. The survey tot the BeWerS coinni'tieed yeste-rday. City Elngineer Key corameuiclng below the boulevard bridge to stiikc out the i'oiirsi'. A new time-tnble went into effect om tiue M. ('. R. K. a.uain Suiiday. It will be found prcperly corrected in it s aocustomed column. Tliei-e will lx; a meeting ol the board oí directore ol ttoe Washteoaw (iMiniy Mutual Flre Ins. Co., to-morroe, Tlnirsday, at Sec'y 'liilil's oíïicc to declare the aunual assi'ssinent. Ku.UT'lle Iiciisi'. medie '(i!), pCCBldent of tbe Michigan State Medical Socl ely. will luaye ui article in the 8epii ihImt nuinber cii Tlie I'l!sician and Surgeom. There were flfteen cara loaded wlth WOrW'8 I'air peopte on the M. C. E. R. excursión train, as it passed tins stat mi yesterday !.. m. It was joino.d by a lariie ïnimber here. "Jordán" was aiever lialf so "hard a road to travel," as was the road ïroin Awi to Saline, last Tliursday, "Otl." "Winslow and Ilemy lluchi-eiii. particulars ask the "Ooioaifl." It s comiidently predlcted in the inner circlcs tha; llnu. (i,is. II. "Wliitïnau will jn-obably succccd i'rof Conely, oí Detroit, wlio is to retire it Is said, as ppofeBSOT of in the law (Icpirtnieut ot' the rniversity. TJi-e people who liave been to the Woiid's I'air t'rotn tliis Bection all, want, to go againi wltii one exception. Josejih llomudly says be could not stand onoUier trip tliere ; the magnitude of tlie thing quite overpowera him. Miss Alice Balley, of Bostom, Mass., has been eng-aged as an instructor in voice culture for tlie University School of Music. She has also been enraged as soprano fox the coming year by the Fort st. Presbyterian oliurch, Detroit. l'a'gister of Deeds A. T. Hughes and wife, had the misfortune to lose their little sou Mark, ag-ed about two years, last Wednesday. The remaina werc taken to Dexter for burial. They have the sympathy of niany friends in their sorrow. Next Monday Bciool commences, and Miss tXkYiog, ti liln-arian, gives notice tJiiat the Hbrary will be open from 8:30 to 12:30 a. m., a.nd from 3 to 4 o'clock p. m.i except Wednesdays, wihen tl' aftemooo will be from 8 to 5 o'clock. The petition of the auditor k1'"'1':'! for the sale of delinquent taies for the year 1891, filed at the county clerk's office last Monday contains 78 descriptioins. These lands will be sold at the county treasurer's office, on the firsl Monday in December. James Kearns haring removed from tJi Hd ward to Tlioinpwon st., in the lst ward, a vacaney is caused thereby in tlws office of supervisor of the :d ward. Th name of Bobert Sbannoii has leen snggeeted aa belng a gooi ome for tilie vncancy. Bobert would make au excellent BuperviBOr. A short time a#o V. 8. Southard and family left for Bellefontamr. O., to visit tbeir old home. A letter from him to relat i ves here States tina t their daughter, Miss Sallie Soufclinrd, 18 yeara of age died on Baturday last. Uw remalns will le buried fchere. (in-man Day was a great day for Saline. There were ornwcls and crowds. The peopte eaine by wagon loada, iy ca loada, on bUsyclea and evcry othor Wtty. They all had a good lime. CM course. Tliat was what ihey weo.1 there tor. Some of tlu-m had e bettec Mme ihar day Ihan they lid the net d i. . Tlic Wayne ('nuiity IievieAV funÜBhes this hit oí jiews : "Wayne is tln-.:it ened wMh a .new newspaper plant. Viniiifi & Co., tihe ïirm name of the ocawern wlio embark n the new enterprlse, have ])iirchased the office anil material of the Dexter Leader "f Editor Allen, wivo retires trom business on account of CallLng hcalth, and will iiiDvi' it bare." The state Normal School at Ypsil;niti, is no lonjícr witliotit a head. The state board of odneation, at a meeting last Tïwwsday Ovening, eliose Dr. E. G. Boon, of Iiwliana, wlm ranl% liiiïli as au edncator, and wlio lias -writton some very credit able works cm educational and ])eda.irogical suljects, íis its principal. Tlic Normal is to be congratnlaiiil. Prof. A. Hall, Ji, director of the Observatory, bad bu encounter with a. robber Satiirtlay eveming, it about 11 o'clock. The highwíiymnn iuduc ed luim to throw up his hands by the ix-isu.-tsUni oí a revolver, and submit to a searcJi of his pockets for cash uiiioli was mot thert'. Il Prof. Hal could lia ve fotiml thc l'cllow on his ro inrn tO I s[ot he woiild have gívei hiin a ta.ste of oold load, and it Ís too bad 'ai' didn't find him. sheiïii Brenoer found two stolpn horses ycstmlay, ,-i pretty good day's work. New teiegraph polea are belng put ii) soutili of tliis plat n the T. & A. A. II. R. Itev. Dr. CiiIhth is expected )iome tliis weck aiid will OCCupy liis pulpit iiL'xt Sunilay ïnurniiin-. The public M-lmols oí tliis city open tJic ;vcar ncxt .Mouilay. I'ivsiin iiü iins art' :tlia( the high school will !■ ;is well attcml-d i: nut better tiran last ycar. Mies linina E. Bower, of t'ur DemOOrat, is in Sturuis to-day, and tomorTOW goea to Grand Rápida to meet wiMi tfoe L. O. T. M's ol 1 1 1 ; 1 1 city. Dr. Collins H. .loihn.ston, lit. '81, medie '83, of Grand Kapids, is goms to Eui"oii for a year's gtudy, liavinir about .Sept. 11 Ui. He will 'nave a serias oí articlea in '1 he Phyeiciao aod Surgeon dorlng liis absence. Prof. W. . i'rn-y v i 11 at liis oílite in 1li' high sclicuil biiilding Friday íor t lie purposr oí ciassiíyini; pesldeat jiupils, (ind OH Satnrday noni-csidcnt iinjiiis. ílSuose Intereeted sluould niakc a oí tliis and remeraber it. Tramps broke in to tlie house of Víctor Streng Saturday last, and took nu -iu'.v and valu.-ililcs to a COnsMerablo aiinmnt. The officere were not informeel untU eventny, when it was too latí; tíi canil tfae llueves, who were known to no toward ïpsllanti. Miss SfeUle Shirley and Mr. I-ee "Williams wre unitvd in marrlage at (rand OpOSSlng, Chicago, Dl., Uy the Etev. Dr. Yowg, of that city, on Wedwesday, August 23d, 1898. Mr. AVilliams will return to college tilla year to complete liis courso in the lit-erary department. Cbristiaix liratin ha entered suit atrainst GeOTge Swcitzer. for slander, tlie said Klandor having been uttered in tlu; (erinan kmguage, it is alleged, and consisted mostly in calling the plaintiíf ,a thk'f. They are Saline partiets and M. J. & P. J. Lebmaa and P. J. Riggs are tibie plaintiffs attorneys. Services will be resumed at the Unitarian cliurch on September 10, inBtead ot September 3. The postponemeait is occasioneel by the necessary absence of Rev. Mr. Snnderland, -ho has to be at Gnrand Ilapids next Sunday to assist in the installation of Rev. 'H. Digby Joluinton, who has just been called to the pastorate of the t'iiitarian chnrcli in that city. Justicfl Bennett has made anothor couple happy. Charles Meyer, o{ Salem, and Miss Klla Palmer, ol Saline, were the couple. Judge Bennett has enrtiirely gotten over his emUarrassment on these occasions, and altlumgh he never so far forgets the diirnity of his position as to attempt to kiss the bride, yet he often has a mellow look that ladlcatea tbe desire. H. has memorized the lega] service, a nel does the job mm-h mort expeditimisly tban an Episcopal clergyman run. Ho Ia also quite reasonable in hifi ohorges, mul tliat is an item not to be ovciiookcil these hard timee. B. F. Watts received word last Prlday of the doath of lus brother, Jolm Wesley "Watts, at hls home 'm Walsinirhain. Norfolk, T.iiiil.ind, on the 14t.h inst., of paralysis. About four yeara agO Mr. Watts and his lrother .]. e. Watts, oí Bagiuaw, vitdted the deceased. He was 66 years 6M, and had been a goveromeni employé los 45 yeara, hobHfflg the poeltlcm known as re-ltevimg ofltoer. H liad a circuit oí same 20 miles to cover, and cach nio'iith distributcd alnis to the iioor in amounts rturylng trom onei.ilf to L5. Hi' was a íaithfnl bítlc-iaj and was ilield in 1 1 iu'l i esteem by aelghibors and friend-. on Sunday between the botnra of 1.: and 1 o'clock a horso was stolen from cii:is. II. Roberts, oí l'ittsíicld. A ï-ewiird of - Wlll ' be givetn ior the return of the horse, and another reward oí 'JdO for the arrest and COnvlction oí the thief. - Sinee the alove was in type Slieriíí ürenner reports thit lie ionnd tlie horse yesterday, n the woods a mlU and a J i : 1 1 í east and BOUtb oí Ih'iirbOTin, w'.iere the Tlüevrs liad Strlpped off t.h ■■ harneas and iet hiin go. Thi buggj as also ionnd near tliere The tlüei's aire stil! at lartre, bogether wltb buil dog thei occupiei the next Stall bO horse wheii stolen. Uhi" Adrián l'ress reinarks : "Th odie of town clerk of Ann Arboi t.iu-n, is not "rader Uw bridge." Th. report prolxibly arose from the tact tliat Clerk 'Wideinann. paBBed som. portion oí his time tliere last week He was not there of his own free wil and aeeord. He had DO business therc and was surpvised to loarn tliat lit was febere. Pact IB, the colt he was leadhiii juiiiiH'd oö tl"1 Bridge andWr "Widcmami. liavinir ÜW halter tviti( alKJut liis hand, did not fecl at Ubertj to desert Une animal. That is why lu tluu-e with hls ftnger out of joint Iet no ome proud, or feel t.hat lic is above otbers, atanpty bocause h holUs office." TIn; Xasiivilli' Uin.i Banner, of Aug. T.Mli. ci!:iit;iins ;i portrnit of Will E. I'aync, wit.h a gketcil of his lifc, the reason tberefor being Jus e-lection aa ('oiiiiiiaii(lT of Joel A. I'.attte Lnilnv, Nu. S Kui-lns ol I'.vtlibd. "Will's oíd íi-iciiils hcrc will be glad to i; iiis climblng np. Alberi e. Sctantacliec had some littlr diificulty in hifi first attcnipt rit cooöucttog a gtereoptloon exbibition, but lus gooö gfrti tiink him througb all riuiit. and lif kniiivs more aboul t lic topography of Boto now than he erer üd belore, also. He found tho ïmsiiH'ss an eduoator, in more waya 1lia;i ome. One of our ciimrciics. at least, is OOntemptatáng the innovation of fcmale nghers. The plan is to secure four of tin' Jiaiulsiiiiiisl 'ouiifT ladlea in tho cangregatkMi, to act aa nehers, with a view ol Becurlng the atteiulancc of the young men. This niay work all rlgbrt aml then again it niny not. If the young lady ushits should takc to whlspertog in tho iestilnilcs with the youiisr men who usually bang about thero, then it would be makiag a bad matter wurso. If yotniK lady nahers can be secured who are pretty and Btyllsh, and who aHsolutcly refuae to bc ivhisperéd to, theai perhaps the scheme niay le a glorieus Buccess. Dr. A. C. BJeilOgS. Oí MS XorthBMe, iiri Batueday aftermoon of par.-ilysis. a.ïnl '.'. years. Funeral servici's wcrc beid Monday froin the faaiily resKtance. The Dr. liad beem a iling for soine time. luit was not thought to be daogeroualy il!. He leavea a wldow and bcotber. The deoeased was greatty respeeted bjihc c-oimnunity and lus iainily have iimcli sympatliy jn tbetr afïliction. ïlie funeral services beid Monday aftorjiiKin. at the iamily residence iK'inii conduclicl by Kev. E. M. Duff, of it. Andrew's eliiirch, irayer beJng offered by Rev. J. T. Snnderland. The pall lK'arers weiv : Aetivr. M. J. and Cliristian Fritz, W. E. Walker, Chase Ikv, Wüliam Lodbolz and Kniest Eberbaeh ; Honorary, Titus F. Hutzel, Eli Manly, Frank VandaTwarker, Z. P. Kins, Samuel üregOry and Xavier Zaclimann. A copy of the IX'troit Pree Press of StittirtUiy, April 15, 1865, has been sent to tiMs office, by a friend, and is a vaïuable relie. It cemtains an account of the asnassination of President Lincoln, and tlie attempts on tJie life of Becretary Seward. The first and .foiirth jiagcs are printed in mouniing wit.h turned column rules, and sensationiil head lines abound. Altdiough Lee had mirrendered at that time, Jeff Davia liad not been captnred, and lie j.ssued a proclamat ion frtm Dam vi lie, Va., in whieh lie admits the loss of Virginia b.v Lee's san-ender, but eays -'tlie war wlll be oarried on." The statmeat is atoo made tih&t Gen. Joímaon, who was rctreatinií into Georgia, would niakc a stand at Augusta, and there forni tlie nucleus ot another southern arniy. How all tliis tiu-ueil out is well known aaid lmw the gtitty simtlici-ners clung to tlie last sti-aw iu vain lias locóme history.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier