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A Great Public Library. Any bonk yon waat, loaned to you in city country, nnywliere in the Uaïlted States, lew aa innic at at stoor! a lime ae yom wamt It, al au average oost 4)i only olie ci'iit a day, is Wie offer of The American Oo-operative Lilirary reecmtly organized in New York. Tiiis umdertaklng bui & iy canicil out Avill glve book-readere evw,y wliere better facilities tlian heretofare emjoyed onielde of the iTiirii of leas iii.'iu i dozen of thelargest librarles in the principal cities. liooks can 1O ordered cilher direct (rom NW York, throagta ncighborliood Book Clubs or from country lio-i inastf'i-s, newsdecuterB, iKioksellers or otlicrs who will act as agents. A 160-page oatatogue is sent froe to aaiy a.ppUcan.1 encloelng a twocemt Btaaap ; membere of t.ho Library are nol limit cd to this, luit niay orl.i- ::ny boek in current literature mutable for general circulatioa, .ny iuirthcr inïoi-inalion (tesfred wlH bc sent free on request. Aildrcss, The A iucri:i n Co-opcrativi' l.ilirary, ,7 Rose Ktreet, New York. II tibe Arizona Kickcr doesn't kick itsclf Avhcn it comes to set tic witb lii.n ('iH'iuicai ('o. down In Ohio, tot wtadch it is running a bis "ad," Uien orator 'iii be asüooüehecl, that's all. Blire, cüiciciit, easy- Hood's l'ills. Tliey should be in every traveler's grip and every íamily medicine chest. 25c. ;l box. Bueklen's Árnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cute, Bruises, Sores, ülcers, Salt Rheum, Fcver Sores, Tetter, Cnapped Hands, Ohillblains, Corns, and all skin Ernptions, and positively cures Tiles or no pay requiired. It is gnaranteed to giTo perfect eatisfaction, or money refunded. Trice 25 cents per box. Por sale by Eberbach & Sou.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier