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Gone To Rest

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Mrs. Dr. N. II. Pierce, erf ihis city, (Heil at her residenee on t he Northslde, at 11:L'." Saturday evenlog last, afber ba ving been confined u the house bhree weeks and tu her bed ten days. All w;is (i:,ii" for li''i' 1 1 1 : 1 1 posslbly enuid lie by competeni doctors, nelgiibors annd children he children seli! ui ie.iviny her lM'ilsiile. nlght OT day, mr the 'e,u days precedlog her ileinise. lier death was caused from ! ■:■. which was the lirerl result oí a (all reeeived from the high bank smilli ui E. V. Mom-e's liimse, wliere she had been ealled to nd Mrs. Uoore dnring an Illaesa suiiie l'onr years ago. MlTS. l'ieree was bnrn in "Watermwu. Jeffearson emmty, x. Y., May ii'.iii. 1 jn. and removed (rom tbere with her ])ar'iits, John and Electa Monroe. tu Detrott, in 1885, uid in 1888 t'hvy purchased and took up thcir home on tlie "Kiver road" in this city. In August, 1847, she married N. II. Piense ; ftve cbildren loLnir toorn to them, three oí whom survive Imm-, to wit : Mrs. .1. 1!. Saunders, Kd. H. and X. H. J'kM-w, .Ir. Mrs. Pierce becamc very popular tor lier Uterary productiooa onder the Dom de .jiIuiik' of "Sopt" and lor niany years w;is ;i ciwitributi-r to niany of the newspapcra of th country, aniong otihera ■The Ladtes' Bepoaltory." Por many years abe ivas a constant contribntor to tihis paper and her series of articles kaiown u 'Ann Arbor iai Slices," will be ri-nuinbered by all of our old Madera. Mrs. P. lias always tak'it a leadiují part in all philanthropie dolngs ; she was the iouuder of t he Fifth AVard Dcoratisn Society, and for many years its president. (To thls society iK'longs the honor'ot securin Bpeakers and beeplog vip the eiistom of decora t ing tihe soldiers graves for many years, ajid only yieldtng up tliis duty and the lnrj;e aniou-iit of work it imposed, after the organázattoQ oí "Wclcli Pont, G. A. E.) Tliis society, in-incipally tbrcMgh the uaitiring work of Mrs. P. amd the Late Mrs. Mosea Beabolt, seeured tlie inrans and snperlnbended tiie erectlon oí the Flfth ward .srildiers' monument, whicta is the only ome dodicated for tliat purpoK in this eity. and will always stand as a memento of their zeal for the cause, as well a.s tor the parpose for whlch it was ereeted. Slie was a proniíiieni ineniber of the Pioneer Society of this city, and ,] iliat as well as in all other walks oflife. she was an earnest and active worker. Soon nfter hei husband's death, wliich ciurii-ii ten years ago, she braactoed ïorih more largely in the nik whieli Bhfi tot ina'jy years had been engagcd in. thu oí b clalrvoyant and mag-net Ie pthysician (In 1 ss;; be&ng regtstered ander Une Bi l;nv) and liy tliis mejiis sri-uml i comforbabta living and many [rienda :i i tic si ates and Canada. Siue was ruiii-il States enumerator bbe Mt and Blxth wai-ds In 1880, recefred a letter hJghly recommendlng her toar her homesty, Integrlty and fait lifulncss bo iluiy. trom bbe ci'iisus bureau. In 1888 she was appointed ander ttoe state authCN .uní' wiii-k. Tliis Bbe deemed a bdgo -iiinplmcn(. belng as stal. 'il. i.iic niiiy lady beleeted to a lite positiuiu. Havtog !hm ii s.i iiriiinniciitly be'ore tbe pubMc, she teanes behimd her a luist oí 1'rh'iiils. besidee her pelatlves, wini V. decjily iiioti!-:i lier sudden denuse. The funeral was held trom her late resideuce, 43 Pontiac street, yesterday afternoon at 4:00 p. m., and was largely attended, (owiii} t the short notice relativos frona Detroit were tl tly mies who re able t reach here from abroad). The services rere conducted by the Rev. J. T. Sanderland, and memben of liis choir furuislied the ïimsic for the OOCasion. Messrs. Muses Seabolt, Thomas Speechly, Erastus I'. Mason and Amos Corey werp the pall bearers. The flor. il offeringa were numerous and of the most appropriate designs, ainong whicfa was a pillow of white with the word " Kest " artistically arranged in lavendar flowera, brom meinbere of the Ladies' Decoration Society. " Gatesa-Jar " wás represented by a design about 10x16 inches, very hcatitiitilly arranged with the most delicate white asters and mifrnonett and the gatea being hung in Buch a mánner as to'kèep constantly swinging. A handsome white cross from the y-oung ladies of the neighborhood and a beautifnl basket of flowera were among that attracted one's attention.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier