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COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. FICIAL.] be made au... image COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. FICIAL.] be made au... image
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COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. FICIAL.] be made aultable and safe tor public travel, iiic-n ri reby ordered that the of lii1 Bldewftlk on aiui along the eat ■ Foresl Ave, from sou'h line of S.Unlrersity Ave. to north Une of Ilill atre and the gamela hereby changed, flxed andestablished, so that the grradeol snid sldewal V on and along the Street aforesaid shall be as follows, tila'. i to aj : At s e. cor. of S. Universlty Ave. and i Ave 876.73 ft H 509 f t. sonta oí, i', cor. of s. I al verBlty Weaiul Forost Ave 869.50lt ■ n. v cor of BUI st. and Foresl Ave 864 84 ft thr elevation elven being above the official iituhi umi along the center Une : - walk, : Ie linea i" eonaist oí i ra Unes between Beveral pointsor Btatloua above t;iU'il. Adopted ;is followa : Yeas - Aids. Herz, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Taylor, Manly, K;ii. Watts.- 9. Naya Ñone. By Aid. O'Mura: Resolved, That thebillof Éichmond Backus ('e. of $12, for jastice dockci. bc alldwed and warraut be ordered diHwn foi snid ïniount. A(l"!t'd :is follOWS: Yeas- Aia. Herz, Snow, Wood. O'Mara, Taylor, Manly. Kitsoii, Pres. Watts-8. " Nay- Aid. Martin- 1. By AJd. Herz, Resolved, Thai the Citj Clerk notify the Aun Albor Thompson Electric Company that their contract for light[hg t lie city expires December :lst, 1895, mil advertise for bids to light the city for the next ensning yeac from January lat, 1894, tu December ülst, 1894. Adopted as follows: feas- Aid. Herz, Martin. Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Taylor, .Manlv. Kitson, Pres. Watts- 9. Nays- None. By Aid. Taylor, Resolved, That the Balary of George F. Key for the montli of August be allowed at the sum of sixty dollars. cAld. O'Mara moved that the resolution be referred to the Finalice Committoe; which motion was lost by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aid. Martin, Bnow, O'Mara -8. Naya- Aid. Herz, Wood, Taylor, Manly, Kitson, i'res. Watts- (i. The yeas and nays being called, the original motion prevailed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Herz, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Taylor, Manly, Kitson - 7. Nays- Aid. Martin, I'res. Watts-2. On uiotion the Council adjounied. COUNCIL CHAMBER. i, Ann akboh, Bept. 4. IM8. I Regular session. Called to order by President Watts. Boll called. Quorum present. Absent- Aid. Schairer, "Wagner, Ferguson. l'rettyman- 4. The journal of the lust session was approved. COMMUNICATION KOM THE MAVOR. To the Honorable Common Council: I have to report to your honorable body that I have appointed Robert Shannon to the office of Supervisor for the Third Ward of this city. to flll vacancy occasioned by the removal of James Kearns from said ward. Sept. 4, 1893. B. M. Thompson, Major. Aid. O'Mara moved that the appointment of llobert Shannon to the office of Supervisor from the Third Ward, to fill the vacancy caused by the removal of Mr. James Kearns, is approved, and Robert Shannon is hereby declared duly appointed to fill said vacancy. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Herz, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Taylor, Manly, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 9. Nays- None. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. To the Common Cowiiril: The Board of Public Works beg leave to submitthe following report of its doing in the matter of bids for the construction of a stone culvert across creek on Fifth street (Second ward). The Board caused notice of the city's wants to be published in the Ann Arbor Argus, and also distributed said notice among local contractors; and as a result, on the day set for closing such offer, had three bids as follows: John Mahlke, furnishing all labor and material $490. Koch Bros., furnishing all labor and material, $386; furnishing all labor and material except stone, 1821. 0. Schaffer & Son, furnishing all labor and material, $864; furnishing all labor and material excepting stone, $5(M. All things considered, we recommend that the bid of Koch Bros. be accepted, and that a contract be made wlth said Koch Bros. at contract price of $386. The Board of Public Works recommends and asks for the following appropriations, to wit: $200 for the grading of Broadway at the north end, and $100 for the grading of Prospect street; also $90 be appropriated to paint the bridge over the Michigan Central railroad tracks, as the painting of said bridge has beconie very necessary. By order of the Board of Public Works. Wii.i.iam J., Clerk. That part asking for appropriations referred to the Street Committee. Ib the Common CounciL The Board of Public Works, to whom was entrusted the supervisión of the construction of sewers, wouhl respectfully report progress to the Council. In pursuant of the resolution of the Council, the Board on Thursday last closed a contract with the Uhio Valley Fire Clay Company for tbe pinchase of sewer pipe, to be shipped in such quantities as the Board of Public Works deeires. It is believed that a quantitv of' the larger sized pipe is already on tlip road. At our last meeting 200 feet of 24 inch cast iron pipe were authorized to be pnrchased by Mr. Schuil and the City Engineer at $21.70 net per ton, f. o. b cars at Ann Arbor, Michigan, from theLake Shore Foundry, of Cleveland. Ohio. The Board on August 28th started the City Engineer making the necessary survey for the sewer. They engaged William Rosencrans as assistant engineer at $2.7-5 per day. The Board fixed the compen.sation of the City Engineer, during the construction of the main sewer, at $150 per month, which salaiy the Council is asked to It is believed that the work of putting in the main sewer will taku three or tour montlis. It aow seems probable that the Board will 'je able to begin the work of construction of the main sewer by September llth. Street Comniissioner Sutherland, City Engineer Key and Prof. C. E. Green, as Consulting engineer, will be given charge of the construction. By order of tbe Board of Public Works. Wii.i.iam .J. MlLLER, Clerk. Aid. O'Mara moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Herz, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Taylor, Manly, Kitson. Pres. Watts- 9. Nay8- None. A petition signed by Thomas J. Keech and sixteen others, residents and property holden of the Third and Fourth wards, asking for an electric lamp on tlie intersection of Fifth avenue and Summit street. Referred to Lighting Committee. A petition signed by L. Hughes and twenty-three others, residents and property holders of the city of Ann Arbor, asking that a sidewalk be ordered built on the north side of Chubb street from Mr. Hughes' east line to Wildt street. Iteferred to Sidewalk Committee. A petition signe by J. W. Knight and ten ntlier residents and property bolden on William street, asking for the construction of cement crosswalks at the intersections of Fifth avenue and William street and División and William streets. Referred to Street Committae. A communication from Daniel Fmbes, of the city of Ann Arbor, asking for lid, was read and referred to the Poor Committee. A petition signed by B. G. Crookston and four other property holders on W. Huron street, praying that the building of sidewalks on W. Huron street be deferred to May lst, 1894. lïeferred to Sidewalk committee. Ann Arbor, September 4, 1893. T the Common Council of the City of A un Arbor: I heieby certify that the pressure guage at the engine house read as follows at times stated below: 6A.M. 12A. M. 6P.M. 12P.M. August -';!.-.. Kfe 651b fSlb 651b 24.... 651b 631b BOtt fiölb ■ 25 d.)Ib 651b m BI ' 8 63 (■& anb x 27 ;o!b ]"m 401b 80 2s._._ 3BA 651b 1b BM 29 ti5B 651b tiölb " 651b 30.... 51b itb 051b 651b :il.-.. 6O '! 01b 65 Sept. 1 .... 051b 65 (i5m Sm ■2.... i.-)ir, ii;,lb :iO1b tK!b 3 501b (")Ib tiólb 65B 4 .... 65 651b Fred Siri.EY, Chlef Pire Department; Aid. Manly moved tht report be received, printed and iiled. Adopted as follows: . Yeas.- Aid. Ilerz, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, ïaylor, Manly, Kitson, President Watts- 9. Nay. - None. BSSOBTS OF STAXDINO COMMITTEES. FINANCE. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Finance respectfully report that they have had the following bilis under consideration, and would recommend their allowance at sums stated: CONTINGENT FÜND. W, J. Miller, salary öfi 66 E. II. NorriB, salary 25 00 P.Ü'Hearn, salary SJ 34 vv. J. Miller, telegraphinit and postaije stamps 3 00 Robison & Howlett, team and surry .. 5 00 W. O. Dleterle, supplies 3 00 Miller&Son, repair pump 2 50 .lames Smalley, burying dog 100 Bid W. Millard, supplies 4 25 William G. Snow. norse hire 4 50 EltateofB. A. Iie:il, printing 4T 45 Aun Arbor Argus, council proceedlDds 17 43 Est. HA. Heul. ' " 17 43 Rcakcs ói Curties, printing H 7f Ann Arbor T.-H. Electrio Co 606 00 Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co 2 00 Total 1906 31 STREET KUND. Nelson Sutherland, salary, Í 86 66 Frederick Kadke, labor ; 3 60 Michiiel Sehurer. labor 21 65 Carlos Hlll, labor 17 50 Edwiiril Baroett, labor 1 50 Antón Spies, labor IS 6(1 Mirliael O'Mara, labor I H James Sherley, labot 6 00 Harriey Langer, labor 23 10 t'lyde Ilaywood, labor 150 Blobard Zebbs. labor 24 90 Gustare alten, labor 24 60 Victor Stroug, labor 7 95 Hurry Kayuske, labor 11 K Charles Colgrove, labor 2fi 19 Charles Hintz. labor Si 60 Mlchael Williams, labor 1 50 Patrick McCiibv, labor 16 50 Chris, .letter, labor 3 00 .Mirliael Herey, team labor 33 00 William Ms-on. team labor 12 00 Radie Marsh, team labor 42 75 Bennet Frenen, team labor 15 00 Ellaa Saddler, team labor fi 00 Thomas Hannon, team labor 3 00 .lohn Mclliigh. team labor 3 00 Kred V rey, repairs 90 Dean & Co., supulies 1 '.'I K. .1. Bogen, íuppUea 4 -0 Grossman & Sclilenker, supplies ( 86 Esslinger bros., repairs il 30 Bngrineering News Publisbing Co 5 uo Israel Clark, team labor íl 00 Carrol Jone. latmr wiili Krigineer 15 00 .Iones, " " ' lu '.: Hlrum Klrredge, gravel sur.-, Total t 14 35 BRIDGE, CUI.VEKT AM) CUOSSWAI.K FUND. Willis Clark, labor '. H fl Edwaiil Wetheiliy, labor 1 50 Walter Hogers labor 3 (i William Kuehn, labor 33 09 Frank Schnlta, labor 34 05 Ctarlstian Bonlne, labor lo so Jacob Michelfelder, labor 1" 10 Christopher Jetter, labor ;jl 06 liarney Lunirer. labor 4 50 Frank Dngdale, labor 11 55 Antón Spies, labor H 00 Mirliael Williams, labor 18 06 A Ibert Schoen man, 14 ." KarUoerndt, labor (7:, Frank Sutberland, labor 18 s7 Patrick Mi'Cabe labor 16 06 Frank Duffdale, labor n 119 Harry Kayuske, labor 10 SO James (reen, labor 26 Doorlas Byoraft, labor 4 SU Martin Nasile, team laDor 31 50 Israel Clark, team labor s mi .lulin MoHngh, team labor 24 00 Krank labor 28 50 Nelson Sutberland, horse and oart i ;." P. W. Bogen, team labor 7 00 John Baumgardner, stone slabs 30 13 &.dam Fny. paving stone 6 no -Martin Naglf, " " ; c T." I'. C. Scott. uement i :(4 Botruh & Muehlig, supplies. 5 1 Total 470,24 SKWÏIt Fl'MI. William Bosencrance, :! dnys salary BnKloeer s :, Carrol Jones, labor 525 Kembert Jones, labor 450 Frank Sutherland, labor 5 25 Geo. Woodward, labor :í 50 Jacob .Michelfelder. labor :; mi Barney Langer, labor 1 K erlok Ka ike, labor 4 r,u Schub & Muehllg, labor o 86 Geo. ". Key, railroad fare to Detroit.. 2 10 T. II. HinchiiKi 11, jr.. maklng tests on tewer pipe 1500 Total $ 62 70 KMKTKRY FINÍ). Bll s. MmuI.v. labor 7 50 Qeo. Netthammer, labor James OtUey, labor 3 75 Man Díeterle, labor 75 Total Í2ÍT25 FlHK DBPARTMENI rrjND. Pred Blpley, salury no 00 C. A. Edwards, salary Hcnry McLaren, salary 50 00 Louls lloeUlc, salary 500,1 .Max WittUer, salary 45 uo Alben WaHsalary 4:, 00 Eugene Williams, salury 40 00 8. F. Granaer, salary 4000 (halles Colé, salary 10 00 Herman Kirn, salary 8 00 John Kenny , salary 8 00 Bom McLaren, salary 8 00 Win. líettich 8 00 Mrp. U. líeatn, washing 5 00 William Hriv. snppllea i 10 William O. Bleterle, mattreBSes 10 58 Nlck Olaser, meáis for liremen July 4. í) 00 Schatreríi Minen, supplies r, 90 II. F. liost, pail ;t-( John Alien, oats 4 ij C. Eberbach, supplies l. .1. Maloy, supplies K. 1'. Mills A; Co., Supplies 3 ou Total I 4& POLIO! "'SU. Junios EL Mnrray, salary ñ 00 David Cniiins. salary 50 wt Noblr C. Tice, salary W 00 Christian Brenner. special polioe 16 00 Fred Uavis M Total ls3 POOU H'N1. Fr.-.l Siplcy. snlary JO 00 Williatn (;. Dieterle, cofflu 10 oo Edward Duffy, jrooeries ' g; Mi-. Aun Evmi-, aid ' '" John Elgele, grocertea '■■■ JohnGoetz Son. groceries 3 ! Jobn Goetz Jr.. groceries - ! Willinm F. Lodholz, groceries 7 M William 11. Mclntyre, groceries 8 M O'HaraA Boyle, grooeries o oí Caapar RiDsey, groceries 12 ■'- ainsey & Seabott, gnioeries ,f Win. Htlmaon, grocerles H si G. Frel Stcin. nieat C. W. Vogel, incat W Total 93 60 RECAPITUL.ATION Contingent Fund 1 8"1' " Street Fund 614 3" Bridge, Culverl and Croswalk Fund. 4Tn 21 SewerFund L JO Fire Fund Jg -" Pólice Fund ÍK" "0 Poor Fund ■'";;'.' Cemetery Fund K Total Í2.S36 TI Respectfully subtnitted. W A LTB It L . T A Y LOR, William Heuz, Fkank Wood, Finance Committee. Aid. O'Mara, moved, that the report be accepted uíd adopted, and warrants ordered drawn for the snms stated tlierein. Adopted as follows: Teas.- Aid. flerz. Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Taylor, Manly, Klteon, President Watts- t. Naya. - None 0RD1 NANCES. ('haiiiiuiii Manly, leav having been granted, introduced " An Ordmanee Kelative to Baggage Wagons, Draya, Oinniliusscs, Hacknov-Carriages and ither Pnblir Vellidos, '"' which was read tlie fírst time by its title. BTBBBT (IMMITTEK KKI'ÜRT. To thc Common Council : Your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the following resolution by Aldermau O'Mara: "Suolvfd, And it is tlie sense of this council that the Board of Public Works, do cause the grading aud cuttmg down East Hurón street to conform to the estalilished grade." Kesjiectfullv report thiit they have had the subject matter of said resolution onder conslderation and would recommeud that the resolutiou iju. Kespectfully submitted, Christian Martin, W. L. Taylor, w. G. Show, Street Committee. Aid. Martin moved that the report be láid on the table. Ad(i[)ted. SIDEWAI.K ( OMMITTEE REI'ORTS. To the Common Council : Your Committee on Sidewnlks would report that they have had the following sidewnlkuuder consideration and find that the grading and construction of the sidewalks hereiu named are all a uecessary public improvemeut aud would respectfully recommena that the following sidewalks be ordered graded aud constructed, viz : On Prospect atreet along the northeasterly aud southwesterly sides, trom E. University avenue to Wells street. Ou State street along the east side in front of Miss Sarah Prescott's property. On Aun stceet along the south side in front of the Mrs. Kezia A. Kogers Estáte property. On Vine street along the west gide from Liberty street to Samuel Henue's property. Respectfully submitted, Akthir J. Kitson, William Herz. Frank Wood, J. O'Mara. C. H. Mani.v. Sidewalk Committee. Received and ñled. To the Common Couucil : Your Committee on Firc Department to whom was referred the petition of M.J.Martin, a-kinir pcriiiissiou to build frame barn on lot No. 10, Block 3, north range 4 east. said lot is located on North Fourth avenue betwecn Catheriueand Klngsley atreets, would respectfully report that the prayer of the petitiouer be grauted. Respectfully submitted, J. O'Mara, AKTiirn .1. Kitson, W. 8. Sno', Fire Department Committee. Aldermau Manly moved that the report be accepted and adoptedAdopted. BSPOBT OF I.IGlITIXfi COMMITTEE. To the Common Council : Your Committee on Lightiug to whom was referred the petition and resolutiou uiting for electric lampa to be located on the iutersectious of West Liberty aud Ashley streets aud on the corner of Mam and ('atheriue streets. respectfully report that your committue visitad the different localities Tlmrsdav evenlng, August ;ilst. and fully lnspected the same and would recommeud tíie followiug, uamely: The uetitiou for liglit at the intersectlon of West Liberty and Ashley streets be granted, as the said iutersections of streets is qutte dark, and used largelv by the traveling public for the T. A. A. A N. II. R. K. depot. That the resolutiou for light at the intersection of Main and Catherine streets be granted. this light is mucb needed as the doublé track of the street railway 4s located at this poiut which makel it very dangerous. Respectfuily Bubmltted. WlI.I.lAM HER.. V. (;. Snow, UghUng Committee. Alderman Kitson moved tlie report bc, and the same is liereby approved, confirmed and ftled. Adopted as Eollows : Aves - Aids. Herz, Martin, Snow, Wood, O.Mara, Taylor, Manly, Kitson, Pres. Watts.- 'J. NavsNone. 1IKIMUTS OF CITY OFFICEIiS. CITY TREASlKKK's KKPOBT FOB THS MONTII ENDINO Al'li. 31, 1893. To tlic Common Council of the City of Aun Aibm: Balance on hand as per last report $ 16,fle.O4 UONBT KECE1VED. Contingent Fnnd- w. .1. Miller, lloeasea .... 12.00 A. A. Sm iogs Bank, Int. for !i months üti.71 Btreet Fund N. Sutherland, woodsold tM City tHxesdolli eted during Augusl 82 Total í22,5i-i.Sl 1 39.49 l.!O MI1NKV lllMirfiSKI). Contingent Pund tl.121.SS Street Tund 1.078.09 Piremen'i Kund c.i.:.' Pólice Fund li Poor Fund 78.8( Water Fund iirv l'uin! 15.00 Boldiers' Relief Fund 85.0(1 .Cro-swalkand Culvert Fund 1 043.22 Total Disbnisemente I Total on hand $ 8B,80S.W HALAN'CE ON HAND. Contingent Fund 1,747,98 Street Fund, over draft 10.71 Firemen'i Fund 2,768.n Pólice Fund 677.38 Poor Fund Water Fund 4Ü5.45 Cetnetery Fund 218.92 Soldiere' Relief Fund.. iöl.i'.i University Hospital Aid Hond Fund 840.00 Delinquent Tax Fund 1.400.81 Bridge, Culvert and Cros6walk Fund :i.:xti.P2 DogTaxFund 100.00 Í 5,666.34 Total of Taxes oollectcd g9.siia.B2 Totnl on liand ï 8M06.96 Kespectfull y submitted, Ge". II. l'M), Cito Treasnrer. Asn A mum SAV1H08 Bank, ) Ank Anuo. Mica., Sept. 1, 18B8. 1 futía Common Gounciloftki CityofAnn Arhor : Dbar Bms:- Thto will oertify thatGeo.H. 'ond baBOD deposltto hlscredli asCltyïreasurerthe sum of thtrty-flve tbougand, four mmdred elgbty-aeven and 47-lOOdollara (J35,-T.4TKMAS. E. HlSOOCK Cashier. The montlily reporta of the City Clerk, City Treasurer, City Marsbal and 3oor Superintendent were read and orlered flled. Chairman Taylorofthe Finance Comnittee made a verbal report without iny recominendationa aa to the City Enrineera salary for the tnonth oí August. Aid. Martin moved that vote on adonting the second report of the Board if l'nl.íic Works made thia day be reconsidered. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aids. Herz Martin. Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Taylor, Manly, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 9. Naya - None. AM. Martin moved tliat the report be relerred to Finalice Conimittee and Board ol Public Works fora report on Engineers salary. Aid. Manly moved an amendment to strike out the Board of Public Works in said motion. The amendment being iccepted the motion prevailed as folowa : Yeas- Aids. Herz, Martin, SnöW, Wood, o'Mara, Taylor, Manly, Kitson. -v Nay- Pres. Watts.- 1. IfOTIOXS AND RESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Martin: A'. iolvi ■. That the bid and offer of the Koch Brothers to furnlsh all labor and material for the construction of stone cvilvert on Fiftli st., Seeqnd ward.i be. and the same is hereby aciepted, and the Board of Public Works Is ïereby instructed to cause a contract to be executed and exehauged witu said Koch Brothers. Adopted as followe : Yers - Aids. Herz, Martin, Show, Wood, O'Mara, Taylor, Manly, Kitson. Pres. Watts- 9. Naya- None. By Alderman Wood : Retolved, That the sum of $90 be appropriated from the Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund, for the eonstruction of two common crosswalks on and along the north and south sldes of E. Huror. street, Crossing Thayer street. Adopted as follow6 : Yeas - Aids. Herz, Martin, Snow, Wood, fO'Mara. Taylor, Manly, Kitson. Pres. Watts- 9. Naya- None. By Aid. O'Mara : K tolvi d, ïhat the som of $75 be appropriated 'rom the Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund, for the eonstruction of an artificial stone crosswalk on and along the uorth side of E. Eluron street crossiug State street. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Herz, Martin, Snow, W 1, O'Mara, Taylor, Manly, Kitson, Pres. AVatts.- 9. Nays - None. By Aid. Kitson : Betolved, That tbe gradiugaud coustruction of tbe sidewalks hereinafter meutioned is deemed and declared u necessary public improvement. Therefore. it is hereby ordered that stone Bidewalki be graded. built and constructed on and aloug the following property in the eity of Ann Arbor. vly. : Ou State street along the east side in front of Miss Sarah Preseoit's property. That all of sucli sidewulks be graded, built and constructed in the manner, wlthln the time and of the material prescribed by the provisión of an ordinance "Entitled an Ordinance Kelative to Sidewalks," and the grade stal'Iished. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Herz, Martin, Snow, Wood. O'Mara. Taylor, Manly, Kitson, Pres. Watts.- 9. Nays - Ñone. By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, That the grading and eonstruction of sidewalks hereinafter meutioned is deemed and declared to be a public necesslty and a necessary improvement; Therefore, It is hereby ordered that plank sidewalks be graded, built and constructed on and along the following streets and in front of the following property in the city of Ann Arbor, viz.: On Prospect street, along the northeasterly and southwesterly sides, from East L'uiversity avenue to Wells st. On Ann street, along the south side in front of the Mis. Kezia A. Rogers estates property. On Vine street along the west side, from Liberty street to Samuel Hennes uroperty. That all of such sidewalks be graded, built and constructed in the manner, within the time and of the material prescribed by the provisión of an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Relative to Sidewalks," and on the grade to be established. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Herz, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Taylor, Manly, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 9. Xays- None. SIDKWAl.k (TBADK RB80IUTIOÍÍ. By Alderman Kitson : iiKiiKAS. in tiie opinión of the ('ouncll the grilde of tbe Rldewalk On the West side of ObserviUory street. ought to bechanged and fixed and establlshed, to the end that such street muy be made suitable and safe lor public travel, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade í the sidewalk on and along the west side ol Observator; street, from north line of lieddes Ave losoutb line oí K. Ann street be and the same is hereby cfeanged, tixed and es tabllshed so that the grade oi sald sidewalk on and along the streel u'oresaiil Shall follows, t int s tn shv: At n. w. cor. of lieddes Ave. and Obseratory street 903.33 ft " 8. w. oor. oí S'ullaud st. and Observa torv street uos.12 ft ■■ ii. w. cor. of Vullaiid st.uud Observatory street.. 907.90 ft '■ ISO ft. north of n. w.cor. of Volland t. and Observatory street ÍKfJ.10 ft ' s. w. cor. oí Belset st. and Observavatory Btreet 896.00 ft " n w. cor. of Belserst. and Observatory street ___ _K90.00 f t " 187 it. north of u. w. cor. of Belser -t and Observatory si eet 8WJS2 n "887 ft north ol n. u. oor. of Belser st. and Observatory street 902. 00 ft ■ s, w. oor. ol E. Hurun'st. and Observatory street 902.00 ft " n. w. cor. oí B. lliirun st. and Observatory street 902.50 ft ■■ s. w. cor. oí e. Ann st. and Observator? street _899.80 il the elevation glven being above the official city datum and along tbe center line of such walk and the grade Unes to oonstst of straight liues herween the several points or stations aboved stated. Adopted as follow: feas - Aids. Herz, .Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Taylor .Manly, Kitson. Pres Watts. - It. Xays - Xone. By Alderman Kitson: Wiikhkas. in the opinión of the Couucil the grade of the sidewalk on the east side of Foreet Ave. ought to be changed and fixed and estabüshed, to the end that such street may (Continued ou Fourth Page.)


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier