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A subject which ñas received inuch discussion iu hII pana of the country luriiiL' the paal unonth liai b( a the poasibility ni' The osinopolitau a succeeding in ib; oew move ' selling the nia;azine, unchanged in size and even bettered in qnality, at the price of twelve and one-half cents, ñatead oí twentyfive cents, as formerly. August Coamopolitau, íi instance, was lUnstrated 'iv a !i: of lumoua artista, iucluding Rocín gr isse, Hamilton (ilson, Guillouuet, Keiable, Bchwabe, Saunier, roodhue, Meiiulle,Ali.ce Barbel Btephens, and the late Wilson de VIeza. The publÍ8her8 in pari explain how it ia possible to keep i:i' a ace "í thia kiml by their annountemeñt that tbe Christnias edition ili exci i 1,000 copies, and that. in conaequence of these large editions, they are oWiged i" raise the advertising ratea írom ií n ' t ■ ■ $300 per page - lit'ty dollars per page more than has ever been eharged by any ni' the leading magazines in thia country. This move of The Cosiuopolitan would look as if the American people had bei n nii-k tu appreciate the eifort to furnish tlieui a magazine of the bigbeet daas, at a price bo small aa to be almoat uomnal. The only White House mistress to permit the opening of its parlors and conaervatoriea to the public, regardlesa of the diiy, was Mra. Pntterson, the daughter of President Johnson, wlio is at present living in Teniu'ssee, and of whom a pleaaant sketch, with portrait, is iriven in the Septetnber Ladies' Home Journal. Mrs. Jefferson Davis contributea i" the same number a delightful sketch of the widow of Stonewall JackBon, and AJice Grahain McCollin writes of "The Blind Reader at Washington," Mrs. J'atti l.ylo Collins, the clever wiiiiian wIki is the presiding genius oí the Dead Letter Office. r' Women'a Riiihts and Wrongs " are disenssed fot the lirsi tinu' in print by the Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage over his signatnre, and Jolin Lambert Payne contributes a dplightful essay on " What is W ritten in a Woinaii's Face." Mis. Barton Kingsland lias a helpful article mi "The Conduct cií a Gueat," while Robert .1. Burdette is particularly happy in his dissertation mi "The Six-Fmgered Man." Palmer Cox f.'ivos a page of his inimitable "Brownies," as they disport tlieniselves in 1 [olland. " When Choosing a Home.'' by Agnea Bailey Ormsbee, and " Furnishing a Moderate Home," by Helen Jay, are both helpful antumn artieles, Eollowing close iu interest on Miss Maria l'arloa's ]ia]er on "Opening the Winter Home." Mrs. Lyuian Abbott writea of "The (íirl iu the Church," and Ruth Ashmore on " (jirls and the ('se it' Money."


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier