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Do YOUR 1 I 1 I 1 f I 1 BÜRN! DO YOUR I i 1:1 MVEAT? DO YOUB 4 14 14 m Al. li' DO YUUR 1 II 11 nu.vt'KR? DO YUI'K ' I 'I I j BTINKJ DO YÖUB lili RACKT DO Yol tí -- ■- - -- ANNOY Othen and Mnke Life a Burden to Yon? If so, tlu-ii suffer no longer, but send x Véala toE. H. POBTER, Wtntvr Ulinoi-i. lio srófcied the tormentsof tUe damned for 10 yean, spent .' and tiiuilly discovered a siui]iU' remedy that líUiírunírrs to cure or return the money. Will glve instant and permanent relief. Yob cnii do the World's Knir and yonr leet ill be the [ast members to fail yon. Send postal note for 22 cents. orl3 2-ceut stHmps aud recelve by return mail a prescriptlon that any druggtsi will flll for 10 cent! t lint wlll inakv yon fc-el 91) years yonnger. [8tate where yon saw tbia advertlsement wben you write and yon 11 receive a humorous poem witli tbe preseriptiou. entitled "The Man Wrth tbe Tender Feet."l ' WOOD'8 PHOSPHODINE. The Great Engllsh Remedr. biik. dlttfQfík Promptly and permanently W cures all forma of Nervous Lfy JBg - rf M'cakness.F.miasinns, Sperm5?JjBpí atorr)lea Impotency and att ÉmYv Axït Eecn preBcrlbed over 35 HGkJ]TaTsln thousamln of cases; BcforeandAftcr. medclne knowru Ask druggist for Wood's PhoDhodine; lf he offers some worthless medicino In placo ofthis, leavo hla dlshoncst store, lnclose prlco In letter, and we wlll send by return mail. Prlce, ono package, tl;six,t6. One wUlpIease,stxwill cure. Pamphlet in piala sealed envelope, 3 cents postage. ! Address The Wood Chemical Co.. 131 Woodward avenue. Detroit, Mlch. ' in AnnArbor and everywbere by all draggists. THE LAKE ROUTG TO THE WORLD'S FAIR VIA PICTURESQLE MACKINAC. ij tha heat and dust by traveling o.i the Floating Falaces of the Detroit t Cleveland Steam Navigation Company. Two new stoel passenger steamers have just been built for thi8 Upper Lake route, cosfmg$jOO,000 each, and are guaranteed to be tLe grandest, largest, safeat and fastest steamers on the Lakes; speed 20 miles per hour, running time between Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago less than 50 hours. Fcur trips per week between Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Mackinac, Petoskey and Chicaco. Daily trips between Detroit nnd Cleveland; during July and AutnjEt doublé daily service will be maintained, glving a daylight ride across Lake Erie. Daily service between Cleveland and Put-in-Bay. First-class stateroom accommod:itions ad menu, and exceedingly low Round Trip Rates. The palatial equipment, 1he luxury of the appointments makes traveling on these steame thorougMy cr.joyablo. Send for illustrated pamphbt. Address A. A. Schantz, G. P. A , Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co., Detroit, Mic'a. ' SÜ8THW SCHJFFM ANN'S Asthma Cure Never fails to give insUnt relief in the worst oases and elfeott MM wlicrc other ruuTrlul P.ekage l'KEE of Drees.'to r kj MiIU. AdJr. i Pfí?1!. j-SJjiSL Onlike the Dutch Process iïïo Alkalies Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of W. Baknr & Col" Breakfast Gocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed witli Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economical, casting less than one cent a cup. It 1 is delicious, nourishing, and easilt digkstep. Sold by Crocers everywhore. W. Baker & Co.. Dorchestar, Mass. WORK FOR US a few davs, and you will b itartled at the unexntcted suceoss thut will rewurd your ellorts. We naïitiTely have the beit buttneM to offer an agent h-it t-iui be found on the face of this earth. SÍ5.OO proBt on 75.00 worth of business is hcin" eaaily and bouorably made bj and pald to nundreds of men, women, boys, and girls In our emplov ïou oan make monev farter at work for us than vou llave any idea of. The business is so easy to íearn, and Instrucüona M riiuple and plata, tbat all sneceed fn.m tbe rtart Those who take hold of the businesa reap the advantage ttat arises from tlie semnd reputatlon 01 of the oldest most ioesful, nd largett pnbBshlng bouses in Americu. Secure for youreeli the prohts tliat the hii'ii - - readily and handsoraely yields. All beginnen luoooed graudly. and more than realiïe thelr greateat expectations. Those who trv it tind exactly us we teil them. Therel plenty of room for n few more workers, and we urge them to begin at once. If you are airead v emplovid but :i few ipare moments, anu wisn tu use them to advantage, Uien write us at once (forthU is vour grand opportunity), and receive full partieulari by return mail. Addran, TBL'K CO-, Box Nu. 400. August, Me. DIEFFENBACH'S fönrijK PROTAGON CAPSULES; V5VV Sure Cure for Weak Men, as fff ïg proved by reportaof leadinKphy. Ly-=r %sician8. State ge In ordering. KHiga oU'rice.Sl. Cutulotru. Free. KH TB Ï3 Á O A A safe and speedy PhLmI IlM K cure for Olt-et, M ! lUHU Strlctureand all ÉJij J unnatural discharges. PrieeS. Wf ÓREEKSPECIFIC.c, . .. JÚaU"' WiniHkin MMM, HítoI"nlona Sore and8yphllltlc ASectlon, witli Outmereury. Pnce, S2. (rder from THE PERU DRU6& CHEMICAL CO. a?S5. 189 Wisíoníin Street, MIX.WAÜKÍE, WI8. ftSTSliA CURED, but The PEERLESS ASTHMA REMEDYwiP Rive inatntr.Tief. 25c and 50e slies. Bunpli mOiled fre. At (iru6Kits or mftiled on receipt oljpriw byThe Peerloss Remsdy Co., Oobhmlle, Miclj Garfield Tea sê Cures Sick Hcsndnche.IBtoresfoinplfiionSavej Doctors Bills. Sainiilo irec. U.iKFIliIJTKiC"..319 Vi. iathst..ï. Cures Constipation Michigan (Central " The Niágara Fails Route." TIME TABLE (BEVI8ED) Al"(i. 27. 1893. CENTRAL STANDARD TIMK. Bil" 6? Í é í ■ ■ 4 '■ o. '■ ja d. -- ■(9IO9 ■ = - - " rtj "í VSMStPtS -!C ti ' - L ES É : - ==:;:: ; ; = a. : w á j : : : : : a 398S889 j 2 5$ :$ : : : j ;222 S :::::= ,j g :::: = L ; : : : : i . A ; : : i 2 sea : : ja i ;ss y s-s :s ■ [ ss " - " SH : : i : = = m gg É -.■■. w - ■ ■ : -íec . da, ai 9 S8 ; : :8 :gs fe 3S?5?S8SR5aa =-! - - ; t i i- : _ i; ■ y y j! r' ai gci t jj s lij M é i {; j L : : : á i i : : : : d L==;:::;L=L = :::::: S i-J ri '.'.'■ '. '.i rA ::: '.'.'■ c. BE : j : : :9f sí i i :L i i :SS = : : :' : : S ::::: := 3 SB ; S j ES : j i c. ': & : M '■ i i SSS52 :8SS!i i & SS 8 3 j I J8? NÜÚj - L-; L - , 1 ! jr ■ X ■ O V . Bi E L Í á o. S i = ?. B8SSS85R9SS8 í SSSSSSSSSaSS i I U 1 i i UU i IIIIIHIil 1 1 '■■'■■ : : ; ; '■■■. . Ï ! 1 1 i I ! i ji Í t . [ ! I í. 2 ijs ijM iifiiiiiíiil ■ _ ■ o „ I í S : .. ï ; ;o : :m ; - : í !.::: o:: - .ta.-o"1O o -=...-- =:: c :;= :■ : ; í o : G. W. EÜGGLB8, H. W. HAYKS. G. P. A T. As(t.. Chicago. Agt., Auu Arbor . TOLEDO n AnnarboK NÖRTH MICHIGAN) iT RAILWAY. L-' '-J ' ( Uora Cf VV BA V CITY j í ts. S#Jg -jÉ -■ ,,r..i.!l lUp'sOVOSj-!- T TIME TABLE. TAKING EFFECT Trains leave Ana Arbor by Central Standard time. NORTH. SOUTH. 7:13 A. M. 6:48 A. M. 12:15 p. M. 11:45 A. M. 4:15 P. M. 9:00 P. M. 9:00 A. M. (5:45 p. M. Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo onlv. W. H. Bennett, G. P. A. R. S. Greenwood, A0T EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS, y A TVTTPC3 TRY DR. LE DUC'S " PEJ_iA..U1.EjÖ BIODICAL" PILLS from Paris. France. Established ín Europe 1S39, Canada in 1X7.S. For Suppressions, Irregularitiea, imd Monthly Deraugements. A reliable monthly medicine. They always relieve. Any druggist, f2. American Pili Co., Proprietors Spencer, Iowa. Robert Siephensou & Co., wbolesale agents, and all other druggists in Anu Arbor. These pills are warrauted to brina on the "chanpe. GET .A TICKET OF W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. And you are entitled to a cholee of The Home Instructor, the Life of General slierman, or the Life of P. ï. Barnum (free). wheu cash purchase to the amount ot ?15.00 has been made. THE HOME INSTRUCTOR, I.AHfiE OCTAVO, 478 PAGES, ILLUSTRATBD. A compendium of useful knowledge necessary for the practical uses of every-day life. A complete and perfect guide to life in publlo and piivate. THE LIFE ANO SEEBS CF GEN, W, T, asnal. CROWS OCTAVO, 568 PAGES, ILLVSTKATED. A graphic narrative of hls boynood and jarly life, educatlon, career in Florida and california, military achievements, life asa citlzen, last slckness and death; with fine steel portrait. THE LIFE OF l T, BARNUK, The WorldHenovned Showman, CBOWN OCTAVO, 520 PAGES, II.LUSTRATED. Hls early Ufe and strnggles, bold ventures aud brilllant success; liis wonderrul career. hiswit, genius and eloqnence, his Ufe as a citlzen, etc- Xu whieh Is added hts faraous book, "The Art of Money Getting." W. F. LODHOLZ 4 et 6 BKOADWAY. 1693


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