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A Summer's Work "kleptomized."

A Summer's Work "kleptomized." image
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A contemptible piece of tbieving carne to the notice of ye acribe the other day that deservea to be more widely known. i Almost all Ann Arbor people know the kindly face of Dr. A. C. Nich'ols, t!ie dentist. They know also that he ahould be the last person to suffer from the unlawfn] greed of others. They are familiar with thefact also that the Dr. has bougtat him a lot and built liim a good, comfortable residence thereon within a year. Now like all beginners the Dr. desired to make the land not covered by the house, productivo, so lie had it all leveled ofl and a portiou devoted to grass seed, but another portion to the rearof the dwelling was set apart for garden purposes, and the elegant erop of red root, burdock, etc., raised by him bas probably not been exeelled in the city. Among )ther things a l'riend gave him some ■ Woi!, i's Fair flowei seeds," said to hav.' leen imported trom Biberia, and obtained by a friend from a nat ve Kamtchtka. One of the seeds came np and has been carefully nurtored all Bummer. It had several large oleomargarine colored blossoms, one of which fructified. The fruit grew and grew, and the Dr. had niany nieiuls in to see it. His next door neighbor apon the nortlt, the erndite County Clerk, said i one day : " By thunder Doe. that loöks just like a pumpkin, or just as puinpkins used to when I lived on a farm in Saline." But the idea was so rent to the gentleman wbo had cultivated the plant all summer, that t was abandoned. Justice Bennett was called in to see the product and thought it was a species of the genus tatreurbita. Whatever it was, some wretch came in the stillness aml darkness of the night and took it away. Friends who noticed some lads in the neighborhood with a jack lantern shortly afterward, looked with Buspicion apon them, but there was 110 (listiniruishing maiks by which to prove property. IÍ it really was a pumpkin, ol couree the Dr. 's loss is not , so very great. lint it was a mean piece of l'iisiness just the saine.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier