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It Should be in Every House. J. I!. WilBon, 371 Cl.iy 8t., Sharpsburg. Pa.. Baya he wlll not hu without Sr, King's New Diacovery for Coneumptlon, Coughs and Coldn, that it euretl li is wlle who was threatened wlth Pneumonía after n attack of "J.a Grippe," "vlion various otlior remedies and severa Iphysiciaiis had dom; her no good. Robert Barber, Cookgport, Pa., claims Dr. King'a New Diseovery hae dono hlm more p;ood than anyt-ïiing he ever used fur Lung Troublo. Nothlng like it. Try it. Freo Trial Bottlea at Eberbach & Son's Drtugstore, and Gteo. 'J'. Haussler, I arge bo+tlee, 60c. and $1.00. ►-- Ncvcr fora monument - The cast in the eye. "The pillare of society" - Sofa cashons. ANNÏÏAL TAXSALE. STATE OF MICHIGAN, I C'OUNTY OF WASHTENAW, ( The Circuit Coart of the L'ounty of Washtenaw, In i 'hancery. I ii tlie iniitter oí the petition of the State of Michigan for the sale of eer tal n lands Iot ' tnxes assessed thereon. On reail'.ng and filing the petition of the Auditor General of the State of MlohlghU, praylng for a decree in favor of the State of Michigan, against each parcel of land theretn d( M-nbed, for the amounts therein speeified, clalmed to be due for laxes, Interest and chantes oq eaob Buob parcel of land, and that such lands be sold for theamounts socluimed by the State of Michigan. It Is ordered that said petition wlll le brought on for hearing and decree ut the Oetober term of this court to be hi'ld at Ann Arbor, in the county of Waahtenaw, State of Michigan, on the ninth daj' of October, A. D. 1SSW, at the opening of court on I lint day, and that all persons Interested in such lands. or any part thereof, desiring to contest the lien clalmed thereon by the State of Michigan, for sucli taxes, interest and charges, or any part thereof, shall appear in sald coart and file wlth the clerk lïiereof actlng as register in chanoery, tbeir obJecUona thereto, uu or before the llrsl day of the term of tliis cour) above mem loned, and that ïn defanlt tbereof tbe same wlll be taken as comessed, and a decree wlll be taken and entered BS prayed for in saiil petition. And it is further ordered tliat in pursuauce of said decree the lauds desorlbed in said petition for which a decree oi sale shall be made, will be sold for the several taxes. interest and charges thereon as deterininod by sucli decree, on ttie tirst Monday in December thereafler, or on the day or days subsequent thereto as may be necessary to complete the sale of said list and of each and every parcel tiiereof, at tlie office of the oounty treasurer,or at such o mvenient plaoe as shall be selected by hini at the oouDty seat of the county of Washtcnaw, State of Michigan. Witness the Hou. Edward D. Klnne, Circuit Judge, and the seal of said circuit court of Waslitenaw countv, this tirst day of August, A D. 1 [Seal.j E. D. K1NNE, Circuit Judge. Countersigned, Aktiiuk Hkowk, Ilegister. STATE OF MICHIGAN. ''. Oh Circuit Court or the County of Washh naw, n 'huur' ■;. The petition of Stanley V. Turner, Auditor Qeneral of said State of Michigan, respectfully shows that the list of lands hereinafter set fortli and inaiktd "Schedule A," contains a descrlptlon of all lands in said county of Washtenaw upon whicli taxes were assessed for the years mentioned therein, and which wereretiirned asdelinquent lor non payment of taxes, and which taxes have not been paid; togethcr with the total amount of such taxes, wlth interest computed thereon to the time lixed for sale, and col lection fee ns provided by law, and the cost of advertising and other expenses of sale of each of sald pareéis of land. Your petitioner further shows to the court that sala were relurned to the Auditor General under the provisions of section V2', ut Act 208 of the Public Acts ol 1888, as delinquent for non-payment of said taxes for said years respectlvely, except sucli of tlie taxes set forth in said schedule as have been previously returned and remaiu unpaid ; and that said taxes were returned lo the treasurer of said county by the several township treasurers and city and village QOlleotors, prior to the twelfth day of June, 1KU2, as delinquent. Your petitlo'jer further siiows and avers that the taxes, interest, collection fee and costs of advertising anti other expenses of sale, and the legal fees for personal service of subpoena in each case where such personal service is actually made, are a valid lien on tlie several pareéis of land described in said schedule. Your petitioner further shows that the said taxes on said described lauds have remained unpaid for more thau one year Trom and after the date of their return to the county treasurer of said county of Washtenaw under the provisions of Act number two hundred of the Public Acts of 1891, or under the provisions of the several tax laws under which auy of such taxis were previously returned, and for more thau one year prior to the ïlrst day ol May, l-:i I; and the said taxes not liaving been paid, and the same being now due anu remaining unpaid as above set forth, your petitioner prays a decree in favor of the State of Michigan against each pareel of said lands, lor the payment of the several amounts of taxes, interest, collection fee, cost of advertising and other expenses of sale, as computed and extended in said schedule, against the several pareéis of land contained therein, and in addition thereto for the amount of legal fees for personal service of subpeena in each case where such service is actually made for taxes of snob years prior to 18ÍI1 a are included herein and upon which such fees accrued in aooordance wlth law; and in defaull of payment of the said several sums computed and extended against said lands, that each of sald pareéis of land may be sold for the amounts due thereon, as provided liy law, to pay the lien as aforesaid. And yonr getltioner will ever pray, etc. Daled August 2ii, lv;. STANLEY W, TURNER Auditor Qeneral. SCHEDULE A. TAXES OF 1891. S 3 lij Iï UU Town ,, soulh of'rangi 3 eatU s Wol seji Of ii ■ ' , 1 20 3 99 r,6 10 70 0 11 Town 1, -ioutli of !■"!"!■ (n,l. - e H of n e % 20 Si) 1 52 2 73 78 70 2:! 73 Und. -., w ! ii s w i4oi' s e K 2() Li) 1 80 25 07 70 -2 SI n w 14 of s w % 21 10 8 80 1 2:; .-ir, 70 11 08 se.'1, of a w 'A 21 w 2 ai :1 09 70 8 :;i n pt of e pt of n e % of s w !4 22 :, 60 03 02 70 1 40 e V, of s n i ..; 2-.' 8U 19 67 2 75 71) 70 23 91 s w ' , of s w 11 ' i 80 10 1 15 16 05 70 9 0Ü - th f.i rangt ■ 27% acres on w ' . of n e Ui by sec line, e by Hoy, s by Newkirk, w by Baker r'cl, 7 27 75 19 50 2 73 7S 70 23 71 Toun .;, BOUÜl J mtilt ■'■ ttliU On w sltle of n o ' , 10 8 1 09 14 04 70 1 90 Tuint ',, touth "ƒ rangt e eatt. w y of s w K l 80 18 30 2 57 73 70 22 36 s w % of n e Yi 24 4i) 8 16 1 14 33 70 10 33 n e % of n e Uofsw4 24 10 1S1 21 00 70 2 50 s % of s % of neJ4 27 30 8 83 54 15 70 5 22 e y2 of w U or n w 4 32 III 9 72 1 30 39 70 12 17 ï'n,r„ i, louth o] rangt ; eatt. S W Yi Of 11 W 1 i 22 30 7 82 1 09 31 70 9 92 Tenen i, eouth of range ? (ast. e % of s e % 25 80 9 10 1 27 36 70 11 43 a S ■ L- L8-5 h ?ïïd 8 ö I ít5 I Cl IV OF ANX AKBOK. lots (j mul 7, bik 2. ii oí r2e SI 16 1 K 1 26 70 37 82 Iota 18 and II. bik ;;. n of i ■ i 80 4 SI 1 28 7" ::: 04 lot 7, bik 8, s of r 5 e, 28 8ü lui ] 11 70 :;; 11 Resldeuce bounded ii tty Ruoinson'?. land, bj .Main at, s by Felch st. and w by Sweet's land, 25 i! 3 56 l 08 70 30 71 A cerlain pleca or parcel oi land 12 roda e u n l w, by .v rod n ands.bouudr ed n by W I f Irove's land, b by Henry R a inl Bel l' ' Irocker's land, e by Mclnlyre's land, and w l.y Mam. s: -j W 10 11 70 4 07 A pieceof land bounded e by Weltz land, B by 'hubb road, w toa polnl .anti n by Hamlin st, 2 13 30 09 70 3 22 Int. hoimded e by State st, " by C'ovi ns land, w by Bwathel'B, and s to a i'Oint S 13 30 0! 70 3 22 Land bounded n by. 'anip's land, s by lots 13. Hand l.b:k 3, n r 1") cm e slde by Henry Sniitbs. and on w to a point 70 10 03 70 1 53 A certain plece or parcel of land boundedn by Havlland's landj b bv lots Iti, 17 and IS. bik 3, n r l'i e, on the e by John ( 'anip's land, w by lot. 19 of the above nientloued blockand range I IS 20 06 TO 2 39 Land bonnded i by Poweü'a lamí, e by Traver st,s by Asliley' land. vi;l by Sprague's lot ' 2 86 40 11 70 4 07 Laad boundad n by Ashley's land, e by Spokes' and W'aii's huid, s by lot 1, bik ii. and w byPontiao street. ,"j 12 90 23 70 7 43 Lot bonnded n by Jones t, e by Traver st. s by Spokes1 and, and v by T .V A A K II 1 43 20 08 70 2 38 Eastern Additlm. w ]2 of lols 5 and 6, bik B, n of r 10 e 2 13 30 09 70 3 52 Lot 7, bik B, n r 10 e 2 13 30 Uit 70 3 22 Brown and Fuller'ë Addition. Lot 1, bik ij, 4 29 (0 17 70 5 7. Store No. tí, Hurón block 2 86 40 11 70 4 07 Lot eonimencing 22 it s walongliroadway froin the s e corner of lot I.lilk7,thence s 27 ft along Broadway to store No. 3, thenee n w along the line of said store 60 ft, thpnce n e parallel lo Broadway 22ft,i e 05 ft to place of begin niug, 70 10 03 70 153 Davidgon and Quiteau AddiUon. Lots 11 and 12, bik 7, 143 20 06 70 2 80 F h-ii AddiUon. n )4 of lot 3, bik 5, 21 63 3 0ÍÍ 87 70 26 23 J. B. Qott't Seoond AddiUon. Lots 90 and 95 70 10 03 70 153 HUcock'e Addition. Lots 2 and 4 1144 160 46 70 14 20 & l: JewetVt Addition. Lot 48 2 86 40 11 70 4 07 Maynard'i Plat. Lot 17 7 1.3 1 00 29 70 9 14 Partridge AddiUon. Lot 9, bik 6, 70 10 03 70 1 53 Tram '.-■ Addition. Lot bounded n by Mili st, e by Broadway, s by Moore'l land, u e by Graves' land 4 29 60 17 70 5 70 CITY OF YF8ILAHTI. Original Plat. Lot 130 Original Plat, except n 51 feet in width, also lot UI, Original Plat, except u 51 feet in width 25 34 3 55 1 01 70 30 60 Parcel of land bounded n by land of L. Crosby, s and e by land of R. C. Dolson, w by First ave 3 61 51 14 70 4 96 Parcel of land bounded n by Cross st, s by land of C. E. McCormick, e by au alley, w by land of S. L. Shaw and C. McCormlck 14 53 2 03 58 70 17 84 Parcel of land bou ml - ed n by land of Win. Qunn, s by land of M U R R Co, e by land of John Schaft", and w by Prospect st 14 53 2 03 58 70 17 84 Parcel of land bounded s by Obloago ave, u by land of Gustave Bertrain and land of II. Coe, w by land of Samuel Campbell, e by land of J. D. Kirk 8 61 51 14 70 4 96 Bartholomew't AddUUM. ÏSuioo. 110, 112 and3"1 " " 7 4 8 Lots 1,7, 118, 121, 122 5" 7Ü M 7 71 iuHl 185 3 28 41) 13 70 4 57 Clark' s AddiUon. J-Ot 2-' 91 13 04 70 1 78 Munter' t Addition. Lot 214, except w rod in width 25 42 3 56 102 70 30 70 11. II'. Larzeler'e Addition. ''" '"' 2 78 39 11 70 8 88 Lt : 1 si 25 07 70 2 83 Norrit' H'. rtern AddiUon. W X lots 688 and SS8 3 61 51 14 70 4 96 Norris and Crota' Addition. e y2 lot 362 2 52 35 lü 70 3 67 Norrit, Follcü,Joêlyn and Skinner's AddiUon. w i of s y of lot 572 8 84 54 15 70 5 23 WesU ni AddiUon, Lot 30 10 86 1 52 43 70 13 51 Il.I.AÜE OF t'HEI.SKA. Lots 7 and 8, bik 12 15 84 2 22 63 70 19 39 .. .'. Congdon'ê First AddiUon. e % lot 9, bik 1 3 90 55 16 70 5 37 .. M. Congdon't Sfcond AddiUon. s )4 of lots 5, 12 and hits (i and 11, bik 2, 11 88 166 48 70 14 72 VII.LAOK OF DKXTKH. s lot 2, bik 7, 11 70 1 lü 17 70 14 51 Lotto, bik 20, ;; yo r.r, ]tí 7U 5 31 Lots 3 and 4, bik 37, 6 50 91 26 70 8 37 VI LI. AGE OF MA.NC1IF.STEK. Tovm i, louth o] rangt .; cast. t vwan't Addition. Lot8,bHtl, 1 9it vs 08 70 3 05 Lot 1, bik 14, 3 00 42 12 70 4 24 Torrey'ë Addition. Lot 3, bik F. 1 00 14 04 70 1 88 VILIiAQB OF MILAN. Braman'a AddiUon. Lots 8, B, 10 and 11 8 40 118 34 70 10 64 Richard' e AddiUon, 1 ■"■ 3 36 47 18 70 4 66 ll.I.AGE OF MOORVILI.K. lot l.and all of lots 5 and ü, bik 2, n of r 1 W 1 48 21 06 70 2 IS VILI.AOE OF 8ALE.M. Fredrich's Addition. Lots 47 and 53 88 OS 08 7U 1 45 VIl.t.ACiE OF SALINE. Land bounded n by Towii line, e by st, s by Presbyterian l'arsonage and W'ood.w by Kuight and Gates, :k si 21 70 7 76 Lot bounded n by st, e by Johnson, s by Sterns, w by Sumer. 85 12 03 70 1 70 r„ uw tt't Tovm .;, south of range s eatt 7 !4 lot 43. 3(1 16 88 08 03 70 145. Í2í.1fc andM M 21 M 'ü 3" Mi 88 m 2 59 86 10 70 3 75 Lot S2, SJ 25 1 47 21 06 70 2 44 Lot 91, 36 25 73 10 03 70 1 56 STANLEY W. TURNER, Auditor General.


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