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Give Us A Guess

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Tu o lowlna; plirases, exclamations amd ski cxpresMons ;i:éc used tO a ter ae tesa extemi by certaJo peo pie o! i eity, and bave been aoteö by ye soribe ns lie meaiodered aboul tnwn u sc-n-.-ii oí news. To ïit the expreasiom to the persoo- nol alwaya a mam- wbo uses It lo an unusuaJ t'Mrllt ÍS tile puzzle. Tlli' lio will eead In Un' gree,tee1 aumber o mames to wliom he cw she i liinks these expreeslona be-long, ttoat oorrespond witJi tlie HbI kcpt by the wrlter, will necelve a present wiiicli e, kis si, but wiiicli is wort ïi considerable mare : ■Tr glim !" "WoaMnM 11 kili ymi ?" "You bet your life !" "Hiel y 011 ever ?" ■:i : Wel! : Wel! ! "(■ca; S::: I " "( 'n-s.'ir's gho ■■jid yez ever Bee lo+ke ol thot, DOW 1" ■■wen. I aever !' "By-Í gad !" ■'.liii'.miny ci-nmis " " I 088 üin H"rii! ." 'Til 1m; !" ""WonM :i dack swim ?" "Vnii can jusi wager your sweet exiotenoe !" "And tlie villain still puiteed lier !" ■Di'il yeever .u-t left ?" "Nut ïmicli. Mary Aun !" "Thai's what !" "Where are yoo at ?" 'That's nlxrat it." "Vou're rt;]it. I reokon." Wiiat aire yon .ui vin' ns '.'" ■■Thafs tlic Btufl!" ■wiiat is t to ye ?" ■■Vcll, I sliould smile." ■11 iy min her !" ■Let ip, wi.ll ye ?" "Are vdu in ir V" "Nb diKibt oi Ü. sii'; 110 doubt of it." ■Wrll. by .links " ■l'cr tlir li:c u' tln Lord, who'd a tliouftht it ?" "Ian't tliat a dandy 1" ■■Vr!l. I swuii !" "llia I 's ,-i ccnkiT I" "Lamí O' (iiwlirn t" ■■olí ! mamma !" "Yon (lon't aay so !" ■■( mminy arackie I" "Xow i-rr licrc. 1k)ss !" "I'll 6ei yon Hve dollars '." "GrwJri Bna&efl and liltlc íislics !"' ■lloly smoke !" "■WouW yon Ite aisy now ?" "Don'1 il wack your jawV' "My conacleBce !" ■■v'ho-,i a iimu-iit t '.'" ■-.Toiinic come 'ere, I want yon !" "YOTl'ire a laiiúy !" ■'Have ywj iH'cn to thr Worid's Fair V' ■■Smi.ï il. biib [" ■■Voii'ic a la. la !" "Dunder and bMtaeo !" "Gee KiiK.ilam !" Kans init er !" ilni su ?" ■Whoop-ln. Bobby !" "Would vc lakiu" a swate dlu-op oí the ould crathur ?" "Now yöu're talkin' ." "Wbat are ycm ciiewtal' at ?" ■IVanutla flva Oöttta !" ■■oh. .nivc iis something easy !" ■■Aiii'1 slH' a (laisy V ■i shooM smeri to snltfeei !" "Pass il OO, Jiard !" ■Teil il 1 ' 'u1 ln;ll'ilics !" "By goéh !" ■ ■ I ' ; i ■ : ■ - : 1 1 1 1 day !" ■Sassafras and hoc cake '. yim don't say (o ?" "Il i gO1 aftr 'i-in. tlicy'11 ;ill quit." "I SWQiB !" ■"nat taki's the cake !" "Doa't yon belicw it." Spread t thin. lioney, spread it tliin." Thnfs a lovc " „SBübung !" "Vnn're anotlicr '." "Gtreat Jetaoaapbal I" ■Well, I'H be blowcd " "I'll Kv' yw il pointer !" "Too nart1 ow between the oyes, ïny frind I" ... té "And don'1 you Eorgei ii !" I ïhi'ss you're right !" ■■:"!!■■ ; 'a a cru her !" ■'li's B "Come (!ow n wiiii your ( n :" ric.Mii pi"eferred.) "Woaldn't ii paralyze ye I" "ïliat's the ticK. ■'!;i are yoa righting ovr ?"' ■I'or the land oí Mary Dudley !"' ■■Winilclii't tliat skin yim öead ?" "Ii 's Etaglisli, yoa know " "That's the way of the Midway !' "Dom't Rive it away !" ■'Tliat 's (Iciiniii Ion nier !" ■■Vc!i. i declare !" "It's a beastly sbame, (Som'tchei kmow !" "Dod in: i !" "By the hoppia' sisters oí sin " "Hear iiim ohfcn !" ■DM yon notlce i1 '.'" "Dl :■. I 'i it 1" "Plague take : !" 'I want know !" "I;id yn gee liini weot ?"' "Gosli all tlehhooka !" 'Let 'er !" ■■■V!;uV. .1 t !i n vrlit t ?" 'The coloreil troops fought nobly!" "By .hüki'.v !'' in i ] i i t i ü' personal to Hok Sp.iitii totemded.) "Susen : Jane ! Antihooy !" ■■Iiun'r ciare IJ 1 ' ." ■'Aii'l i '■ oexi i!;iy i, raincil !" Why, comfound it !" ■■ciiccsi' ii. Cully !" "Oh., glve iis ,-i !■. v!iz-z !" ■! lic got nway !"


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier