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W. C. Maek is inv n Xew York ptm-liasinir gooÖB ((: "The Store" and fii't'.'ci resulte may be antifcipated. Tliert' lias werver been a time wlien ready asii commamded the premium t does at the present time. Stringent times have caused many New Vork dealera to make greaA sarrlficea and Mr. Mack in ooneequence is liuyiim' {'iKiritious stocks ol ilress gOOde, 1 r'nnaiins. cloaks, carpcts, iVic. at jiri'-cs ihat wili wake ap the ooanty. Look for BomethJng startling in dry goode. Granger's Academy of Dancing. Classes will meet as follows: CliilIren, Satnrday afternoon September 23, it 2 o'clock ; gentlemen, Saturday mornng Oct. 7, at LO o'clock; ladies Saturlav afternoon Oct. 7. at I o'clock; a.iis and gentlemen, Tuesday evening )ct. 10, at 8 o'clock. (icntleinen Tlmrslay evening Oct. 12, 8'o'clock. Office, lancing room, etc, on ground floor, 6 iaynard street, cue block west of State Street stores. Circulara at music Bi r by mail. t- One in seven of all (-''. deaths comes írom ConI ? 1 sumption. That's about rJ I the propon ion. And " ; r, 'f alniost every death frora í=íy Consuniption oomi jEfyf neglect and deloy. There's s$jA neglect in praventíng the jgp disease - delay in curiug it. ■ . You can prevent it - and p cure it, if you'll act in I È " V time, with Dr. Pierce's - C Golden Medical Diaoovary. ' 89 y ƒ Poor and impuro blood k S niakes you an easy victim tnf-r - a scrof ulqus conciitian of -jrr'.X tho sy3tem invites it. ■■■■ Yóu must reach the disease through the blood, and tho " Discovery " does it. It's the most iotent and effocive blood -cleanser, strength - rostorer, and lesh-builder that's known to medical science. The scrofnlo'js atfection of the lunga that's culled Consumption, and every form of scrofïla and blood - taintti, all yield to it. For Wenk Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all severe, lingering Coughs, it's au uneijualed remedy. And it's the only one that's guaranteed to do what is claimed for it If it fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. GoodYear's Drag Stere. ! N. .' s. Main Street, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. # (J Our Uoods and Priem oatsblue uil others, and would-be compeiitors pale into insigalflcance. We have the satisfaction of knowing that we have the largeat stock and are never undersold. We work hard to gel you for a customer, and just as hard to keep you. TIMX8 UiK HAKD AM WE WILt (1VK IOB THK MOST KOU VOl'li I().K.Ï. GOODYEáR'S DRJJGJTORE. Down at the heels - Spurs. A sauce uever left - Catchup. Nei-essary to every navy - Water. Filis all dates ahead - The alinanac. As black as thev are painted - Trafiles. to Uie LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS n"d SHORTHAND. Magnlflcent building; nine teachers; large attendance; good discipline; superlorwork; well supplied reailing room; daily Iectures Saturday evening receptions; open the entire year Excepüonal faeilities for placing Mudenta in positions- shorthaudtiraUuatesguarantet1!! [hem. Ltvlng expenses $-J to $.'.T5 per weet ia private families, l-'ur New catalogue, address P. R. CLEARY, Pres. LOST- VIOLJÑ Taken from the store of the Ann Ai Company, Tuesda; forenoon, May 9 t. an Amatl Violiti itli Jjihrl du tnslde (Ri lug Gemunder, X. Y.) IIns light canarv color back, darker face and black v.nul Btrlngs, two repaired cracks on face, Ivory ■ t Hard Hui'i.i-r aldea of huad (scroll) has I red. Vlolln is old and shows hurí! ui'. A liberal reward for Information regardiag t or Ita returu to LEW II. CLEMENT, 50 S. Main ítrcet, .Viki Arlioi. JAY C. TAYLOR Teño Soloist - AXD- Teach.ei cf tlie Voice. Studio. 51 South Main Street. Ann Arbor.


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