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ANNUAL TAX SALE. STATE OP MICHIGAN, i I 'ol'NTY OK V AMITK.NAW, The ( Court of the County of WashteDawf in Cbuuoery. In the matter of the petltlon of tbe State of Michigan for tbe sale i certaln tanda Cor taxi 8 assessed thereon. mi readlng and Miing the petltlon of tlie Auditor General of Uie State of Bilohlgitn, praying foradecree In favor of the state of Michigan. ;i.'a i nst eaob pa ree 1 of land therein deacrlbed, tor Mieamounts therein speclfled, elaimed to be lue for taxes, Interest aml charges m ëacb sucb pareel ol land, aml thut such lands be sola for Ibeamoanlsao elaimed Ijy tbe State of Michigan. It is ordered that 9aid petition wil] be broughi on for hearing and decree at the i lotober term of this court to be lield at Ann Arbor, in the oounty of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, 011 tlienlnth day of October, A. D. i tbe opening of court on that day, and that all persona mierested In such lands, or any part tbereof, deslrlng to contest the Hen elaimed thereon by the State of Ulcblgan, for such taxes, interest and cliarges, or any part Lnereofi shall appear in sald court anrl lile with the clerk thereof wcting as register in chancery, their objections thereto, on or before the tlrst day of the term of thi.s court auove meniloned, and that In default thereof the Bamewill be taken as conicsseel, and a decree wil 1 bc taken and entereU as prayed for in said pelition. Aitd il ís further ordered lliat in pursunnce of said decree the lauds degerlbed in said petition for which a decree ol sale shall be made, will be sold for the sev eral taxes. Interest and charges thereon as determined by such decree, on the first Monday in December thereafler, or on the day or days snbseQiient thereto as rnay be neoesiiary bo complete the sale of said list and of eacn and every pareel thereof, at the office of tlie oounty t rcaMuifi-, or at such conven i ent place :.s shall be selected by buil at the eounty : ol tliü eounty of W'asliit.-naw, state I M ichigan. Witncss the Hou. Kdwanl IJ. Kinue, Circuit Judge, and the seal of sald circuit court of Washienaw cou'ntv, tliis lirst day of August, A I) 1 BS. [Beal.j E. D. K1NXE, Circuit Judge. Oonnterslgnedt Aiítiílk BKOWX, Register. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Tu Ote Circuit i'onrt for the Otunty j ÍVahtenaw, i ii i'h'uft ry. The petltlon of Stanley V. Turner, Auditor General of said state of Michigan, respectrally snows tbat the Hst of lands berelnafter set fortli and marked "Scbedule A," conlains a descrlptlon of all lands in sald eounty of Wasbtenaw apon which taxes wen; assessed for tli(! years mentloned therein, anti which werereturned as delinquent lor non pay ment of taxes, and which taxes have not been paid; togelher with the total amount of such taxes, with interest computed thereon to the time riïed for sale, and collection fee as provided by luw, and the cott of advertising and other expenses of sale f eacli of sald pareéis of In iul Your petitloner further sliows to the court tliat said landa were returned to the Auditor General under Uie provUlona oi sectlon 123 of Act 21)6 of the Public Acts of 1893, as delinquen t Rr Don-pay ment of said taxea for said years respectlvely, except such of the taxes set l'orth In said scheduie as have been prevlously returned and reinain unpaid; and lliat said taxcs were returned to the treasurer of said county by the several township treaKurers and city and vlllage collectors, prior to tlie twelfth day of June, 1892, as delinquent. Your er further shows and avers that the taxep, interest, collection fee and costs of advertíalos and other expenses of sale, and the legal tees for personal service of suhptena in each case wliere suvh personal service is actually made, are a valid Hen on the sevoral pareéis of land described ín said scheduie. Your petitioner further shows that the said taxes on said described have remained unpaid for mure t han une year from and after the date of their return to the county treasurer of said county of Wasbtenaw under the provisions of Act nuraber two hundred of the Public Acts of lf-yi, or under the provisions of the several tax laws uniler which any 01 suen .taxes were previously returned. and lor more than one year prior to the flrst day ot May, 1883; and the. said taxes nol having tieen paid. and the same beiug now due and remaininti nupaid as ahove set fortb. yonr petitioner prays a decree in favor of the State of Michigan against each parcel of said lands, for the payment of the several amounts of taxes, interest, eollection fee, cost of advertising and other expenses of sale, as computed and extended in sald schedule. against the several pareéis of land contained therein, and in addition tliereto for the amount of legal fees for personal service of subpcena in each case whero such service is actually made for taxes ofsucb years prior to 18UI as are included herein ana apon wblcb siicli fees nccrued in accordance with law ; and in default of puym en tof the said several sums computed and extended against said lands, tliat each of said pareéis of land muy be sol d for the amonnts due tliereon, as provided by law, to pay the lien as aforesald. And your petitioner will ever pray, etc. Dated August 'ï, 1888. STANLEY W. TURN EU. Auditor General.


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Ann Arbor Courier