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The Ypsilantian Asserts That Hiram

The Ypsilantian Asserts That Hiram image
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Boutell, oí tli.-it city, ralses tomatoee ,-is large as ptunpklns. PumpVdss }iro' (1litr I.llirr Mhllll'l UU'S. Wie i hci-uki'c strip booméra was A. JI. (I nj, o' North L,ikf. Have iidt iic;irii yct whether he succeeded in irei t injJT ;i ;"1 Strip ir not. Last yeaor the treasurer o-f Ollnto schoii] district recelTed $3,628.85, and ]H-nt all hut $888.54. The crHt per capita tor eacfa ]iuiil vm $10.08. Thf i.ut th.n the M. C. B. B. [■ 'to huiid ;i iifw passenger station nt AVayii'' .-nul lócate it Lnside cor]mr;il ion, is riviii.u: tli.-it phirc ;i bnom. ■ei. a. Sillas ■;-. í Saline, was bo badly hijurod by ttfs beain running away on ihi lOtli inst., tliat he dled on the llt'i. Mrs. Bhaw waa also sertousy hljured. Plrackoey hjas r.m ,-m empty stoic (.:■ boue w Ithin ii Limlts. We QOtlce n ot'nT towns of jis Mzr that t'aoro i.i-c in. iiiv empty buildings with ''Ux tsnle" OT "tO rcnl" cardB tack-ii on i !u.7ii. - Cjjgpatch. The Hawkins Houee düüng room wtDg, ilcstr ivrii by the tornado and rctiuilt oí brlck, tlu-ee storlea high and 54x60 teel In siae, is thls werk reoeivlag t pooi. dining room proper wül be 86x40 iriM. There iil tífe twenty-fi-ve vwy desirabïe aew po ;ll.n e. ( 'c . 111 Ir.erc ia 1. W. II l'ii' '■:■. 0Í Urna, smvcil 1 wi-nty-two ïmslii'is ol eerly red ClawBön wlic.-u .-mil harvested 560 bushels, ;iu iivitjïv yield ol thirty-six bushela per acre. The aeed bed was au old ttoothy sü:]. (.nc-liali ji t was plowed ki June, bhe balance the last oí August , - Chelsea 8tun-dard. Ni-ii Cuili-n. whp bas worked (ot the M. C. K. B. kW npwarils ol 30 ycars, wiili'iiit as iiiucU as loel'ng a week'B time in these year, most o! the time :is ïurvmaa ui the weel geetlon, wm penuoved laei wi-fk.- Waync Bevlew. l'iTsumahly anotlwr instancc of tli.' )ifarilissins df corporatioas. Orden are cominfi in Ireely a1 the siiiv.' works .'mil a nujnbèr al mö been a-óded te tiu' foe. 'J'His factory has nut .simt down dmring the , hard blmses, buf h-ave feept a large number of men at woik all the scason. Would Öiftt Chelsea had more ol Blmflar emtenwlees. Ohelsea Standard. Mr. l'fllows. '.: Saline, says has no tiemble wil!; late sowiiDg of wheat, aa late as the 24th. Fnrai obseryatiooi hc bas noticeil tiiat insect s v.ork in wheat tliree yi-ars and then dlsappeaT Kir tliree ye;:rs. auil as (re li.ivr had theni wlth ua toir the past three years we may lw rid ol Lhm tfoe tliree years. The e i niint-r'.-;.-! i iiail ring ( the cii-.-u-y Ooltee, whu-h was totally lestroyed by tornado, i nearly completad, and will lx' finished in tlircc rooms instead of one as before, whii-h will miR'li facilítate the work of the school. It is expeeted t-o bc ready for occupancy the week after niext. omnierHa!. .Vn Owosso paper nnblushinidy mi.vs ihat u petiitiom will lo ppegented to the c&mmon council of that city aski iifjr tliat ■vcry man focad on the Btrecte witli lesa than a dollar in pockei Ik' deciared a cammotavagraBí. [te a miirlity luciy tliing tot iis thai erac am eaactiment s not in l'orce in Dexter.-I'.'ulc:-. Hear ! Hre : A íneak thjfcl abatrctcted -Jl froan a pair ui brecehcs wliith au Adrián ma.n lr.mir over tii" back trf hls bed (,:!■ j.'iu taal week. Blnce that time all tina men in the city have taken bhe prectmtioo to prevent oci-inr aces ; they do not n-move the inniuentioniablee when they retire. - jou Poet. Dom't yon bellev il. They remove the inonry, howcver, to a soler place, and pnt tUsue paper in lts place few the bemeilt o! bhe a 'niel. The Ypsil.-mti Driving Club wíll tiold 1-ta íüll meeting at bhe fair ground mi W.-dnc.-d.iy. Thursday ;iml Kriday, Bpt. 27 29. Pursee to Une amonnt ol $1,850, :i be giren aad --t-jOO added for !J■'■i.■-. Tlic track wffl be pui in excellent ooodltlon and ilic stabilng and crther accommódations ore excellent. T&ere wlll be three raoea eacto flaj . ( n1 rlea I o eins.' a 25. 'liii' Becretary, Mr. R. G. llamos, w-ill ttecessarlly be absent trom tne ciiy iniK-U oí time Iroin :iov uiiiil iiie meeting so )! haa appointed Mr. C. !' Mi-Kinstry a.-sistant rtttary, aud to liim all Inqulrlea BhOuW be ddresBed.-


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