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Teachers' Examinations Examlnationa of teachers in WasUtenaw county, lor the ensuing school year. wlll be held aa follows: The regular examlnation will be held each year on the iirst Thursday of March and August at the county 6eat. Applicanta for all gradee can only be examined at these dates. Special examlnations wlll be held at: Ann Arfcor, first Thursday of Mar., 1893. Ann Arbor, laet Friday of Mar., '93. Ypsllantl, last Friday of Apr., '93. MARTIN J. CAVANAUGH, Oom. TM' Vorii i-iií ijl r-pi HDRTT1 DO YOUR I I I 1 I 1 BURN? DO YOUR I Ij Ijl 8WEAT? HO ïuri; IJ IJ IJ 8CALDJ DOYITK Pi 11 P BLISTER? DO YODR I ' I I i STINK.' DO YOUR lili CRACK? DO YOÜR -- -- ■- ANNOY Others and Make I.ifea Burden to Yon? If so, tlii.u -ufTer 110 loiiKcr, tmt MBd " Cents to E. H. PORTKK, Wanaw Illinois. whosuffered the tormenta of the damued for in yiiirs. spint over $90 and ftnglly diücovcrcl a limpie remedy tliüt lu' LiiiMruiiUi's to en re or return the inouey. Will give instant and permanent relief. You ciui do the World's Kair and your feet will be tbe laat niemberg to fall yon. Send postal note for 22 cents. orl3 '2-ccnt stiunp and recelve by return mail a prescrlption that any drut-'eist will fill for 10 cents that will make you foei 2) years younger. [State wbere yon saw this ftdvertlsenient wlieii JTOU rite and you will receive u liuniorous poem with the prescription. entitled "The Man With the Tender Feet."l WOOD8 PHOSPHODINEi The Grrot BnglUh Remedy. jffQnt Promptly and permanently ry cures all forms of Nervoiis JPfZ JE ' MwcakntM,Fmi9siuns, Spermr V$S JJiC "■jTa(orrfco1 Impotency and all AfÖ'k I-Sf 'ffects of Abuse or Excetsen. LYt Eecn prescribod over 35 HhVHÉ ■■flyear8'a thousands of cases; f,., istheonliReliableandHonBeforeandAfter. af JJ knowru drugglst for Wood' PhoDhodlnej lf he offers some worthless medicine in place of this, leave hls dlshonest store, lnclose price In letter, and we wlll send by return malU Prlce, one package, tl;six,Só. One will plecue, six wilt cure. Pamphlet in plain sealed envelope, 2 cents postage. Address The Wood Chemical Ca., 131 Woodward avenue. Detroit, Mich. Solil in Aun Arbor and everywhere b] all druggists. THH LAKE ROUTE TO THE WORLD'5 FAIR VIA PICTURESQUE MACKINAC. Avold the heat and dust by traveling on the Floating Palacea of the Detroit & Cleveland Steam Navigation Company Two new steel passenger steamers have just been built for thia Upper Lake route costing $-300,000 each, and are guarantee to bo the grandest, largest, safest anc fastest steamers on the Lakes; speed 20 miles per hoi:r, running time between Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago less than 50 hour3. Fcur trips per week between Toledo, Detroit, Al pena, Mackinac, Petos key and CMcajo. Daily trips betweei Detroit and Cleveland; during July anc August d--;:blo daily service will be main tained, riving a daylight ride across Lake Eric. b.ily service between Clevelam and Put-in-Bay. First-clas3 staterooi accommod:itio"3 and menu, and exceed ingly ov; Round Trip Rates. The pala tial equinment, the li'.xury of tlie appoinl ment3 mokes iravéling on these steamen thorough':V esjoyablo. Gend for ülus trated pamphlet Address A. A. Schantz G. P. A , Dotrc :t b Cleveland Steam 2s av Co., Dêtroi-, Mich. SCHSFFWiANirSAsthmaCuro Never faila to givo instant relief in tha wor?t cases, itiiii e&fMiU aarea ïriiero othirr lalh Trial fncksii FIÍEÉ "f Drm;siii -■ &r ■"■ AJiire. DR. B. BCHIFr'MANN, Lt. Pii', Mina. Cfnlike the Dutch Process IKo Alkalies Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of W. Baker & Cos Breakfast Cocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and 13 far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt DIGESTED. Sold by Crocer8 everywhere. W. Baker & Co., Dorchester. Mass. WORK FOR US a few day and you will l1 etartled at the unesi„ otëd auceeaa tbat will reward your eilbrts. we MfltirelT liave the bit business to ofier an agent tbat cari bc found on .he face of this earth. 40.00 profil on S75-00 worth nf business is being eailv and houorably muin bj and ral t0 hundreda ót men, women, boys, :md girls in our emplov You oiiu make moiiey faster at work for U3 thaii vou have any idea of. The business is so eaiv to learn, aixl Inïtrnctions bo simple and plun, that all uoceed from the st:irt. Thoae wiio take hold of the business reap the advantag that arises from the sound reputation of one of the oldeat, most succcisful. and largeat pnbUantag houses in America. Secure for youraelf the proflta that the business 10 rcailily undhandsomely yields. All beginners succeed grandly, and more than realize their greatett ex[ieciations. I'hose who trv it Bnd exaotly as we teil them. There is plenty of room for ■ few more workers, and we urge them to begin at once. If you are alreadv emploved but have :i few spare moments, and wiau to use them t. dvanUge, then write us at once (for this is vour grand oiiportunity), and receive full partloulan by return mail. Address, TKUK CO., Box No. 400, Augusta, Me. nB2L DIEFFENBACH'S VönK PROTAGON CAPSULES; Aür-NjtX Sure Cure for Wenk Men, as V MCA provea by reportaoí leadinppoyCKA %sicians. State age in ordering. CsHgn JH ïjlprice. 81. Calaloicue Frre. FsfflT Yö!ft O fi Asaie and speedy ■ ---T! HStH Strlcture and all ■3BM' nnnaturaldiaclmrtres. PrUx'3. CREEKSPECIFICÜiü and Skin Ilcae, Scrof. nloaa üorrl andSyphllltlc Affectlana, without mercury. Price. S. Order from THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. L% 18 Wisoontin Street, MILWAUKEE, WIS. ftSTHr8 OÜRED. but The PEeRLESS AST HM A REMEDYwif 2i5c and 5Oc slzes. timij) mailed f rea. At droffglstaor raailedon receipt of prio byThe Peerless Remedy Co-, Gobleviho, Micü Garfieid Tea gs Cures 9ick HcacIftche.Kstores Comnlexion.Savis Doctors BUls. Sample free. ü.RyiKUTKACi..S19 W. 45thSt.,2.i. Cures Gonstipation Michigan (Central " The Niágara Fallí Route." TIME TABLE (SXVISXD) AOG. 27. 1S93. CENTRAL STANDARD TIMK. . i ! . " . ; . - :- : ■ : S :■ : B. 4 o. - c a 1 1??? i???? " :?.sssï isa j L5 Ê j É= : : j : : ! S . a á :" á :::::: i % 8533S8288S j 3 s-3 :;.:::: :222 1 I è I j i I j á I B i : j I S j :: : i ; : : : 2 8ES : : !í; i :ss 8853 :S : : .53S z' -'L■■-■ !5eo z, 3"-= '2 ' - - '- i ú ='■'■'■■ isa Á sé L -■.■■■. -t..: -a. o. m a j ; ; ig'á es : i ; ; ; b . & - cae ■ - z. & 585 : i :S : 2 = :L :g i : :S? I sá j j : : :8B S I á j : i d : : : : :. 3 : i : :. j ■í " í : ;S : :t: " í?. ! : ":3 I i : " L! w ■ 2 S M ga j L:,L=::;:: L SUri. : : S s : : : : : áfvi i-, ü !L ! ' i" i ■ ■ - - "f" : ü = B8SSS2SSSS SPSSS'írinSS ,;; i ; 4f -r - - 1 - C: ' ác C ïi - i = o - w 1nS 1 1 ! i I ! i H B X : : : : : : i : i Ë S :::::::::; jlijjlllíi! [ iiillilil!!! i líllllájlll i IS'MiíHísi G. W. BÜGGLE8. H. W. HAYE8, (.. P. A ï. Ast.. Chicago. Agt., Auu Arbor . TOLEDO n fNÖRTH MICHIGAN) if RAILWAY. Lj - '-J Z_ - soU.ii.La ]7toledoI n; Ft. yayí.? ■ ■ ' tCfK TIME TABLE. TAKING EFFECT ST3"XTX!."S". E-ft."S" 14, 1S93. Traius leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard time. NORTH. SOUTH. 7:15 A. M. C. :45 A. M. 13: IS p. m. U:4S a. m. 4:15 F. M. 9:00 P. M. 9:00 A. M. 6:45 p. M. Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo onlv. W. H. Benxett, G. P. A. K. S. ÜREENWOOD, AGT EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW P1LLS. T A TVTTTC! TRY DR. LE DUC'S " PELjjfi.JL'XillÖ RIODICAL" PILLS from Paris, France. Established in Europe 1839, Canada in 1878. For Suppressions, Irregularities, and Monthly Deraugemeuts. A reliable monthly medicine. They always relieve. Any druggiet, $2. American Piil Co., Proprietors Spencer, Iowa. Robert Siephenaou & Co., wholesale agents.and all other druggists in Ann Arbor. These pills are varrauted to brineon the "chance. GET .A TICKET ' OF W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. Andyou are entitlod to a cholee of TheHonie Instructor, the Life of Qeoerft] sherman, or the Life of P. T. Barnura (free). when cash purchase to the araount ot Í15.00 has been made. THS HOME INSTRUCTOR, LABOE OCTAVO, 473 PAGES, ILI.USTRATKD. A compendium of uaeful knowledge necessary for the practical uses of every-day life. A complete and perfect guide tollfe iu publlo and private. THE LIFE AND DEED5 OF SEN, W. l mini CROWN OCTAVO, 568 PAGES, ILLU9TRATED. A graphlc narrativo of hls boyhood and jarly life, education, career In Florida and california, military achievements, Ufe asa cltizen, last sickuess and death; wltb. üne steel portralt. THE LIFE OF ?, T, BABOTÏ, The WorldHenovned Showman. CROWN OCTAVO, 52Ü PAGES, ILI.U8TRATED. Hls early life and struggles, bold ventures and brilllant success; his wonderrul career. nis wit, genius and eloquence, his Ufe as a citlsten, etc. - U whlcli is lultted his famous book, "The Art of Money Getting." W. F. LODHOLZ 4 A 6 BROADWAY. 1692


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Ann Arbor Courier