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T. A. A. Bulletin. For the Livingston Connty Fai Howell Sept. 26th to 28th, on e f are for the round trip, tickets to be sold each day of the fair, limited to Sept. 29, The Eighth Annual Ohio Excursión via the T. A. A. & X. M. Ky.. wil] be run Tuesday October 3d, and tickets good lor thiriy days nrjll i,v sold to Toledo and all pointa :i the Whee ic Lake Erie, Columbus, Boeking Valley and Toledo. Cincinuati Hamilton & Dayton and Ohio Central Unes; also to Tiltin and Mansfield on the Pennsyïvauiarailroad. Baggage checked through to deatination, and coaches wiil be run through to Wheeling, V. V., via W. Sc L. E. Ky., train leaves Ann Anior at 1 1 :45 a. m. (in account of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Columbian Demonstradon at the World's Fair September L'-5th to 27tli and the Christian Endeavor day Sept. 25th, theT. A. A. & X. M. Ry., will on Sept. 23rd sell round trip tickets to Cliieago and return at one fare for the round trij), tickets nood lor 0 days. ÁDIRONDA ■"■"i mu TRADE MARK n n una Wjheeler's" POSITIVELY Cl HEART BISEASE, NERVOUS PROSTRATIOW. SleoplessuesB and al] derangement of the KerVOUS System. ünexcelled for Infants ied Boon for Tlred Mothera and :. I ;i bies. Purely Vegetable, guaranteed free from opiates. One-hundred full size doses, 50 cents. Rer. C. N. Mlddleton, pastor of M. E. ehureh Cedtr .SiniiiKs. Mlch., says: BleeD and rest were strangere to me aftar tiïl I used "Adlronda." Now I sleep soundly and awnke refrcshed.and I eau heartly recomraend repared by WHEELER and KUI.I.EK MEDICIM-. CO., Cedar Sprlngs, Mlch. Sold by JOHN MOORK, DRUGGIST. NoTit ;■: ro Cbbditobs. STATE 01 MICHIGAN, Couiity of Washteaaw, bb. Notlce is lier.-l, y priven; that by on order of the Probate ('ourtior the County of Waa paw, madeoo the 28th day of August, A. D 1898, si.x months irom that date were allov .i for ereditors to present ihelr claims against ite of Esaao Uisbee, late of said Connt] deceased. and that all creditora of said deare requlred to present their claims to said Probate Conrt, at the Probate office iu the city of Ami Arbor, for examlnatlon aud allowance, on or before the 28th day of February pert, and that auch claims wlll be beard be"fore said Conrt. on the 2Mh day of November and on the 28th day of February next at ten o clock in the forenoon of eaeh said days. ' Dated, Ann Arbnr, August 28th, A. D.,'lS93 J. WILLARD BABB1TT, -Iiidge of Probate. Noticb to Creditobb. STATE OF MICHIGAN', Conntv of Washtenaw . ■ is hereby glven, that byan order of obate Court for the County of huw. made cm the tirst day of Septembi r, A T) 1898, six inontlis f rom that date were aliowed orcreditors to present their claim, agalngt the estáte oí Jacol. Baessler, late of said c0"nt5r' deceased. and that u!l credltors of Mini deceased are required to juvseut their claims to said l'robate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examinatlon and allowanoe, on or before the tirst da v oi Marcb next, end that suen claims will b'c heard before sald Court, on the flrst day of December and on the flrst day of March uext. at ten o elock In the forenoou of each of .said I, Ann Ailior. Scj.t. lst. . ]) J. Wll.LAKD BA8B1TT, .Jndge of Probate. Ann Arbor Fruit Farm Smal! Fruit and trees Erom Ellwanger and Barry, the oldeet nursery fa the United States. Raspbenyand Blackberry Shrubs, Domeetic Wines, Plymontfa Hoek Eggs, and Artichokes. E. BAUR, Ann Arbor Mieh.


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Ann Arbor Courier