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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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WEAK.NERVOUSIDISEASEDMEN. Thoasands of Young and Mídale Age.d Men are annnally fiwept to a premature grave throngh early indiscrvtion and lntor exoewes. Self abu&o and Conetitutional Èlood Diseasee have ruined aud wreckod the life of man y a promising young man. Havt? you any of the foüowing Symptoms: Nerronaand I)eflpondeat;Tirel in Morning; o Arabition Memory Poor; Easiiy Fatignsd: Excitable and Irritable; Eyes Blur: Pimples on the Face; Dreama and Drains at Night; BertleM; Haggard Looking; Blote he; tkre Throat; Hair Looee; Paine in Body; ïjunken Eyes; LifeiÓM; Distrustfnl and Lack of Energy and Htrength. Our New Mefhod Treatment wiil build you up mentally, phyr-icaUy and ñeiually. jST K! DRS. KENNEDY& KERGAN Zl Ki S? & " At 14 years of age I leanifnl ;i bad habit which almost rnined u+T " Y me. I becamo nervoas :inl wt-ak. My back troubled me. I conld &LLy Ptand no exertion. Head and eye Ijecame dull. Dreama and i r T ■ drains at night weakened me. I triedseven Medical Firme, Elecgjl -%S rc Belts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me MiÍB lm help. A frioml advÍM-d inototrj Irs. Kcnuedy & Kergan. They SsLv'fflP seat me ane month's treatment and it cured me. I could feel jKPkÈpj'isK mysclf gaining every day. 'l'l.eir Xew Metkod Trealment curet when Cured in on m mu "II eist oüi." They havo cured many o! my friends." 7% m wiuiTij m mm. ( jkeri "8omo 8 yeara ao I contractral a. orinni constitational blood i5i Jmü diflease. 1 went to Hot Hprings to treat for sypliills. Mercury almost -jlifll killed me. After a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat S 3S became sore, pains in ltmbs, pimples oa face, blotches, eyes red, sf l s iËl Iohb of hair, glands enla"ged, etc. A medical friend advised Drs. ? V5y Kennedy A Korcan's Ni-.v Method Treatment. It cared me, and I have y - ?&ir' nai no svmpitomH for live years. I ain married and happy. As a ï doctor, 1 heartily recomend it t.j all wlm tliis terribfo disease - Cnrei o yetua tw. typhttít" It will eradioate the pouon f rom the bloed." CT' 15 YEARS IN DETROIT. 150.000 CURED. y I nra 33 yeMB ot ac1, anti m irrted. WheD yooiu I led a A i' Mf P f&w Karfy Indiscreaone ad lal ■ made truuble ? Sf m for ida I beoame w. aK and nerroan. My tcidneys became í ■ '+i W affect f l and i feared Briit8 diseose. M irri -d lif ■ was unsatis v Hr factory and my home unhappy. I trieel BveryhiDff- -all failedtill tA $ Jjr 1 to:k treatment from Dra. Kennedy and Kergan. Their New ïv jfl Mothod buik me np mentally, physioally aad ssxaally. I feel j-_yg and actllkeam&n in erery retpeot. Try them." VXT trNo Ñames Used Without Written 1 Conssnt of Patiënt. CuieO ia tUi.c. C..w IVIn... ILJ1ai-Ua#1 T"Ha nt'vr fails in curing Diseasee of men. Uur New Method Ireatmenii Btrenthen8 a body, stops au drains and losses, puriüea the blood, clean the brain, builds up the nervoas and sexoal systems and raetorei lort vitality tothe body. We Gnarnntee to Cnrc ïiervous "'tolllty, KalliUK Mnnliood, (typliillü VH'icnvclc, trlcture,Gleet, I 'iintlural ilscharj{cs, Wrak Parts uncl All Ktdiiey and Bladder Klseases. OT"Èii"ËiiriErÖ Kennedy & Ke-gnn aro the leading specialists of K m IlIr IVI K I 11 America. They uar.intee to cure or no pay. Their repnllklWIV II UUll tation and fifteon yeard of bosines are at stake. Yoa rnn no risk. Write. them for an honest opinio-t, no m:itter who treated yon. It may save yoa years of ragret and sutffriníí. (Charges reasonable. Write for a Questlon List and Book i-Vec. Consultation Free. 143 Shelby St. , Detroit, Mich.


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Ann Arbor Courier