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Etegeni Whltroaii lias gone to CMceso. A. .1. Mumincry Sinidayed in De i-uil. Will W. Watts and wiie Siniclayrd in Milan. Will Opcl.i lid is doing ilir Expo. this weck. Ma]. Sonic retumed home from Mllwaukee Satui-day. Tii.-ni. K. Thompson la staylng a weck In WrhstiT. Aiii-cd Paul. f ilir Hausfreujid-Poal lias gooe i" Cbleag i. ('lias. .1. 8 baktng in tlic big expOBitiiOID lilis weck. ('lii-isiian .leuter, i &eneva, N. Y., n'tuninl to liis lionu' Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jobo Krlloiíi;. "' Plyim.uth. in the city Satunlay. l'i-of. Caiiiart had Kcv. Mr. Morman. of IIiveii, as liis guest over Bunday. Wa. f. Osband, oí t4w ï'psllantlan, was in t lic city, m linsincs.s. Oh'as. II. Worden nul ivi;V have bcn visitinii OUcago dnrinsi the week. Mr. anil Mrs. W. I. Adains were uursts cif Jactaran íni-mls over Siinl!l V. Mm. Mary r.enlly. nee 1'erdon, of MlnneapollB, .Mimi., is vlsltlngner parante. Mrs. .Tolm Allen, oí Miilcr ave. and daugditer Ma, lelt yesterday tor Chicago. Mrs. Jialdwin. oí JacksOO, Miss., is the gueel ol Prol. ood Mrs. J. I!. DaVia. ['.duur Thotnpsotn, oí the Dexter Leader, was an Ann Arbor vlaltor Satiinla y. Miss (r.'icr (i-dshy lias l.een visitiiiür (rienda al riymmitii dnlng the Iiast werk. Mrs. A. v. Boblson returned Saturday ironi lici' visit 1i (rlends in Kalamuzoo. Mr. and Mrs. J .Waterman returned Saturday from i'licir summei siay in Bay Yiew. Mrs. O. I!. Hare. oí MacedOtQ, X. Y., is Mrs. E. A. Beal and other NlatiVM iai tho city. Mrs. Eliza AVilsooi, who had beon vi.sitúni? ner sister Mrs. Oonover, rctiH-ned liwne Monday. Misses Aimii' and Allee Howe, of Woreester, Mass., have Imtii tlH'ir unció A. W. Ames. Mr. and Mrs. l.uick returned irom CbAe&gO Saturday. and their son Oscar left for tlu' fair the next lay. (carne McOoranlck amd family liavc moved IntO their liciusc cor. l'ackard amd State sts.. recently purcliascd oí 1'ililH-rt Ilotdi. City ('k'rk Millor ent] wlfe are entert u'iiing Mrs. K. J. Erb and Mrs. Minnie Kankin and dauiïhter, of I I;ilitax, Xova Hcoli.-i. J. B. Allen, of L-ik Vosas, N. M., Ia visitiiiff hts brüther S. D. Allen, of B. Washington st. Sotne 40 years since Mr. Allen Hved in t'his city. Wm. W. Wedemeyer rcturncd to the city Monday. alter vteitfhg with friends in Kalaniazoo, and g-i ving the great Cliicago Exposltion a look over. Dr. C. Bomteger returned from Arkansas a few days simce. He is not espccially enamored of the pcople down in that section of the nation. Mrs. Anna Wood, wiho iia.s leen vlsltlng her motuer, Mrs. J. F. Nlchuls. luis ri't uriH'il home 1n Pittsburg, Pa. Mrs. M. II. and daimhlrr Miss l.oc. Iciivi' in inorrmv ior Hellefointainc. Oblo, for permaneni reslcle .lee. GeOCge Ileiiilry. u Iki h;is heen at Saiiiiuaw i(w the past year. getting Mi taaiffilA int ii business, has ret uriicil hi'ini' 5ind il enter the Unlverslty tliis ye;ir. ;i ni[ eoinjileti' his educal.i.jin. Samuel Kranse s back (rom Bob bon. Thoe. Taylor is In DettroH roí a ífv days. Miss Mary l'ipcr is ylsittng ricnds in Btoakbrföge. M. .1. Ix-hmaii and wlfe are in Chicago 'llis weck. ('asliirr l'.cdser and wiic went t Chicago yt-siiTii.iy. Mts. Eeneel [Meterle is vlslting Mi [rienda in Manclicstci-. Miss Supliic anil Miss Amanila Alliii.'inlin-cr are in ( htaagO. E. I!. I'ond teavea boóaj tor anotbf.r visii tO the Worid's Pair. Mr. and Mrs. C. 1. J'arkcr. erf Neltnart, Montana, are in the city. Karncst TulMianl. 01 Seat t lc. AVasli., is visitinii oild Ann Arbor friends. Walter C. Mack and wlle have iïni' in ( "iiii-iitto tn visit t Bxpoaltion. Mr. and Mis. John Hcinzman have gome to Qhleago to seo the Expoalliini. Ttr. Dell is peoeiving B visit ironi llis l:rotlirr .lames A. Dell, of l'hiladelphia. (ciirirc Stiinson is now OCCHpylng tlic oM Mclntyrc iKnncsicad, on W. Iluroui Street. Br. and Mrs. J. R. lirr.-ikcy. tl Alma Centre, Wis., are vteltlng Dr. J. A. IeH and fainily. ( bas. A. Denlson, the meoaging -diboc f t O. Ol M. Daily. '94 law, is back at Dia post again. A. D. Scylrr lias been visibed by his Oaugilrter Mrs. l'ow Hm-, oí Detroit, and litilf, darlng tbe week. l'vof. Francis AV. Kelsey lias returned (rmn his st.iy in lOuropc, and is now doing Esposltion at Chicago. Joilim D. r.oylan was out ypstcrd.iy f.r iln' iirsi time aftcr a. tlircc or tour week's wrestle witli influenza. Mr. and Mrs. .las. B. Willis, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. NfilhanimcT, Miss Mary Miley. all wo:nt to Ctoiceo yewterday. Miss Jeonette Ji. Ixnáoa. lias arrivvtl in Aun Arbor and is tiie guest ii Prof. and Mrs. Stanley for a time. W. I!. C-ady, of Sault. 8te. Mario, lit. '82, li jkiw c-asliier of t.hc Sault Natiomal Baak and also oounty treaêurer. Dr. FrauU B. I'owers, medie '93, has been appointed to the ebalr of HlBtofogy Mini Putliology in the Tennessee Medical College, t Knoxvillo. Ghriathun (in.uss, AilK-rt W. Sorg, Joam Piisterer, Ernest Dieterte, Gotleib SchTK'ider, üernard Kc'iian and Harry O'Toole wt'snt Cliicagoward yesIrrday. Mis. Lteat. ■Voxllridgo has been entrteinlng hr mether, Mrs. Moses V. Field, and sislvr Miss MalH'l Field, oí Detroit, for severel days. They rclurnrd h ■ Monday. In-d Rfttieh Sr. did the Fair in aire da y. The Aun Arbor Banjo and Guitar Club aro ready for business once inore. Momlay two orans were eblpped by the Ann Arbor Orjyan Co. to Glasgow, Scöttond. The W. C. T. U. i.s toi be held va McMillan Híill, Thursday aftornoon, Sept. 28tli, at 3 o'clock. Gapt. Hiscock hiavtag resigned, a iiHLcti;ng o! ('a. A wlH be hold ttext 'i'iincs(i,-iy evenlng t eleci lii.s suc(cssor. ( ily Clcrk Millcr. I'rcs. Watts and Aid. Wood were buay yeeterday makInte fip tires uitli a Toledo flrna for the furnitiirc for thc ncw fity ofíiices Mr. i'u. Jacobue, of fallar st., a curinsity in t lic sliape of a pumpkin vine wliicli lias put íortli mínense loares and any ihuhImt of blomoms, Imt ii .1 .-i pumpkin. He calis it a driiiiK-ratif vine. JoliM W. IVoodmansec, Who resides om Gteddea ave., just east of tlie cemeteiry, dted Momday night, ajied 47 .voars. Funeral services will bc held tn -iiKirrow al 1' p. m.. trom t lurcsiik'nce. II; lraves a widOW aud two üaiiiilitcrs. Wo harre plenty ot thoee elegant, sweet irrapes on salo, and havo 1,500 jvoinMls of Niágara and Ilriton, in ooM storai' and can ftirnish cusluiners b.v t lic ptnnnl OT liasket. Tile Itoyal Cafe. cor. "Washimt-on gtreet .iikI 5 til ave.


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Ann Arbor Courier