Real Estate Transfers

Real Estáte Transfers for the week ending August 19, 189o. furiüshed weekly by the WashU'iutu' Abstract Company. Office wlth County (.ierk at Court House. Ann Arbor, Michigau. Lottie L. Hitchcock tochas. W.Pullin, Vork - $ 200 00 H. T. Simpson to Joh nSimpson, Augusta 1,090 00 Win. Raatchenberger to Geo. Kausehenberger, Aun Arbor 550 0n Chas. Doss to Auu Basom, Augusta 2,600 00 Burt B. Thompson to Joseph L. Rose, Aun Arbor 1 Johnsou Backus to F. ('. Backus, Webster 0,500 00 A, W. Hamilton, et. al. to Jno W. Brok&w, Ann Arbor i Trncy L. Towner to M. M. and ï. E. Reed, Ypsílanti i M. M. and T. E. Keed toTraey L. Towner, Ypsilanti .'. i Geo. Hickey to T. C. Ruekinan, Manchester. 250 00 F. G. Schlelcher to Johiithun Martin, J.iina 1.0C0 00 Erastus R. White to Newton Prndden, Urna 3,000 00 Bradford P. Sanford to Chas. H. Worden, Ann Arbor 800 00 Aune S. John to Chas. II. Worden. Ann Arbor 800 (JO E. I.. Kandall to Chas. H.Worden, Aun ArWor _ 800 00 OUver H. P. Sanford to chas. H.Worden, Ann Albor 800 00 Newton Prudden to Erastoa R. White, Ann Arbor _ 2,900 00 Estáte Luther .lames, by ex'r to James L. Babcock, York i J. L. Bnbcock to Chas. H. and John F. Schroen.Tork 2,000 00 Jas. D. Smalley to N. H. Barrows, Ann Arbor 300 00 W. B. Smith, adm'r. to W. F. Stimson, Manchester 570 00 Joseph Goodman et. al., to Mary R. Curtís, Ypsilanti 1300 00 V. (.. Martin, by sheriff, to Anua George, Ypsilanti 1,508 00
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Lottie L. Hitchcock
Charles W. Pullin
H. T. Simpson
John Simpson
William Rauschenberger
George Rauschenberger
Charles Doss
Ann Basom
Burt B. Thompson
Joseph L. Rose
Johnson Backus
F. C. Backus
A. W. Hamilton
John W. Brokaw
Tracy L. Towner
M. M. Reed
T. E. Reed
George Hickey
T. C. Ruckman
F. G. Schleicher
Jonathan Martin
Erastus R. White
Newton Prudden
Bradford P. Sanford
Charles H. Worden
Anne S. John
E. L. Randall
Oliver H. P. Sanford
Luther James
James L. Babcock
Charles H. Schroen
John F. Schroen
James D. Smalley
N. H. Barrows
W. B. Smith
W. F. Stimson
Joseph Goodman
Mary R. Curtis
W. G. Martin
Anna George