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Several streete o.n White addition are bcüifi graded. A Teufel is anovi.iuï into hls unv : 'sidt'iicc on 8. Main st. TJi student populutio-n is coming ty tiic carioad bbeee daj s. W. II. Iiowou tund wife have gone t Hillsdale tor iMTinani'iit residence. Two more new traína on ttue M. O. R. R. CHiicjro travel made it oieccssury. i'roï. A. 1. St'vi"iis' ïicw house1 on -tihe White adclition is rapldly ap]Kroa:liinig coanpletion. The Bpectol td-ain on the M. C. R. R. Tuesdiay morning, took 10(5 Ann Arlor people 'to OatoagO: James M. Stpiford was taken to Pomtiiac Monday, htiving beconie dangerous im his malady. Onas. H." AVoi-don lias purcliased, of the Samdford estáte, tJie pcoperty knowii as the Unity hlock. Joflun Biiunijiardiicr recelved tfaree ( Mi-loaiLs oJ Vorinoait granate Monllay, for mjaaument ordered of liini. A new tüme table went into effect on the M. O. R. R. Sunday, you wUl fiaiil it correctod in its proper place. The Student "s Hulst ian Association has a list of upwards of 3,000 rooms it is said. AcoordtaK l that the rooms aro quite as numerous as tlie Btudeate. There is evidentiy an overproihictioii. Tlio Yp.silantl milis are nlieail of Aun Ar-bor and wiil alwéya be.- Seat iSeL 'l'h.-ii's probebly tarue as tu as wind goes. 'ihf ivcrii Ii.t bureau eaa curry ïavdi- wíth pfeople u ilicsi' parte by scndinif quite a quantlty more , ra in. Dr. Wm. F. Hake, medie '82, wis Grand Rápida a few da ya Blnce t .Miss Clara X. Yoiiiht, of ihal city. Tliere are 10i cases on the calendar for tlie October tvrni, dlvided as follows : L'd criiinual, 55 tenes Oí fact, ju chencery. Teiiolicrs uho have mat as jret secured certificates will liave a last oppovtiuiity in pass an examination at Vpsilanti Friday. Jack Froet cookoil ihiu.ns rlght up to tllio queem'B taste .Monday night - jirov'wliing the quevn has tliat smi of a tast e. of conree. Geo. Sp'ccli]y, ulio livi-d on South Stjite etreet, dii-d Monday p. m., aged 88 years, of old ag'. He had resided iu Aun Arbor for ."." ycars. Cipt. Bortl, tlu' laüidlord oí the Franklin House, who had been ill for gome days, with as tb ma, died this afternoon, we learn. Tille last issue 4 the School Moderator has a fine huif tone ougTaving of the fcUatr Normal SchOOl, at Ypsilnnti. It is an excellent picture. The good words said for Miss Bower i.u t'he papera oi the state are oniy equaled by the words sníil befare slie was eleeted tu the General Beccrdershíp. Kvci-ylxHly iu Ann Arbor hope-s that the electrie railway goberné connectfcng YpsiTanti. Ann Arbar, Saline, Tecuniseh, Adrián, etc., niay lie a sueess. SJieriíf Bremner bas added a fine feathcr to Jii.s cap by oapturinj? the horse tliivf In ohio wlio has enrlched hiniself Wlth so maiiy equines froni tJüK vicuiity. Benj. F. -larvis luis juirchased the Ham lton Block, consideration ■?.",- 500, subject to two niortfíages, wliich vill briiiir purohaee price up to about $26,000. A dispateh íroin Flint sjxys that Enimet McMahon of this city, and a young !ad Crom l'lymouth, are ander nirest tJiore íor steaüjig overcoats and wrnps at tire county fair. is a greal pleasore to oonoonce that Mr. Saxvyei-, Avhose liTe was (lis]iaril oí last weel;, is ver}' much bettor. He i gettlqg along nicely, and will recover trom lü.s Injurie. 11 members oí the Krotherhood oí St. Amlrew are request ed 1o nttend the meeting to be held at llarrta Hall to-inoiTow nigtet at 8 o'clock as busiaiess oí importan ■ will come up. Juidge Hairriman and tho cominlttee associated witii hini are busy inaking out the l'nity Club course of leetures for this year. It will Ík' opened by that wondertol lady, Mrs. Orinistoii Chant, of Bnglanil. Miehae-1 Kalnibaeh has lost jiearly 20 of iiiis sheep. Tliej' refuse to eat aml díe. The cause is uirknown. - Herald. They liad probably fjot oin to some oí the free tirade editorials tn th( Argna. The -'Student 's l)ir(ctory" of voorns umi boardlng houses, published by u'ivate eaterprtse, as a inoney makin.; seln'tne is a dandy. but as a directory falls ti long way short of its purpoee. A co'mpany lias just. liettim at Aun Arbor, tllie maaiuíacture of water-gas. It wiill not be n competitor of the newspapers there, as it is íor illuminatlníT purposes. Adrián i'ress. Tlnafs qu1rt brilliamt, too. Judge Kinne has had word sent to tliO members oí the jury drawn íor the Ootober term, Uiat Wielï presenre will not be needed untll Mondar, Octber '.U'li. instead oí Tuesilay. Oct. :!il. as oriírinally noteil. S. S. BMtí and íaniily leíi Friday mornin.ií last íor their new honie in Arizona. Mr. l'.litz Jiopes to regata his health in ithat far away reglón, and he will llave ínany well-wishers in his oíd Aun Arbor lióme. Tíie ligiit nt tho corner oí . Mam si. and MUlor uve., wíiich has ahvays leen a ivecossity, abone out for tho first time Bundsvy nigüilt. It was vitv grateíul to tbe people of tliat locality, and Aid. Snow, wdLO WU mainly insiriiinental in Bectvlng it, is descrvtng of thíinks íor his succcssful offorts. Tlie board oí tJic Washt raiuv Mutual Fire Itis. Oo. met l'riday and adjusted tiie loss of tJie barns and slieds rith coutcnss, and stacks, of Ed. Kuig, if Ypsilajiti, destroyod by fire Sept. 11. lio was allowud $1,137.58. BeKOKMVt AVaplfs, lit. "8(3, was married Sept 'Jlst, to Misa EiBtbcr M. Jirón, of 'Marshall, Mich., and the couple trtll be "at Ivome," 2t-'G E. Auroro st., Ironwood, Mich., atter Hit. Ist. Mr. Waptoa is a san of Judge Waples, Oí tliis city, anuí inany liifiiils lloro -vill wisli htm and his bride a gooOtS supply oí tlie good t.liinjís oí tUis world througU life. lie dreamed he led h part; Tosearcb foi toe lost .Noi ih pole, He uoke to find the Janitcr il;il run clean out of coal. Say, iï yon have anything to ]nt in ('iiiiricr, aluays walt muil WcdiH'sdjiv axotvlug. it la nice and i)'.r.i,uu te have Uve cw six coluniiis oí notices pile in al thr niinuti', Uiat ■must j;o In tliis m 'k. you kiKiw." Miss IOninin Bower lias rented the offices formeriy oocnpled iy a. w. 1 [amilt du, in lie llamilton Iilock, whi'iT shc will llave headquartei-s o: tune L. O. T. M. for the state. Mr. IlainUlo'ii takes rooms mi L'il íloor tor tja offices. Eev. J. M. Qelston oommenced, last S;ill).it h evemlng, a series oí Sunday (■venina (isruurscs, m -Hhristianity the FiillíUnu'nt of all IteUgkWS." On next Suiida.v cvciiiiiií his subject will be "A J'ioplií-cy oí Jesús in the Ancient Yodas, or the Hlrtdoo Scri]itures." An Aun Arboc man has tralned a ]mni])Uin vine over liis pordl, audnow wfaen he wants a pie, lie Blmply Bteps to door, gethera ko the "fruit" and tlie oook does the rest.- Chrlsca Standanl. Aeoordiug t prertty good aiitlirn-ity lellow gathered in tJie fruit. Any man wüio kjiowingly would sell peacihes infectad witli yriiows, would fahiOWitagjy keep a log tJuit would kill wheep. - Aun Arbor t'omrier. This is a Beverer rOpPOOi of tJie Courier's gotd ttteory than tibe Presa would have feit privileged to adinmister. - Adrián I'rrss. 'l'liat. retort b! yours is a littie gray, bvotber. At tin' aiiinia.i meeting ; the W. F. M. S. of tlie M. E. clmrcli, held un l'riday Sopt. 22(1, tbe folhnving OÍlicfi-s wcrc elecbed : President- Mrs. AV. W. Whedoo. lst. VicO Pres.- Mis. C. M. Cobern. L'd Vft l'res. - .Mrs. I'. II. Rose. Secrotary- Mts. A. Stedman. Treasiircr - Miss Julia Boys. Au invitatioai lias been extended to the ( uuriiT U alUnil tlie -'First Annual Picnic of tlie Plnckney Weekly IHspatcli l'orce, on Saturday, Bept :". at Port'age Lake." HavIng soms regard for tlie lives of the iish In lake, wc shall not Ue able to altend, but hope the boys will have a 4?ool time, jnst tlie sanie. TJii' statement le made that if celery Wee eaten freely, sufferers from rheuimatisni would Ikí comparatively fev. It is a mistaken idea tihat cold ajid damp produce the disease - they simply de volop it. Acid blood is the priinary aoid sustaüüng cause. IÍ celery is eaten largely, au alkaline blood is the reeult, and wherc this exists there can !■ neither rheumatism nor iremt. It atuvuH be caten cooked. Henry O. Wanty, lormcrly i this city, ïiiiw editor and proprietor oí the Mukf,ui)ii Daily Ncws-lícportcr, WBM mai-ried Tuesday, Sept. 26tÍL, to Isabella Wylic. at Martin, Mich. They will be at borne aíter Nor. lrt, at 145 HooiKton ave. Muskegon, Mich. The Oonrier, individually and collectively, exteiuls its luinds tx tlic couple, jnd hujies that liic's jemrm-y will be [relgtorted tor thema witli plcasurc and useiulness. on Saturday evening last, David L. (ates died at Oiis liim? on Pontiac si reet, Nui-thsidv, Bged 81 years, G montdis. The funeral services ere beid yesterday p. m., from the resideaice. The deceased carne to Dixboro in 1836, and (liad resided here ever .. Jlis widtiw and (OUT chihlreii Mrs. QeO. 11. Khodes, Mrs. V. W. Whitlark. Norman IK, and Edwin Gatee, snrvive him. He was a man wlin ahvays cinnmaniled the esteein of his ffllow-citizens. and will le sad] mlBsed by mejglbora and [rienda. The aftairs of the Regteter Publisliiiifi Co. took on a new phase .-vit nrday. All parties con.sentcd to the appoinenient oí a irereiver. and tlie reatgnatk) oí Jottm W. Bennett as asi--aee. Mr. Ptülilp, WbXt lias been toremem erf öue office tpí Borne moaths, as appolmted recel-ver, and given pawet to run the Inisiness, th the riht to Ihiitow inoney to the cxtciit of $300. This puts Mr. Moran on top for rthe present, witli a utlnted allowaucc. Ilow laag ft reeeiver will bc allowed to run tihe concern, ís soinetiving no ellow is a ble to tell. The eqatKMrt th last few moni lis Ik'Iwitu Ule inisíortunes of buehiess mcn and thf laige protits oí the lawyers iif;lit to do soiiK'tlnng mivanl restoriiw to the lcarncd proíossions tbe prestige, whleh they are said to iiave lost in recent years, aiuoiig college stud'iit.s andother young men vfbo have been dazzled 1' th greal tottanea amaased in business. Thon if w' slunild Iiave a cliolera eeason next year medical fraternity vould fare, bet ter than maimfacturers and ïnerchants. and another Btep would be taken toward makij).!; tliö goal of ytmth'B ambitmn ttne occnpations rendercd lucrative by Quinan i'olly and Crime and misiortune. If yon liare, rooms to ïuniish, Ik1 sure to see .Martin Haller. His assortiiieni is most eomylctf and priecs are ín keeping wlth tlio times. Tlhe supervisors comvene in annoal srssion on Mmiilay, O-t. !)tli, beliog the gecbod Mooday in October. It s ,-i r.-irt t.ii.'it Ti the bead iï l'rciK'ii novela, wuiiiiinici, and aome.liinrs. it is sad to say, American BW (■is. tiicrc are booki beJng sold at aay of otir bookstores i,hit oujjht to be rappreesed. Thoy are miad poisoners. and iti) pul thcm in t-hc handt) of yonr cliililrcn woiild be as bad as to ii'iicli tlicni iinnioralit.v and sin. Tliere is a gale for tliose bonks. too, cinnins bom lii vcry class that are injurcd lty ilirni. The yiiuni; mind ík fir'd by tliv pen pil ni-cs and otlicr illusl i;i t mis tlicrcin. 51 tul tli( fcsults are ofteo disgTace and aorro-w. We an' nut iv'i--srnsit ivi 011 tliis jMJint, I i 1 1 inuH'stly think tliat tliorc is mm-h of the so-callod curi-cnt litcraturo tliat it would Jm a Mcssiniï to t lic collinnmity t tam sujijircssed. l'rcd McNalr, (ormerly of Ti-cunisi-h, j'ii'l iliis Orieod Mr. Clark, cerne througii f rom As])rn. Col., on t hrir wlircls, takiaiir 11 Om World's l'air eortmte, and iiav' been vlsitlng with ex-Mayor Doty, duriiiir tbe week. Tbey were 26 tlavH on their wiíeeíB trata their bome in Colorado, tu CbteagO, B distonee of 1,600 miles. Of.t'his distaiicc tliey ware oUlged to walk only 15 milos ovor 1ln' nunmtains. 'l'hry cooesed the Lake trom' CJiicago to Benbon Berber, and made the trip to Detroit in two days. travellng only by dayliiRlit. iTlie story of their trip is :ui tnteresttne ooie. They are of the firm opinión tliat to see the country, the lH'st Wy t travel is by ■vheel. Mr. McNatr'a paréate live in 'IVrnmscli. where the two are now visitmpr. Mr. Clark was ormerly fi-om Winnipefr, I!. ('. He expecta to visü tlic ianion.s Clicrokcc Strip on his way back.


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Ann Arbor Courier