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ANNUAL TAX SALE. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Colmy OF Vasutk.naw, i The Circuit Conrt of the County of Washtenaw, in Cbanoery. In the matter of the petiüon of the State of Michigan for the sale, uf eert al n lands for laxes assessed tnereon. on readlng and nllng the petition of the Auditor General of the State of Michigan. praylng foradecree in favoroi the state of Michigan, ic-ainst eaota pincel of land therein il. 'MTüieii, lor the amounts tliereln specined, clatmed to be Uue for taxi's, luterect and r]iaics on eaeb auob parcel oi land. and tliat such lande besold for iho amounts se olaiined by me State of Michigan. It Is orilered that said petition will be roaght on for hearing and decree ai tiie ctober term of ttns oourt t be held at Aim Lrbor, In the oonnly of Waahtenaw, State of llcnlgan, ou the alnth day of üotober, A. 1). 898, at the opening of soort on that day, and nat all perdona loierested in uch Inuda, or ny pari thefeof, deslrlng to oonteat the Hen lalmed thereou by ine State of Sictalgan, for uoh taxes, interest and charges, or anj pari üereof, shall appear i ti saiii courl and lile ïih the olerk tbereof HCting aa register in hanoery, thelr objectloos thereto, ou bere the tirst day of the term of thls courl bovi meuiloned, and tbal lu default tliereol lie Rarae iil bu taken as coniesaed, and a e wlll be taken and entered as prayed ir in said peilUon. And it is furtber ordered lint in purxuance of said decree the laude eisorlbed In kuid petition for whteh a decree t sale stiall be made, wlll be sold (br the w i rnl taxes. Interes! and charges Ihereon as etermined by snch deiTee, on the liisi Monay m December thereafier, or on tin.' day or ivs Bubii quent thereto as tnay be ueoeseary complete the sale of said nst and ol' eacn nd every parcel thereof, at the office of the ounty t rrasiiHT, tir at stirli c mvrnh-ni place s ghall be selected by blui at the oounty eat f tlie couuty of Washlenaw, lítate it .uichian. Witnc-s the Hon. Edward D. Klnne, circuit udge, and the seal of said circuit oourt of Vasbienaw county, thls lirst day of August, . 1) 1(98. [seal.l E D. K1NNE, Circuit Judge. Uountersigned, iiiFirn Bkowm, Eteglstef. STATE OF MICHIGAN. fo Uu Circuit Cuurl for the County of Wathti aav, in Chana ry. The petition of Stanley V. Turner, Auditor General of said state of Michigan, respectully shows tliat the list of lands hereinafter et lort li and mark cd '■Schedule A," con tai lis deaorlption of all lands in said county of 'aslitcnav upon which taxes were assessed lor the years inentioned tliereui. and which were returned as delinquent lor nou payment of laxes, and wliicli taxes have not heen paid; togetber with the total amount of such taxes, with Interest computed thereon to the time tired for sale, and collection lee as pruvided iv law, and the cost of advertlRlng and other expenses of sale oí each of said pareéis of land. Your petitloner further shows to the court that said lands were returned to the Auditor General under the provisions ot section 123 of Act 206 of tlie Public Acts ot 1893, as delinquent for non-payrnent of said taxes for said years respectively, excepl such of the taxes set forth In said schedule aa have heen prevloosly retnrned and reniain uupaid; and that said oxea were returned lo the treasurer of said county l)y tlie several townslilp treasurers uní city añil vlllage collectors, prior to tlie welft li day of June, 1802, as delinquent. Your petitlo' er furtlier shows and avers nat the taxes, interest, colleolion fee and -ts of advertlslng a mi other expenses of sale, nnd tlie legal Tees for perbonal service of 'uhpcena in each case where such personal service is actually made, are a valid lien m lie several pareéis of land described in said bdiedule. Your petitioner further shows that the said taxes ou said described lands have remaiurd mpald for more tlmn one year from and after the date of their return to the county treasírerof said county of Washtenaw under the irovisions of Act nuraber two hundred of the 'ubllc Acts of 1891, or under tlie provisions of he several tax laws under whieh any of such axis were prevlously returned, and for more lian one year prior to the.first day ol May, 893; and the said taxes not having been paid, and tlie saine belng now due and remaining unpaid as above set forth, your petitioner 3rays a decree in favor of the State of Michian agatnsl each parcel of said lands, lor the mynient of tlie several amounts oí' taxes, in,erest. collection fee, cost of advertising and )ther expenses of sale, as computed and extended in said Bobedule, agatnst the several jareéis of land contained therein, and in additlon thereto for the amount of legal fees for personal service of subpcena in each case where such service Is actually made for taxes of such years prior to 18ÍI1 as are included lereln and apon whlph such fees accrued Ín iccordance with law ; and in default of paynient. of the said several sums computed and extended against said lands, that each of said pareéis of land may be sold for the amounts lúe thereon, as provided by law, to pay tlie lien as aforesald. And your pelitioner will ever pray, etc. Daled August 2ü, 189a STANLKY W. TÜHNEK Auditor General.


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Ann Arbor Courier