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Tüwi-f are UT sehooi chlldaren in Augusta, 28 leas tten last year. Mrs. ofargaiei Keedam, .-i n 11 resilait f (Im'Isc.-i, di''ii Bept. 15, aged 80 yoars. Abont (inc-)i.-iii the usual acreage df wbeal sowed I.his yenr, is the general report. Hamburg is to have a creamery. lkiiKi it Avill jiot prove to be a humlniK for Hamburg. Bqoirrels are plenty in tlie western part of Wie county, and sportamen itane potplea gaJore. gome fcai-ful tliii'f stals tlio Dexter I'jeadrr ïn.iu's wood. He ougbt to be convcrtod - into pulp. Complaiait fi-.mi all sectloue about the niiMiiKT iiud hoidness of tramps. CkMos cure is ncconoary. The Confn-cRational ohureh at DextT will have as il s pastor. Bev. l'ra.nk IHooinficki. forniciiy of Metaxnora. Tliè Stoctbrxidgfe Sun toils about a tbtol twair ètoere a rwann of bees, AihI be Adat wt stnng? S. i. lladlcy, of LjiKlon, i8 rebuildinfr bta (i.-irns ri'ccntly burned by trampa, or bwendiajiea oí orne kind. Tlio ponttry of tbJa coumty is nlready bciiijr ablpped to the effete east to please t4ie palates of the wealtiiy. Pter Gormen, of Iyndon, lost a part of ome of JUs liands rewntly by ■cttiiii; 1n familiar rtth the cyllnder of a tilireshmg machiiiie. Moaiey lias been raiscd at NDrthvLllo tor tin' repairs to t.lio M. E. church tower, a.nd the town clock will Ik' plaoM ilii'iciji Koon. Ifc is said tiKit the post-officc di'partmemt are now issuinpr only the old Btyle of stamp. II you have not any of tlhe Ootmabkao stampa now is your time. Acoordiag to thr K.ioni. Northvillo 3ias ai eren dozen secret societiea wiih au aggregate membershlp of 669. 'l'lir M.isonic lodi;es liave 135 memben. Samuel Cnrlett. of Seio villaje, was round dead in bed on tifa lílth inst. He was .".1 yeara old and bad ïn'en subject to fits since boyhood. causiMl by an injury to tlu1 ln-ain. Noi-tilivillf is fco have B nnv public (lrmkinpr tountain. If it is as unsuci BMfni as tbe imi' Aun Arbor started ofl witih wlien the water works were aiew here, slio wiJl bi son-j' she ever Inveeted a penny in it. Sncak t1iii'Vc ;it 'lYcuinsrli lwoke the record by chooelng SuihImv nigbt to steal tbe loiiu's írom a tul where tihey had been left to naak. it was a damp, job for thO ïaniily wliow laumli-y was tlms approprlsicd. - lliulsun Post. The eiiroUraent at tbe Norma] is huw 692, Küüiitly iM'liiml f)i last ycar. 'iiir Oteorj OoQegG staada just ivi-n witli last yrar. The High School g !U iilic.ul oí tlir MOOtnS weck of last ypar, aiul all dcpart iuciiis of the public schools report eonsklcraUlc gola,- Ypettaartl Seotlnel. .M'.ir. Tiir Umvcr, om no account, Hliould 1k allowcd i,u tlic house, esjuiiaiiy n hicrpintf apartments. It la Kiüd 1 1 u 1 1 the iisoiiik gire off ao UmperceptlMe, powder-llke substaoce wJiich, if ln-catlii'd lato tlic luags, causo irrhatiiiu aiul produces violoit gneeilag and rangblag." i-eiKrt at tte animal nipctinjí oí tJie Congit-gal mal clmrcli and ttM Sick'ty slmw 91,065.94 r.ii od for ruxudng expense In tbe past eleves moutha : -, -To personase buildinp, rand s."i:i.UT tot ilic hciivNolencos oí Uve ciinrcii and auxiliar; go ' ' ■■ al í $8,819.61.- Ypsi:.uit s.-nt iiit-i. High living does not agree with Adrián peopte. a procer placed In itoefc a íuii-írmwn eteeeae, aad la consequeoce tvtuoie tamiUea were taken sick. It is aid tliat Uw doctora oí tilint city made arrangement with dealen t sdi i dak7 product it iialf prtoe, border tba.1 thelr imsinrss ni.iy In' jncr':isi-a.- Hudson Tost. Hm beau department of Jamee P. AVood & ('o's was opened np for business Tueaday mornliig ivitli üxmt fiftMi yoang ladteB at tbe sortijiir lahii's. Tiu' mariBBt prlce is aboat $1.15 imt 1)uk1i,1. ('hclsca JIcralil. tbe gtrU), ar the beans, whieh 1 lf I.hc firrmcr. tfaeM oiiglit to be a lively meirket, iar ifs dirt choeap. "Diere is ■vi.lmtly a bed 'ííang'' h.-miriiiK anuind tbto vicinity na was proven ly BOm uiiknnwn partí es il:ir'lt wati-lim.UI last ntwrsda; oight, We sen say for i Uiat fchere s a term in the penitentta-ry awnlttng Niem.- Dexter I. rader. They Ollght lo gO up nuil ciiuin 11 witli Irvlng Latthnr awhüc. TS -farmer is the independent man in paiikky f may nat be abte t sell hta surplus crops, M is truc. lmt he e.-uinot be tiirowu oul ot employ at, he is bis wn maater, and liis (arm próvidas hiin with the iiecessarics oí lile in aUuiiilanc.-. I paréd wltJh the Bfe tl tiie city laborer i.ieeha.nir. lic leails a Ufe i; case and Uixury.- V.'ayne lMlot. Murell Ciioilrieli eelehr.i Uil the ü6th nnniversary 0Í lns arrival in this villajre last Miiiulay. He reachcd here Sept. IS. 1827. Tlit-rc are lmt threiother pci-soais in this vic-inity Who are eo knf; residents. Mis. S. W. Dexter caine in Juné, Isut. and Mvssrs. Y. H. Ainold and Geo. a. Peten ín 1826, one yeac éárUep. - DexiiT Ueader. A Acmc Tent K. o. ï. M. have workcd hard kW ]ast few inunths. BomettalnR lik' i .vral' ;iíí:i llu' su' prciiic tent if Michigan oHered priies top tfae bargeel pét eeant. í gata by .my lodge alsi foc ;my lodge wouM add 7B memben bo tin-ir numIkt. uur tent Non t lic winnini; sMe and tJic $76 jwHe will fit our treasurèr's bank account nicely. - Saline j Obaerrer. Ihr M. E. ■ Ii il li .il VpsiL-niti will start pil with a clean balanco sheet. The .mcinlKTShlp lias iM'en iiuiziiwmted duriii (ttoe ycar by Tl' peopte unitinjí wlth tli' clmi-ili. The Yp.silanti people miss thcir beautitid opera bonsei whlch was ifstro.ved by tJu' cydone, very mnch, and areomdgUog thete bralna as feo how t secure its rebuilrthiir. Mooey will do it, gentlemen. Nothini; else will. Now yon can tatoe this with as niaiiy grataa of allowaiue as you cihioosO. The Dextcr Leader man is respcmsible. for it, bnt lirther he speaks from experleaoe r by be&raay, is not stated : "Golden-rod is in blossom and. as nsnal, innueuza is prevalent. It has come to be a recogWïed fact the acwtlu'tie yellow flower over whioh poets rav íh respimsiUle for tile niamy cases oí tliis dlsease that always occur at thi masan ot the Dr. Morris Gibbs lias preened the Agricultura! Ooöege th a vry fine colleetion of birds and reptiles. Tlicro are in the, colleetion 840 biril. reprcM-nUníí J5Ü apéeles, and J,500 bivils' egg8, rcprv!'ntiiii' 280 spirics. also 100 í-eptUci), hicliulins Miakes, turtli-s a.nil Haarde. In colleetion there about 200 Mieliiffaii biril. The spédUnens are all labeled, wWh dfeite of captuix'. lotalit.v and (l'srrptiün, alsi) tile líame oí the collector. - YpsLlantian. TJic M. '. ïrcin'h' liouse at Wayne Iuih be'n iTiuiivl soine sixty or cighty coda urM and a. new paaeemger depoi will le built m tlhe trelpíit house site. A larm nef eleyated wat iM'-tank lias lei built and it is reportad that the Iwautitul tlower gaxáeifte wliicli have lei niaïntaincd at Viisilanti íor a few yi-ars past ;rail ïrnm uiiich the company securc.s lxmquets tor its pnssenuvrs. will bc n'imnvil bO Waync. tihe gToaiiwl ut Ypsilanti beiog wanted fOT otlicr I'lyiiKnith Mail. StiK-kliiiduc l'alr. Oct. -Ith. ."ith anti 6tth. Au effec-ttog nc'Hli'iit occurred al tlue emaaed reunión of tlic 22d Michigan infaiilry al Vcrniin last 'l'hnrsilay. "(ir Uu; past t wcnty-cinht ycars 1 iiin])aiiy Ilias nilvci-l isrd in the soutlicrn (Mpen úv B rcturti üt' their c-niors. iiich were oaptwred Beptember 20, 18Ö8, UW. last day 0Í the li.U'lit at ( 1i icka inania, but all bO O0 avail. On Tlinrí-ilay a lOttC was rcad f r m a Mr. C.leason. iormcrly of tlM'Tctïimi'iil. statinji t'.iat tliclnnicliist icilois bad lMHn fotind at AVasliüiiton amoog ■tiic Oontodentte Dags. Tlu'y ven Btatoed witli Uie IiIimkI o( Oolor Bergent I'iiilo Durkee, wlio was killed whilc, carryinjr thcni. Tlicnwere )f'i'iit at the n ui-on. and toar cante t nuiny an old fATizzicd veteran'8 eyes as letter wflg read aml went in foO teil liow Ihirbee liad would -(ilifs aronnd his body and defended fflietm witii his ïifr. - HoweU Demoorftt. J. .1. KoImmhi di(if" over in the ïmniini;' tmunp 'm Freedam Imki Friday allcriKMiii. Wliilc inspectillg the i''aslati(n hc brraüii' lust aml wan (li'icd about ioi' .soiiic liours. Ht' ïiover fuily reallaed ih' meaoiu; ot desolation nul il tliat Qigtlt. No answriiim Mif replietl U his n-pcatrd crii-s wtod moaned and howied among the dral bramlK's ; the rain blcw In gOSte alKHit IliK sliirlit Kvrni ; the nijclit owl sci-ccclicd and (lapped hiie whis !i lic citili'd abovc liim, addinir lo t liv íruo(ni('iicss of the sceno. II' (inally foiuiil tihe jítiidancc of a ftice wUlícIi led liim to the road. aiul footsore nul woary lic at last rcarhcd home bctwewi two and thrce o'clook Saturday momiiig. Keturnimu: at lay daxvu 1ln;y iound liis fatth(ul horsc still staindiiifr. and He viowed tlx' si-cues oí the 11 ijjli t lM'foi'i' as One wbo liad dreamrd. Manclnstcr BaterpriBc. Tboogbt all those dead lira.iHhcs. mtitcIi owls, EenCM, i'tc, wcro burni'd up !


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier