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Tlie Baptist chui-ch at Fowlervllle haa 85 nicniixTs. (!. M. DeiK'iili.-im luis been relMtatccl aa siatiu:i agent at Milán. Braeei Smlth, ol Bharon, lost lüs at tile V.'iirlil's Pair. The Roman Catioliéa are erecting ;i fine mew parscmage at Howeil. li. i atoes 1 .(il'o jus. ol ooa] bo run the (lint i .ti eleotric liirin plani eaeh night. The new Iron bridge haa been completd in the J. M. ÖrO8S district. Saünt'. Baptist ebnrcii social wüh Mr. J. I. ('di-yy, ManehL8ter, t rrrow Thursday nlgtlt. is havlng her gtreeta gravelcd. Alrcady '7H(i loads liavc been dumped on tfliem. RemomlHT the Cbeteea Fair. Oct. 11. 12 and 18. It will iratdo Cliioatgo, o.vcryt hinir coosldered. It is cstiiiiatril tliat 1 wi-rr 400 people Went (rom W.ishtcnaw comity bo wvrid'a Fair last werk. Maiirhcstrr's greal and only raii'ial lnint takes place to-morrow. Wiic to j lic cliipiinniUs andsqulirels. ciK'sinuts are reported a big erop annmd Iicrc lliis ycar.- Waynr Eleview. That heJps editora oui ill gOOd slKipc. The Nortbvllle Record buiids an nnn- feo lts ainount oí building improvetnenta uring tb ■ year, and now i I lt at $101,750. Riev. W, H. Sha mimi has been a good Bbepberd lor tlie CoogwarationaJI r.o-k at Saleiii loc fotur yèars, and luis started om ithe fiftli. .T. V. Avory, oí Salini', took n Jersey's over bo tbe fair at Adrián, last, week, and ciinif out aligad o) oihcT compei ii ars. 'liir aunual talr ! hhe Milán. I'.aptist cboirct) is t be hM on l'riday anil Saturday. Oct. 13 and 1 i. 'i'.i' tadles have it in cbarge. tourlng mili of T. Wflaon & Sous. a1 -Miinii. is an additlon 80x20 ere&ted, and coowsldiarable new macSilnery placed Öiereln It looka n:)v aa lt ttoe attendance of foreign sclholars In high school wonid exceed i'w.i i any prèvloua Manchester Efttterprlse. S:iünc"s iiouitry dealera ere ia the marku:, and ÍNivr COmmeHced BUpjilying tdio eajstern markets witli spring eiiickens ty the caí load. Andrew Kiddle. aged 87 years. dled Sept. iM-th, at lus home iu Oseóla, Livingston, county. He had lived tihert' sincc 1844, and lus father Blnce 183G. Last Sunday was rally day al the Presbyterian ciun-ch. The school ntunbered 278 or sometliing over 800 with teaöhers and oificerw.- Howi-11 BepubUctm. The coiiRTeftation of St. Iuke's parisli, Vpsiianti, inrmally opened their new iiariwh hnnse with a íinc ]ir.UTamme tast weck. AbOUt 200 I1"]it; enjoycd it. All liuuiih tWO young anl frail corpsee sleep the laat sleep in the jmirnalistic oenu'tery at Stockbridge, si 11 tluie iire those wlio are anxions to be saerit'iced. - 6rm. A conundrum iliat is on deck lor l.he present s, "Wliat relat iun is vinegar tn ils unit ?■ The answcr is. the sanie 1 champagne is t U's pop.- Efadson Ptoet. Wesiey .1. Garlook, formerly a dealer in aheep netur Howeii. ncrw llvee lm AiUany Co.. Wyomlng on a ranch, in Blgtli oí l.aramie l'eak, and is deiihted wit li the i-oinitry. Twii adv cycliste tram Ypeilanti paseed tOurough here Monday, on their ■Wiay home (rom t lic World's Fair. Tlicy made i ie t rip both ways i :i tJijeir wheels.' Trciimsrh Ilerahl. 1.,-it hicip and A. W. llowe .Ir. ear a chip om thelr shoalder becanse in six hotirs they eut fiv acres of conn. Of the boys were wcxrktng ly tíne Bern. - Stockbrldge Sun. The sixiii] encampment of tilie Union. Veterans' Union will be held ;it llowell, Oei. L'ti and L'Tth. Abaut 150 dategatee from vacloua parte state are expected to be Jll-csclH . It is reported t, the jk-w depoi will bc finisJicil aiiil rcady lor trains to rum luto iu Uve weeíw. - Wayne Ete ii' . Il woiilil 1m' wéü tOC tin' train men fco have acare lioiv they run int it, tliough. Strawberries at this time ol year are a seMom artlcle, especially U locally prKlticed. Dr. Harper preaented us one Wedncsday, fully ripfiu'd, which lic jiluckcd from bis gar(len-.- jMilkui Leader. The Salem Cliautanqna elreVe is to be officorcd ;i follows this : I'resident, "lias. Rider ; vice pres., Ilev. D. H. Coairad ; corresponding aeoretary, Mr. Sfaanmioa ; recording secretarj-, I'rol. WbeelBT. Pocfc is soin.ii a way nut of sight, the pi-iee lxhifi oonsidvrably In advancp of tihe oorreapondlng date of last year. At present we beUerTO tlie ligares are $(5.00 live welgb and $750 dres-. l. per cwt. Got auy haga, you farmers ? - Dexter Iealer. The Michigan Farmer, lor iiiany yenrs ptiblished by (iibbons Broe. at Detroit', lias been aold t-o M. J. iawrence & Bro., proprietors of the Obio Farmer. The .Micliiau paper Wlll he eaáargeá and lts publieatlon wlll be contlnued Erom Detroit. A etter addresscd to l'My I-'ather, Michigan." was recelved at (lic poat(iiiice, t lic Other (lay. It was sent to l'aiv l'iiw, and undoubt cdly slnick tlie rlghi ptoC. OoW (lay wh.'ii 1 lic poet-offloe ion-e is aateep, evan it' business is duil.- Adrián Telegram. "Uli'ie" John (ardner lias n'ot. lus picture ia i lie Northville Record, in coanpttny wlth tbe M. E. chiH-ch of ih.-u ])laci'. 'Cause I'ncle John gave the towii its tower cJock, to be placed In t.liat M. E. elnireli tower. Both ai-e miijlity gOOd lookiilK pietnres. Tlie .la.Kson county school commissiont'i- appeals to the peopte oí tiiat eounty to .-et out shade trees in w!ioo 1-ounds. This looks oniin m [ar the Jackson county kids and evidently the conmiissioniT believes that --just as the twig is Im-uI, the boy is in -liin-d." - Ad;-ian Press. 'Hif fruit inspectors have been alu-oail to soiae extent, bu t are soniewhat diseourajiod by the recept ion they receivi' iro-m a few obstinate ctuaracters. tf'hose better In ormed, bowever, heve taid the ai at the mor ol thc Lntected olirrry anl plmn tí lay ihi'in low. - Ypsiianti Commercial. F. J. Swaine returaed Wednsday írom ;m extended visit to liis o :i borne in Enulaml. J[; reporta i rough passage, and variims brutees uixm iiis toce beea ervidaace oi it. He waa Uiiown íiniii his bcrtli twice by the rolliiig ui.i'ii' vcssi'l, unce íurt nnat rly apon his feet, bnt the seccund time apon bte íace and bands. Otherwise ttoe voyage lid him much good. - Vpsiianti Seni Inèl. In reply to a question asked tihe at general by Supt. Patteaglll a.s tu v.hrilicr a party reelding in one district and rentiag a larm in an'.tiicr !istrici. woii'.d be entitled ;,, aerad his chüdren to the school in whieli he rcnls thc favin, Mr. I gaye that a person musí Bend his ( hüili-ru. If he "does no; clcsiiv to pay mil i i. tfl ::■ Bchool in the ilistrict wherc lie resides.- Hillsdale Standard. Etroesi Bodlne, oí Augusta, Ia sorry be married and woul'd have the tJitng nndcnc by the court, beoause as lie alienes, his wl'fe taflists on [eeding him tartax emetic as a health dlet. sinmi'i.-ir bhing about Boiline. When he was "hooked np," tWO ycai-s ago, be was ui years otó, and now lie is stitng lor dl-voree by nert frlend as a minor. At tliis rate erf retrogresslon iir win Km be in diapew agala.- Adrián l'iess. Ltither Palmer repoete tliis as the busiest senson lic lias Been sincc he Oponed lus basket fai'tory. At tlie close of tibe berry basket seaeon nis aMpgnents reached 102,000 of that elass alone. He has not .vet footed up tlie tóbate of the other Blies but tiliey aie inany thou-sands in excess Of miy ]ireviins season"s work. NotvithstainUn liis improved lacUltiea for making, he was still iinable to BUpply the demead oe tle above ïistin-s won'.d betre been much larger. - Dextcr Leader. A littlB note bo uk In wblc to jot down the odd jobs that -vill necd attentiun the iirst ralny r leisure day is sumethimi HO (ariner slumld be wit'licint. A srrapbiMik is anntlieibut most ux-iiil tliiiit; to have. llave eyerai, ome devoted to poultry, anr fruit, and so on. If you are very busy, train one of tlie childreii bo enter rvei-yt liinir which you may mark ior pTeeerrattom. Then if you liave a little time le.t il mighi be well to take your owji home pajier aml read it. The io.iowiü'i are the appoint inenls made by ;iie M. E. eom.erence tor churehes in tliis Bectloo : Aan ArbOT, Cain.leu M. Cobern : CJieteea, Lewis X. Mooai ; V.:i.:inti. V.. W. üyau ; Iiexie:-. l'raiiris E. IVanr ; DixlKJTO', Jobn L. Newklrk ; Dundee, Win. J. Palmer; U-andhester and gbaron, David li. V'ikuin ; OaksvUle, Eugwne aire ; Sa'.ine. '1 humas Q. Potter; Stony reek, GDxarüea B. 0ae : Whit more Lake and Hamboirg, Henry F. ; üeüeville. I. Kdwards ; tara, J!. P. Lewis : l'Iymouth, N. N. Clark : Wayne. Joeepíi Jackson ; Willis. Joeepfc. S. Hill. Til YpsMantian in "A Word to tibe Boya at the Ourbstone," lias this paragrapti, Uiat would Ík? a Hoe thi.mí íor some oí mir Aun Ai-bor boya to read a:nd ponder over : "Boys, Buppoee yoi wcrr to apply to any one of tlio business men on the streel and should teil liimi yi were the youmg fellows ihat are Ui the babit oí ccmírontins' 1 he Oburct) audieiices as tlu'.v retiro ïioiu the doon, witll tobáceo smoke and iiiigentk-inanly reniarks. do ymi suppose there is a man on tdie street tliat would liave j-on in liis store? There Is not one of tliem tnat wouW employ you for a minute. He could not aítord to do it, for his business would suffer by your presente. If you have any doubt of this, go and ask liim. CU8 toiners like to meet genOemen when they go ti tarade. One .of the iirst (lua'liiH-aticns oí an employé, theivtore, is niat he be a gentleman, and no younjr man can afford to be oili er than a gentleman and especlallj in public places."


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier