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The new city offices wil] be daudies, that the citizens may be proud of. Tie ttolverslty School of Music will occupy their new homo within a ( crapïe of weeks. The crowda at the P. O. evemings Indícate a great many studente bere, jtist the sanie. Travel between Aon Arbor and YpMlanti on I'he motor line, begins to piek up a little. Tbe Tuesday dub win meet In the Ladtea' Libraxy next Tuesday afteriiiNin at half-past I' o-loek. Have yonr ibills agatnet the county all niadi' uut and ready to hand in .t tlhe meeting oJ ttoe Board of .Superviso 011 Monday, Oct Otli. Dr. Mack has been appointed Mcrebtury of the Homeopathie faoulty, in place of Dr. Mcljachlan, resigned. The Wrtokle, Une new student's hunjorous jounial will maJbe its flrst appearance witJiin a coupk' ai weeks. The fcat&nt child of Geo. Mast, of iJie t'irra of Mast t Stoegelmaier, died MooHlay at tJi iamily home on Beakes Street. The S. C. A. will glve a peceptloo to tlhe new studeiits of the L'niverstty next Friday evenlng a1 Newbeixy Hall. "Es ist jetzt Aubsicht vorhanden." Tüiïit's iii-dUiihly all riglht. It isn't hinglisli, yon know, but it is trota au Ijnjilisii paper. Mrs. J. W. Crippon was re-cleeted eorreapomding secretary of the "VVomans' Home Missionary Soeiety at t'Jie animal meeting. The animal rentlng o, the pews at ühe M. K. fhurch takes place next Monday nigfrt. Don't lorget alKut it, if yon are tnterested. Miss Nora li.ibbitt, of Ypsilanti, ii.iimiiter of Judge Babbltt, left Moad.-iy, Laraanle, Wyo., wliere she j?oes to engag'e in teaehinji. Our last yeac'a graduattng class of T.'il meinhers was tlie lar.i;cst elass ■ver LTiaduated from an Anierican . üniversit.v.- D. of M. Daily. Om Tliursday last. tlie venerable ajiil nniversally loved Ex-Gov. Al))ihe.s l'eleli eelehrated his 89th lni-thday. He is stiii an activé man. Bank Kxaminer Süneryvood examin-d tJie Aun l'.anks last week, Mld o.xpressed ihiinself as nnieh pleased witJi their i'xcelleait condition. The fk-st Faculty concert will OCCUI Jit Ke iH'i-r.v Hall, TJinrsday evening, Oct. ."tli. Tiekels may be obtaineit at oiffice of ScWfool óï Music, at NewSoerry HiaJl. It is too bad Ih:it, BO many streels of the city have to be disíiiíured by íelesraiih. and other poüeB. AVill the timo come v.lim tliey can le pit niulerfiround ? An item in last week'.s paper in repard to th! animal meeting at a mis-ionary society in t.he M. E. ehureh -iimilii h.-'e read Wamaa'a Home Mistslonary, instead oí the Forelgn. During tille íiseal year onding Oct. Ist, t lic Metliodist elmreh in Ann Arborvateed 9 l;964, Inctadlas 7: pald tlUe ojifercnce for missions and bcnevolent object. Notwitibstanding tJii bard limes it has all bilis taken care f by eollectiotns. M. I. H. Waiker, aecreiary, status Hiat, the Ann Arbor Braneh of the Mt. Verana ieeoclattoíi wQ moet in the Iadiea' Paríor, Harria Hall, Batïu-day )ct. 7th, at 2:30 p. m. All interested in ihis parlotlc society are cordially invited to attend. Sam Ktnne lnas retuimcd f rom hls sumnier stay on tSm plains oJ Iowa. It is a pleasure to report the eonditkxn of Mr. tSnwyer ix rapldly imprnviing1. Tlwi trunk carrying industry lias made it lively ior baggage wagons foir tlhe past two weeks. Next Sunday niglit, Kov. Mr. (elsto-n will discourse on "Sume Ttutlis of liuddhisni betng DeveiLoped by ('liristianity." Mrs. OaHtuurfaM Loe&ar, of Deiter, lias purehased ihe store on 8. Utate Ht., occupletl ly Ma.son & Bassett's drug store. Ixniis Ilolaind, fornierly in the cigxur and tobáceo business here, now il Dc-iivir, OolO. is visitiiiK his UDCle J. A. Foébemw. "Finuigan's Ball" is one of the funniest of funny plays. If you want to laugh go the Opera House Saturday eveniiig and hear Murray and Mack. Tihie l'Sth innual reunión o! the 20th Michigan Infantry, in which this city and county is go interested, is to tke iplace al Jack son, Oct. lOtii. Adrián Press : Tllie Ann Arbor Register, which is in the tiiroes of legad colic, wftih its corpora te liend in clinnccry, still manosea to issue itself." . " If tliis ruin could have been given us two inonths ago it would have beeu worth $100,000 to the peopk ofthis county,'' suid a prominent farmer yesterday. The attorney general is aitor the Detroit & aliñe Plank Road Co., tot collectuifí lares after llie lejfislature lasl wintw pa.ssed an act aboUebing its ciharter. Wlien we see "seasom-d beech and in.i ))le wood" advertistMl in the mouth. Mail at $1.50 per cord, it causes one to sigfli for a Plymoutih wood doaler. It is sa ld tlnat the new humorous paper The Wrtnfcle, is no-t to be ileIiressed by the hard times, but will attempt to inake the hearts of the people wrinkle up with mirth. Mrs. Mary 1. ITOoge, secretary, announces tihat the Cliaritable Union will resume its regular monthly meetings at tihree o'clock, Thursday afteRDOOn, Oct. 5tüï, at Harris Hall. Tttie welcome face of the U. of M. Daily made it.s first appearance for tlxie yea.r .Saturday. It lias not taken on any new "wrinklee" duriug vaeaiion, liut rimains as good looking as of yore. There is a man in our city who went into business two ur three years ago without any capital of his ovvn wlio mnv claims toown property worth apwarda of f 10,000. Who says Ann Arbor is not a luistlinir business place? 'llie first of tlic new ('unty Teacber's Assoclatlon was ïieid in tJie CluOpeJ ol the Üjgh School Saturday. Tüiere were inany intirestiü.n' papers rcad and an adress deiivert-ü ly Ooumty ('uniiuissiiiiier favainnuiiyli. Hon. Ievi T. (iriiiin FleU-her, professor of law, will, in all probability, be the next democratie uamlnee for comgress from the lst, ot Detroit district, .11 .tlie different factions in that party ■títere .havmg nnited u)oji him it is said. TliO People's Vesper services will be resumed at St. Andrew's t hapel iK'xt .Siuiday Ovenlng, at (i:30 o'cloi-k ]). ni. Mayor HhompBOtD "11 deliver t lic tirst a lid as he is an excellent talker, tlie yountr people will want to hear htm. St. Tüionias' parodilail school at Ann Arlwir is reported to be in a very ilnurisliinif condition. Tlie pupila occii]iy six lai'.ue rooms all of wliieh are iTinvih'd. luder the eifirieiit work of Iïev. Fr. Kelly, tJie jiarisli is rapid!y hecinninir one oí tbr leading ones of tJie diocese. - Deiter Leader. A t.hief emtered tiie house of S. D. Allen, on E. Washington Mt., last Sunday eveniiifi at about 6 o'clock, and from a lady roomer a lot of jrwelery, quite a valuahle li.iul. Among the tliinus taken was a. jewelry case and soine bhtnga ol little valuc. These were taken to au Oiltbulïdlng oí a neigbbOf and dumped in tSe vault. C.iurt ciinvened Mnn(la., tfae calendar was called and bWO cases dlspoeed oí, Fred Drwwiu and Eniil Qoli, eacli fined .-7!'.") for tlieir saInons upen on Sunday. Tile courl was ellen adjouined uut il next M1111day. at wliieh time the jury is called. In the nieantime Judge Kinne will fi'nish up; lonr term he has been Jioldiiiii in Mimroi'. Prosecutmir Attorney Kearney says tliat the ease of Tlie Peoplf VS. -las. Cliffiird Hand. will come on for trial next Monday. Hand is ciharged wltil tiie of .1. Pulver, in a mili at YpsitaJit i. Mr. Sawyer bad been emplnyed tn assist Mr. Kearney in tliis case. Hut owni'-i tO liis beintt lis atoad, Mr. Tinos. A. Bogte has bees apiMiinted in his place. It Is CXpeCted thiscas,. will cause considerable interest. The I'erLiii.-iin ('art. and Carrlage ('onipany is the title of a new ccu-liiH-aliiin fornied tiioarry on the business whieh Aldermau J'er,mison had built up here in Ann Aiiior, but which tlie strineiicy nï t lie 111a rket and can cüation of orders torced to niake an aeelgiunemt a few weeks ago. Tlie ui' cotupany has a capital stoek oí $25,000 with. $10,000 actually paid in. David E. S. l'nderwood, of Detroit, owns a niajority of ílie stock, the Ualance beinij owned by Mr. and Mrs. A. 1'. FergUSOTL. Everybody in Anti Arb:r will rejoice ovir this. he üo.ul CSari factory has beon on? of die. institutions of the cy. and Mr.. Feimisuu ooe of the liusr';;i j business d Tltus F. Hutzel lias been appointed superintendent of Ube Ann ArbOT YVatar Works. A tlp-top good appolatment. Ann Arbor has two raadidates ior representative of tbe División i. a. w., at tibe coming election : E. W. Staetder and Dan Cnttillíí. Articfcs af Association of "Wolverine Tont NX 77. K. O. T. M., Ypsilan.' ti, have been tited with County Clerk I'.rown. with Frank I,. Showermnn as commander, and E. I). Holmes as record keeper. Silver or gold ? Either ome. Both are good at tiiis office, and in suma ccf -$1 reoeiviabïe the same as groenboek tor rubecrlptiom to the Courier. IÍ yuu wish the New York Tribune IdNi you can moke it $1.25. H. E. Ogle, representing the American Atlas Co., of rhiladelihia, is in the cwinty looking ap the Held with reference to issuinií a new county at:,is. it is to behoped he wül meet with sucoeas ior Kuch a thlng is much needed. A young íriend oí OVtTS wants to fcnow if the top of a carriage wheel does not move faster tilia n thc bottom part '.' Sitte claims that she can count the spokes on the bottoin ol a moving wJieel. wlien lio cannat count I.Ikmii at the bop. Is it true ? The next M. E. coaierence ior this district will be held at geuit Stc. Marie, not at Ann Arbor. II tlicy inild (iiiiy clianiie. the time of holdin.u- it to .Iniy ar August, tin' Bchejne wouW be an excllent ome. The air is cry pure and braclng at tlic "Soo." Ann Arbot will have Evangelist Mills eXBitjütK it-s religioiis fervor in December, and the GOurfer is already niovnl to ipray lat lus success. - Ypsllanti "Sentinel. The editor of the Sembine] is raraestly invited to le present at tiiat time. He will be givi'.n a (roal Beat, and evcrytliiiiíí ])ossihle be done íor him. Tlie Clinton Liocnl says of the Ann Arbor base ball club that played in tiiat village recently, deieatlng the home nine ty a. soore of 17 to 14 : "The Ann Arbor team was composed chiefly of students in the Ontvereity, and tliey ■ere very fine gentlemen and good ball players, tllLeir fielding particularly betng ifirst class." A mcMlost lmrglar broke into the store of Wadlhams, Ryaai & Reule last Satnrday nigtht, and stoie an overcoat. At least that is all that has been mlseed. He g-ained an entrance by breaking into a rear door. The store of linrt F. Sehumacher was entered tíhe same night. the safe openkI, and things strewn about in a ►romiscous maiuier. It ík seMom that a pastor proaches a $10,000 sermón, Imt t lie one which Kcv. Mr. TntVovk iii-caciied at the ree i! Dincrsin ■■■' n ' i - 1 t ion in De-, troit, Bias piroduced that reeuït, as a letter was rrceiwd lty him to-day tram u (íícntlenian ;í tfliat city anotounelng ttuat he was prepared to xi' -1 0.000 towarcl inlovmeiit Of Han-Ls Ha,H. On Friday last Amelia. Ellza, ttofi beloved wife oï Kcv. Samuel 1). Breed, .; No. 27 E. Ann st., died suddonly of apoplex.v. Slic was born in New York, .une 18, 1820, and had been a resident O'f this county a long time. A huisband and fwo dauuhters survive her. The funeral serviri-s were held Sunday. and interrment was made in what is known as tJie Vermnot aettlemeot cemetery, in Sylvr.n township. The iamily have th' sympalhy of niany irieiuls in their aifüetion. .leif.Davis is a man of niany adventuies. his last one nearly cowting him hls 11(6. Xot loaii since he was on tlii' DOmmOOS on Thayer street, cleaninir carpets. wiien all at once a wild cat or a mad cat. Otne or the otlKT. carne boonding Uke a pantlher upon .le,f, lanilcd on liis hack. clutchinir iis Sharp claws in his hut. and commenced to make savage work on his lirad with its Sharp claws. Jeli was a'.most jietriiied wit'.i fright, bul willi a desperate effori brouHxt the varmint with liis claws iastened in his liat. violently to the irround. The cat died in a few moment s and swelled up as large a-i two cats. Jeff has been nearly ever Blnce. AÍntl.-iviis of tflue trutli oí lliis story furnished by ('oroner Clark. l'nity (lub is out agnin this year, with a coiirse oí t wenty lectures, concerts aml othcr cntertainincnts, which equala, if it does not surpees anytihlng oí the kind attempted by the Club beiore. Aiihuíí the lectures are Mrs. ("ïant. of Knirland ; Kev. M. .1. Savaire, oí Boston; Judge Cooly ; Mr. li. I!. Nagarkar, Ol India ; i;ev. (haries l'lulir .. Ol Grand RapIda and rnamy otli sre oí Uke note. 'llif. civucerts will be provlded ior by Trof. A. A. Stanley. Mr. E. N. IHlUie aml others. Scason tickets will be issued at tlie usual price of one dollar.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier