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NerveVJ Bíood Tonic jgj&#%kwBuilder 5Or. WILLIAMS' ünlike the Dutch Process ÉNo Alkalies Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of W. Baker & Cos Breakfast Gocoa, which ia dbsolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economical, co$ting less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nouriahing, and easilt DIGESTED. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. Baker & Co.. DorchesteN Mass. WORK FOR US a few days, and you will bc startled at the unexpected success ttiat will reward your pflbrts. We p#itively have the bet bininess to offer an agent that cari be found on the face of this earth. SM.-..OO profit on S75.OO worlh if business is bciiiL' lasily and lumorably made by and paid to humlreda of men, wouieu, boys, and girls in our etnploy. You can make money faster at work for us than you have any idea of. The business is so easy to íearn, and instructious so simple and pluin, that all succeed from the start. Tlmse wljo take hold of the buslneu ri'iip tlie advantage that I arises from the sound repu tut ion of one of the oldest, most luecenfal, and largest publishing houses in America. Secure tor jour-elf the profits that the business so roadily and haudsomely yields. All beginners succeed grandly, and more than realize their greatest expectations. Those who try it fiinl exactly as we teil them. There is plenty of room for a few more workers, and we urge them to begin at once. If you are already employed, but liave ■ few spare moments, and wish to use them to advantage, then write us at once (for this is vour grand opportunity), and receive full particulars by return muil. Aihlress, XRl'K cfc CO., Box No. 400, Augusta, Me. out The PEERLESS ASTHMA REMEDYwiP -.- ve instant relief. 25c and 50c Slzes. Sumplp iaa led freo. A% drugiiitaor luaili.'don receiptof pne; byThe Peerleso Kemsdy Co-, Gobleville, llich SHILOKS CONSUMPTION CURE. The success of this Great Cough Cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test that no other cure can successfully stand. That it may become known, the ProprietorF, at an enormous expense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price 10 ets., 50 ets. and $1.00. If youi Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Piaster, Price 25 ets. Rutzel's Water Back ! A very important inventiun whici will be hailed with delight by every body using a stove or range for hol r circulation. After years of er. perience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACk ft overconies all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sediments which accumulate in water backs, often making thern useless and in great many instances becoraing dangerous. The outlay of dollars ia reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No inore trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Watei Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvemenf. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. HUTZEL & CO., Plumbers and 8tea7nfitttrs. ANN ARBOR, - - MICH. Garfield Tea m Cures 3ick HeMache.KtfStorea Complexion.Savts Doctors' Billa. 8amplei.-t.i-. Gajui iaTk. Co.,Ut W.15tliS5.,N.Y. Cures Gonstip&tiot Michigan (Tentral "The Níasara í'alls Route." TIME TAIÜ.K (KEVI8ED) .-El'. 24, ls:i:;. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. ÍV f ""-HE ■.-.'.■z'J. ■ o !jf5L5 :-ïii-" á SS Eg t ss: :::i! s rfd ád ; :::■: -I !?S5ÍS58 a 88 i : : i : c; 3. ' . - tu u o í ■'' H - B.S i i i : ;a „■ g i : : i B .. - ::::■ - : : ■ _ Hí2 : : :t; : :=3 g SgSB .:í i [ ;S8a á sá ;;: jas j g's s ' '■ '■ '■ '-i. . á. -. .. _- . , . .,,. t_ ..v _ Öf"óó x ácócéíaóí ccíLA = I I j igg' m SS : : j j j S r : : : : di : : : : J 2SÏ : : :ss :SS 3 g3 : :S : i :gS8 i .of: o ';::;:::ji- . 1 . . TT! T7T I 1 == ;:::: = = = = :::::: S " 4á : : : : : 3 i i i [ i : á "i ?? : i :? : "3 ai 8S : : :S i : :SSS W BS : g : ,; gg : i i i : g S éa : A: M tU' : : : : : á i 8S5S2 ;8BSi : & 9S IS :S .; i :SS2 _. sh es a 1 - íí Tí W -r -r -í- -? 'H Ó) t '- ti: ! S. ■■ i i Ó - ■" s i i 1 1 j j j ii i '■ '■ ': ': ': i i i i M ::::::: :i i! i : : : : : : : ; ; : O ....:. .3 ; ; o ' - ' 5 ;g : : : :Í -5 I ! 5 I jgj jg i = i IISslIS í SÍ5Í5?lIl G. W. RÜGGLKS. H. W. HAYES. G. P. & T. Ast.. Chicago. Agt., Aun Arbor . TOLEDO n AnnarboK NORTH MICHIGAN) iT ë; "■"Í3. Jo "'jl , " -_ - -?)ckmtt.V Ulnit AB22g TIME TABLE. TAKINO EFFECT s-ctitxi.-z-. au-z1 3., 1S93. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard time. NORTH. SOUTH. 7:15 A. M. C:45 A. M. 12:15 P. M. 11:45 a. M. 4:15 P. M. 9:00 P. M. 9:00 A. M. G:4ö P. M. Traing run between Ann Arbor and Toledo onlv. W. H. Bensett, G. P. A. R. S. Greenwood, Aot EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T A TVn?Q TRY LEDUC'S "PEÍ_!Ü.JJXx!jO KIODICAL" PILLS f rom Paris. France. Establlshed in Europe 1839, Canada in lí78. For Suppressions, Irregularilius. itid Monthly Deranpemeuts. A rcliable monthly medicine. They always relieve. Any druRgist, $2. American Pili Co., Proprietors r, Iowa. Kobert Siephenson & Co., wnolesale agents, and nll other drugffists in Ann Arbor. These pilla are wnrranted to bringon the " chanfe. ' GET A. TICKET - OF W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. And you are entitled to a cholee of The Home Instructor, the Life of General Shermau, or the Life of P. T. Barnum (free). when oasb parchase to the amomit oí ilo.OO lias beeu made. THE HOE I3TST&ÜCTC&. LA KG E OCTAVO, 478 PAGES, ILLUSTRATBD. A compendium of usefnl knowledge nccessury for tlie practical uses of every-day life. Acomplete and perfect guide to lüe in public and private. THE LIFE O CEEOS 07 OEN, W, T, SHERKAN, CROWN OCTAVO, 568 PAGES.ILLUSTRATED. A graphlc narrative of hls boyhood and inaly lile, education, career in Florida and california, military achievementa, Ufe osa Citizen, last sjcknèss and death; with line steel portrait. THE LIFS ÜF ?. 7. BAE5TÜM, The WorldHenowned Shovaac. CROWN OCTAVO, 520 PAUES, II.LU8TKATBD. His early life and struggles, old ventures and brilllaut success; his wonderrul career. his wit, genius and eloquence, his life as a Citizen, etc.- tí which Is added hls famous book, "The Art of Money Gettinï." W. F. LODHOLZ v 8 BBOADWAY 1692


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