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Frank Kicli. Medie. '98, Is back as aselBtami bo Dr. D. A. Mrl.adilan. Dr. ai-i-uw's a-sisiaiit this year la Oscar ShoTvercnarn, medlc '.■'. l'hr llnhart Ou lid ii"cr waa as proeperoua as ii is tins year. The endowmentö oí BaxrlB Hall, for all purpoees bow aggregate $57r 500. Gïee ainl I'.anj.t Clubs ari' a'lneady start Ing in and commencing worU. The Inivcrsity has au Iran ainl SteeJ ('liili. l'c.lirrin :i siuiulil niaki' a note oí 1 liis. Dr. V. ('. anchan has been in atbemdance apon hbe Medical Öougress held at ('liii-aun tliis werk. E. J. Dennen, lit. ■'.':. la aam at Harvard, taklag a course in 'I lif logy Iircparatury ti cnti-riim Ihc ministry. The gym is a reaUty omly In t'nc si-nsc of belng a buöidlng. There ai1.1 ni) nmils tn ruiiip'i-tr il and iuriiish it. Thv receptkwi giren by the 8. C. A. to ttoe rcshini'ii la-i i'i-iday evening was a pieasurable gattierlng, aml ennrd liy all. Thi' ïcmt liall name Samrday i. m., bel cfii t he I '. otf M. and t he I. A. C's rc'snltcd in a score otf 6 to ( In lavcr 0Í 1 he I', di M. Rwv. E. M. Imiï holde a BlWe clase ;niuiis rx.-i-.x Sumday noon .-u Harria Jl.-ii!, tu w 1 1 u all stuiu-uts and olhrr ])-op!c jut invitrii. Regent AViiitiiim arrlved home trova w.isiiinmoR 1). c, last Monci.-i.v. and miniMiiatciy commeuced i Jio defense in the Hand nitirdor trial. McMidlam Hall is now apva everj il.-iy. Tirkcis ter 1 h' yiniiasiuin are dn sale at $: ftw mpjnbers of t lio socirty, $2 i.iilini, aatd $5 ï . outsiilcrs. tiutc lias been many changee in tSie faoulty ií tlie Dntvecelty, a long ri st er of new names appearing. All tilie eigms point to the beal loot baU team tJie Univcrsity has liad íor years. -Adrián Prees. Tihere will lx' a aoctal giren at Harris Hall Triclay cvcniiiií-. ly ilic Hohart GuiW, ior all mi'inbers of the (uiid, aml ior all studente In tihe UniVöTBity and Scliool of Music who atiind tlic Episcopal cliurch. Tho addrcss ii l'nsiilini A.ngeU, bcfoire the S. "'. A.. at Newrberry Hail, tast mornlngr, wae a mosi oxicllcnt effort. and is ppaJsed ui all siiics. 'j'iir adrice glvem bo Utooe who are away trom home for tinlii-i time, was imprrssivc and conld liavi' oidy fin excellent effect. TJic recent ectlon ui Ihe l'nivorsities of Alabama a.nd '1'ciiiicssíc, in ailmittiiifr -vomen, shows that the liand of progrese s reaclüng that reglcm.. lt lias leen a little tardy, but the fan tii.-i'. 1 1 1 ■ great step forwani first taken by the D. í M., lias been at last adopted, is a tliing to rejoice over. Prol. F. AV. Kclsiy, -VN lm lias vc-turned fnmi b year'e tra vel in focelgn lanils. lias restimed liis rery lttterestinir Blbjte talks to a large class oí Univor.sity stiidcnts in iin1 andlenee room of the Presbyteritun church, erecry Sunilay at 12:20 p. m. ilis nes (ar the present wlll be troca lst Corintliians, taken irom the (reek t;xt. One student wlio came to the Unlvi'i-iiy Ki lak.' a special cnursc in tlie Electrical Engineerin.ü departtuent as he stippnscd, witliDUt vxamination, was pequlred bo in' exaanined. He did vcry wcll on two cxaminat ions, hut whiMi li' was peqnlfed to wrtte au essay on "The -Mili i the FIO,"' lie u oiicli'i-rd Avliat n tliunder tliat olil min had u do witih eléctrica! eaglaeetiag, and witb grip in hand lie Btarted for his home Hn uttet disgust. The Sophomore are to eied oilieers Sa-turay. i:.-uiiin.-iiii.n ior admission tn the Glee rini bo-nigbt, a1 Room 2 i. The library mnv apene at 8:15 instead of al 'J o'clock a. ni., as iormeriy. 'I h !i.y (uHil ino-Is l'riday (veiling at 8 in the hall oí St. '1 bomas' school. "1 siudcni's Leoture A.SEOclatlom K]iiii bas been weWed together, and au excellent course is i r i, ■ glven is usual. The r. ui M. democratie dub wlll r'.rri offloere toe t year to-morrow, in iiir la w Lecture room, at 7:-"u o'cjock. Tbr lii . SOpUe ainl iroli lnihllg%d in au nlii iasbii.iicil rush nu the t-aiiipus saiunlay evening. Tlir game was decided a draw. 11 ;.. l.cvi T. GrlHln, of t.hc iaw department, has been m.nfinati'd by the demócrata '■ Detroit for member of rees trom ibr fiist district. Tii.' genera] Becretary f tlie 8. C. A. is at Newbeary Hall trom 0:80 to 10:00 a. m., from 12 to 1l'::!() and trom 6:45 to 7:-"o p. m. each day. Aid. llrrz iias ibe contract ior the paintuis' OÍ tbr ncw recitatiou building belng erected on tii i campus, and Ilntzcl Co. ill do t.ic plumblng. Prol. J. I!. Da vis will delivcr the opening addreea befare tbc Engineering Society on l'riday evolng, in Boom lo of Elngiaeerlng üaborat o . TUm Iaw stndcnts Erom Kansas have organizad a Kansas Club cotirt. It bas a memberöhlp of about 30( and U. N. .McConni'll '94, bas been chosmi jndne. TJio ScJiool of Music lias more stuilcnts tban last year, and you can see I'rof. Stanley s pleasing smile Inddoates a great looin wheii the schooi gets int o its fine new building. As near as can be learned, the fallkng i' i in reKistration ft.1 the Vniversity is praetieally aiot Iiíiiií. If the present figures indícate ■uiythinir, t'liere will be fnlly as inainy st mienta here as ]a.-t yea.r. Ex-Semator Phttetus Sawyer was omO of tlie bondsnien oí tbree of the ex-stat.' i reasm-ers oí Wisconsin who wci'p proseeuted íor wilhholdins interest un statc ftuids, and was oblitied u make ffOOd neni-ly $200,000. He s.ixs, lniwcver. that liis estáte wffl not boee nn -iliiiiii-, lie intended to leilleal!l $200,000 b0 tile State Vmvei-sity, lmt now tlie state may look alter 1 lie int'erests it its university iisilf.- N. Y. lYibune. Tho, íirst immler oí "Wrinkle, the new D. OÍ M. huinOTOiis bi-monilily, will be issued 'J hursday monüng l'rotn tiie Ooorieír pTeeses. From pres a1 inilirations 1 he paper will be one of tike ni'Oist successful foinuled a1 tiie T'niver.sity. The brlghtesi writers and artists In college have ei'iitrilmtiMl to the íirst nuinber. Among tibe graduales, Messrs. I. K. Frieilman and ir. ('. Kyan, Hnth widely known OS elever writers. have poema and jokes in the. íirst Issue. The papeT Mil be li' pases, 9x1] Lncbes. It will canta in articles of interest to Inuii people as wi'll' as tn stllllents; and a laxge clrcnlatton is expected amoing ihe aiunini. Wrinkle will be : riilay li! rirnitiii' at ten eenls per COpy, at Sheehan's. AVahr's ii]i i M w n store, Moore & Wetmore's, Btofllet's, in tlie box office ol tlie niain liuUdim;-, and in the depart ment liuildIngs. Prof. lrake le president ol the Wrtokle Aaeoclatkm ; Wm. I".. Bolles is managing editor and llal H. Sniith is business miaaaa HOW TIIÜ ÜNIVER8ITIE8 lit'X. The animal tncome of eollegea and universitiee In the lirst rank may be compared as tollowa : Michigan üniverslty . $400.000 ( allfornla Unlversity - 370,000 Cometí Daiverslty 8 Yule fnivursity 532,000 Wlsconstn L'nlverslty 270,000 Harvard üniverslty.. 98700 Columblan ( olleee 660,000 Uassaohusetta Institute Technology-. 267,000 [owa Untverslty ' 126,000 Another comparison was made of the percent, of tax different states öppropriated for the support of their Universities : Michigan, one-sixth of a mili. Wisconam, nine-fortieths of a mili. Ohio, one-twentieth of a mili. Nebraska, tliree-eiglits of a mili. Minnesota, three-twentieths of a mili. ('al furnia, one-tenth of a mili, Kansas, a í'raction sufficieut to net $75,000 per aniiiim. - I', of M. Daily. I vnii.i Ti BO i;i m ri:n;. The athletic board held a meeting last evening and trans&eted some important business. Caclwell, '94 lit, was chosen baseball manager for the coming season. The Cornell game for Thanksgiving Day is not yet definitely arranged, and there is a possibility that it may not take place. Probably, however, the game will be arranged at an early d,ate. The sophomore-freshman field day was fixed for Oct. 21. H. G. Cleaveland and S. C. Spitzer were appointed a committee to draft a reBOlution on the death of C. T. Rittenger, which occurred shortly after the close of the college year. Na mes were proposed and discussed to fill the vacancies on the board. Action will be taken at the next meeting. Somers, '94 lit.'wlll probably become a member of the board and will hold the position of tennis manager if the wishes of the tennis men are carried out. McKenzie, '96-lit, will become tennis captain, and it is the intention of the board to place tennis on a par with the other departmente of the association. Probably two courts will be marked off in the new gymnasium and a tournament held there during the winter. If, as intended, it is made a society event, and properly managed, it will be a fmancial success. - Daily Times. TiiE woman's league. Many people in the city and TJniversity do not know the amount of good Work done by the Woman's League of the University. lts aim is to unite all the young women of the University, and afford opportunities for pleasant social intercourse. Besides, it is desirable to have the University girls become acquadnted with the professors' wives and the older ladies of the town. Monthly receptions, informal teas and other pleasant social gatherings are brought about through the instrumentality of the League. Often, too, some member of the faculty or some one of the older ladies gives a talk on some subject of practical interest. Each year same prominent speaker is brought from outside the city. During the three years that the League has been organized, Dr. Sarah Hackett Stevenson, of Chicago, Mrs. Jane Bancroft Robinson, of Detroit, Mrs. Alice Freeman Palmer, and Miss Susan B. Anthony have given talks to the girls. This fall the League has done mueh vork helping the new girls in various ways. It is organized for the purpose of aiding University girls, and need exelude no one, since the fees are very slight, being only 25 cents a year. This money is used to further the interests of the League. An outgrowth of the League is the Flower Mission, which has already done noble work, and is deserving of the support of all interested in charity. The purpose of the society is to send fruit and flower offerings to the hospital, and to help maintain for a short time students who might otherwise have to leave before they had been cured. During the past year over $115 has been expended in this way. - Daily Times. Hit life to-day some pleauure lackg; She misses-K ahe speaks with candor- The yachts by day and little ama At night on the hotel veral No 'more ishe walks the WHve-washed beaeb Jr Dlltbly bafckb In summerjoys; Tlie school ma'am's back agalu to leaoli Theliitle glrlsand little boya.


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