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"ïlie man lio tries to advertise. With printers' ink consistent, One word must learn, nor froin it turn, And that one word's jk rsi.t nt." Yon can s:iíriy pnt away tbat alpan a coat. Dow. Tile 21et Midi. Inianiry rcimions nt Imnia. to-morrow. (r.-iiiiK'rrics are saM ín be a Ilgbt crop tula yrar. lint nsi as 8OHir as Over. "We gatdier iteaves fpom day to U ," and u lien coldci1 comes wií "ttrow ilicm oiie by oe away." TJie jiew iron briilge across the riv1 n ev west oí (Jeddes, bas been acrcjitcil by 1 hi' Aun Arbnr lowii board. It eoei 92.410. A tea aad ,so-ial by i ii' ludios of e. l'n'sbyi crian -linnli Tlinrsday ' i at 0 o'clock p.' m. Evi ry boly inTii t-d, eepeclally Btraagers. Qa Sunday elgb.1 special trains weni ougih (.n tho M. C. B. Ií., betweeo " íi:20 a. m., nmd 2 p. m. 'J"lKy wcre noarly. all from tSue X. Y. Central. Tlio funérea jí .Tamos Maroney, who liod at Jiis home in Xorthíield 011 ñ lie iüi lnet., aucd 88 ycars, was held Mnnday íroun tlie .rt híicld church. Tlho finnual meotuiií oí the Ywung I'eople's Véeper Service Society, ui St. Andrcw's clinrcli, takes place at 1 larris Hall, 'Jluirsday evoning at 8 o'clock. Ttho Jadios oí St. Andrcv"s ohurch wooild bc happy to see you at their montlijy lea. social at Ilarris Hall, tomoirrov, Tlmrwday evening at 0:00 o'clock. The workman who, a year to-duy, Wiis blithe, well fc'd andjolly, Quite ct'rtain of his werkly iuy. l no1 most melanctíoly. He txrcw pxcited 0V6T tin. Aml cbanged hla vote, tbrougb folly; He baa Done since ;. ' . cu mu in : He'a Blipped his trolley. Tin' icavi's .íiiy pretty wdi Beared .■nul vi'llnwcd DOW. , Bas1 'i;ii hua popped uj) the wihont aliiinst as jf ly mufík'. A ]:i-ííi' and very pleasant social as cnjoyi'il u llic M. E. clmrcli cu -Monday evenlng laet. Tlie tai' gante w&rdsn wlH allow yon bO shoot will lui'krys now, but be careful uboni tine tame ones. Look oul yoiir cats. It is f.islilooabSie aow bo have fmr aml other garmenta for lailics arnamented with caí 's i alte! A lar.iic [tumbea1 uí l.ulics irimi Ypsüanti are tn ai tendanc apon cauri tibie weck. 1 m ■ i 1 1 Lnterested in the Hand inurdcr trial. A praise aml conference meeting ÍS tc be licld at thr M. E. clmnli. in the Suiiday Schcul riioni. this eventiag. Everyone la made wcU-umc. Tlic ccr riMiiiriiri-. iniTiinial Curtís canil' from Aun Arbor t: Bpend Snnday in Yisil:mti.- Sentiiu-1. Curtía (ir (nrliss? TIltc [g a henp oí (liifcrcn íe. Ain.ui 150 people wend [rom here Snnii.-iy, iy special train, to atteñd tiie dedicatory seirvlcés n' the Iuthcrau Tcaclui-s' Scininary. at Woodville. niüci. Mtuskegon lias liccnsnl 216 dogB. AYhy can Jiot Aun Arhov derive a. revéame trom her 1,000 or su dogs, UOIM!. [KMI aau inuiiiei 'u l . lii.ii lurasi her stneete ? Tho raiii-ii.ids here are agaln to eniii ]■■(■ ;i rule dborgtag a dollar per day te cars tiiat vemaiu nnloaded after IS honra noticc of arrival. It niay work and may not. Au old ,'ientleman w.lio predirts 1 lic weatber tor lus neighbars says that we shll have a beautiful fall, becaiisc, "tJjB w'mtl was in the south A-!hiem tlie sun crossed the line." On PrWay eveolng next the Epwon-th IveagTie of the M. E. church will 1m at home to the yxrang people di tlidt hurch and ooogregatlon, In tlie clnircli parlo, frewn 8 to 11 p. m. All Iiivits oí musió in tiliis vicinity wüi be grlad te leara tbat the McsslaJi is to be in-miíílit out again by tlie Ohoral OÓkm, Nothlng more pleasins oould 1m aánonneed by Prof. Stamiey. couree if lectores betore the Hobart Gülid thls yeai om the Charlotte Wood imiiiilatioii, will be dellrered by. l'.rv. Kulirrt A. Holland, Sr., rector of 8t. George's parish, s. LmiiK. Mo. The conveninu: of the circuit conrt and thf takinii up of the Hand murder case. bogêtiber with the meeting ,,í tíne inard of supervisors, tnakes lliint;s liuin anmnil the court house tJiese tkaes. Tlie reeeption given ly ifr. iind MrB. Rjobs Gnungier Saturday eveninfï to the little folks, at their Mayaard st. dancing acadeany, was one oí tbr moei joyous occasions that lias taken jilace in the city tliis Beason. It was a nirrry ■veiling and HO niistakr. Loáis -i. is wrlting up siiinc ín-fi zy artides toe the Detnocrat, oí wiiich lic is íiüw editor. Tlie polit icians are t rot li'il out in a.' rae y way, hut sigile ni Uii'iu are &i satisíied n h the grooming glven thetn. They winilii prefer a little milder curry comb. The inris in the type-wrlting Separtnipnt are iimcli Intereeted at present m íin adven isement wiiicli state.s that i westen man lias dlscovered a way of bolding a t. pi'-wi-itcv Ín hta lap. 'jlic jadíes should ímderstand that the ■ machine and not the operator is to be held.- Iludson PoBt. A good story le tcid oí a womap ]u hlilluht a JK'W-fiUl.u;'''! colíee pnt (ruin á peddtec. En tbe erenlng Bhe sliowed it tO lier lusland. a hardware dealer, whii told her lie kejit tile same thmjí iu his store fot lialf llie pricc, 8ÍD6 paid. "WeU," said she, "whr don't you advertise v Nobody evor kjiows wliat you liave for sale." Ijíim May, Ooa. H. 8. Deam read an totereetlng pwpev on tln' "Rellel oí Chatianooga," beforo the Loyal I.egion oí Miclii.n-.-iii. H waS printed and Gen. W. F. SniiMi, the eilief onzineer oí tibie ariny oí tlie CinnUerland,. upOtD reeeivintf it, deelared it tO be bsoiutely correct m every detail tliat it. made a htórtxwy that oeefl not be rc-writtn. Tho Michifi'au statc uent oí tlie Deyrnruneiu O aurieulture, reports that a new potato pest lias appeared in Mk-hhiaii, viz., a small black bug wtüch pemetrates the stalk nt the róot, e.itiiiüT up until tlic tops are killed. Several fields luave been tot al]y (lesiri.yed ly tliis insect, nnd should they multiply ís rapidly as tlie Colorado Una-, tliey will créate great havoc next year, their -work oí destruction belng very diíficult to prevent . aenter the stalk under gromui. I irkward, turn baekwurd, oh Time. in your Give my pile back agaln, Just for to-night, Kor I airi dead brokeu ; my money is fled ; And tluit comes of keepliiK t uoaer the bed. From my trusted bank 1 drew out the pile, And hld K away in the car pet aw hile. And, as I wassleeplDg. ageDtlemaa crook Made entrance aud ullof mv rlch treasure took. Ii made lúe quite weary ; so mueh so I weep. 'Kiek me to sleep, jiu-kass, kiek me to sleep.' - India nu pol is Journal. w.-iii-h oui for typiidiii leret ; it is wtatching out tor yon. Fllteen persons ut recelved. by letter mi t!ic M. B. Church last Sdbbatli moraiag. .1. H. Xiiklcs ís erectlng another store un S. State st., just soutli oí c.-iikins' druc store. Une íirst faculty oomcért gttven l.-t-t Tlun-Hiiay evening was ]i]-(jii)iiiicrii by gotod udgée, tise beei eve yei givea. The 7oung People'a Veepeí servloee ai st. Amlrcw's etuapel each Sun'l.-i.s t'vriiiim' a1 6:30 O"dock aro oí gréai interest. 'l'lii' tmttec inarket here lias b en ■■-iiin-t ever stoce oo'llege opened, and same í otit deaters talk oí ImportIng oteomargarlne. .iiu-or i'fcil Barkêr, of iiiis city, god i'vciisril ilic term jast Mumlay, beoauae oí tttre seíioiua Upen ol hia Urntíier James, a1 Grand ü.'ipiils, witi lid fcvcf. Th Adrián Prese Intímate a aily íi'ccntly arrived here in Aun Arbor wltái 96 brunks ka baggage. It isa. rile slamlcr. '1 1 runks - ed to 96 lioys. libere was a (Kmfuelon ol tonguea on tihie trleplionrs Monday. The ifiaii-s tu accommodatie Une long ilisiam-e wtpe, and other iniiiienls werc tlii' cause. The subject oí Mrs. Ormistoo b'g lecture beíore bhe inity Club aest Monday eVening, a1 ttiiB Initarelnn-ch. -vill 1h "America, as seen tiiroimñ an Eniriish woman'í eyes." E. F. Joiunson went to Toledo Saturday- and heard Maj. MoKinley speak tlu'i'e in the evening'. He says he nerer av more entlmsiasm tlian exists (lovn among tlie re]inllican lluckoyes. The Iridies' Foreign and Home Misskunary ESocietiee botd a at 3 o'clock Friday aftemnoon, in parIon oí the l'iesUyterian c huren, after which a tea wtH lx served. La dies cordially invit rl. The íuillnirities are trying to ent' . s j - - 1 - the ordinance regilïatlng hack drivrrs, onrc more, and ir Is coinmendaliic Tho and hauling oi passengere tiiat may deelre to take a back is tiiicn ölsyraceful. Renr. .1. M. (elsttm bas a Bible cüass in tibe clnu-i-li parlara oí liis ciuircii at lLM'o p. m.. Sundays. Butt jrct, "Study di the Ule of Christ, Accordiniï tu a New Mcthod." His dlscourse next Sunday evenlng wffl be upon ''Same Tïutbs al Confucianism ínlfilled in ( lirisi ianity." How is your cactus patch ? Ilaviyon most (jf tile known variet íes ? Thei-e are otilv aln.ut .-'..oiiu and there is a "Baitlmore cactus soci ty" uiiicli lias Too oí tliein in a cilleotion oí .".- 000 plaote.- MWland Bepublleap. Never liad a eactus p'atch. 1 u i th patclh un oür pants is all riglit. Dr. líyan's return to tkla ebarge year, was wrinniMl Sunday and eTening, by unusually l&rge auiliiin es. Ii la said tliat bie hail the privilege and responslbility oí pujeochlng to the (atgesi andivnt-r oi any Methodisi minister In the si :n r.-- psiUnni iah. re la mu exceptioa, oí conree. üev. Dr. CilM'vn. "i Aun Arlmr la the i'M'i'pt ion. stei'l'en Webstier, ir.. who dled it bis home Ín Detroit on Thursday of ,;i-i weck, lui'il 86 yeai-s. was Imried in this city Sanirday last. Slr. Webster was ínrnirrly a resident oí this city. an.l quite a jironiinent man. Hr was the íather oí Stephen Webstar, who at une time was a member f ii.mkiiig firm m' Mil'.er & Webster, oí lilis city. als.) ol Iad and .lames Webster, botin of vlimn were weU kiüiwn residente here at one time. liefe is somethin.u' h 1 lie adies -vlio take plcasure iu lieaut i;ul di'rorations. to try thelx hkill on : Take :i leal oí a. tree OT shruU. place ii in a plece ' white Unen Boeked in spirits oí aiit i-e. and, inserí betweentihe lenves oí .-i lieavy lmok with a oí paper to receive the impression. Lay the book aside for a lew days then examine. The icaí will be foodd lirvniíi oí color, -ivliieh will have been t ransíei-red lo the paper in ail the original beauty oí tint and out'.iue ,,í ,,(. ,l,..i!. S.. says our 'iiest girl,." Oiarence Ehigeae, secoad son oí Mr. and Mrs. l'dwin A. Ix-itli. died liiniday mjorcüng last, of hemorrhage of öve bowels, aft er a few day 's ïlltnese. darence wonW havo been 14 years old had hL livod imtil NoviMiilKr. He WB a quiet, modest boy, iull oi i.ianiy hoimlit s. aml t rust worthy in a remarknble degree whereve-r plac cd. He liad leen a member oï the vested CÏlr of St. AndrcWs chureh and was a -vvearer oí one of the mcdals jiwarded for good conduct and at. tention te duty. Tho parents have tibe sympathy of many ïriends in this Uupir first sorrow of kind has come upon thern. 1 1 -mis añil -kies and elomls ol' June, Atul flowen of June together, , Ye caminí rival for une liour October's briglit blue weather. Next Sunday mornlng at tibe M. E. '. a vn-y gpecial sermón la mnounced by 1 1 u ■ pastor. 'iin' Boston Mc.ii Opera Co. will appear al the Grand Opera house tu ■■The l'retty Puritam" OO Thursday evi ulng 01 aexi wei S. The 'linr.-il 1'iiion st.-u-ts out the year iili í 1 1 1 1 r;mks and full of - i íiiisinsni. The members propose to eclipse ali iormer efforte this year. The ICdin-.-i tifin.-ii dub" will gi+e a Müial next l'riday evenin.ií, Oct. I8th, al iiir residí nce oí Mr. .1. M. Swift, -'- Elizabeth st. a' i are cociliaiiy invited. Trküty I.utherau church will gtve a recept on aew student, I ii(l,i. October 18, at tlhe home oi Dr. Brown, 88 K. Hurun st. All are iu tted 1 1' be present. l'roï. líle.-siiii;, oí Otilo, is iiow bhoroimiiiy pepiairlng ilic M. K. chnreb orgaa. He saya t La a magnliicent tnstniment, and wflj be as gooó as 'neu" vhri i Irnves his hands. Thei-e ;i[c laany lar a'iks iu vurioiis iparta oí ttoe city iliat aro not oav3 b disgrace to tlhelr owners, but a sad rei-iiiamriiil to Btrangers who ijiiniv aboui coming hiere to uve. l'nity Club will ojien it.s lecture conree tm Mcxnday ervejUng aex1 , u ben Mis. (irinision C'hant, of London, will jrciun' upon "America, as seen '1 hruu.uh iu Englleh Woman'a Eyaa." is to be Mrs. Cbant'e oaly appearauíe in Aun Arbnr this season, and sin' will prubably uot be belo tlhe pulilic aguioa La this country foi.sumo time to come. It is the duty, tlirii, oí tlmse who wish to hear her i., .lo so on Monday evenlng uext at l'nity ( lub, n ihr laitarian eliurih. A yonng man of our acqualntanoe beins aaked what he thought of adoptiag the plan of haring yonng lady uhers in churehes, said : "I tíiiak it necessarv here in Aun Arbor, ís tJie young mea are excellent cliurth goore. And Ín other placea I sliould doubt its efficacy. If tJie j-oung men went to church it ■wuild be said tliat tliey went simply beoause tJiey could be giren seats by the girls, and but few would care to be advertised in any aocb nianneT. It is jny opinión ttuavt a.s a úid young lady nsliers will BOOD die out, and never Jieard of again." In conversation witto a stockholder of the Gas.Oo. a few days since, the writer was boM wlien lu: remarked tiiat it was pretty -xpeiisive to use gtts as fuel, tJiat the reason that gas was so ■-pensive liere was the, necessity oí keeping up aucíi a pressun' at the works. That the streel niains had been laid BO they were rusted ui and leak.s weic cnnsiantly ocIMirtng, and tliat was ihe reaioli wliy it was so expensive to manuiacture Kas here. If sm-li ia the l'aet would il, not jiay tiie (ias po. bo relay their mains, and Jet the consumera have the benefit lnetead oí ita being wased in tibe eart h '.' The coinmuuity was shoeked Sunday morniiifi to team of the sudileu ileath on the evenlng previons of Mts. .laiaes Clenn'iUs, oí li art diaease, at lier home on 8; State st. Sfce was taken 111 duriog the nlght and before a p'hysieian eould be suinmoned, lile had departed. Mrs. Clemente had pot been Indispoeed prior to Saturday Diiuht, luit was nut riding and attendinii 'to her dufttee the day jirevious. in apparent usual health. Tlie inahten name ol Mrs. demente was Aliee MöOeedy. ISe funeral services. Avhieh were private, were conduited by Kev. Iliniy Taiinek, oí St. Amlrrw's cihnroh, at the iamily resiih'iire Tuesday a iterno. m ; and the remains were interred in 1i.ii--! 11 ; 11 (emelery. The iollowiiii:- in.-t it titi'd the honorary pall ln-arers : 0oo!y, Ex-Govemi,r 1 " i i í i . l'hiiip L'.aeh. Edward Tread-' well. Judge !'.. D. Kinne. Trof. I'. K. B. de Pont, President Angelí and E. B. l'omd.


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Ann Arbor Courier