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"Why Is He So Irritable ?" I liis queei km s o.i en Ueard and nc.-iriy as often iinanewered. Ii iint alw.-iys remembered, as it iiW be, ii;.i the occasion oi illlemp.-i- ;i mi nilal.ilh s oiten to be íouaii in the physloal comlltlon ni iiic persons aJfected. wiiai [a the usr n' tíylng tO "haniionize'1 a man whose has gone back on liim ? [f a man s tortuxed witli rluMimat i - n i . how can he 1m' expeeted to be aifalilr and agreeable ? Can a ciinniiiii'd dyspcpiic expected to be clii-criiil ajid always rcady to tcll a íunny stnr.v V The only way to reluoir Ih,. difficlllty is tO H'lt at the cause. Dysp.'iisi.-i. rfaemuatUm, impure Wood and livcr fcroubleg yield to ffood'8 Sai-sajiaiilla : this is wliy it i-; ni effectlve tranquillzer, a peaceful iiK's.sfiim r, and a preventlve o-l dovir.-iir quarreis. ♦♦ I-'ii-c-prooí - üiiiiis. v,-iy bad totrm- "Pl." ; 'WOHTH:A GUINEA ñOX." $ !n íamily are more cftcn the resuH of I ' , Uiscrdereddigestinn.'n2n :nnst propleknow. j, BEECHAM'S m IB 9 (S? "" "- '''Jrí '■ '! ! ' WaLLa fainily, by curin,-1 ." ■"■■■'7 Slck Tleuiluclx -. ' M'tuk íüioniuch.linpulreil i;íi;..-tl"ii, , lílfjorilíT'-íl Ltrut, CnKt!pttitEit mif! ■ ; all Bllloim íiikI Serïiii Disorders i ; iirlalns fi-om these causes. S ídrered wlth a TaiUlan & Suluble Coatlns. J i Ot'aililruL'gists. Prioo 25 coma a box. ♦ New York Depoi, :)6ñ Canal St. youAOI nillA-I SCHIF FM ANN'S Asthma Curel Never fail to give inr.tant relief in tho worst ■ cases, and etrectH cureit wln-tc filLH Trisl l'-irtiiK.' FliKK of Urusijri.u or j BalL I i :. i: .-M-.i i:; .. . -i I..I. a,.. "CILLEttS" flTrf, """27 m&E Guickest and Best. NONE BUT MAGÍC WILL MAKE BREAD THAT PREVENTS DYSPEPSIA, MO OTHER EQUALS OR APPROACHES IT IN LEAVENING STRENGTH, PURITY:, AND WHOLESOIWEMi=-SS . ALL -Ift iflT f 1 neat Makes an every-day convenience of an old-time luxury. Pure and wholesome. Prepared with scrupulous care. Highest award at all Pure Food Expositions. Each package makes two large pies. Avoid imitations- and nsist on having th NONE SUCH brand. VlERRELL & SOULÉ. Syracuse, N. Y. DEMi DiEFFENBACH'S PRpTAGON CAPSULES; SureCnrefor Weak Men, as proved by reportsof leading pby. sicinns. State age In ordering. Price.Sl. Culaloiiue Fren. A O t% A safe and üpeedy Hl 11 il cure fnr O Ie et, " M Sulctinc and all unnattiraldisebarges. PriceSS. ñREEKSPECIFICd n ld Skin Dlaenees, Scrof alona Sores andSypltilitic AfTectious, with out mercury. Price, Si. Order from THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. g& ___189_WisconsintreettïïriLWAUKEE, WIS. 3oth the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant aud reireshiiig to the taste, and acts ;ently yet promptly ou the Kidueys, jiver and Bowels, cleanses the sysem efïéctually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual ionstipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever proluced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial ia its ertècts, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeab'le substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and SI bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it proruptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK. N.ï. Garfieldïeasi kKÏ" wnwöpation, k m..ii, Saves Doctors' Uills, iMUuplc treu. 6linulu Ou. ,31a VV.tólhSt.,N.Y. Cures SickHeadacne


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