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!íew Through Sleeping Car Line From Chicago to Seattle. Via tibe (hicmn, Milwaukee & St. l'aui and Gtaeat Nortbeam RallwayB, hes been eatoabUshed and flrst-class (■■ii-s wlll licrc.-il'tcr run daily iniii ( hic.iL'i) at. 10:30 p. ui., arrivLng at Seattie 11:30 p. m., fourtli i'.a.v. 'i'liis is iiüdouUu'dl.v h" bes1 to reacb Ue Nocth Paciiic Ooaet. time lallcs. inajis and otlior on apply to tibe nearest tick,■1 &gi Qt, OT addi-cssJlAIMíV MERCER Michigan Pasa. Agent, C, M. & st. P. R'y., 82 (riswu'.d st.. Detroit. Lañes Medicine Moves the Boweis Each Day.- In order to be healthy this is necssary. M-i-t oí i In1 l!iiii.u-s that ■■(■vt-i-yiiody Kikiws'' are not truc al all. BSPOBT OF THE CONDITION OF i i i B FARMERS and 1UHW MECHANICS Ml AT ANN ARBOR, MICH.. At the close of business, ct. 3, 1893 BESOI Loansand Ucounts Stocks, bonds, mortgage, etc : Overdrafta I,ti22 16 Duo 'rom Washienaw County 9,788 28 Furnituro and flxtures .' .imki oi Current expenses and tsxefl i'aid i . Interest paid 1,672 66 Due from banks In reserve cities 25, Due from other tmnks and bankerg,. Cbecks and cash itenu 259 16 Nickels and pennlea 140 87 Gold U,185 lm Silver 1,168 10 U. S. and National liank Notes 19,976 00 Total $368,717 64 LIABILITIB8. Capital stock paid In $ 50,000 00 Surplus fund : 00 Undivided proflU 8890 48 Dlvldends Unpaid .. lereial depo'ts subject to check 94,751 77 Commercial eertlBcates of deposit .. 122.919 "5 Savlngs deposita 6A.787 83 ■il i-in eka ■:' ii and bilis redlscounted 6,956 IJ Total i;:!(i,s,717 34 ST ïi; OF MICHIGAN, ) COI STT uF VVaSHTKNAW, j SS' I, F. H. BELSER, Cashier, oí tne above nained Haiik, do olemnly swear that the above statement is truc, to best oi my knowledge and belief. P. H. BBL8ER, Cashier Bubscrlbed an.l Bworn to bvfore me. this lOth liy 01 Uctber, L898. II. A. WILLIAMS, Notar; Public ( obeect- Attest : Chas. E. Greene, Wm. i . . .. F. Allmendinger. Directora. ANYQNECftN Ájá t At the expense of little Jsfifa&y i 4 money and his spare AjSJLr) t time obtain a fair work-ÉKH ISTUDYATHOMEJ THROUGH THC SPRAGUE UNIVERSITY { OF CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTION, J ComprisingthcleadingcorTespondenceschoolsíiitheworld. f SUBJECTS TAUGHT. i I fl!AI The School of Law prepares pupils foraiimissi n Í ! I Uil to the bar, by an extended, tliornufih coursc. Hu t 0 over l,6oo students in every part of ÚM counOy. 9 ♦ milDIllil ICM This school teaches joun.alistic } JUUnWALIolVI sujj "■■" " 'CUflDT UAIIfl Ths schooi teachesshurthamll.y ! { MUJHHIANU ;;- aSKSSattt I A liistnry. fmni the t J bon to the most advanced work in the classics. f 1 Theabovo Rohools teach by the J once niethod only, and recoguíze no riials i I J tliclr respective llelils. f M Address. stating in J i #1 rjaf a which school you are 5 ' ffwT : JKlV f téf interestcd. and i fyTtfC VflHDlSRsS close ten cents in ? Jmy stamps for catalogue, j -C7 Each school lias sep 5 ; '.. , , ■ . MKCttlogue. ' 4 ! . V "' J. COTNER. JR., ' JjHjjftHHRI 1 S Sec'y & Treas., ,f-.i - 'jmï] DETROIT, MICH ! 5 !.i sferVZ'" Telephone Blds. I --. ÏU,J GeodYear's Drag Store. No. 5 S. Main Strekt, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. Our (,;oo(l and Prleee outshlue nll others and would-le compeiltors ]ale into inaig niflconoe. We have the Batisfaction of knowing Hint we have the largesl stock and are never undersold. We work hard to get you for a customer, and just aa hard tO keep you. TIMKS ABK IIAHIt AM) WK WIM. (IVK ÏOD TUK HOST FOK IOÜB MO-NKV. PMS DRUG STORE. NEW MEAT MARKET Senil t lio giri or boy with your order, and rest assured that the guality and weights will be the samo as ii' you carne yourself. I carry in stock everything found in a FIRST-CLASS Meat Market Aml buy only the best stock. I am better prepared than ever t. supply my customera in my new market. J. F. HOELZLE, Cop. Washington and Fourth. 'Phonc 75. 83-105 A Niee Thing to Know IS WIIKKi: TO QBÏ Fin; Lunch or Wam Meal While down town, or go in with a friend for a Hule chat and enjoy a dieh of ICE CREAMOR SODA Where the surroundings ave in keeping with our best homes. and. whn von leave, cannot help but fee! proud thai Aun Árbor lias such a place. If you culi at the ROY AL CAFE, Cor. Washington and Flfth Ave., Once, yon will cali aain. MRS. JOHN SCHNEIDER, Jr. COÁL. Every Day in the Yeap, Every Pound You Pay for. Is What You can Depend on, If you leave your order witli E. B. HALL, No. 4 W. Huron St. 1 do not buy trom hand to inouth, bul have the L1RGEST STOCK IN THE STATE Outside of Detroit. 83-


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Ann Arbor Courier