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The Hand Murder Trial

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The it i-iii nt oí the week has i eeii c -iitcr 1 in t he Hand inurder trial. Tlie evamiiiation occupled the entire week np to Satuniay, on whih day the lawyers apon both sidos made pleas. The oase was üivcn to the jury up'in Saturday nijiht at nlmut Ui o'elock, iuid tliey were not disehai-ged nntil Tuesday morning, the court betng cmivinced it was utterlv ttupoeelble for tobem io agree u] b verdict. It is eaid that the jury utood nine tor convlctlon and three for ac(]Uittifl. Tli" waa a-liiKi-aiiiy conducted liy the atto-rneys, wiho leit not a thinir iindnnc to make as strong a shfiwin'ias jiossihlc idi' bheir i-"spectivt eides. The proeecutioo was eonducted iy Ppoeecutlmg Attorney Thos. I). Kearncv, assisteil liy Mr. 'J'iio-. A. lio-lc. Th!' ctefense was by Ion. Gbaa R. Vhitman. assisteil by Pro'. -T. ('. Kiriwlliin. ol tih l'nivi -i sity law dep.i 1 m 'il I . This was the iii-st eaM o! lm] tance that Mr. Keamey has had to :■ did nobly. He ; ..,i lm' t li w.-is considerable more metal In Ciim th;:n peqple had glveo !rm credit for. H ssaot only aequltted hitnself well in repartee, but made a good record as a ehrewd manipulator oí law points, and a íair and honorable attwney in the cpistioning o! wit Tiiis was also Mr. Bogte's firei case of iiiipni ■(■ at this bar. Hls part was wi'll don. He Impreesed fche i. Uw jury and the people with bis cendOir and eminent falrneas In all tihinge. He ciid not jump at petty teahmicaltties bw-1 ■vhenever in' üd havi' anytihlng to say .nave sm-h excellent reasüiis Ir.s poeltion that he wa quite ii'. nerally sustaimil. Bobo gwitlemeo made goodpleae, sumïninir up the evideiu-e in a way that made it plato to the jury, and avoid, ! any m dlstort or previert wtoal was sworm to. The oantlid and fair actions )í the prosecutiom is said ui have made a diep.-r iinpi-ession apon the jury lian (lid the evldence in the eas!-. Messrs. Whiuuan and Knuwlton aie two of tlie best and most noted atueya in tlie county, and lelt nothtog tnutone that could be thought o! to sti-;'aiilh''ii the Icieus . They worked hard fOT their i-lienl , and lh(. rewiK pmv.'d io the prlaoner, aio doubt, that but few their excellent, Bervlcea he would have been convieted. WUat will He done in the cese is only a probiem. tlie general impressie!!, howevei-, is that it wlll oever be broogbt to trial Tbe expense to the county would b gïeat, and tfee uncertainty of a verdiet by any jury that eould now be i btatated, are contlngencles that will have a great In tuence upon anothr trial. __ Tlie above named geatleman, wiio is kiiown io tJhe public at large a.s Ki n ucky's gilvec toogpied orator, la bo speek before the Tnlaml llague, in thc ("hurch u' 'liritst , m S. Univcrsity ave, mi Tuvsilay .-vruing, Oct. 21. 'Hls subject wül be "Among tihe .Masscs, Traite oí Humen GbaraetT." 'ol. I'.aiu has gpoD to an Aun Arbor audlcmce b&fore, amlliis urauíry ta of tíic kind thut pleasotl. The Leagu is vitv fiH-tunal' in srcurinir hini.


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Ann Arbor Courier