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A School Of Art

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A Cv lovers oí nrt met BOme t e-11 yeera ano, and organised wfoat has been known ;is the Aun Arl Club. It was a mutual alfair ikaWB toijriiii'r and welded by ttoe cnthusifiSm tliat I líese lovers oí art possesseil o i!i wiK'k. Tile coiiinii n emeni was i a siuall iviiy and the club lias lU-vcl on year aiter year, its meinberd beeomtng more and more enamored wiih th work a tlipy progreaaed. (Uhers joined tlicm, and su the nieiiiÍn -1-sliip has been kept np lo the limit of all tJiat ooiilil be aeconmiodated. Kvery year t.'iesr ent i : stu dente have liad exhibits oí their i rk. and each year thc advaiicenient could be íioti-cl by all eyes, wlietlier critica] OT not . The club has beeo a greal help to tile lovers oí' ;.rt in tjliis city, and was tiie foundation oí wiiat wOJ besóme linie in tile future a greal art Ol. ll"ic at this r]v,]sily, a; tie center ol tearning íor ihe great nortiiw,esl . I tu pe will surely grow up, a a i ai do distan.1 day, a s.-Ikmi q! art, in-,' i.Mii'' wüi ierhaps never eclipse i!ia! ol Kuüie, Uut will ín hhla coinitry wli.n Paria i lo France. Letters, muele and art, all go togetiher. Ihey are inseparaM. oonniMled. l.etic-s irivi' b.'on íirmly i-s labli.-li.Ml. in,: sic has ma'le au excellent begimnlng, baring a ioundation tha1 will cairry it tJn-onnh to Buccess, anü iiow .-' mea i be Iae1 od t he list. Art . u:ih ts ili'inand Idr recognitlon. We have no !(iiiM tlie great aculptor, Randolph Etogers, when lie left ;ill of iiis modela to the rniversity, t-aw inlo .uture, and and felt t !ia t he was obeytng a cali íor help. Mr. J,ewi-. oí Coldwateír, n leavlng lii-í great coUectione ot palntings to ; nivei-sity. al-o gaxed into thc iu1ure and lor.saw iiow tile gireat work oí his lile niiuiit lH' niade to seni' i grand parpóse. The Ann Arbor Art Club lias been helpíiil to a great niany art workers, but huw those Intereeted In the work íeel tilia t liie lime lias arrlved to take the fii-.-l steps toward tile nrgemlzatk o; an Art School. The pleasant social relations weiv limitfd to a fe-W, aml tthe work necessarily narro w, and it was t'nouurlit beet, with jiecessary ion ,to emlarge tiie coemberaliip and broidn , '.i work. 'lilis ívoitianiznt on toik place abomt ilie tirst oí October, and the Club is ii v workinn' Ín a modest way a au Arl S.hool. Tuere are at present two claseee, ome in color, and ttoe other to pencl] anJ charcoal. rooms are in the M ieODÍC Itlock an.l are open írom AVelaesilay afternoon until Saturday oigbt, instrucf.on belag liiven m Wednesday p. ni. in color, by Miss Allee Humt, aml mi Satiurday a. m., in ohareoak by Miss i'eli]ile. (in 'I hiir.-d i.v and Frlday intereeting i [sin will .be glven by membera o - :ihool, apon each other's o k. 'Ihe ■ u modela tor teaching perspectlve, a lew good i ;,ms 'or more advanced vfork tn blaek and white, wiiii draperlea and still ;...■ modelij Bulflciemi í" - at. Additlone will -be made t i trom time to time, as blue classes iu-e. The dem und :or an Arl Scho '. se ms to w ..iraní . ome eífoi I . aad a 1 . ■ Le bragement Jnst now ir, mi art studente and otheru, U valué the me o, i-u; ii an int i t'u i ion in our niidst. will ald matvrially in establlshtng iiat Jias been Aveil begun, and what will lie iu tlie ni: ure an additioiial attractkm o our cily. l! is easy t eojoy and appreclate whai is Mii-cessíul. b::t eotnetlmee dlfflcuH o sec everytatog worthy in a hiunll licK inning. Duuiations to ttoe proje.t are not asked fOT, only the patronage oí those w,ho teel the Deed oí such work, that competeni teachers juay be cinpl. ed :;nd proper material fOT work provlded. It is7mpcd soiui to add íuechanical in a ni!ílit BChOOl, atoo china painting, deslgning and decor&ttre work.


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Ann Arbor Courier