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He waa very onterpi Ising, Pid íi lot oí advertlsing, i -id tbe papera to draw the people to his store. Many 11 dollar thus expended Soon his trude liad niuch extended And customera by the hundred carne eroudlug tliroutíh his door. And ÍIO'W foc til" sli.liin'.v llcailrú lirvsniitheiiiuiii. Tbe Siinday evening mail is said to he tile largesi .t made up it tliisii fice. Tute L. i. T. M. ni ve a erupper and KOÍiítl to-niorrüv evemlng in Maccabee , hall. Huero wen' 143 tlckete sóld (rom t.lils staiioLi Chicago yesterday a. ni. O. Ti. l'iohinson's n út i-; OOW in lilio front room oevT A. Iteufel'8 haruefie store. A beavy rcm küted eTerythlmg that - U!!al;lr 1M1I ('.' dOO last Moilaiorniiiií. The orehrstra oí the Presbyterian --unil.-iy Sclinol is huw rcnilri-'mg oxccllotnt musie. A (iioTuin faited m answer to t-heir jiame.s at tJie coimcil meeting Monlay evebtag. Tino NorthsiiU' Siinday School is to glve a social l-'riday eveolng Oct. JO. ):vff,vlH](ly invited. Tho l'.iluralioaiiil Club Jias adjournvil its nioetlng from to-morrow cv.niaig to TJiud-sday cvonuig Oct. 2Otb. On l'riilay evenlng next, thc olocutiom dase of Un, T. C. Trueblood is to nive i hree redtaJ at tiie high school ciiapiel. W. E. Boyden, of Webster, fook first premiums at tJic World'8 Fair on we i yeer 11 and 2nJ prautaun om same adsn. Tlicre re or tliroc speciallj gool placea i" Ana Arbor for Duodee girla," BayB t'he Reporter. Blesa yaur som, tbere im doaene of them. Now tlic (luys are gröwtng hortei aud the veury sim is aorter Losiugall theviin and vigor tliat it badawhlle ago ; Aud as aun u we're a poot we'U be out before re know II With a big long-haDdled shovel digglugditdu" in tiif snow. Tlie Liunhvclir socirly will íívl' B eockii Thanksuiviun' ere in Custer'a n.iii. A Hicw stunc w.-ilk la laid in front if the ohl Bncboz 11 -U. on Detroit t. TUK1 iruaii OÍ bhe M. E. clmrc-h will le in l co'iidit ion "as good as ncw"' next Nunday. A laii-ge naimiber at Aun Arb r peoIle wnt to Jackson to see the great WTeck tlicri' l'rida.v. 'JTu: wcathcr clcrk did a liaudsome thinji lor crylody in iemding stich a olee rain last. Saturday. Kiv. Mr. (riston wili dtecourse next Simdeiy evcnniK on "Some TruUis of MrtKn jnafkm torn , Full illftl in Christiaility." Rev. Dr. Stalkcr prcnHn'd a powerful sermón to a very larsre congrega1ioii in tlie M. E. cümrt'li last SuihI.-iv eveaiag, - Last Mimilay was the 82d blrthday of Jacob A. rolhenms, and he is pretty bale and heefty yet ior one of his age. He carne to Aran Arbor April 17, 18:}."). and lias livcd hen' cvct sinoe. MmUrwlrn is makinfí a special'ty t "T3ie Mcnliant of A'enice" this seaboh, in whii.-ii gbe appears here in Aim Arboir, on Suturdtiy nigSit. Seats are now on salo at Watt'8 jowcliy SldlY. Rev. B. l'ay Mills, tfae evangelist, will lc in Ann Arbür trom Dec. ütli to tlhe 18tb. Training is now in progpess by tlie choii-s of the churches tx prepare suitable music for tlie occasioin. It is suggested 1 1 1 ,- 1 1 it would be a rood o chunge the law so that a jury could raider llius sort oí a verdict : ''Guilty, but mot proven.'' It would ofteii save juryinen inany a w eary hour. Nezt 'Wedaiesdiay evenJmgi Oct. 25, Grand IJecturer Artfliur M. Clark wlll liold B .Masmic School of Instruction here, at which time a x'roinineiit cltizen of Aun Arbcw WÜ1 Ikivc tho II. M. Aegrw cfcmlerred upoa liim . lilie vlototera of the ordtoaaiice relative tO' burniiiir loaves in the aftcrnoon unl evenlng fre so numerous that t potlce liavt'ii't time to makc si ni.i ny cimi)!aint. It is a buriiing nuteemce, just sanve. On tlve place of Capt. C. H. Manly, oe ttue NorthBide, a lurge number of pcach mits were uprooted by the liiiili wind and storm oí last Fviday. He lias liad thriu r.'-plajit cd and hopea ihat wili nol be Btunted by the expvrien .m'. The ïniand League opeued Ita course of Lectores quite ausptetously on Monda y e vi iiin-í. Prat. H. L. "Willet s]K-aknii m "SevonarOla" and Miss Allee ü.iiii-y, o; ilic Dnlverslty Scbool of Mnsic rndered fveraJ beautilul so!,)-. Prof. Stanley playhng tbc accom nanvinciu. lr.cli wen' niun Uy and ,:,-si rvrdiy apptanded. Mr. Etanest llotchkin. and Misa Etoeette Palmer, botli of Saline, were inarriod iu this city, on Monday last, and wül be a1 home ia Saline, to bhelr friends alter tliis date. Mr. Hiilcliklas st alt cl OÖ iu w.i.v ir success. He comcluded thai a home was jiot a home without a county paper, an;l aeted aceardtngly. The cotiple will Burely makc a succes erf llfe, tot Hhey haw aai exoelleni Idea ól tmstueee to .start with. l;iys Bhould be preparad lor ;i gemara] ooslaulit on tbe sparro-Ws as siiim as Xovcnilwr starts in, anil sliuvill rémember that the entire body lnstead uf merely the head, Bhould be preaeuted to secure the bountyi now. The Legislatura lias been very kind tn tbe i'iiys i:i allowlng the gparrows ui get ui exoeJleni start tor tfaelr i nciit. TiuM-c are dozeras f tjhem niiw tu where there was bul oue bast spring. The horvest will be p ■ ni i'.ni. A yOUmg iiicu.l oí OTli-8 waais tO Unuw II ihc top oí a carriage wheel - nut move taster titan bhe botiniii ]iai-t ? Bfae ciaime i ha i Bhe can coimt the s]i;ikcs on tihe bottam ot a movlng whi'i'i svhec she oannoi couiU ilicm at tiio t(ii. is t tru? - Ann Arbov Cmricr. Siie probabiy cotmted the "fellows" lnsUad cd tbe spokes. - Adrián Press. The vdiiii; lady iiunirnantly dcnii-s ihi' ini::uai i-ia ad remarks tliat the Adrián l'rcss man allOWB hls imajïiuatiini to "reach." too far. Ifc shonlj "ln-idle" his "tonsfu-'' ■ mtdjiiI cMti'VtaiiinH'iii in the l'uity Club course will ocenr ilouday eTeming'. It will be a oonceri uivru by Mr. Boberi laúerer, ' Berlín, Gcrinany, Mr. E. N. Bilbie, Of tliis city, iwid Miss Minoie Javis, ot tbls ctty. in Mr. Luderer tfcie muslo lovers oí Ann Arbor are promiaed a .trreat iicat. Ui' is a very eminent baxibome .-iim'T connected ith üie Koyal Opera House oí Berlín. It is apieee oï rare fortuno t.'.iat the Unit y Club tos been able to securo him. He bjappeme to 1k visitlng In Detroit and hes beer eecured for the l'nity Club coniTBe öhrougth Ir. lülliio, who is a peí siv;ial iriend. Xobody sliould miss heorhig hlm. Tbose wlm ilcsiri' to know huw the wool-rowers of this country (eel about the taking off the tariff on wool, wil! ftnd something very interesting n tlie 8th page of this paper. Tlie Ladies Library Association annooncea thai any one, by paying tlio rjaernbership fee of ono dollar, become a tnember of tlie Association and is entitled to draw books from the Library for one yeur. James II. Stone lias been nominated for congress by the republicana of the first congressional district of Detroit. He is a hustler, and a gentleman rrsi.liiifx in Detroit is our authority for the statement that he will surely be elected. Tlie Foroijiu 'Missionary Society of the M. K. choren, wtH meet om Thursday, at 3:30 p. m. ;it tiie resldemee oí Mr. M.-irv J. Jolrnson, 35 S. Thayer st. On Friday p. m., al 3 o'clock, tbe TV. H. M. S. will meet at bne parsonase. Xc. 18. X. State si. AU hi'w members are espectaUy Invlted to be be present and unite wltt the society. The following are the concerts to be given in the Chora! l'nion Series this season : I.illlan Nórdica, - Nov. 16. Hanrtel's " Messlah," Deo. 19. (Third concert to be amiounced later.) Max Heiurich Feb. 16. Boston Syniili(iiiy Orchestra May 11. The Manzoui Requiem, Date not flxed. This courí3e is a f(rand one, more attractive if possible, than ever before given. Upon which fact the Chora] Union are to be congratúlate!. Thíe of the Ypeüantl Scntiiid declines to accept in invitation to atterad Evanffflist Mills' coming meetings liere in Ann AftXHT, OO these gTO-tmdB : "No, tlinnks ! Our last expertence in re'ival ivork cnde'd Ín a torniulo, and wc have not been íorgiven to this day !" It wlll not be neces&ary lor Bro. WoodntH to argiie I tihe matter at all. Ut' is enttrely cuseable. A. F. Cuwhing is to have an aucticm swle otn. liin farm two miles nortli of Dexter, and 1-2 mile weet and 1 1-2 mitss north of the Webster town housj om Monday, Oct. 30, commencing at 10 o'ctock a. m., sharp. Tlie propertjr to be eold is all oí his horses, eight head in all, cattte, swine, an immense (juantity of farm lmpiementg, 50 tons Of hay, and BO on to the end. A good tumcb will be sei-ved at oon to those !' any is in want of anytdüns i" tliis line, they wül never have a bt'tter opportunity to piiinliase it. Josepili Denadson, a N. Main st. saloom keojH'r. wifl answer to tiw circuit cMirt tor kaeptng hls saLoon opai Od Smiday, .Marshal Murray tlliO complaint. It is quite to sec tliat there is an tempt on the part of our city omotate i" ettfarce tiUs law. Hiere is no reason wiiy saloon keepers siiouil be a prtvlltged claea in tilia respect. They cragfal to be satisïicil wiih business m business days ilir saín.' as otbèr business es BBtabUflhieaite, and we beli ire liiat most. llicm air. , It is only the Irw tlial are gPeecEy and in.-ist apon viniatiiiü: tlue law. The Owobso Tlmee : Oot. L8th, say : '"Itoe Anu ApbOT Miíliñg " lias ptirchesed the old elevator south ,.f ihc I). & M. track and wUl #ea ii down ai cmee uslng sm-ii perts ol it as are tli In tïbe coostructlon ol b line irge eteratcw cm the ground bel ween the T. & A. A. brack and E. E. im. ii .3 's poteto Btorage building. Tlie company is a good one with plentj ol eapttaJ bentnd it and háa tin-ou-n Knapp. GoodaJ i & Co., been huyinü' a l -ïrfiv ainounl ol grain in Owoeeo. The new eteratoc wliich wiil probably be bullí and ready for business beTore winter, promlses to ! ... I,y bM odds lnr.ücst ani! I ia the city and a good addition to t.lie ol imin-oYc'inriits made during present yeaar." j. E. Etobins, pastor ol Flxsi duin-h. (Pd X. II.. riles us : "Thfi I! IV. !■.. l'.iy MiM añil his vo-workers. Mr. iwood .-111.1 Ratplb GiHam, have ■d. amd lia vi' non lis. siinjiiy íaarv.'lcuis. 'Tíiere been more tinao ooe thouBaüd converslons. iiun-hcs liavr be a greatly inik'kemed, and Um entire city bas beocwne 5 ['.inaiiiniul. cli'voutiy reveretat, .■mil alunen sblrred totbe ery depths. Mo-re tJiaui two hucüdred aro intereBted tiio íirst time Lacoamectlon with our ii Mrthodist cliurclies. The gOOd work moves on, unl wil!, we trust, spread tbroTigbout tbr iar and to Une rriiiiiu.s beyond." duist ian Advocate, Ncvi York. Oct. 12. '98. In the ioüiin iiiür novrl iilca. tlii' iold wal er Couricr brlxgB ttp a i[U.-st i:n ib.ii i mild be welT, perttaps, for o( uur incilirai experta here in Ann Arbor to si udy up : '"IÏM Ceui i-iii va;'.;s wbirb bavr beea the lilorj of t'oiilwatcr's stivcts. are qow ohargod with engenderlng and toeterIng ïinMiniatism. fl'U' BOP6 Joints and tender mnacJee oi the pedeetrian are jarrcd inio accuic srnsiHility by the Shock of 1ln' stom'. Cbildri'ii and youth sirni to lm attackrd by iiiis diaease bo oibem tliat perbaps niay ih;ii' il s origto In cunsiMiueuce of tbc bard walk.s producilDS such concussioii-s upon 'llie limbs and body as to cause discasc. "Won't somt-, oí t ,ic ]ib sicians of ibc city irivo au opinión on tliis poi


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Ann Arbor Courier