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s.iVm is shippmg baled hay to a gipeat exteut. Ocxrn husking is liauging on pretty late ïJiis yenr. Hebrom Fellown, of Aliaron, gets $0 a man Mi pension noiv. Fowterville claims a greal Buccess fop Iher fair, 7,000 in me day. The ladii's' library of Dexter, is now open (from 2 to 5 o'clock p. m. 8atnrdayg. The Yoimg people of Dexter wil] dance at t3ie opera lioiiee on Friday cvciiiing. Hickoj-y mits are said to be a fine i lilis yrar. and llie boys are happy. Over 2,000 btishels oí beans were brought in MM day recent y by Pinckney dealers. Bev. W. H. Beatón tfa new M. E. minister a1 SaLem, lia.s eommenceil wirrk i.lwre. Somebody stale pk' at tlie receñí Stocktwidge íair, and 1 he Bun bllsters the thit'vrs. Prospectivo orange bkwaoms keep t'he scicicty people 0Í Saline all torn np witlli curionity. Jlimroc fni-nislH'd t.lic Adrián canniiiK' l'actiiTics willi 10,000 of tomatoes tOns faii. Tlie bam bni-iicd recently on the place oí Mrs. Win. Stevens, Dexter townslnp. is lieinr rebuilt. Bev. Mr. MUler, ttoe mw pastor of Hie üajitist ciiuii-h at Manchester, was ordained oo the lltii inst. Tlic mili at Milan niakes Saturdays a liuiUwlicaí lay- wliicli niakes peopie come t bhe BCietoh, you know. Toan Peett, cal Webstr, ralSM "dry weat''er potatoee," tbat welgh a pomnd apleoe, Bays Wie Dexter Leader. Tlie Ti'iuinsrii conncil bas graated [pamchise to construct au electric l-ailway UïTWUg-h tlie strerts oí tliat burll. The Obaerver estlmatee that tlie Wortd'fl Pair book over $5,000 in clean cash o,it oí Saline and vii-inity 81 week. The NocthvtUe flre boys all sm niad at tlie 1 1 1 i 1 and reelgned, rerentiy. the place without lire protección. Bev. Oope bas lefl Uaochestei and Sharim, where lie had pic.iehed tor a b lime. He ei-y popular in ïioth plai I'lymoiitli is to have a new threery brick hotel in the near future, 0T etoe llie Mail has göt bold of tlie WTOng lellel'. Philip ee, oí Dnndee Ulew Ilis thnmb oii by the acciilental discharge oí his üiiii wbllfi mt huntlng recently. oh : (iee ! Jndge I'erson, of Howell, has exchanueil his property in that pace lor the [ate restdenee ol Judge ('hristiancy in Lanslnjr. Tlie Penner'a & Merchonta Bank oí Milam, balaiKcd its ledger Oct. Sd, at $71,506.22, lts depOBits amounttog' to $40,864.71. Miss EknUJe e. Hall, lm has bees il nuSCesafonJ teacher in Vjisilanti, ! gom to South Haven, as principal oï tJie liiuli srhool. i.uther Palmer to&a completed the l'eninsiiia dam acrOM Ube Baron river at Dexter, which was taken out by tlie. high water last spring. Oscar Sober, ol Superior, is rery ill with (ever, bul the ]ihysirian3 will relax &othtng in trylng to keep Oscar Sober.- Adrián Press. Dextet Savin'js Bank balances lts books at $78,964.28. The de posiis are $57,780.74, whiih is an i record tot a yoangster. sltek iiKiïMiu" aad periódica] at is wvrking the country agaln. lle takes order and your nioney. and that's the last you erer aee oí elther. They held special autuinn Berrlces ai ihe Baptist hvirch Manchester, :i-i Siinday, w hicli wei.' very appropriate. 'llic chnrcli wan appropriat e to the weal her, a MX J. F. Aveix's berd oí Jerseys took lirizes at tJu llillsdale fair, also, inaking a e;ean sweep him this fall, wlierever bc has exhibited tb rui. 11 N [arm is la Saline. The prlde of Chclsea, is al jiresent iciilered in a Miiall donkey, jmrehased of the Wliitiicy show. The donkey is sea what the saered buil was to Bgypt.- Adrián I'i. - We ïi.-.w rellable auMiorlty tor the statement tii.n Charles Wagenback 171 bushek m' po&atoes !iy measn 19 Yay i Mial kcpt i.-n'.'s' back wagen', ooe would t hink. stofkbri'l.uc formero are dlscasstng iiic iiropo.-ii i :i o orgojütlng a Farmare' c:ui. wthose abjecl shall be the nirtlicrancc k)i luislmiulry.- Sun. It wou, 1 be .-i nseful club, all rlgbi encragb. Tiir Macc-iiMcs oi Satem are preparing bo brinji on-t "Swtft Brler, the Flnwer (ürl 0Í New Vork." Why diiiift tliry ni.-ikc it Florida iMtead of X'v York, wbere sweet Ui-iars grow ? Henry Tlatt and Ehjgene Dodge retamed Tueeitay from tbetr huntlng trip m nortJnvcstvrn Mimirsota. Their Btorlee an quite mild as jre1 bat local s)}i)i-tsmcn are keping very qulet.- Ypsil.-mliaii. in A meettag of tlio stockholdors of Uie C. J. & M. raUroad wlll be held In Toledo, Sov. 1, to eoneidér vhc advtoablllty o( exteñdlng the road south from Traaiklin. ()., to Ciininnati. and oortfa irom Addison to Juckson.- Dundiee Ledger. It is reported tliat WBB Alrxamhiof Webster 'has secrl the positimi of boofe-keepec loc tbepobUBbipg house of WetKÜ, C'JiishoLm Ac Wttzcl, of rhoenix, Arizoiia. Mr. Alcxandcr wfll toke in taie Expopltloo on lus way weet.- Dexter Leader. Doui't pay a n ng-ent anythiiiB in advanoo unlctís yon know liira. üon't siirii suiy contract tor Btrangere. Doin't let these sort of travolins sliarpen lKKtduink yon. Let tliem tain tihe fact hy your actlona thai yim take t.hc paper. And in spenkintf of tiliis tockup, WC -vvisu to say to the heatth officor that ttwre is 110 dirtior or filtliicr place In tlie w-hole townahip than the Wayne viDage lurk ui). It would not be appropriate here to use Laoguage bo esprees tihe ïiith it oontains.- Wayne Pilot. Benjamin Stanley, ho a aumber oí ycai-s h.-is been oead trainer at the Bimmocolwn Stook Farm, has reBigmed Ma poeitk and removed hta ïamüy to Detroit. Mr Stanley takee with him the bonee Ray, Thora, Sir Artiliur. WUkee and 3atin Wllkee. - YpaUamttan. .T. II. Barr & Som are baring a íine run ni sorgum iiiis taU, eane Is brongbt in froin all dtreetioms ■nul as far away as (ourteen ïnilrs. Tlicy have nisi reoeived applea for eider bom iwcvr miles listant and have turiuMl iut iiviM' 20,000 galiana o! Obaerver. (in Siiuday iasi. a partrklge ilcw luli a vi:udov in the vasl end oft]ir c.iv' room at tlie woolem min. cuftting tu iiead and ooe fooi hadly. It comtimifd its coni-sc howcvi-r, t'.if Wihoie langtÈ ol the mili, .nul liruiinht iip a.uainst th :ül at the weet end wlth such [oree as to kill it in.stantly.- ( linton Uncal. il mili yaiii '.' A team rail away last weck a slim-t (Hsi.iiic e ironi Adrián, and the K'i'Mmmii and lady wlm wvvf lidiiiii er.' i liruwii int o a pond and immersed. Luckii,v tlicy wwre mot residente di Adrián, or Une midden p&unge Into ooiil water mlgihi have proved fatal. - Hudsdi Post. Justioe Smitii. ui tJie Adrián l'ress, wi]3 nw ]ass sentbame n ttae editor oí Une Post. Thix is. withiiut ion tin1 nieeet fail witmounod by Mhahigtm people in ïiKiny y,..-irs. Truc it lias been a little dry. luit aaide trom that everytliinu' lias ivvn pleasaat, good weather, ntoe evenlnga, plenty i fruit, littte BickaK's. liai-d timrs, n;i money, wcddrn.s plenty, and a. varieety oí otlier f(mvcniences in aid in the mafee up of a prosperous and pleasant autunrn.- Saline Observer. It is a Mttle stranjíc that su niauy visiturs at the Winul's I'air return "i: Il hard e,, ils (lr iihluenza. It nroutd secm 1'aat the lake breexe was nut juut the rigttt kind ol bréese fuil.e -ilili. .h.-ne.-ville Indep; nd nt. 1'. 0 lile, trom tibie eectkn rei urn with an entlre absence oí anythlng oí a meinv ; ii. Bllver smile even ; lint a ..ure.-n a. 'iimn. sn In spcak, in iheir breechee pockets. A aerpeal ren up i o a pre roey-cbeeked schooluna'am, at Woodsti.ek. oud lelnilted U - (ully i h i . a a:ul maehed it lu-ad. Tbenehe harreeted eight rat.i.nd laid t lic club beeide W'hcre it wmi, l i e tuaody hereafter. tl Adam .h;i .1 married a .lii.iit;:i n uil ! bhere wouldn'1 have Im-ch any trouble in l'aradise, and l.lic property woúld liave been in the iamily t'itizen. Tlie annual report oí t lic Salem Hutter & Qneese Moinufacariog Co., as liled wiih ('Miiiiiy Clerk llniwii, shiiws i li.ii ilie ani.mnt of capital stock is (0,500 wiih .S. .".(KI Jiaid in. It i ns $4,700 in real eBtate, and 9800 in personal property. The gtocfcholders are : in". B. Waterman. 38 D. V. Wheeler 19 Geo. 8. Wheeler 88 Mrs. A. C. Northlliruin 1!. Thayer.. 88 nip _ 38 Jno. I). 38 Jas. II. Murniv. D. K. Bmlth_ m (ieo. W. Eidsr 10 D.Chapln._ ; i bas. E. Rider - . :its S.C. Wheeler üi JohnA. Munn 9 8. C. Sober A plece .)í wooil ulimit tvi inriiís , ooe .iiii one hall wicte, and hali .■ni nrh iiiick was taken from the i;. Sutton'B tros-se, : R. ai Hlltedale; n la not kn ni how omg a I lime tte ood had been Hiere, but severas weeks nA least. The faorae en lden.1 j tile ea1 tng i ntd lier mout and it bocame caimin somewtiere in the tin-cat iu p-urli a way Uiat she was íiual I.' dUodge ib.- Manciieetec Enterprise. Tlu'i-i' was a pood ome occarred at tbe poetoífice ttte other day. ble fellow u ln liad evldently been cihjarii'cd with more than one errand, approaciicd iiic vnUv and addressed the youni; lady insidc. He Btammerc.l and h.'sitatrd a gOOi draf, but íinaily got ont 1 he lmquiry, ''Have yon got my liver V She replied th.ll she hojM'd She had. but the aniusoniMit in ber voice adiinniislied him t.hat he liad made a mtetake, and lúe ma'iia.ired t( sa.y. as he lianded up a diiue. "Ma wants some Btamps."- Vpsila'iiti ('niiiinereial. Auain the hoaon come this way. Tliis timo A. A. WOOd earrles tile banjier. In tlhe Wg einnesl al OhlcagO tiue Ilickiiry Crnve stwk íarin bears a fin? record. TJie judies oí the World'K awarded tO Mr. Wood prominms on m-arly all grados oí sheep on exliibitioii, inchuling single vams and Bevopai peiiü vi different ages. Ir. Wood is too WeH knowu as a sheep bpeeder t ne. d any intioductiou hoiv. Let it known, however, tluit be has a fine ílnck and knOWB limv td handli' ihein and when lie gaos tu for an oxhibition is generally succi'ssful when the jirizes are awarded.


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Ann Arbor Courier