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U Special 7-Day Sá COMMENCING Saturday, October 14th and contlnnlng tlirough this week. Our last S:ik was a decided success, and was patronized by nundreds who appreciated the special offeriiip. People realize that E. F. Mn.i.s & Co. "always do as they advertiae," and they never indulge in "Fake Sales" and fictitious offeringa to catcta the anwary, but on the contrary treat eustoniers in suith a mannei as to win their confldence. This is a cardinal principie in all sound merchandising, and the constant accessions to our list of patrous, convinces os tliat this policy of ours is receiving its due share t' appreciation. 7-Day Iiidressed Kid Gloves, Real ShIc 9'"iVi7 Kid.Perfect öoods. to I'riee, -'' "yt retallat 1.38 In New Vork Q„ City. All Bizee. m l'air. i.lace Kld Glovea, 5 and 7 J-I)f OA n liook, our recular $1 00 nuil Sali; ) I'OZ. $1-26 Koods, but not In full I'rice. assortinent of eolors umi (")„ sizcs. Perfect goods in even "'"' way. A I'iiir. r.ft Haddaome Jackets, both Fur . " Trimmed and Plain Effec Regular pnce, S.r(), í'j.oo and i 7-Day Bale v", QX Price fd.öd. I P.Í1D yrds Flgured Whio Cords, ': :il Inchea wide, all Dark, Kall Colorines. Superlj Fabrlc. valué viVi ote a yard. Special aale price, Q,, nel ui. iiiki Extra Wide and Extra JiWU Heary Out ing Flannel, worth 10 and lí'í cts. Sale C l'rice UI. our entile stock of 10 and IJ1 c Ginghams, best dark fi I on Callstylea. Bala prloe U 1-iC. - . 1 MANY QTHER BARGA1HS Wliich you will flnd eqaally attractlve. 20 S. Main St. New Througt Sleeping Car Line From Chicago to Seattle. Via tlie C3iieago, Mihvaukee & St. Paul and (ireat Nortjhem Kailways, has been eetablished and first-class cars will hereafter run daily i'rnin ( -liU-avo at 10:30 p. in., arriving at Seattle 11:30 p. m., fourth Iay. Hite la imdouUtedly tho best route ti ïvach the Nortli l'aciflc Cn.lM. Por time tables, niaps and otlicr niation apply to t he neaèest tick:riil, OT address IIARUY J1EKCEB Michigan l'ass. Agent, C, M. & St. 1'. B'y-i 82 Criswold st., Detroit, Teachers' Examinations Exaniiuations o! teachers in Washtenaw county, ior the enauing school year. will be held as follows: The regular examiuation will be held each year on the lii-st Thursday o( March and Aumit at tliu county scai. AppUcante oí' all gradea can cuily be (wamiiiod at these dans. Special xainiii;uioiis will held at : Aran Arbor, lirst Thursday ol Mar., L89S. Ann Arbo-r, Friilay of Mar.,' '.'"'. Ypsilami, last Friday of Apr-, '98. MARTIN J. CAVANAUGH, i i un. Lañes Medicine Moves the Bowels Each Day. - In order to be healthy I this is necssary. 'IMit' ladykillcr ateigfaa liis viciiai in winter time. REPOET OF THE CONDITICN OF THE FARMERS and flaw MECHANICS MM AT ANN ARBOR. MICH.. At the close of business, Oct, 3, 1893 RESOUIK i.s. Loans and discounta 208,084 11 Stocks, bonds, mortgages, etc 79,384 56 Ovcrdrafts 1.62S 18 Due froin Washlenaw County !t.7:;:; 28 Furnlture and fix tures .000 00 Cuirent expenses aud taxespaid 1,333 21 [nterestpald 172 66 Dvie fro!n banks in reserve cities 2-V Dae from otber banks and bunkers,. :;.i7 6fi ( htcks hihI casli items 'J,.Vi'.t ]ii Nlckels and peunies 140 87 Gold .... 11.1 Silver 1,168 10 U. s. mul National Bank Notes 19,978 (Hl Total :!08.717 M LIABIUTIIg. Capital stock iaul lu $ 50,000 00 Burplnsfund 20,00000 t'naivided profits s.v.ii 1 Divldenda Dnpaid .. Commercial depo'te subject to check ;4,7ri 77 Commercial certlflcatea oi deposlt .. ];■_'. Savlnga deposita 6S.787 88 Certined cheoka 27500 Notes and bilis rodisoonnted 6,U65 11 Total $368,717 54 STAÏK OF MICHIGAN, ) ( Ol vi v OP Wasiitknav, . I. V. H. BELSER, Cashier, ei the ubove named Bank, do solemnly swear that the 1 statement Is true, to thL bes t of my know and belief. F. 11. BEL8ER, Cashl .: 10 bèfore me, this ll'th day oí Octber, 189S. II. A. WILLIAMS, Notary Public Cokbect Ittest: has. E, Qreene, m. C. Stevens, (x. K. Allmeodinger, Directora. '■PHIS YEAR TUK BOYS WILL WANT TO _1_ economlze: but yon ean't aflord to always walkwhen POLHEM i's ],-. added albto styüsli rige, before bard tl mea were upon us, and now Is determlned to make the prlces bo low.thal tt will be u pleasure to spend a dollar id theu. Mul, lic Horsee for Ladles and Gentlemen. 1 am prepared to answer all calis ior Hacke wlth the flneet turnoiits in the city. l'all up POLHEM Ü8 by 'Phone, or order at bar n, corner Main and Catherlne Btreets. Cara from ünlvorsity stop at our oltice. 83yr Sale of State Tax Lands. AUIHTOK GlONKItAI.'S DfFlci:, j LanSINQ, MlOH., Oct. 26, 1'98.) Notici is herby glven timt oertaln land ituated in the county of Washtenaw. bid off lo the state lor taxes of 1888 uid previous years, and descrihed in statements which will hereafter be forwarded lo the ollioe of theTreasurer of said County , will le sold at public auotlon by said troiisuier at the County Seat, on the first Monday of December next. ut the time and place destgnated for the Anmiiil Tnx Kales, ir not previously redeemed or canceled accordinc tolaw. Siild statements con tal n a fuíl description 01 eaob parcel ol said lands and may be seen .111 applicatlon at the offloe of the County Treasurer after tliey are reoelved by him STANLEY W. TURNER, Auditor General. GGQdYear's Drag Store. No. 5 S. Maïs Street, ANN ARBOR. MICH1CAN. ■ :. ' I ia 1 'i - "- yT % ■ ■' - "'-" a ( Our Goode !inl P rices outshlue uil oüier uncí would-be eompeiitora ple into iusig Qiflcance. We have the satisfaction of kuowin.' that we have the largest stock and are r.ever undersold. We Work hard to get you for a custonier, and just as hard to keep you. T1MKS AHK IIAK1 AND WB WII.I, (ilVK W TUK MOST FOK ÏOÜB HOXEÏ. GOODYHR'SJRUG STORL NEW MEAT MARKET Senil the girl or boy with your order, and rest assured that the ouality and weights will be the saine as il' you came yourself. I carry in stock everything found in a FIRST-CLASS Meat Market And buy only the best stock. I ani better prepared than ever to supply my customers in nij' new market. J. F. HOELZLE, Cor. Washington and Fourth. 'Phoiu' 75. 88-105 A Nice Thing to Know IS WIIKliK TO (.KT A Fia; U or Warm Msal While down town, or go in with a friend tor a little chat and enjoy a dish of ICE CREÁIS OR SODA Where the Burroundinga are in 6 i with our best homes, and, when you leave, cannot help bat feel proud that Aun A.rbor has such a place. If you cali at the ROYAL CAFE, Cor. Washington and Flfth Ave., Om-o, you will cali again. MRS. JOHN SCHNEIDER, Jr. saTety deposit böxes TO SENT, In the New Vaulti of THD l ABBOB SW1IC-S BUZ. Absolutely Fire and Burglar Proor. CALL AND INSPECT THEM.


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