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Who The Tariff Tinkers Are

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Aecordintr I" the tfovennnent sta tistirs th' ■inniiiiit of capital Investe in 1he niaiiuiacluïinti industries o tliisniimiry is $5,000,000,000 I Th animal valué oí the products is $9 000,000,000 ! Tlie numiber ofperi dlrectly employed by ttoeae Industrie are 6,000,000 '. Tliis wil] mimkc aluin 25,000(000 or 30,000,000 of men i and ciiiidrcn oí tliis natioo, d pending upoo iis industries foc support. Tlie magnitude o! tliese industries c-Ui nut !,■ e-.eellell ll.v t h ■ illilustrie oí any nal lom on eartli. 'l'licy are wurtli iostcriiifr. are they lint V ' tt Quite naturally, ií you ownod a lare farm. wiiicll was well tilled, au' Hroiifiht in a fine ineoine wlien properly eared íor. yon wmild secure the servloefi oí same man wlm was familiar with farniinir to take charge of it, womld you nnt .' nn would nut liire a jiroiessor, or a medíanle, or a sauor, mu a iarm er. Thai woniil 1h' oonsidered prac t ii-al business sense. # # # # Now let US lomk at the men in the House ol Oongress, who fiare practieaÜy been given control oi these great industries of tbe oatloo. In whose badB depend life OC deatli. In the first place there is the Hou. Win L. WlteOH, of ('iluirlestDwii, W. Va., a place of 2,287 inJiohitants. In tbe eeveral counties wblcb Wilson representa there are not as niany tactorVea ae are to i round in ntr nei.hlring city of V])silanti alone. Wilsom hiniself is a book worm. He ItmowB nDtiiiiii; aiumt manufactures, ov tbe practical sirte ot lUe. Ho Imagtnes all tilinga should take ere o! tihemselvea, just .-is Cbe cattle ■■nul BWltte .-uní shccp dO In the mount.-iin ''lanna" that compoee ïiis liwtrlct. He mi mora fitted bo u tlie hoad of that thaa .lames L. Dorbeti woold be to teach Oiiristi.'iaiity in a Buoday School. Thcn comea th BDoo. Benton McMiliiii. ni TemaeaBee. He halls (rom Oartbage - mot amcieni ('artluigi - lnn a great mart of trade and hive oí smnlicru indiistry, eontalnlng 478 snul.s ! (TJKit numler includcs MrMillln liimsell.) ís he a fit man in wbme banda bo eotrcnt the industries of tüiis naticHi 1 do you think a bout. t V # lliva. Hi'iiry (. Turner. Wliai' Xe.ver heard cif Turner '.' WéO, '■ ■ comes from thsit teeminjr canter of inihiKtry Ín QooegleL, luiown as Quitina n ! A place of 1,868 inhaUitants. it wben Turnar la In congres, thon it ooiiiains cnly 1,867! He Ís aiiiitilHT member ol the opmmltteé iuto wflKiee "fosterlng" la placed tíiese graat Industries. # "Any more likc tlicm ?" mv tliinks I lu-ar y(iu Lnqnlre. Yes. lliin. ('liiton Ií. l'.rcckciu'iil.ur, reprosentlng llint husiliiiy center oí Ar-kan-saw ínaiiuíacnires and lnthlgtry known as l'ine Bluffs, Ark. To be sure Iiíh district is more uoted for tille foul and ci)lil-bl(Milc(l morder of;in Claytnn, a ícw years since, tlian for anytblng i-isc mwter hravrns, - except iM'iiiniis Breckenxidge liimsdi, who proïltepd n. ciax -toii's (ï.aiii. bui he is i]ic ui (111, just the s; # # Tliru tfaere is nir vn Justin IÍ. Whitins. ui 8t. ( 1:: ii". He lias al) inli' u a t-all blork and owiis a lot erf sniall boete that ply on t lu; lakes. and comee the nearat to knowlng BomitJilng aUout i hc oeeda oí the aation's great industries of any of these men DU llic COmmlttee. And he was prebly placed en bha.1 eommittee becauae Dl hle greal Ugiit made a few vrars ago agakial progreoa In lake, kimwii a.s ilic deep water way.s project. From that fight be was suppoaed to be in favor ol Btagnation in ;ill 1I1i!hl;-s. # Last ui tihoee who compose a majority in tiiis Important committee, hm nul least, by any loeana, la bhai ïneat mr ,u t lii)if-. ui r.iiiiniany Hall, r.miikf Oockram ; tasaeá In iiiis country parUcularly tor the prophecy he moe mode in Chicago, tfaal Grover h- -ïanci ever could be elected preili-nt- and Grover was eteeted .Hte sanea no un. re bte lubject than loes the average Ttuamanyite aboui llic trutli. ♦ Ami tbeoe ore the meo to whom ira inti-nstcil the welfare i tbirty luillions ol people dependent upon tlie maninfactnrlng industries of mr (Not Includlng owt wool industry.) W'li.n do yon think aUout it ? ,iv iii pieased wíiii 1 1 1 - outlook, my wsliieee frlend ? Ait these the sort n ín hanidle thta subject ? Are induwt i; gafe in thelr hands? ' temóte ti-üvcsty upon justico and ■iítiit. to place Midi men in charge of i a Mii.j.M-i 7 Tiicy are al] good sKmgtb in place, no doubt, but helr place is unt ai Une head oí afalrs wiiii whleh tbey are aa tmtanili.-ir as la .-ui aiiai-cliist wlth good sense. it is on b par, iiowfvcr. witii piaca man like Smlth, the son of a rebol rvffior, n cbarge of tiif ]irni'.]is al PtiIoh oldlers.


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