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Maritwi Orawíord opens up a. nev? line af tiioaig-lit in hls artlole entltled "Borne, the Capital of a 'v Repnblic," appearing in the October OosmopoUtaak It is nnt likcly 1h,-it the Octóber number -viii b&ve the ucciess wilikh atteoidetl tliat for September. Tlhe extraordinary spectacle ■was piresëhted of a 12 1-2 cent m&gaztae selling1 few 50 and 75 cents, and many linndreds were ov-n sold at $1.00 eacii. Probably the record rematas without a parallel, in peri,al sales, of a ntimber provinjr so itntierestinjr. that. aíter 211,000 copies hiad beein sold, th News Company had orders for 50,000 inore than t hcv could supply, while dealers in variotis parte of túie ccnutry, discovering ihe eateam fcn wWoii i he meg&xlne Avas lield, inimediatelv raiscd thi'ii1 prlces lo doublé, treble, qiKidruple and in many cases bo eit;ht times the ret;ulaír pricc. Altopether, Worthington's for XovMnlM'r. is a m;iirniíi-ent number. As the season draws ncar wIiimi the large ariny oí mauaxine rre.-nlers will deidee the question "What magazbie shall we tafee anothe.r year ?" it ís well tiiem to keep au eye Da Worllihi'41 on's, and, -lse ínay 1k takem, add it, to tiie list. It is socomd to none in ohoice, high qualty i, ter aml att ract i e illusIral ima-i, aml it is vrry ïiuich. mi re (uu riaiiiiiiir baan many öl it s rivals. lis ïow price brtnge it within the rcacli of all. A. I). "Wurthinjït nu & ('o.. HJartford, Oonn. 92.50 per year. Zoology, electricity, educaticm, hy-i' ne pblloeophy, matbemal Ice and meteoroiogy are all repreeemted in the November Populair Science Monthly. education leading in number of tiili's. ilcury L. Clapp contril. B iliiiiiírhtíul essay im Tiic Sclentlflc Metihod Wii ii ( hiidrcii, in whleh b iiiaiiitains that si-hcmcs I BClentltlc teaching oooetructed for college studente aire úseteos tor dbáldreo, as they do not tafce account of the chlld'a Kipotot, nor oí 1h.s way of thinking. Ilic Novembe s.. Nlcíiolaa conbatas iiic fií-st (,ic di ,-i aeriea of ii'es of India and tille Jungle, hy JUwlyard Kipiin.-. When Rudyard Klpllog mu a boy, be and his s ter ueed to íK-Lt over si. NichiJaa Ut-n tías m-w numban carne to Uhem in India, and njw b bakes lis tnm ai Interestlng tiic readers oí to-day. .n eteptoani story by Mr. Kiplin-x-, whicli wlU appoar in tiio I)eoember si. Nlcboèae, is s-iid to be ene of lus strongeert eflorts.


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Ann Arbor Courier