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The October Crop Report

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The wheal erop oí Michigan thls yenr as imlicatrd by reporta at band is 28,090,693 busbels. This total {8 . . t ► t ; i i 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 by multiplylng öhe number o it In eacli emmty, by Mu' average yield p&r acre in the same county and attdimg the productM. The aoreag te taken trewn t,l?c l'ai-in Slalistir ;is rcturniMl by .-.ipn-visurs las! Bprlng, and i hc average per aore from records kept by i ïiivshers, suppleinented by a special cainass by copreepoodentB. Tbe total arca in wheat as shown by farm statislirs was 1,578,252 aerea. The auinber al acres in th Boutherm countiee was 1,297,158, in t 238,888, and in tin' northern 4(,í)ll. Of tthe tm:il area the records ol threehlngs Include more tlian 168,000 acres. The avcraiii' yirld in the BOTlthem ruiK.iii-s is retumed at 15.36 buanels; in tin' central csoantles at 18.99 bushels ; in the iiorthern eninti"s at 10.Hi buahels, and in the state at 15.0] buslieN. Wheal is ui gooö qwillty and full weiu-llt. The total mimber oï bushels oí ivüieat reported marketed by farmers in September is 2,277,685. At 85 mili and elevaron trom wmco reporta have been recelved there was no wtoeat marketed ilurinií the 111 tulj til. Tlie bota] mniiber Oí lmsliels oí repurtrd inarkcW in the two raointlis, Auuust a ml September, Ib 5,526,504, w-iiioh la 174,882 busbela more than reparted marketed In the Mme montlbe lacrt .war. 'lhe average yieW oí oata aa Bhown iiy i ■iircsiicrs' records, la aa foUows : Boathienn rnuntirs, -;.:7 bushels; ral caumtiee, 23.98 busheUi; iiuriilnTii counties, -1.1 I bushels ; ;md stete, 26.96. üorn is estlmated to yield ta tlie state 48 buMbeto oí ears per acre. Ttie estímate the aouttaemn ooaatlee is ii im.sheLs ; central 56, and aorttoern 58. u Potatoee are eathnated bo jieM 56 j)lt i-ent. oí au average crtvp. The íifure.s (or the sectkma are aoutiherB 52, central 61, nortaierii, 67. Winter applea aro eetimatod to i vield one-ekíluh oí a. CTOp in tlie Boutbem coontles, a ml SJ. per cent, oí ain averiLge in tlie central counties and the state. The figures loe tino íun-tlK'rn couirtiea are 58. The (irouth, noted in the September ireport aa liavinií prevalled In the be siuioe tilie 22d oí June, waa not íbrolien iii tüie BOativern and central sectioins f ihe state until September 11! iind 13. On tíllese two days ftlherc feil 0.29 of au Inch of raiu in tlie central countiee, and 1 inch ín Koiuhcrn c(Hiinics. The abutbem counties ir e hiere undersbpod to include omly the smithcrn bwo tiers of commies, and the central comntles til,-. .",(1, -ith, 5tii and 6th tici-s accoriliiiir to the (üvisidiis in the meteorotogioal tablee. AJter the l.'Hh a immber oí lifílit showcrs occurred in these Mciions, imt no heavy, eoaklng rain. Thi' avorano vainiall in the soulliern cimntics in Scptrinhci' was 2.46 iiiriics, a dellciency h 0.57 ol au ino-h. Thi; averag-u in the central couiitiee was i'.oi Incoes, a deliciency of 0.79 of au imh. About ane-fifth ol aa Ineb of rain feil in t)lie northern counttea and the upper península on September!. The average rain fall for 1 1i f imaiih In . i .-iiii-f Bed ion was 2.92 incJ ili'iii icir-y of 0. 4 Ol (in inili. and the average in the upper península was 2.02 imcbes, a defictency of 1.04 in. 1i rs. The dry weather has greatly damaged com and potatoes, delayed the mi c)v.iiü;. and rcilnccd I lic whcat me. AVc can liariüy beUene it . - A 'news]a))cr, in motin.ii ttue snc-cssl'nl career oía venerable man wim has jnst (üi-d. malves tibe start lin-ï statement 1hal "toe as bOTD without a shilItng in his pocket."


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