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Nex1 Mooday bhe O. al M. Republlcan ('iui win elect oiflcers. The F rechinan glrte glve a spread :it Gmnger's Hall on i'rid,i. eveni Ing. The SivjiiiMiniiivs are to hold a clase meeting Saturday in Kiiui A. al '■ a . m . A Btudeni om Washington street, U; lliirly dillars nu the AthletlC iiTüliniI.s last Sa t uri'.ay. TIn' Itciiton Debat ü.r Clnli is a iirw inw departmeni ewclety. It nwetfi l'riilays ;it -i j). m. Tlic Miiiiifsiita tOOtbaJ] team ar.' : play I hr I'. ui M's (in 1 ilr Al I. lelie UTiUinils (.n Saturday p. in. The (all iicld day last Saturday wan a ni'iiuuiiced siu-ees, and sovcrul ooUege records weare bnotkesu IVofs. Denwnom and Oootey are to help entertain bhe mirada o: the state ciichcrs al Lamslng oo the 26 - 2s oï December. Oarnell can Bympattklze wiih the I'. i: M.. tihey were .. i-wheiminuly defeated by Princrton Saturday by a score oí Hl to 0. On [ 'liit.i eventllg next, Messrs. KUry anil Sherley wil] inl i-rl ain in Anti ArbOff auilicnre in rnivcrsity Hall opder tii"'ans])iM's of the S. I. A. i'iir scciPiiii atnraber if t.H;i t excellent JmmicuMius paper Tlio Wrlnkle, will be 0D sale Friday. It'wjllbe an ini])rivfmcnt on No. 1. Watcli for it. The Siuiili l'.enil, Ind., TriUnne of (let. 20t(h, says that tlte Notfc Dame foot hall team expert feo meet 1 lie "redoubtable Anu Arbor eleven" tlüa season. President Angelí w.nt to CSÜcagO last, l']-i(l:iy tn se' if t liere WBS an oppdftnmity of secnrintr any additimis to tJie museum trom thv Wmid's Pair i-Nhibits. It is froped he will b( SUCcesshil. All Ofhio repuliliran Studente who aire voteqa are wantod at home on the 7tu n' November, and arrangements aire beiniï ma de tu secure transporta t hm at rednced rat es for the iK-rasion. Oinly $150 has boen offereed, so far, for tille Micliijrnn building, at the WorW's Fair. Ií it oould le removed in sections, the state miglit better give it to the Tniversity to Ik; used few t.lie Kokers and Ixwis c-ollections until sucih time as a building could be erect-d. James Whitcomb Rlley is accompanied this year ITy a stalwart KentiR'kian nanieil Doiiglaas Slierley, and tlwy are saiil to inake it miirhty intcrcst inií l'or an auilieiirr. Tlii-y will try it bei-e om Frtdey ni.u'lit, at T'nive-i-sity Hall. Tlie twain aro 011jiaped for six inimih's continned work in the -"lecture" field. . Ii any one had any fear as lo Hie nbiiity .-mil grace ;' Presiden! Wedenieyci' as a presidlng oíflcer of the S. L. A., the neat way in whteh he introdnced Umi. Frederiek Douglass last Thnrsday eveniniï ought tO have been suffleteni t'i banish it. He lul liis part well, !'lri'iiicly si. considerfaiig that it was liis initiai ui'.v appearanc in tliai capacity. Ac'rian Preee : "On November !ih. Decline of Agricultnrc and Sume oí tJic Causee,' wlU be dlscussed before"thc si in ent s oí the University by Populist Jerry Simpson, oï Kan At Un1 conclusión oí tbe lectura it expeoted ilm Jerry wlll roll ii]i hie jianv.s and allow tin audlenoe a halfboor inU'rvirw Avitli liis BOeklesB siiins. Jèrry is no dude." Une foot-ball tpam went 1d ('liiragO Satüi-day with tOO nnirli coniidence aml carne hack a de crtMlitcd ; .) tin-m, thr scnri' lK'injr ]0 lo '. Nol a bad ili'icat, but all Ann Ai-bor wimld have lelt happier had tihe ecore been rerersed. But it wili ppobably have a good eifec and make i! al] t liv more (Híflculi ft any team t 0 deieet 1 ■in.


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