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Proceedings Of The Bord Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County

Proceedings Of The Bord Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County image
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Monday, January 9, L893. Tlie Board of Supervisors met in special session in the Supervisors' Room in the Court House iu the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday the ninth day of January, A. D., 1893. Called to order by Chairman Jacob Jedele. Roll called and quorum present. Ou motion of Supervisor üilbert, Mr. Fred Jedele was received as supervisor in the towuship of Scio in the place of Andrew T. Hughes, resigned. Mr. Thomas Young moved that the chair appoint a committee of three to examine the bonds of county officers, which motion was carried. The chairman appointed as BOch committee, Messrs. Davenport, Dnffy and Youog. Whereupon the board took a recesa to at 9 : 00 a. in. Jacob Jedei.k, Artiu:k Brow.v, Chairman. Clerk. Tuksday, January 10, 1893. The board niet pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by Chairman Jacob Jedele. Roll called and quorum present. The journal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. Edwards moved that Frederick Jedele be appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Andrew T. Hughes ou the several standing committees. Carried. The clerk presented to the board the report of the County Treasurer and the same was, on motion of Mr. Kearns, received and ordered referred to the committee to settle with county otlicers. M r. Case moved that owing to the in: abiiity of John R. Miner to be present at the preseut session of the board that John W. Bennett be appointed on the several standing có littees in place of Mr. Miner. Mr. Youiik froni committee on nal claims iiuinber one reported the following bilis and recommeuded tbeir al lowance at suins stateil, to-wit: Clalmed. AllowedJoseph Gauntlett, deputy sheriff. _. 6 95 Í4 70 Mlclmel Breuuer, depnty sheriff 11 25 11 25 Wliereupon the board took a recesa to to-uiorrow morning at 10 : 30 o'clock. Jacob Jedei.e, Arthur Browx, Chairman. Clerk. Wbdnbsda'y, Jíumary 11, 1803. Board met pursuant to adjourument. Culled to order by the chairman. Roll called and quorum present. The journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Young froin criminal claims committee number one reported the bilis of Zina Buck, deputy sheriff, and M. C. Peterson, also deputy sheriff, and recouimended that said bilis be allowed as claimed. Mr. Gilbert moved tlnit the report of the committee be received. Carried. Mr. Gilbert then moved that the bilis be allowed is claimed except that $1.95 be stricken out of the bill of M. C. Peterson. Carried. Mr. Edwardfl moved to re-consider the vote just taken on the allowance of the bilis of Deputy Sheriffs Buck and Peterson. Carried. Mr. Gilbert moved that the suin of $7.00 be stricken from the bill of M. C. Peterson and that the balance of said bill together with the bill of Zina Buck be allowed. Mr. Duffy moved as an amendment that the bill of M. C. Peterson be reduced $4.00 and the balance -of the report of said criminal claims committee be adopted. Mr. üavenport moved as a substitute that the bilis be referred back to the cominittee. Uarned. Mr. Kearns {rom civil claims committee reported the following bilis añil recommuuded their allowance at Banu stated, to-wit : Claimed. Allowed. K. A. Clark, wltneagiD open cour i 5 00 $5 00 Koen & Heune, repairs on furulture 5 60 5 00 Eugeue Oestcrlin, wltnesa in P. C 2 00 2 00 Hurlow llros., book for Pro IjHte Ottice 20 00 20 00 The Richinoiid A Kackus (■i.,-itatiouary 17 40 17 40 Dr. John Kapp. witnuss In Probate court 5 00 5 00 E. P. Ifason. supt, ol Poor si oo 21 oo Wadhama, Kennedy and Reuk', shirts for' prisouers 1 M 1 50 1). M. Tvler, wltneea In Prbate Court 5 00 5 00 K. f. Mills, balance of account , M 60 (', M. l'arker, si-huul sinplies - . :! 00 3 00 Jollll Kuil lilu-il I". i In-r, Wit uess F, O '00 2 00 Report adoptod. Whereupon the board took i recess to to-niürrow at il : 0l o'clock. J COB Jedkdi:, Artiuu Bbown, Chairman. Clerk. Thursdav, January 12, 1893. Board niet pursuant to adjournmeot. Koll called and quorum present. The journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Forsyth from criminal claiins cimiinittee iiuinlicr two rejorted the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated, to-wit: Claimed. Allowed. Jus. II. liatón, daputy sheriff 116 80 J14 90 ltush Greeu.coiistaljle 8 4". 5 60 F. P. Bogardus. J. P 2M 70 !)9 70 Edward Duaue. wituess before Wm. Bacon, J. P 2 00 1 75 Catheriue Hall, wltneu beforc S. H. Perkius, 3. P... 2 :0 2 50 W. P. Beach, .1. 1' 19 60 19 60 Ueo. H. Jacksou, board ol prisoners 9 80 SM E. B. Pond, J. P„ drawing jury-. 1 S0 1 50 J. R. Bach, wltness before E. B. Pond, J. 1" B8 90 James Doyle, J. 1J I 70 4 70 S. H. Perkins, J. P 8 30 5 80 Krank Sherwood, juror bfi fore Perkins, J. P 100 100 Harvey Anthony, juror before Perkins, J. P 1 ro 100 Richard Gilbert, juror before Perkins, i. P 10 1 00 Henry Kirchoffer. juror before Perkins, J. 1 100 100 Frank Sloat, iuror befora Perkins, J. P 100 100 Lewis Bolinger, juror bofore Perkins, J. P 1 00 1 00 Fred Ortlenberger, wltness before Perkins. J.P 50 48 Edward Huton. witness before Perkins, J. P 50 48 Myron Webb. J. P 4 80 4 80 J. M. Woods, constable-, lti 44 15 14 Albert Sraith, ■ 1 '20 120 Albert Smith, " - - 2 24 2 24 Report adopted. Also Mr. Forsyth reported the ing buis without recommenüaiion. Clarence Tice, deputy marshal, ($4.50) which was on motion disallowed ; also the bill of W. II. Jackson, deputy marshal, ($19.fiO) which was on motion of Mr. Bennett laid upon the table ; also the bill of Charles Fox, constable, (M 35 which was on motion referred back to the cominittee ; also Mr. Breining from same cominittee reportad the bill of E. B. Pond and recommended itn allowance as claimed, ((29.50) which was on rnotion allowed. Mr. Young from criminal chuma committee number oue reported the followiug bilis and recommended their allowance as stated, to-wit : ('laiined. Allowed. Stephen Hutchlnson, deputy sheriff 5 91 5 91 Charles Dwyer, cash pald, etc 67 17 87 17 P.W.McCabe, dept'y sheriff 282 60 292 60 M.C.Peterson, " " 42 90 88 96 Paul Schall, " 97 9:i 86 98 I' V McCabe, " " 46 70 45 70 M. C. Peterson, " " 97 90 97 90 Charles Schott, " " 3 06 12 05 Charles Dwyer, sheriff 1,394 70 1,817 70 Report adopted. The same cominittee also reported thi' bill of Ziini Back, which v:im on nicitioii of Mr. Dnffy reierred back to the committee. Mr. Bennett from cominittee on civil claims reported tlie foflowing bilis and recommended their allowanee, to-wit: Claimed. Allowed. W. B. Osborn, wltneai in Probate Court $0 00 $6 00 Marión Hewitt. wltnesa in Probate Court 2 00 2 00 Hugh Falconer, witnesa u Probate Court 2 00 2 00 Ttaos. Falconer. witness in Probate Court 2 Ü0 2 (X) Maun Bros., drugs 2 2U 2 20 Arthur Brown, oounty clerk'aphysieiaus' cei'liiicates-.... 6 50 G 50 Edward DufTy. suimlici fur jall 35 80 SS 8C Thomas Sliaw, witnesa in Probate Court 7 00 7 00 D. J. Malloy, repairs on builá at jail 31 80 31 80 Mack & Mack, burial of soldier 40 00 40 00 Schuh & Muehlig, supplles at jail 4 18 4 43 F. B. Hall, witness in Probate Court 1 80 1 80 Register Publishing Co., uoteheads for the Circuit Judge i ou ou J. R. Lemm, itnesa in Probate Court 4 00 4 00 Report adopted. Said comrnittee also reported the bill of Edward Shanahan which was on motion referred back to the conimittee. Mr. Burtless oftered the following : Whereas, Under the present eleotion law, voting precints are limited to 600 voters and as inany tovvnships exceed that number by a few votes, requiring those townships to have two precints thereby makiug a large and entirely useless expense. Therefore Resolved, That the legislature is respectfully requested to so amend that law that the limit in townships shall not exceed 700 voters. Mr. Forsyth moved to lay said resolution on the table. Whereupon the board adjourned to to-morrow morning at 10: 30 o'clock. Jacob Jedei.e, Arthur Brown, Chairman. Clerk. Friday, January 13, 1893_ The Board of Supervisors niet pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by the chairman. Roll called and quorum present. The journal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. Young from criminal claims ber one reponed tlie toiiowing bilis ana recommended their allowance at sums stated, to-wit: Clalmed. Allowed Zina Buck, deputy B2 16 M L5 Jacob Statten, " " 1 - - 98 SO Charles Dwyer, slieritï 408 85 108 86 Report adoptcd. Mr. VanSickle froin orirainal claims coirmiittee uumber two reported the following bilis and recommended tlieir allowance at sama stated, to-wit: ('luimed. Allowed. Noah G. Butt3, J. F $198 I )138 1'. Emauiiel Golz, juror beiore N. G. Butts 100 100 W. E. BHss.juror N. G. Butts 1 00 1 OU Gil. Suow, juror before N. G. Butts 1 00 1 00 W. Lane, iuror before N. G. Butts. 1 00 1 00 W. H. Tuttle, juror before N.(i. Hutts- . 100 100 Sjiiiih Noniaud. wltneai before N. Q. Butts 85 S.r Charles Dwyer, witnessb'fore N. (.!. Butts 85 85 Charles Stebblns, wltnesa before N. G. Butts 1 7" l '■ ('hurles Dwyer, wltuess before N. Q. Butts K, 85 Frauk Ortmau, wltnoss before N. (i. Butts 86 86 Frauk Tavlor, witnesB belore N. Ö. Butts, 85 85 Cora Heis, wltneM before N. G. Butts - 85 85 Mamie Kever, wituess before N. O. Batte 85 85 Clara Bohnelder, witnevs before N. G. Butts 85 85 Edward Sehueider, viliu- before N. (.;. Hutts 85 85 Paul Scbnll, wltuess before N. tí. Butts 85 8 Emery E. Broek, witnesa before N. i;. Butts 4 tVi Ui Charles Fox. oonit&ble 4 ;ió i 86 M. M. lainpliell, constable 4 75 4 75 Report adopted. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors: Gentle.mkn: - The undereigned memben of yourcornniittee on iiuanoe woukl I respectfiilly report that wc ioond th followiug fuuds ovenhawn tot the followiug auiounts, to-wit: Jail fund $6,519 56 Eastern Michigan Asylum 5,733 18 Jurors fund 8,2715 40 ITuel fund. 2,387 72 Insurance fuud 1 . 1 - - 86 Wltnesa fund 85fi 62 Board of School Examiners 2,876 9fl Countyfund 22,936 11 Salary 15,542 91 Stenographer't fund 1,138 17 Public Building 4355 M Contingent fund 24,301 50 Total $96,054 03 Anl vi recommend that the county taz of 1891 and 1892 and 21 ,054.03 of the General Liquor Tax be apportioned to these funds. All of which is respectfully subraitted. James M. Forsyth, J. W. Bf.ssett, Eugene Oesterlin, , Committee. Mr. Braun from committee to settle with the county officers made the following reports. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County : Youi committee to settle with county officers would respectfully report that they have examined the accounts of the clerk and tind that they agree with the accounts of the county treasurer. Wi' would also report that we find that in entry fee has been paid of $2.00 in each case to the county clerk in one Imndred and ritteen cases. Also that Uit! clerk lias collected the jury and tenographers iees of $0.00 in each case of twenty-one cases, making in all the -juni oí three liundred and fifty-six dolais ín the banda of the clerk belonging o the county. We would also respectully report that we find that the clerk s èntitled to the following items of redit, to-wit : Postage . - $ 20 H ?elephone ou county business 12 For preparing five term calendara at $10.00 each 50 00 For recording births, 573 ; deaths, 4.V.I ; niarriages,480; and making returns to Secretary of State 90 72 Postoflice box rent for five quarters, eudingDec. 31st, 1892. at 60 cents each 3 00 For services as Secretary of Board of Couuty Canvassers, November Election, 192 100 00 Balance due county 7!) 08 We would also respectfully report liat we have examined the books and 'ouchera in the county treasurer's ofliee in.1 lOund tliem to agree with the report xubmitted by him, the following being a conáensed statement of same : RECEIPTS. Recelpta trom Oct. 1, 1892 to Dec. 31, 1892, (inclusive.) Primary Money - ., S0,424 BO .icjiiur taz )eliniiient tax ftW W tecelved from township treasurcr to apply ou state aud county taxes 13,057 91 State óf Michigan "-72 83 ieceivcd from county clerk (stone 90]d) - 7 2 Reeeived fromC. H. Manir, office rent 80 00 lecelved from W. K. Childs, office real - - tecelved f rom Wayne coiinty, People v-. M. K Milla 50 Fine montes- N. G. Butts í'Jl 00 A. Brown " 00 K. P. Boeardus- 81 00 Wm. Bacon 40 00 E. B. Pond 30 00 - 197 00 Institute feesof M. J. (Jiivmiaugh. - 4(1 00 Reeeived from Supt. of Poor - 79 62 Apportlonmeuts SI 9 Overdraft at F. A M. Bank, Dec. 31, '92 26,140 50 $52,452 95 DISBIRSEMF.STd. Disburseraents from Oct. 1, 1892 to Dec. 31, 1892 (inclusive.) Patd townshin and clty treasurers $11,017 29 " Treas.of Eastern Mich. Asyluin 1,698 17 " Supt. Detroit House Correction o bu " Fuel fuud 801 23 " Witnen fund - U 3 " Board School Examiuers 407 U0 " Treasurer State of Michigau 3M 85 Interest fund__ 90fi 50 " Stenographer fund 307 U0 " General fuud 283 74 " Public building fund 446 31 ■ Jnrorsfund UU 10 " Salaryfund 1,928 74 " Countyfuud- - 7,020 iS " Jailfuud 930 00 " Poor fund 1.4U4 12 " Contingent fund 4,237 % " Drain fund - 32 7f ' Apportionments _ 310 32 " üverdraft at F. & M. Bank.Oct. 1, 192 18,2'. 49 Totals $32,4,V2 SB All of which is respectfullvsubmitted. Charles Braun, Morton F. Case, Michael Sage, Committee. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Washteuaw County. Gentlemen: I herewith transrait my report of monies received and paid out by me from the flrst day of October.A.D. 1892, to andincludiug the thirty-flrst day of December, 1892. Also a statement of the Resources and Liabilities as shown by the books in this office December thirty-flrst, 1892. All of whicu are respectfullv submitted for your iuspection and examination. i. i i v r. 1 1 .-i , t'o. Treaaurer. RECEIPTS. Bridijncater Taun. Liquortax 148 50 Primary money 263 70- 412 26 Pittsfleld TowntMp. Primary money ác' I'2 TpHkmU Town'hip. Primar; mouey B8S Di'Vuniuíui ConrUy Tax. Collections M Sitaron Toumehip. Primar; money 291 48 Superior Townsfiip. l'iimary money 293 16 Wtbtter teviukip. rriiinuy money . 172 20 Dejtter Tounthip. Primary money 1W Delinquent taxes Vo- 178 84 .i! Tinrnsliii). Primar; money MJW Uquortai - 148 üü- 394 b2 Tiiuiifliii'. Priman' uioney Sal M Delinquent tax 95 MU .li Arbor Town. Primary inoney 206 61 Detlnqueut taxea 17 83 State aud (Joiinty tax._ 3,016 00- 3,270 47 l.yndon luunshi. I'riiiiui y uiouey 141 M 8tatt of Michigan. Delinquent taxea, etc 113 18 School Deaf aud Bllud Ï7S 386 01 Int rtsl Fttiii. hu. nu delinquent tax 6 08 Vptilanii City. Liiltior tax m 87 Primar} money r i,4au n Ueliuqueut taxes 84 70 To applj on poor tax 'W_ 437 Otí- 2,1; 20 UartcheHer Tovm. Primary inoney - KM Delinquent taxes 7 80- 578 ÍS Atol Arbur City. Primarj money 2,292 36 Delinquent taxea 649- 3,857 88 Sylvan TovñuMp. Prlmary inoney - 608 16 Delinquent taxe 7 75 - 61511 (lateral t'uiul. Llquor tnx 144 37 A. Browu (Stone) 7 20 C. H. Miuilv (rent) 85 00 W. K. (iiilda (rent) 5300 A. Brown (people va. M. K. Mills). 465 50 (.ollection fee taxes - 23 20- 778 2 .1 U0 ■ '■ Primary money 487 20 Delinquent taxes 44 81- 532 01 Northfield TovmsMp. Prlmary money 293 36 State aml County taxes 1,204 0C- 1,567 36 Salint Tovm8Mpt Frimary money 472 08 Vut' Voney Fund, nnespald In 19700 s:, Tounuhip. Prlmary money 5K96 Delinquent taxea 91 State aud County taxes 2,050 00- v.605 87 Freedom Tounihip. Primary money 414 96 Delinquent taxes 6 80 State aud County taxe - 2,300 00- 2,731 "ö Teachers' Institutc Fttnd, Institute Fees- 40 CO Loüi Toirn-ihip. Primary money 233 52 Delinquent taxes 2 69 Stato and Countv taxes 2,303 00- 2,539 21 Poot Fund. Superiutendents of Poor 79 62 Salrm Towntkip. Primary money 236 88 State and County taxes 2,157 2,394 73 Overdraft at F. aud M. Bank, Dec.31st, 1892 26,140 50 Total $52,452 95 UISBIRSEMENTS. , Brldgewater Town, l'aid treasurer $ 4V1M E. Michigan Asylum, i'aid treaanret 1,699 1 Pittsfleld Town, l'aid treasurer '■!" 13 PSIUIUU lü 11, Paid treasurer Sharou Towu, Paid treasurer 291 4 uperior Town, Paid treasurer 2!K 16 'ebster Tuu ii. Paid treasurer 172 20 exter Town, Paid treasurer 18 08 ImaTown, l'aid treasurer 394 62 House of Correction, Paid Superinteudeut 3C3 60 ork Towu, Paid treasurer_ 521 M uel Fund, Orders paid 801 23 uu Arbor Towu, Paid treasurer yudon Town, Paid treasurer Hl U 'itness Fund, Orders puid 113 80 oard of School hxaminers. Orders pald 407 00 tate of Michigan, Paid treasurer 383 85 uterest Fund, Puid F. and M. Bank 905 7(1 Statu of Michigan- 71- 900 50 Ity of YpsilanU. Pald treasurer 1,034 53 anual Tax Sales, Apportlonment 289 77 auehester Town, Paid treasurer 565 32 tenoerapher Fund, Orders paH W7 0 uu Arbor City, Paid treasurer 2#H W ylvan Townshlp, Paid treasurer 608 16 eneral Fund, Orders paid 10 91 School Deaf aud Bliud- - 272 283 74 ugusta Townsbip, Paid treasurer.. 487 20 orthfleld Towu, Paid treasurer 293 36 aline township, Paid treasurer - 472 08 ublic Building Fund, Orders paid 445 21 tirors Finid, Orders paid 1,024 10 ció Township, Paid treasurer 519 90 alary Fund, Orders paid 1,9 74 'ounty Fund, Orders paid-. 7,620 78 harge Back Taxes, Charge ior re-iissessment20 5o ail Fund, Orders paid 930 00 Freedom Town, Paid treasurer 563 46 Lodi Township, Paid treasurer - 236 34 oor Fund, Orders paid 1,404 12 ontingent Fund, Orders paid 4,237 96 alem Township, Hallock and Butler Draiu, Orders paid I 7-ï uperior Brauch Xo. 1 Drain, Orders paid 2 00 uperior Drain Xo. 1, Orders paid tW Overdraft at F. and II. Bank, Oct. 1, 1892 18,236 4ÍI Total 52,402 5 Statement of resources and liabilities as howu by the books of this office December 81, 892. RESOURCES. Jail fund Í 6,51955 Michigan asyluni 48 01 E.Michigan asylum 5,733 18 Delinquent county tax. - 50 69 Juror lund 8,276 40 Foei fund 2.3.S7 7J Insurance funii 1,12'J J WHness fund 856 62 3d. of School Exiim. 2,876 96 nterest fund 1 ,i42 8a County fund 22.930 11 Salary fund 15,542 !)1 ■ítenographer fund 1,138 17 Public Building fund 4,.!55 56 Contingent fund 24,301 50 Hen Krank Harris Dralii- 871 Sugar loaf Drain fund 10 00 Annuiil tax sales. 4 01 Charged back taxes :4 08 ;i.iauii.ities. Freedoio township $ 2,306 80 Salem township - .,157 8o Teachers' insUtute fund- 0, Scio township 2,085 91 I.odi township 2,:0,09 Dexter township ' House of Correctlou 218 T York township 01 Kine inoney fund JM 0 Ann Arbor township 3,063 8; State of Michigan ,,Xï Taxes - 3ü.OOooo City of Ypsllantl "'-] J Manchester township City of Ann Arbor 04 B Poor fnnd 4110.) Sylvun township 7 o Ueneral fund M3 18 Augusta township B Northtleld township li" 0 Wanty dd. to Silgar Creek draln 5 7 York and Augusta drain No. 2 4 27 Doan and Ferrls drain go Abe Maybee drain fUDd.__ lt) 7 V. branch Big Marsh drain 4 51 Superior draiu No. 1 30 17 Rlg Marsh draln Ja Freedom and Sharou draiu 5 U0 N. branch Augusta central drain $6 9 Brldgewati-r ilrniii No. 1_-. 40 b-'l Looney and Walsh ilniin- 19 b0 Freedom aud Hrldgiw.iier draiu 3 75 Crlpperj drnlu 'J Superlorbmncli drain No. 1 i Hallook and Butler drain, Sï 1Í Overdraft at F. and M. ,. ,„-„ bank, Dec. 3i, 1882 26,140 oO Totals !7,850 45 $97,850 45 Mr. Kennis moved that the board reconsidei the vote taken apon the allowBBC6 of the bilis of Schall and Tice, which was loat by the following vote the yeas and nays being called for. Yeas - Messrs. Banmgardner.Benneti Dutty, Depuy, Davenport, . Forsytl [iiulies, Howard, Jedcle, Kearns, Oeserlin.- 11. Naya - Ball, Braun, Breining, C ansingburg, Edwurds, Gilbert, Hunter, Bborn, Speechley, VanSickle, Walter, nd Young. - 14. On motion the bill of W. J. Jackson ■as taken froni the table. On motion tlie bill was allowed as laimed. Claimed. Allowed. '. J. Jackson, deputv marshal 1 $19 60 19 CO Mr. Davenport from couiiuittee on onds reported the following bonds and nd moved that the same be accepted nd the sureties approved, to-wit: Arthur Brown, Register In Chancery. Arthur Brown County Clerk. Farmers' and Mechanica' Bank. Charles S. Woodward, County Surveyor. Patrick McKernan, Circuit Court Ooinmisioner. Martin Clark, Coroner. Tracy L. Towner, Circuit Court Couimlsioner. Andrew T. Hughes, Register of Deeds. Michael Breuuer, sheriff. Report adopted. .Mr. Oesterlin from comniittee on pubic buildings made the following report : 'o the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Waslitt'iiaw Countv : In taking the inventory of the furniures, books, flxtures, etc, iu the diierent offices of the Court House, your ommittee on public buildings found liat it is necessary to have the articles n each office appraised, so that in case f fire in any of the offices the loss could ie iroved to the insurance companies. Your committee would therefore recoinmend that ;i committee of three be appointed to perform this work or that liat the building committee be instructed o act as Bucfa nppraisors. El QKNB OeSTERLIX, m. j. howard, Edwin Ball, Committee. On moüon the report was accepted and the building committee was autboricd ti appraise the furniture, books, etc. Mr. Gilbert moved tliat the commite on public buildings be authorized to ■it once notify the Washtenaw County .and Title Company to vacate the room now occupied by thein inside of thirty lays. Carried. Mr. Case moved that the Cuunty ?reasurer lie allowed $50.00 for services inee tlie first day of January. Carried. Instare Brehm - $30 00 The tominittee on per diein made the ollowing report: Names. 5 g ñ I 3 I I ohn R. Miner 6 18 1 $ 12 $18 12 Eugene Oesterlin 18 1 $ 12 18 12 ames k'earns 6 18 1 12 18 12 ohn Baumgardner- B 18 1 12 18 12 Thomas Speechley 6 18 1 12 18 12 ohn W. Benuett 6 18 1 12 18 12 :has. Braun 6 18 5 00 18 60 Vin. Dansingburg _ - 6 18 15 180 19 80 eo. Walter 6 18 35 4 20 39 32 acob Jedele 7 21 11 1 32 22 32 acob Brenning 6 18 lti 1 92 19 92 Fred Wedemeyer 6 18 24 2 88 20 88 Michael Sage 8 18 10 1 20 19 20 Thos. Young 6 18 27 3 24 21 44 Vm. Burtless 6 18 ai 4 20 22 20 'hilipDuffy 6 18 10 120 19 20 M F Case 6 18 7 84 18 84 . C. VanSickle 6 18 30 3 60 21 60 Edward Depny 6 18 11 1 32 19 32 Fred Jedele --' 6 18 12 1 44 19 44 V. B. Osborn 6 18 35 4 20 22 20 Jas. L. Gilbert 6 18 18 2 16 20 10 M. J. Howard 6 18 10 1 20 19 20 Edwin Ball 6 18 10 1 20 19 20 Alfred Davenport . 6 18 lti 1 92 19 92 . M. Hnnter 6 18 8 96 18 96 David Kdwards 6 18 10 1 20 19 20 Jamea Forayto 6 18 10 1 20 19 20 Whereupon the board took a recess to 1:30 p. BB. AFTERXOON SESSION. Mr. Forsyth from committee on criinnal claims number two reported the jill of Theodore Bushmau without rec. ommendation. Ou motion the bill was disallowed. Mr. Bennett (rom committee on civil claims reported the following bilis aiu recommended their allowance as stated, to-wit : V. (i . snow. livery $4 00 W 00 T. J. Farrell, " 2 80 2 80 Roblson k Howlett, livery 4 00 1 00 L. I'. McLachlau, wituess in Probate Court 150 150 Edward Batwell, wllness In Probate Court 7 00 7 00 Edwurd Shanahan, Sol dlers'ReliefCommission 5 00 5 0 Resistor Publlshlng Co._ o 00 5 00 V. R. Barton, wltuess in Probate Court 5 00 5 00 Eugene Oesterlin, services on public building committee.. 9 00 9 00 Edwin Ball. services on public building committee - - U 00 11 00 .i. .j. iiowaru, services cn public building coinmlltce 1100 1100 Eberbaeh & Co., drugs 14 S3 H 83 Report adopte I . The committee also reported the bil! of M. 8eerey and recommended its allowance as claimed. On motion of Mr. Keunis, tlie bil] was disallowed liy the following vote, the yeas and naya being called for. Veas - Messrs. lhitty, Davenport, Hughea, Howard, Jedele, Kearns, Oesterlin, Osborn, Sage. - 9. Nays - Messrs. Bauuigardner.Bennett, Brann, Caso, Danaingbarg, Daffy, Depiiv, Edwarde, Forsyth, Gilbert, Hunter, Speechley, Wedemeyer and Young. - 14. Mr. Hunter moved to allow Edward Rutzel the siiin of $S.Ö7 for traveüng expenses going to Mouroe to identify horae thieves. Carried. Mr. Gilbert offered the fellowing: Resolved, Thai it s the sense of this board that the legislatura nOW iu session should repeal Üie present tax law as far as t relates to mortgages orBank stock, and so t'iiart that that class of property sliall bear its ful] proportion of taxes and that the i'lerk be tnstructed to Bend a copy of this resolution to each of the members of the House and Senate. Carried. Mr. Hunter moved that the clerk be allowed twenty dollars tor farnishing a copy of these proceedings to the Board Óf Supervisors. Whereupon the board adjourned witliout a day. Jacob Jedei.k, Artiilr Beowm, Chairman. Clerk.


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