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The woods are dressed In colors gay, The straw hat is taken In. The race horse is fed oa musty hay, The pooi seller ccases to chin. Half-faire to Chicago now on any 'rarns excapt the limitad. Ifc pays weU 1o go auttlng i iiis [all, the wKKwte a.nd ïiclds are yiedllng a great erop. The traivei to Detroit, now-a-days, from t his station, alinost. equals the travel to Chicago. The Worid's Fah' cloeee aext Tuesday. Only a few days nosv to see tilie greatesl atuow on earth. The aasertkm tiiat aupervlsors woauetimt'M ])lay potoec N a base alandea-. Thfy doin't liavo tiuic Now is au excellen time to clean lip all rniiiiisii, and to put your premlaee in göOd sa'nitary condition. Tlie work m tbe'sewers is progreseiiiu' a.nain. The til; ai-rived vork au norw be putslied. ■ The l:i s oí Aan Arhoi' town can ret pey w-ondrhuck BOalpa ek., at tbr cooirt house, Saturday Oct. 12S. Clay Greene Iwoko ground yesterlay for lii.s block ol stores om E. Aan st.. at the comer of X. Fit'th ave. The "W. C. T. r. hoidB it.s lOth Banaal rOMvention in tlie M. E. ehiirch at ("helsea, m the 2('.t!i and 27tb inst. A state Simday Sciiool im ention is to be lield m Hillsdale, Nov. 11. 1 5 and 1G. It is expected tliat it will be larg-ely attonded. It belmgf 1lio L'.'.th anniversary ol A. O. U. W. the locl organi?.:i tjon Wil] as.seinble at thoir hall on Friday evoning" and colebral . Sixty yoa' ■- niyo there were only tluT si axoiboate on the great lakes. il : cli.-'-iLT", i'iy conntryn1 : tlie lifetüne. of au individual ! Ali. the farmer is the boy Wlio nul quaff the cup of joy - The golden corn Is standing lo the shock; The turnlps burst the round Aud the ïmmpkins ripe and sound, Aud there's still a llttle cnsh in tliat old sock. The holiday harvest for merchanls is rapidly approacblmtg. NOW is a good Umie In siiw "ads." Thoy will be rtpe for tune reaper just abotrt tbal time. Etev. A. s. Oarmtan, of tihis city, was elected proeldeni oí t h .■ ntii annual conference oí Michigan Baptist ministers, beid at Muakegon laai week. Atnt un Cable, a justlce oí i iir peace at Wfoifrtaker, in Augusta township, presentad a, bill of $9 to t'he supervisors lof tour ycars' service .is such officer. John Jtamiiga.rdner, of Ann Arbor, erected a handsome granate monument on the David Thomas lot in Vermomt oemetery last week,- Qbelaea Herald. The nuake-üp of the Michigan Farmar lias beien ohanged by lts proprietors, oinil it is now a 10-page, 4 coliimiis to a page. It is mucli ni'ore conveniemt. The writer of tliis item met a ten ycar old boy bringing lióme a bag of nuts. The young chap spoke up in great glee : "Soft Knap to-day, teacher is slck." Dom't fOTget that you can secure both the New York Tribune and the Oourier for $1.25. The cheapest way to secure all tlhe nW8 that it is posible to obtain. There wen-e oaily 85 tickets sold ii'i.m this station ywrterday to tbe Woi-ld's I'air. JSut the. train liad so ma.ny passengen tliat it liad to go tn two section. October Jias contrfbuted a nuínber of jnore perfect days to 1893 llian jiny Dl lier sister iiKintlis. These days were mast erpieces oí Xature's Uandiwork, so to Kj)eak. Sunday. Oct. -"Jth, will be observod by the paston oí va.rions churchea as Pri.-on Snnday, in accordanee wltb a request froin tihe Stat' Board of CorriH-tions and ('haril ie. A powrful home raissiom sermón was preatllied last Sumday morning at tlie Ppesbyterlan church by the pastor. The resiult vraa a collection olt' $7S ïor the good canse. The vnoanen öf tih varinuH churches will liiold a prayer meeting next Saturday at thti M. E. diurch, at 3 p. m., in antkipatlon of the arrival of B. Fay Mills, the Kvan-list. "WlH'in tho hall of the School of Music is completed, t%c Ohoiral Union will hold it.s practice recitals tlierein. And all tihe memliers are anxious for tune completion of that hall. The first of llie Hiibart Guild Social (ii-ele Receptions will be held on Frklay ■veniim'. Xnr. 8d. The ciitertamment committee promlse uunsually jileasant partfee lilis year. TttW nieinbers of the I. O. O. F. lodires of l.his eity are invited to work .■nul veii-esiinK'iit at Wyandotte on Oct. 80, by Lodge Xo. 10, of that place. Will tihey have a good time ï You bet. At the Yiiuntt i'eople's Vesper Services at St. Andrew's chapel next Sihiday ■venintï. the leader will be the eity edil iir of the Cnurier, and his suleci wiii be lir.-: of the GTeat Triad." A Bllgfllt lire rit tlie Ann Arbor Orl':i:i Pacbory last Tliursilay nigiht, damiaged it aboul $100 worth. Tiiv ïii-c caugth.1 irom hdh lumber placed on t.he boili'i-s to dry. It clried too quici. Mrs. ( iara Doty l'.ates lias written a.n art.icle ior the Xovember St. Xichlas on ■"ni e (liildreii oí ihe 1 'la isa nee" with piet lires of most oí tlie interesting childrcn in thv "Mldway" at ihe World's Fair. Tho rank show oí the '.oston Ideal Opera troupe caim-ht a big house oí so:-iety people in I'ull dress last Thuredéy eivening. They all Buffered Uhpopgboui the pooreet performance ever giren here. Crand HlgSl I'ricsi 1',,'iw. a nd ( rand Visilor and l.ertnrer Clark, wil] a vi.sil to Wa-jl ena w Chapter R. A. M., to-ni:)Tl'o i'Vrlline,-, at tilt' Tenvple, wtoem the Roya.] Aren Degi-ee will be worked. The pupila oí Mr. E. X. I'.ilbie will ,uie a recital at McMUlam Hall, Motoday. Oct. 30th, at 3 o'clock p. m. Mr. Roberi Luderer, who was so wel] reeeived at tlhe 1 uil v ('lu!last Monday cveniiifi. will as.sist . ('. 1!. Davison and iamily partook oí i nina! oes Monday last, tliat liad beeo l-'ipi'iied on llie villes in his garden out - of-doors. Tlie viaies are next to the walla oí the ouner boiler room, and nosts liad not disturhed them. Tlie city t rcasurer is in reeeipt of letters from eastern hioueea asklng II tlie city has any bonds for sale.. It lias been a laag time sini-c siieh letters llave bees roceived. Is it not an indicat ion oí an easior money market in our eastern money centers ? E. A. WallaeO & Co. have bouirlit out tlie stock of goods formerly owned by the Two Sams, anil will earry on the business hereafter. Mr. W-allace la .'m YpMlantian. a gOOd business man, .1, 1 will be a valuable ad; e business interests o'f the Mr. 1!. i!. Nagarkar, f Botabay, linlia, who was cinc ni the prominent speakers at Ote Wortd'a Partiament oí ReUgtOEM in 'Incalo, V1 gpeak in tile I'nity lub eoursc next Mon(I.-iy evening. Subject, "Keliuions 1'mnTess a India." "Ainin Arbof can now yll al New York, thmiiiíh a. long dist anee tcleplioine and ask her what slie thinka miw about the World's Fair belng ;i íaüure, lii tille west. J'raiseil be name ui BCdence. (otliam is at last hilchcd lo civilizntion !"- Adlian l'reess. l'rnf. .las. A Ci-aLlí. Ih. I)., wlm teaches Semetie Languages and iieile.nisl.ic (reek in thc Universit y, will Spoak in I he J'reshy I .lia n chiircli nrt Sumday eTening. His subject will be, "The Religión of the Ancient IinbyloniTWis and Assyrians, Interpret ed fromi the ('uniform Monumental Records." Becaiise in gome localltiea ehn-ry trees iare blossomini; the second time, tillo pessimist comes ío-rward with a prediotiMí that Hiere will be niany deiitliH t.liiK seasoui. Of coiirse there will. How can it Ih.' otüerwis; ? Tliere are nisiiiy dea t lis evcry aeaaom in a tJiickiy populated commuinity. Dr. C. M. Oobeni has au interest - ing article on the "New Life of Clirist '' recently discovcrcd iu Bgypt, in the September HomilrtU: Keview. It kIiowb from these latest diseoveries that the doctrine of Christ'.s divinity was lK'licved as firmly in the eearliest (laj-s as ïioiv. Col. Geo. W. Bain delivered an excelleait lecture befoit; a crowded liouee at tJie diuroh of Chrtet last eveming-. Tüie all ielt better liicr hearing him plead for the riiiht and for purlty of life. lt was tihe seoomd of the Inlund Ixague of lectuires. At tJie M. E. church next Sunday inuü-niiii;-, Ilev. W. JjBOOlx Ilood. a New Kiifiland clergj'man, wiho lias been -very successful in work among youaig people, wlll oocupy the jiulpit. In tiie e vening, Miss Clara Cushman, a retunied missioinary, will teil of her experienecs in tliat field of labor. Tïhere are some youtlis in this city wilio make a practice of carrying' revolvea-s, wilvich is ra exceedingly dangeirous praotice, and one that the law is very explicit upon. The carrying of concealed weapotua is not only tinsa ie tor boys but for men, who are expected to use more judjïinent, and ougtlit to be set dovin on. About fort y Ypsilantians attended the enlert ainmeur at the opera house in Aun Arbor last Mnmlay eveninii, Illiea beleg the attractiiMi. The motor runs at sucih. convenieiit times that oiKi eau attwid the entertainmcuts at Ann Arbor and be from lnouie but litlh' lon.üer than when we liail au opera house here. - YpsTlantl Oomïnercial. 'Ihcre will be a grand concerl uiven ,-u tibe liet hel A. M. E. chiircli on November lOth. by Mi's. "llarriet Uobinsihi assisied by Miss JOSey I i. for tJie bemeitit of the churoh. It is to be hnprd that it will have the patronage o!' as niany as po.-sible. Afin- i ;ie ppogramme Is over, there wil] le reireshmenls served. All are cordially invit cd t o altend. Mits. Charlotte E. Cvtler died at lier hiMii;' om ('at liarinc st.. on the 22d iiist.. and funeral Bervicea were beid 'ruesiiay all er ui mu. Ke. S. ilaskell. o'1 Ka lainazi o. iormcrly jiastor of the I'.aptist cliurch here. oílicia t nu. Slie had been a resident oJ Ann Arbor for 28 ycars. aml was a sister oí the late Mrs. ratharine Oowles, who lelt her propertj to the Baptlsi church. Knbert Scott, aged 84, died at liis home in lirii l.ake. ou 1 lic lütli of Ociobcr. The reinaius iviit brOUgtlt here Saturday for interrment in I'oresi Hm cemetery. He will !■ renieinbrred by m.uiy as heinji janitor Of I iiion .-■..■hooi sevcral years agO, ,nv;i,v back in thc '608, and kniiwn to Ihc kiilsoiHiat day ag "Old ScOtty." lic li'.eil to good old age, and üiany ii Old school boys will reiiTet i o hear oí his death. The people of this city a:id this counl.v know nothlag of hard t i'nes and dtetceaa. H jou want to Eind oui soinetiliinji about that go to a coninninily where t here are gre&1 facti:ries jiartially OT entirely idle. The people ol this entlre county may well coimiMMilaie iheni-clves upon tllneir circumst anees. tliey are in pr'uicely cniidit ion c'impave.l wit b Other local'ulcs where business is at a standstill, and where the laborera have no nioncy to buy cvn t lic every day necessiiics o: lile. Xerous people who travel by rail will be pleascd to learu that the Michigan Central K. U., haa issu'd an order whieh is strii'tly eniorced, that no train can leave a Station nntil il has received notice that the train it has leít the station ahcad. That jnakes these rear and i ■oiiisions absoltitely imiiossiblc. Tlie M. C. haa always beeoione of tlie most carenil roads in tlie country. It has had fewer accidents, and enjoys the oonfiil.ncc i the poople s but few oiiicr roeide lo. (.ivc.s one a turn- The Ferrls wheel. " Mini wimtïi lnt little here below " Will do to rite n a book : For Iil-'s nliïiiyi Hiixious to et all he can By most any hook or crook. II' speech is si Her, wh:it is tile nntisüver speed] .' II'iiii,. riiir aeeaaa to be a dismal fa i! ure, jis a rule. Oor readers tiiis week aregtron two pagee extra, od an Intereafchig aerial km. uu as -Jiic Proeeedinga of the Board o Bufterrtaom," official, ity uivinií these proceedings on time the ('ourier and ArgTM hope (. coníer a favor on 1kh.1i the public and the l'.nard. Rev. J. T. Simdvrlaiid will s]i ,-ik nexi Sunilay moi-ning on ''Flfteen ïeare in Aon Arbor : A Retroepect and b i'rnsi(. .■!. in evening he will ííivf t.hc Beeood sermón In his si-i-ics on ■■.Icsiis and Ilis Religion." Subject, "Was His l'.irth MlracukniB ?" A tellOW mt west is ailviTlisiiij; i PB dy lnislKind.s wlui are tifflicted vit.h tlie haliit oi focgetttng to mail tlieir wivcs' lettere. Ií tlie cure be as pepreeeaited bhe inventor will le gratefully remeinbered by every maji wit,lL a. wife wlio can wrlte, for there is nn imut tcrable feeltng comes over him whcn a. Avci-k or more after slie lias gtvem liim a letter to mail, he sneaks out of his place of business a.nd utraiü-hteiis out tlie crumpled 011elope preparatory tw the stamping tl i Lnlci all the time liow he told the dear woinan sevrral days befor-e tihat it was malled promptly. Here is a little paragraph going tJie roúndB of the papers, the trnth of wliich can mrt be questioned : "The fu-mer that is rat of debt at the present time is in au enviable condition. Mercliants and other business men luave bilis to meet and tliey are sometimes put to tlieir wlt's end to raise tlie money to pey. tih'.v eaa't walt uintil aft er harvest or woo] time aml' if it is not convt'iiient, uut il some otJier time more indefinita. They must pay tlieir debts whi-n dne or faü, aind if tliey fail a great majority of tJioee wiio owe him will be prating about the dishonesty of tiie mercliant who couldn't pay his, dtbts." Tlie next attractkin on the Inland Ijeague programme is Mr. Earle AVilfley, n. taleinted young elocutionist. He was formerly with Iiooth and Barretí, and wa.s on the stage several s 'asoois as a star. As a réciter of dramat, redtationB, he haa few equais and fiis imiM'i-sonat iims are said to be eqnal to any. The late Henry iliady iiewr lost an opportunity to bear him, and he said he netver listened t lus superior. His oí tibe Cbariot üace, recently excited jiio little favorable C(iinment in New Vork (ity. and he attained 90me distinction in his rendition of Tlie Raven. A inimber oí íine musical select in ii will reader t he projjra m Of the eveniim' enjoyable. Mr. Wilfley will appear Momday evening, Octüiier BOtih.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier