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Three Against Ten

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It was jus; ransel whm suddenly arouodthe bendoithe Ockl&waha appetured a dugout paddled by ten sialwart leliowa in a sort of nomespun uniform, white a boy dreesed as :ui ofnoer sa1 In the stern. Five minutes ■befoTf tihe erooodUee aml cranee, water turkcys. bttteme and tveTOOS had the black uozy river all tffl tliemselvrs .is It slunii'shly made ils way tbrOOgb the hu anipy palmettoa and i-ypress. ■l"he boiit btunped along slowly, strikiii)r iigainst cypreee brees and faU, u tree nunks. Tlie paddlers loOJced aiixloue, tor tlie chance of fiiuling a eocntoctable camping ground was vintr Hli.ühter mul sliijlitrr lwfore yoon Wffl Loring began to be slck jcepade, He had teft camp ivo miles away wlttnOWt orders and taken two of his compaoy wlth hlm to N' Iiidian aeoating on HM own .-ieCUllllt. Litt!,' mare titan ;i ycar before he be ïmii been a sehoolboy, playiag soldier in tne BtwetB ni 8t. Auustine witJi othcr yxxmgsten. When the Seminóle war of 183." ltrokc out, Bweepiog wiiii ! wave i Hw aad maaaaore across Wie state, he ran aivay trom home amdjotned a company of vdluntiMTs. His daring and cootaeSB it tJio lvattle.s of the Withtoooocbee and Alaqua la ootmection wiiii tlio social imporMoM of his ïamily, bad tve liim hls epaulettes at aai age wbéb ptier boys of the same age werc stfll in terror of the BCüKKJl-iiKister's biirh. ■AVall. lieutémant," drawleá oae f the men, as h peeréd wearlly luto the drjnhs ui bbe cyppeea arehee, "wê're in a 'orrid iix, I rekin. If W beep on, weil run jilum int!) a lust oí t Jn-n i Injun di'vils. dead shore." B0U1 oí the soldicrs wwre cracker Ured in tllif WOOdB and swamps. good Bbota anil skillful hutten, tliougli thelr ihin. Bhouchlng [igurea wcre not omajaeata to a dreaa parade. "Keep ui paddliii." said youug Loirkng In luw KHH'S, luit witH an air nl Bterniieefl Aviiich did ïmt set well i )iis Min ii 'i 'i ii re and miso 11 ie vans black eyes, "and watt niy orders." Tu-n léeling tflïa.1 he had aaaerted lii auili.inty. h iiiiitinucd, wlth a luirsi m boylEb canlidaace, "1 bell yon what it is. SoraglgPi Ul''u haVl' to get.back to iliat bummock almnt a inilc njj the i-ivrr. wbere w eau find iine knots to cook gapper, don'1 yon iliink so .'" "Bteea yoa, ïicutcnani. d'ye banier tu [ose vit !-keli '.' No supper to niglit Uut a drink of swainp water and a ,-iirw oí ra-w bacon, ril Bet Miere's a hnii.lfed oí red varinints in two miles on u." You're nol airald, Bcraggs, are you ?■' said tlic yODttlgter Wlth a lordly air ; ''a lellow wüo can bore a potato toseed In the air at a hun(lrril yardB witli a rille ball oughi ïi. have jilcaty of spunk. "' "A leette nuore skeery titan I waT lort; ywaw ogo," aswwéred Uk cracker with a twtokk In hteeye. ''HowBomerer, as men i my toctoea do, I rei-kin Uw gOt as inui-'a clear grit :is moei M 'rlll." nüs talk had gJOie oo in hall whisp,.,-s. The darkmese was Increaging every minute. Uw bvyUb oilloer, in Bplte Oá His airs. was rviilrnlly uilrasy, [or Ma eyes simt coctlnaal il.iiiccs alii-ail and on U.nli sidcs into the swamp. as the dugoul glided at mail'fl pa. They wre nearlng ;iiimi1ht ïH'inl In 'the strcam, when tbrougb the bangle r u-af and vine re was a red gfeam likt i huge lircfiy. Witihont weittDg orders SciraggS whirlcd the boa-1 bark with b powerful paddie and torned to his officor witii eyea almotri Btarting frora ihcir sockete, ahaking liis head in warolng. 'Injuns. Iiijuiis, Lleut. AVill, ;i l"zu on Vin," lic wWapered. "I seed tiir iiind ciids oí twn oanoea jiss rcran' bend, Tliar nnist bc a hummock wLar ilii-y'ic eamited. They're jiss got Hu-. ■im-ii r.iiin'. au' re stampln' out tlic embern. Sb- don't speak. l'll vi)rk thr Otd BOOW tlt-i-i toto the cTpress. Wel] Bee wh.u ti-ivks they iip t, Beeim' w ere hyav aml can't away vcry easy. Hut, by .lininiy. niy Skelp kiwlrr era wis as il' it wouiii int be ttoar bo-mrrow momYoung Ixyting noddedi and Uie pad alera caiitltfusly forced the boal lüty l lirmiüh iiinutli í a black i tato tíw iii'ai-t ol the swamp. liiiiiiiMi lioro they wfi-c néarer the savBin betore, and couXd Uear thelr ■novemen ii -mu became clear i aai ene party at SèmJnotes bad no piurpose ol leavlog thelr camp bhat ni.ti.nt. and subpicion al vrialte men close al baad. i . ooe tbey dropped asleep, and i ctaoroa, which soonded mu iniiikc ttue gtuating i th ;iiigators, la the gwamp, vat muele to prlaanerB Bqaatted in tin ir 3 covert. Dhnee houw bad paseed, and the growing li-ln ih.u BllTered the l:igoon (Mitsidc oí tin-ir retreat proved the moon well ap arer ttoe tops ot tho tceee. "Now i yimr tmio," whispcicil Scraggs, "to get outer tliis hole and paddlo tip stream for a Bate landing place, . ■mil back tOCamp-" Lleut. Ijortng answrrcd pot a word. Hifi boyish miad was di-cp in tlumLht dartDg tluHiKlit whlch tlirilleil him witli ezcltemeint. If ïiv retumed to camp as he left it, tJiere was sure to lc a sliarp rcprimand. perttapa a eourt martlal for WittoOOt loavr. Tlio excuse Uiat he W-M au jrivspousible lad woiild alano save liiin, ml at that lan. y lii.s hoart had waxcd "not Avitli shamc. lint to go back as or and hro- all ! th;it was worlh rlftklng his scalp for. ■Are y aaleep ?" wflüspered Scragga nain. ■No," -w-vie tJi rcply ; "1 ara going to take these redskins back t camp with me. Sn. Bcraggs, yim eau just tie your liair on, kW M will sooii Ik in periL" Tule men jumped as if hey lnaid the Vhizz of Seminóle lcad. "Too see, it would be a sítame to siii'al; back ompty Iiandcil. Wc can"t exnctly tafee tiioir s-.-ii]s. Uut jee can talie rhcnisclvcs as a jnvsi-n1 tO t luííciKT.'il," said 1lu' inirtiiious youtli. TIn; Indiana art' fust ashvp. We'U laillle up and takt' their eau 'Then I'U land n the hummock, ywn know, and piek up tlifir rifles. Then üi tJit' monüng Kr an order thcni to Burrender on peril oí being sliot down. tdr W shall have loaded (paxa, and tliey'll llave none." The two crackers groniied over ihis piece of yontliful gtaategy, lut Scraiiirs responded, "AH rigit, lieutennnt ; I B'pose we"re gat to lie fioiiM' time." The. dugout left its ocwert and glld,-d silcntly as a sluulow into iw open stream. A few strokes broujiht liim in hill Hg&t oí the Indian camp. The ialand where the eiavageB lay was wel! Khadowcd by the tms, but their forms coiild be dimly Been stretcJied on the earth. Silcntiy the part; dêtaèfced the two canoes ,ui(l towed tfaem 1 ;i secure positlon, w'hure Ihey astened tliem tO a C7PVBM t ree (iiiy yards froni Shore. As the baat áppro&ciied the shore on ite seeoiid and more dangerous mlsekm, yoaag Uorlng sllpped off lus - and gtepped intii the OOK, regardleae of moecaslaa and tattlera Scraggs and Mis oomrade, e ove ring ttn advance vglftfc teveled gnnfl, feil stunt beacte quake as theii bos leader arept in amoag i è sleeping tlgilree cl bnmze. A stinnhle or 1lie BnappLng oí a iniiiht inake tlie iliífereiico o liie and dealh. The lad moved as i he vi-e a ent. The euarse hnni mook L!■' armed with mhint( tlioi-ns, ent int : his ilesh, luit lic M-nively lelt them. Th; slwiiinj; red tüüsm lay paytly In Uw moooUghi ;md jiartly in tibe shadc oí the trees whlch poee u ili" center oí the hummock, eaoli ome witii lus rlöe by hls sMe, the tiercé copper tace chlseled m.s 11 ia metal. liad ilu Inilians dtepoaed ol thelr Knus as tibe whitee dk, by utacklng or restiug tJiom pgwlnat n tree, th task ii aecufling tlicni woulil hav been leea riaky. i'.iu ttoey had kept tlieir ai-ms witliin rcarli, and SOme ccn had ihcir tomahawks loosened (i-nm belt, as il" loc instant use. I lic [odian rai-ciy seta a guard .n Qlgbft, unl''ss in the imnicdiatr presence of au eoenny. Here in Bhe depth of a greet cypreee gwamp, Impassabte 1 1) t roopSi a nrprlse wonW Bi inijiossihic. Yci even now cunliinji and suspicion oí tin; raer had not Eonáken tlivm. Ifae ncrvcs Dl 1li.' young officer wen' strun.: t: the hlgheel icnsiom. !y OOe I"' slc:illllily liftoil tlic rlQee Irom tibe eart tin he bad what )ie could cairy. These he bore to tflie lv Uank anil paosed n the men on gaard In the dugout. No word was exebaoged. Agaln h returned In tin' l;i.imri-(iis gteepëtÉ, a distaniT t' about 100 feet fmiu shurr. tor a second load. A Hi-awny Bavage I Ing in liis dri-ains gave a i. tt grunt and l'.nrw mit a hand wbicb tuuch9d thv ymnitf tliii-.'s anklr as if to ciutch ir. 'i'hi' movemeni thrtlled hini with all th au my ol disi-n ,r . bmi he Btood stiii waltlog tor sometljiiiu- fmtiuT. ïi was. i falsealarm, hul eold swcal poured (rom his face ni the garages liad hls hand om i of hls gun and the plece h.-ii! bo be gfently Blid h inder Ftngeró. Agaln, the tblrd time he went back i i complete iii work. I In mooo was ïKiw high iij) In the sky, aml poured ,-i i ■ in I ie Island. Ttw recumbeal Lnilfcuia were Cu1 oni likc mcmstrous silhouet (es agalnsi gVOUud. TIn' Imy's BWtmming licatl luid Uim t!iat his Btrangth could nol L8Bt in ui li :u:i. Bul lii' rcscilutoly went totola baak, thongn üs throal feit as il' Kiiucrzcil ly au iinii grip. He iiad gatbered bis lasi armful, 1 1 1 - 1 1 ooe oí the red men n his dre&ma rtlieed bdmselt m lus hannchee and aai with liis i-hiii rest hijf on liis kinr. nKMiushiiH' tUckered on liis face thniiiiih 1 lic (uiv'rin.i; iolia.uv. and his .MiaUcii ejes appeared hall open and followiiiir his white encmy. 'flie .iichïul SereggB, too, obeerved his niovcincnt, and his lanncd Cheeks lui-nrd as chalk. as ltis tinuiT vreua al:)ut bo presa bis rifle tritwr. itut he vrelted tn the gavage sléeper made no hwther Bign. Ai tast tlit" work wM dooe. The m minutes had seemed a year. Tlic adetaggiered bo Uw tet, Bhaktng aa í wlth an ague. "I inii Bpeak," e pcurted," or I shail yeïl. ïii.m.üiit twice I'd have to wiioop go int a f.iint . Bal Scraggs, pulled ihi-ounii. dldnt I? Help me in." "Wall ! Vou've gol tin' gans, sliore," lid Bcraggfl, "and drat ïuy kin U Mggeel bully in Jeasup'a nmp wonld 'a' done it. l'w heeced Lfore t.iiat pups o' Iweeds wa'nt i skecred er man or drvil !" No time bad 'been lost wliilc Bcraggs vas reUerring fiis miad : toe dngoat vas skimniinir out int o tlu Btreèm vitii liveiy paddie Btfokee. Tbe plan was execut"il in tln mOiTltng. Wiiii the coming of llght, the Semlmies dlsoovered 0e of their weepons and nwhed to the edge of the swamp with frantic yrlls. Uramlsliintr ilicir tomahawks. Hut the mai-auilcTS wcrr lar beyOöd throw i an ax -ir kniiV. and Bat wit h leveld rülos. 'lli.'ii carne a slirill trehl" wuice. (leiiian.liüü- in S]ianish the instant reinier OÍ tibe llttle S. Mimóle imncl, iur ii time neariy every oo in l-luiida- Indian, negro and Wlüte- kncw sometliiiiír OÍ this laniíimge. Aitcr eowsMerabie parlej bbe red men sgreedto throw their Uuives and bomaliawks üito the uiarsli. Tliey were taken atooard in paira and their rlgbi wrists tiiilitly ïastened tOgetheT with stunt strips n; Scieggs' lionu'spiin siiirt. The dogoul bowed ca„(M's up sti-eatn. Wtrile tlie young offier sat in the stern and irnarded the eaptives wit 11 loaded ]iistols. 80 tfefe dare devil retnrned to camp tíne same afteriioon, and Lnstead of a rowtag be wae ecxvtred witu pralse ancl bOOCC ly General .Jcssup nuil lus littli1 ai-iny. liis Imiv alterward bcc.-imc a J1liniiuisiuMi general- MaK General Wüliam Wi Liirinu- lio led armie hi ihc lar tlistant cast as pasha in tlic scrvioe oí the Egyptian klifilivc. as v-ll as i!i tliis finmtry. l'.ut in his ong i-iirrrr he (lid aaythlng more datidg aud hewrfc tban the Íea1 llana. m! and .■Nri-ulrd ly t h ! boy OÍ íiítcrn. ütoe snUstantial taris (if whii'li were toW me iy üba g i cJ tiim


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