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A otomía lias been taJcen by tho American Bcoaomlst, oi the employees Id vturfous Pactarles wben Cleveland was elected Lo Norember, L892, mil iu SeptcinlM-r ls!C!. A comp.insun shows out of 14:i,0-tl cmploycd n November, ooly 56,384 hnd wiirk ten iiinniiis later ; while the 1892 weekly wagea mn $1,509,891 and Une 1898 weekly wa&ee rere $459,089. This si),)vcii a (Jecreaee in labor of ! per cent., and a deorease iu wiagca o i!) i-ü por cent. MiclTman litis oot éven (arad so well, for wtuere abe fiad 10,847 employees at work in 1892 onl.v 2,352 weee employed September '93. Thr weeUy wagee ii.ui dropped from $92,467 to $20,487. 'J'lic canse lilis is giviii in detail and is aknoei anlformly beoause ol the teer f the effeci o! a ige in i.-irifi'. TJie i:-:;iii)inis! lias these reportfl tabuiated by varfoua tactorlea and in summtng up s.iy.s : ''Thv i-ifcci of ,-i reduction in the tarlH hoi buelneee, as given by onr correepcodento, wtoo are men occupled In all hranchfs ni Míe, wiiu ïinvc been tr.iMHil ti buslaees and have had Buch experienee ;is entitics their opinlooa in 1h' wortih-y of vei-y considerable weighti is M)iiiiiicivc tu tlio bellel iii.M tfare ie a very gkKtay tature in prospect for the United States. T'heiv are few cases where the tariff eines iiot direclly affect t lic industrias enumerated, lmt in t'lioso cases It is clearly sta led iliat business wlll be afteetwd by iiie coodltionN ; that where any chanue in the tariíf altéete Otbex inilnsti-ics and the w aire-earnini; power of tdie ppoplc. it most, fcndirectly, affect all industries. Peoplc wlw are earnlng less jiuiiK'.v liave less mfniey to x-ndu The comforts and lnxui'ies to wliich wag6 earners havi' beCOme a'cnst(inied i iler their proBperity must be done without, thits curtalllng the productirm and supply o-t' surli thlngB, tlius alfordlug h-ss work tboee who are eogased in output, thua makUag more ahundant and cheaper tlie fieiieral snpply of lalwr, and tlius it comes acound toar labor h;is less nioney wftb whlch to imy ; t liat fewer gOOÜS will Ik' snld ; tliat goods must be Boid at cbeaper prlce, amd iiiat outputs must le curtailcd. "It is plíiinlj' steted by manufacturera thai wbere a rednetton In the tarif would enable tJie bnportatlon oí fonelgn goodn tJic w&gea now peW to tJiose engBged In sknllar industries must be reduced to tilie levcl oí tbOCR wtbo wort in the aame industries ahi-o.-nl, or else the Ameriean ïactories must be clased. lt is a pialo oase of werking foi1 leaa moaey, in proportjon to Mie redocUon made in tlie in-w tai-iií. w etoe havlng no woi-k at all. "Afiain. the pohit is made tliat mir output oí American ffooda must be decreaaed by the (jiuHitity of foreign goods ni a similar nature tliat sJuill Ik! imported in tlie future over and ;iinvr iiic present Importations. The consumera will nat lmy ome each oí an American shirt and au Engllsh ahlrt whfii tlicy Deed mly one shirt. Thcy wUl not lmy two hats when tlicy nccd luit 0C6 hat, OT tWO pairs ui abate when tlicy need luit one pair The quality of the gOOdfi beiug equal. t'.U'V will lmy the chcapcut, and Une cheapest cao be Bupplled by the country thai, is payiag the lowesi vatr oí wagea, and U the American maumfactarer caimot place ïiis gooóe apon i Ij martel mi an fcinaiiiy wit ii the forelgn manufacturen, and dix's not recedve ampie protection tJirough otir customs tarlll tn enable iiim to do tliis, theo h' must dOM lus works and hls laboren muist lx' idle." In the ycar 1728, a law wasénacted in Mai-yland t ',i.; iliinl ofiense of iiiaspiiriny or ol dental i the doctrine ol 1 lic Ti-inii.v or utterance ol any profane word concernlng the Trinity, olfender apon oonvlctlon or confesión Bfoo-uW Ik' put to death without baneül ol ctergy. Por the Kecoind olteUK hE was bO b liranilcd (by burmlng) in t8i torebead, wlth the irl ter "B," anil lini'd forty pounds, ar if tbe Hne aooM uot lx; collected lie to le impiisiMii'il twelTe inonilis. Pet WOrktog on Sumlay or aUowing ctüldren, aervanta or sllVCS tl] ClO SI). OC 1OV llUUt illLT. Üslltag or .. i ite kind, th oftender was in be iimil 200 pmnids ol toboooo. Thai Ie the èort oi "rcliuinu- Uberty" ihat preTalledin tliat i OUS Ininilrcd i:nd srvmly yeaTi BgO. liut tod;iy i'it'ii. meo are tvird and ini]iris(iiicd OCOOrdtllg bO law, in the state of Maryland, tor exercleing mtoval riuii t ol obeyimg the dtelatrs oí tihelr owa coaeciences in regard in i d.-iy tfaat they shaU olBerre is a day ol rest n't siioli a groat dlfference alter all, i übere, between 172-", and 1898?- Midland I!ii)nblican. The supervisara A HlUsdale counfey rateed the townaWtp in whfch .Iinicsvill,' is sitnated $40,353 ; and frww warde in HlUsdale city -H-,500, iinl Ode oi.hcr imvu .'M 2,000, and diviili-d Mi,' plunder nnnwg l'.h Thf. HQledale Bupearrlsocs havo I Qn, bat I ■ marte a start.


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