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His Affidavit

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Statk oï Ni;r Youk, I County of nsiiii naw. j ss' Inicien Ro'dd oí Whitoliall, Jï. V.. be■ntr by me diily muirn, depooed .'111(1 sa.vs iliat siuiii' yr.-irs &gO h smïnvil ti'.v greatly wlth Insomnia, nervoua proetraticm, and bis body was uo covci-i'il uiiii bo-pm tha1 he waa Uardly able i o romii of evn bruefb hls halr, stST'at was t'Jic ]ain ii occasioaod. i'iiat lic cun.-iiitiMi tin' local piiysicians witJiout Bticoessful reeult; llril lic tOC quant ilirs nf medicine witii un i ei it whtubemr; iiiai pbysiclana boM liim lus dlsease was Incurable and he bad come t the same conHiisi'm ïiimsi'ii and hail up hls mind m go In a liospi; al aml await (U'atJi. That jnst abotit tii i - time he learned about Dr. (rmir's Nervura blood and nri-vc remedy, witdei) he ►.uji n k use. Tiin this rrmniy entdrely r'liered and oured him, bealed and dried u]) liiw sores, eatabted liim k sleep sou.ndl.v and comfort nbly, and re.stored liim to his ordinair? vigor and vitality, in sJiort, made a sound and weü mam oí bim bo Miat he was fully aUe to work it his occupatie, and lias dom kí eince i,ii.-it time. That he attributcs his recovery 1o Dr. Greene's Nerrora blood and nerve rrnicdy. as it ri'sim-cd ]iim wlicn rybocy and everytbing elae liad failed and lic had been giren over to go tíi i be hospital ;ind die. Mr. Bood ntakes this efetemexri voiumtarily and cbeexfuüy ooi i Bineere gratincatkxa for w.hat the remedy lwi.s wi-oufylit for him. j.n n:. ROOt. SobBCribed and Bworn to bcfoi-e me lliis 1 ."" i li dny al .laiiuary. A. D., 1893, and I. oertify ttoe aïfiant tobe ,-i ( rcdible and rellabü piTsoii. wboee statements may !■ aoeepted withconliilence and impliritly relied iijion. haring kaiowu him persanally for the last t wcnty-'ïvc yrars, nul Hiat I liavo do Interest, direel v Indirect, iranuMliatc ot remote n ttüa matter. HON. WII.LIAM II. TÈFFT. - ' - f Notary Public in and for said isBAI Í. J County aod state, residiría nt J I Wbitehall, where thl deposltlon - i - [wag taken and executed. Dr. Gveeme'a Nervura bhtod and nerve remedy is pnrdy vegetable and is sold by druggtetB toe $1.00. As is pro'vi iy 1 wotuterfnl cure oí Mr. Rood, it is tli? Tcry best medicine poaslble tn take tor ttoe iiiuod, nérvea, livt. kldneyB, ete It is the discover? a.iul prescrlption ii Dr. Greene ol 35 W. T I tli et., Ne - York, Uae most Bocceasful speclallsi in eurtng nervous and (Iím'.-iscs. The doctor aam be oousulted free, pesrwmally or by let i er.


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Ann Arbor Courier