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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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I' WONDERFUL CUREsTI THOMAS MINCHIN. MAJOR W. A. SIMFIELD. Beforj Treotm.nt. Af ter Treatment. Before Treatment. After Treatment. Nervous Debility and Catarrh Cured. Blood Disease and Dyspcpsia Cured. Thomas Minchin saya: "I waa reduced to Majnr Simfield saya: "I had Dispepsia anervoua wreck- on)y weighed llHpounde. and Catarrh of the Stnmach for many The resalt of oarly abase was the canse. I years. To make mattere worse I contracthad the following Bymptoms : Miserable ed a Oonstitntional Blood Dioesse. My mentally and physically, melancholy, nervbone-s achetl. Blotches on the skin looked oasness, weaknesö, epecas before tne eyes, horrible. 1 tried sixteen doctors in all. dizzy, poor raemory, palpitation of the A friend recommended Drs. Kennedy & heart, flashing, cold hands and feet, "weak Kergan. I begantheirNewMethodTreatback, dreams and losses at night, tired in ment and in a few weeks was a new man the morning, pimples on the face, loss of wtth renewed life and ambition. I canambition, barnin sensation, kidneys weak not say too much for thope scientific docctc. Uoctors could not cnre me; bnt Drs. tors who have been in Detroit for fonrKennedy & Kergan by their New Method teen years. I conversed with hundreds of Treatment, cured me in a few weeks. I patients in their offices who were being weigh now 170 poimds. It is three years cored for different diseases. I recommend aince I have tiiken their treatment." them as honeet and reliable Physicians." The Celebrated Speclalists of Detroit, Mlch. TnriT ilin Pili DAMTCC Tfl OIIDC Catarrh; Asthma; Bronchitis; ConIntAl ANU UUAnAnitt IU UUnt nmption (lt and 2nd etages); Rheuinatism: Nenralgia; NervouB, Blood and Skin diseases; Stomach and Heart disoases; Tapeworm; Piles; Raptare: Impotency; Deafness; Diseai-es of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; Epilepsy; Diseases of the Kidneys and Kladder; Krrorsof Ymith; FailinR Manhood; Diseasee of the Sexual Organs; Female Wesknew; Diseasea of Men and Women, and ('hronic Diseaees in Kcneral. They cure when others fail ! WONLY CURABLE CASES ARE TAKEW FOR TREATMEST Their V VT](ÏÏ TUPITVIIA'T known the world over, is curing diseasea of every !'" iujjiuuu lIir..U.TlUl nnture that has batiled heretofore the medical profession. They are not 'family doctors' - they make a (-pecmliy of ('hronic and ditficalt diseases. S niCFICFC AF MFM Thci gnarantee tocare all Weakness of Men arisini; UI5LADLO UI I ILIi. frciin self abune, later exwsscs or diecase. Young man, yon need help. Drs. K. iï K. will cure yon. Yon may have ixsen treated by Qimcks- consult Hcientific Doctors, tío cure, no pay. Consult them. niCPICFC AFUAMFN wly suffer in silence? They can core yon. ' UlbtAoto Or TtUTILN. Female Weakness. Barrenness. Dlsplacements. Irregularity, and iiainful period cured in a short time. Kenewed Titality niven. lllustrated Ilook Free. Isolote atamp. ODCrill nlt'C iCFC Spermatorrhcea, Varicocele, Oleet, l'nnaiuri'.l SrLLlAL UIOLAoLÖ. Discharges, Private diseases, Stricture, SyphilU, iiud all Blood distases uarunteinl cured ur 110 jmy. 14 jears in Detroit - 15Ü,UWI f ' -National repntation. Books free- ('onsultation freo - Ñames cunfiduntial. If rt onable t cali, write for a list of questionsand adrice free. DRS. KENNEDY & KERüAN, 148 Shelby St., DETROIT, MICH.


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