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Thvrc we Beven D. o! BI, gradúate i in tbe Bcwton ScJiool i Theology. Dmijilns Slu-rley was ciitcrliiini'il hy tiie rhi l)-lm Theta boys wlien here. Ncii. Beek, Ut. '98, now in i lic TriHunc etaff, spent Bunday u thr Beta 'riii'ta im house. The D. of M. RepublicaiD Club is nilly alivc tliis ycar. wlüli' thelr oiponciits do nol appeaar to be very acti've. The WlBcoosln fooi bal] tetwn are to tackle tfae I'. o,1 M. eieren on 8atunlay afternoon next, on the II. E. Minahaii. M. D., of Wieconsiu. elected preBident af Uw Bentor luw daas la-i Saturday. There ïour canöldates. "Ted" Smtth, "" ChteagOi a tor hut popular nicminT h' the C. of M. Glee Club, tos been vtettins old triends here daring the wek.. The commlttee ebenen bo hav rg al lit. affaire consista Mesen. Weteb, McPherran, Weeks and Mtose Cwuw aad Ooïby. nomen is to play Minnesota at Mimicapolis. on Thaakaglvlng Day, hkI get $1,000 for it. Uw symiiathv her,' Is all wltb the Mtaneeota boys. Uw junior kfw eleotloo, which i to eome (1.f Nor. 11, wül be a very exciting aOalr. Oandidatea tot pres„i.vnl ai-r im'aiii.ü Uifir claims in a [tvcly manncr. Grand Hi.uli l'iiost Bagg, who was lirrc last Tlnirsday Ight, gWtalg a Söliool of Insti-iiction 1 Hif I!. A. MaeooB, w;is entertalued by Oifi Beta Thrta l'i írateniity. wfcoee plO Be wi-ars. The Supremo Oourt lias decided tlio aae o4 Jnllua Wlnts et al vs. The liuarii ;' Regenta of tlie Dnivérgity ,í Michiif.-ui. ln favor of the Regenta. lt t ha t suit siiould havo been troaght ajrainst Une cootractor, and not ataiiist tbe Regent. Harvard has OTW 8,000 StOdent. Thai kiKirks out the D. ol M. thto vcar, tbe great wt bavlng ed more swerely Irom ttw hard times tii.-iu bas th Blow i?oing cast. The studente tere are largely drawn from tfoe eflvec .state-, tliat are iiow so Kiilly effected by business inactivity. Populist Jecry Stapsoa, be oí the tong toalr and Bockkes fet, lectures befoa-e tibe Anu Arbor twlcnts l'ruhiy Nov. 10, on ''The Decline oí AiATiruluire, mul soini' of the Causes." lí .lerry nays eunytbta about the scarcity of godU soil, wc goggeet Uiat his shiX'S scan-lied. -Duiiclee Idger. To any öimj wflio has licard the local iniloïk'al eOUtestfl it is unuecessar.v to eay anythnm. 'I liey are aniouü must int eresl Ing evellls iu COllige 11 '. Ni ome shnuld iail to miss t licnx.- Daily Timen. Xow tlie qnestton is. lid th writcv Bay W'nat lic jncnut ? And il' s. did he mean what lic said '.' Tli e Bophomoire lite, met Sa&urday end eboae the followlng executive oommittee lo pepreeaat thcir Interest: J. Ilaird, in íoot hall; W. Í). McKemzie, in base ball ; T. 1'. Hickey, siiiial ; J. L. LeKoy, track athletlcs. co-cd member was mn cboaen, but vrtll be later whcn selected by llu'in. The alunml ol the Michigan College :i 1 1 ciuliu.L? the Univrsiiy mei iiiil íornifii a temporary nr.u.iiiizatLOn, Monday, wiili ('. I'. Lockc a i.-.iiii,iu, and ]". i'. Lawrenco, as secretary. ühe aesociatioa will ie made permanent, as tiiere are a large ïniinbt'r oi Agricultura! 'ihere. At tJie meetimg ol öw Oonresá ol Ai}thn]olo;iy, Jicld ïc.cnt ly in Chicago, 'The Wiirk Dame in Anthropo: logy a1 tin' Uatverslty of Miohlgan," was iiif MiHjc-'t oJ a paper by Mr. II. I. Sinitii. '95 The paper ni j u i t ■ e lit talk on account of Uie progrese made her In bo Bh orí .1 blme. Tlio paper was atoo favorably iiiciiiioncil In Che editorial -d unnis í i American AntJquarlan. Sinre tbe di'irat of the V. of M. eleven Satunlay alternoon, by the rnivcrsity of Minaaeeotn eleven, ai mui hall. mi UiV athlctic grounda, boys Ii.-ivp telt considiTably (liscouraged. Orltictema ïiavc been 'mailt' ia.-t and frrrly, B01llE of whU-h air just. and Bomt very unjnst. The appearc to be i;ys have mu as yei "1 tiirir winning clothes on. Victories can Hot ahvays ruïne iiiir way ; we must have gome V -. and it appears t o be out turn just nol t (icic-itcd. i hese fletes 1 9 carly in t s ■iivin are Oft t mi's a good bhlng. They pobit out where defecte ape, mul emaUe the boys io e;irn victories laiter on wthen viclurit's are iniirc (Icsirrd. TtoB U. "Í M. i-leven will yet come to t in' front. .lust wait a bit. We'U that liiirri-'H be B 0. Ol 51. vir!(i:-y Suturday. It will be remembered by our readers that there was some kicking last spring on the result of the intercollegiate field day in Chicago, June 2. It v:us claimed tha't Mr. Holt. the track athletic ger, entered several men who were not students of the Universily. Among these were Mltchell, Keep, and Patterscn, who made good records, winning points for the U. of M. Saturday Chas. Baird went to Chicago and met other rr.embers of the executive committee to settle the matter. All the points won by these outsiders were thrown out, so that the points flnally stood 49 fur the U. of M. and 45 for the U. of W. This result gives Michigan the championship still, and will stand as the final decisión of the matter. The result, however, as given above harilly shows the relative strength of the twn athletic teams f rom Michigan and Wisconsïn since in many of the contests no other Michigan men were entered than those whose records were thrown out, gnlng Wisconsin the full number of points. The settlement was made, however, as well as it could be unl;r (lie circumstances. -


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