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Proceedings Of The Bord Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County

Proceedings Of The Bord Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County image Proceedings Of The Bord Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County image Proceedings Of The Bord Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County image Proceedings Of The Bord Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County image
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(Contiuued f rom last week.) Superior- John 0. Near, 52 weeks... 57 88 SI Bt Sharon- Fred Van Gilden, 52 w'ks.. 57 88 57 85 SalineOscar Forshee, 52 weeks."7 80 John White, 2Hw, 5d.-.. 81 95 Emina Muny, 87 w, 3 w.... 41 tv4 131 44 ScioAndrew G. Wade, 52 w'ks. W 85 1 ii ra Wade, 52 w 57 86 Wm. Shannan, 1 w, ld - 1 27 116 97 Webster John Darllng, 53 weeks.. .. 57 85 BT 88 YorkJohn Levy, 14 weeks, 5 d. . 15 37 lfi :17 Yp-ilanti Town- Mloha 12 weeks.. 57 Frank Tucker, W w u s;ï 11S 70 ïfpsilanti City, lstDistrietThomae Darls, 52 weeks.. 87 88 chlappacasse, .":; w. f7 85 Mary Ella Band, 52 w Carrie Stetson, 8w 8 90 Chauncy Itenedict, 69 'W 67 88 ünice E. Voung, 43 w, ld. s 00 James S. Penoil, X w 57 38 Kiniuü J. Holiday, 2v 2 2: 348 38 Ypsilanti City, 2nd DistrictPeter Shaw, 62 weeks 57 85 Sally Shaw, 82 w 57 H Georee Shaw, 12 w, 1 d 18 61 John Kliker, 52 w 57 86 Millie Blount, 52 w 57 86 Elizabeth Peck, 19 w 21 II Mary Lambert, 52 w 57 88 Susan Willson, 52 w 57 88 381 75 Philip Thiffy Guardian - Hoper Wbiteman, 52 Í1.50 per week... 7s 00 Clothing and tobáceo 8 10 86 10 Total amount due Poor Fund $ 2,979 08 The county farm consists of one hundred and twenty acres. Estimated value, $00 per acre$ 7,200 00 " " buildings.. 14,000 00 $21,200 00 Farm products for the year now closed are estimated as f olio ws: -92 busliols wheat, (f (i5c f 189 80 :i25 '■ oats, @80c '.17 si p 700 " earcorn@25c 175 00 400 " potatoes, fe 45c 180 00 Garden product 100 00 Product of 12 cows @ $15 180 HO Calves sold 74 00 Increasc of swine, 30plgs @ $2 60 00 4C tonshay, (i 17.00 280 00 Value of pauper labor 100 00 $ 1,438 30 Estimated value of personal property: 4 work horses, $40 Í 1(50 00 12 milch cows, 35 420 00 "calves, $5 10 00 loold bofrs, $15 150 00 30pif;s,ï2 0 00 BOfowls, 25c 20 oo 40ducks, 30c 12 uo $ s:2 00 Estimated value of farm implements..$ 500 00 Estimaicd Value of Goods on Hand- Furniture and bedding... 1,500 00 Clothing 1?5 00 Boots and shoes 50 00 Dry troods and beddinfr... . 100 00 Tobacco 30 00 70 cordst-ft wood prepared @3 210 00 26 luns soft coal, : 75 00 2,090 00 Malt' paupers maintained 9S Female " " :i7 135 A verane number paupers 74 Aüd help in the house and on the farm 6 80 Average number supportert at County House 80 Nationality of Paupers- Americans 70 Germans 24 'rish 19 Eng-lishS: Scotch 2 7 Colored 8; Italianl 9 Canadians 6 135 Whole number of deaths 11 " births 3 " " under 1B years 7 Mildly insane 8 Idiots 2 Mutes 1 Blind - 1 Average cost per week of malntainlng paupersat the County House, exclusive of the product the Farm and pauper labor $ 1.11% We estímate for the ensuing year: Beef $ 500 Black8mithiug 50 Boots and ehoes 150 Books and statjonory 2T Clothing 200 Cook and kitchen help 6óO Crockery andglassware ).'" Dry Komis and bedding 300 Drugs and medicines lv. Farm labor 4.MI Flourand breaiNUltTs 180 Farm Implemento and seedé. 180 Furuitui'e 50 Fretghi 28 Groceries and provisions 1,000 Hardware 100 Entfineer 100 Iuiprovt' inent 600 Keeper and matron 7(ki LunilxT and fencingr 250 Medical attendance and nursing 126 Paints and oils rn Poi-k 20U Repairs 800 Wood and coal 1,000 Tobacco 124 Transportation to Kriends.... Hki Outslde tempoiary relief 1,200 8JS00 00 Of the estimated expenses for the ensuing year, there is due the poor fund twenty-nlne hundred and seventy-nine and 8-lii dollars, from towua and cities for last year'a board and care of their poor at the county house. There is due trom the guardián of Ropei Whiteman, eighty-slx and ten lOOths dollars for his board, clothing and care for the last year. ïhis will leave Five ïhousand, Five Hundred dollars to be provided tor. We would respectfully you to ' allow us what yon pifase, and with no j prevailing diseases or extraordlnary expenses, we will do wliat we can to kee] the expenses as low as good care and the best interests of the county will adiuit. In July last, mucli to our surprise and unanimous regret, we received the resignation of Charles Mc Cormick and wif e as keeper and matron of the county house. We wish to expresa our unanimous regret at having the Da leave us and also that we are under many obligations to them For the very t'aillilul and untiring geiice tliey luive sliovvti in the discharge of their duties. And our best wishes for their future welfare and bappiness. All of whicli is respectfully submitted by the undersigned Superintendfiits of the Poor of Washtenaw County. Elisha Loomis, C. II. Kbmpf, E. P. MA8ON. Mr. Bdwards moved that the reporl be received and referred to the committee to settlc with the superintendents oí the poor. Mr. Miner moved as a substitute tliat the superinteuderits be instructed to change their report so as to make said report conform to the facts, and wlien said report was so cbanged that it be referred to the committee to settle with the superintendents of the poor. Carried. Mr. Sc'ott moved that the clerk be authorized to advertise for Bealed proposals for medica) attendance on the prisoners in the county jail forensuing year, Baid attendance to include medicine and Burgery, and that said liids be líanded in on or before Friday, October 29, at 2 o'clock, i'. M. Carried. Mr. Oesterlin, from the commil i public buildings presented tlie following report, whicli was, on moti accepted and adopted and ordered printed with the proceediugs. To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors, of tlie County of Wiishteuaw : Gentlemen : - Yotir committee on public buildings, beg leave to respectfully report, that at a meeting of your said committee, held at the court house, on the tirst day of February, 1893, we examined the roof of the court house and found it necestary to cause exteusive repairs thereto to be made. The flat tin part was found to be full of sinall holes and leaking badly, doing damagc to the frame work and greatly injuring the ceilings. After full examination we engaged Charles Grossman of man & buhlenker, to repair the .same and put tbe same in thorooghly good condition, which was done ata costof $311.01. At which meeting we also found on inspectiou, that the cooking-range at the jail was badly burned and wliolly useless tor which tlie sanie is used, and your committee thought it prudent to pur:hase a new range, which was ordered trom Eberbach & Sons at an expense of 1135.00, the old range and old gasoline stove being traded toward sucli new range. Your committee also found, that the return pipes on the boiler in the court liouse from some cause were léaking badly, and that water was kept in the boiler with great difficulty ; the pipes are laid ander the cement bottom of the court house and it was a work of considerable trouble to iind the broken pipe, the cement covering having to be cut in many places. It was also found that a new pump had to be procured for the court house boiler - for all of this work and other needful plumbing at the court house, done by Hutzel ic Co., your committee have expendel the snni of $96.74. For plumbing and gas fitting at the ail the sum oí $;:!. 18 has been expenled. On account of the stonns of last winter, and iiuin other canses, many of the glasses in the court house have been broken, and vour committee have been compelled to lay out and expend the stini of $110.09 for new window glasses and their setting at the court house, and Eor the same purpose at the jail the sum of $18.38, the work and material having been done and furnished by William Herz, esq., and the sum 01 $2.20 for painting screens, doors and windows at the jail. The document book and records at the treasurer's office have accumulated to such an extent that a new file cuse was found to be a necessity and one was ordered from Rauschenberger & Co., Eor the sum of $85.00. At the last session of your Honorable Board the purebase of the Reporta of the Supreme court of the Inited States was ordered and your committee found that no proper use of the books could be made without a initable book-case, the book-case in the court room was full without it anda new book-case was purchased for the sum of $30. Your committee have expended the sum of $5.00 for the repair to tables in the court house - one in the probate office and one in the treasurer's office and one at the jail for the sum of $3.00. Your committee have had great trouble with the boiler in the court house, either the boiler is old and considerably worn or else the person in charge is not sufficiently competent to properly manage the saine, the grates were worn or burnt out and much and frequent repair were needed to proporly heat the court house, and vuur committee have been compelled to pay out for all such purpose during the year tv Lawrence Sutter the sum oí $108.43, which sum represents all Labor and material. The chimnev at the west end of the court house in the Register oí Deeds and Treasurer's offices have not properly answered the purpose tora long time, especially in Btorniy weather, and vour committee was advisvd that they could be remedied at a smal) ex]nMisr by the u.-e oí the ''Star ('liiniiiey Top," alter a trial which proved satisiactory your committee purchased one for each " said offices at a total expense oí $21.00. Your committee thought it prudent t maintain the shade trees in the court house square. Sonie trees were dead and others liad been removed - the dead trees were ordered cut and young trees planted in their stead. 80 that the yard is now properly planted with thrifty trees. This was done at an expense oí $18.75. Your committee on inspection found much of the tile fiooring of the court house in bad repair and deemed it advi; sable to cause the same to be properly rel. lid and repaired. The work was done by JohnJBaumgardner at an expense oí $56.50. Theglass in the eky-light in the dome of the court house had long been broken, and your committee thought it prudent to seal the game with matched bi ;iling, making it water-tight, which was : done at an expense oí $10.05. ïour committee constructed a raised platform for tlft' probate office, and that and other Carpenter work done about the court house COSt the sum oí s The repairs il) Ann streel in front of the county jail consisting of laying an 18 inch sewer pipe in the gutterwhich was a n U'ul unprovement, was dom at in expense of $76.56, as follows: For sewer pipe the Bum of $66.94, and for labor, the sum of $9.62. Then was paid to Grossman & Scblenker for 120 tin file boxea for use in the various county offices the sum oí To William Herz for painting roof of court bouse, in probate office and of circuit judge office for the gum of 6, and for painting and letterirj boxes, $21.60. There was paid for dirt, stone and material to extend the lawn on north aide of the jail, $10.10. Kor repairing and painting at the county jail, the snm of ifii.OO. For digging vault at jail, $4.50. For carpet in probate office, $5.00. For three iron hitcliing-posts in front of jail, $0.00, and pro viding carry-all for jail, f2.50. For repairing seats and blinds, including material therefor, $17.85. Repairing court house steps and floor in jail with cement, $20.91. The whole amount paid during the past year and since your couirnittee was appointed, for repairs at the court house and jail and fixtures thereto, is the sum ef $1,300.93. All of the work in extendiikg the lawn at the county jail was done by prisonera without cost to the county. The Bystem of lighting the basement of tlie courl bouse with electricity proved insuffleient, tlie li;_rht frequi Deing oul fordays at a time, and other arrangements liad to be mude, so your committee concluded to contract with nn Arbor Gas Coinpany to put in Qxtures and to furnish gas at $1.26 "'i' thousaud toet, since which time the basement has been properly lighfed. All of the aforeeaid work and repairs lias been done under the personal supervisión of tlie chairman of yourcommittee, and the time which your couimittee had devoted to such work and for which pay is expected is as follows : EugeneOesterliu,35 days at 3 per day-glOS 00 M. 3. Howard, J5 days, at $i per day . 43 nü Kdwiu Ball, ir days. at $3 per day 45.00 All of which is respectfully submitted, and your committee beg to have tbeir supervisión of this work approved liy your Honorable Board and to be discharged trom the furtber consideration thereof. EUGENB ÜB8TERLIN. M. J. I Inu IBD. Edwin Ball. On motion of Mr. Miner, the Board took a recess until 2 . in. APTKBNOOM BKB8ION. The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Kuil called and quorum present, The Journal of Wednesday was remi and approved. The special liour having arrived for the election of a member of the Board of School Exarniners. Mr. Sage moved that the rules be suspended and that the clerk be instructed to cast the unauimous vote of the Board Eor George H. Pond for the office of School Exaniiner for two years, which motion was carried and Mr. George II. Pond was declared dnly elected. The special hour having also arrived tor the election of Janitor, the Board proceeded to said election. The Chair appointed Messrs. Case and Davenport tellers. Firti H'iltot. - Whole number of votes cast, 25, of which Mrs. .1. H. Stark received 7 votes; M. J. Howard received 6 votes ; Marvin Davenport received 12 votes. Second Ballot. - Whole number of votes cast, 26, of which Mrs. J. II. Stark received 2 votes; M. J. Howard received 9 votes ; Marvin Davenport received 14 votes, and was declared dulv elected. Mr. Gilí moved that the salary of Janitor for the ensuing year be tixed at f475.00. Carried. The petition of George W. Palmer relative to claim for goods destroyed by Board of Health of the City of Ann Arbor, was then presented to the Board, and on motion, was referred to commiton Cvil Claims. Mr. Gilí moved that the report of the Secretary of State relative to incorporated associations be referred to the prosecuting attorney for bis opinión thereon. Mr. Uancer moved that the consideration of said subject matter be indefinitely postponed. Carried. On motion, the board adjourned to Monday next at 2 o'clock p. m. Abthdb Beown, Clerk. Thomas YoüNG, Ju., Chairman. Mohday, October 16, 1893. The Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjourament. Bol] called and quorum present. Mr. Pond moved that the clerk be allowed the sum of thirty-live dollars for furnishing a copy of the proceedings of this board to the printer. Carried. The Bpecial hour having arrived for the election of a superintendent of the poor, Mr. Case moved that the board proceed to elect said superintendent by ballot. Carried. Mr. Pond moved to suspënd the rules, and that the clerk be instructed to cast the unanimoua vote of the board for Elisha Loomis, which motion was carried and the vote was so cast. Mr. llunter moved that, Wednesday next, at the hour of l' o'clock in the afternoon, le made a special order for receiving the report of the county drain commissioner. Mr. Duncan moved to amend the motion of Mr. Hunter by ñxing the time ut '1 o'clock on the afternoon of Thursdav next, which motion was carried. The original motion as amended was then carried. Mr. Jedele moved that there be appropriated the sum of one hundred and sixty-six and sixty-seven one-hunis dollars t the ezeentor of the e jtate of Charles Weimer for the unexpired term of license issued to charles Weimer, deceased, i; being understood and agreed that the warrant íseued shall be turned over to the county treasurer for al cense foreightmonthg tobeissued to Frederick Laubengayer, which motion was carriel by the following vote, the veas and nays being called for: Yeas - Messrs. AÍber, üiMiins, ( Dancer, Duncan, Edwards, Forsyth, Gilí, Gilbert, Ilunter, Jedele, Miner, Osborn, Oesterlin, Pond, Speechly, Scott, Saj;', Watkina and Wheeler. Nays - Mr. Walter. Yeas, 20 ; nays, 1. Mr. Scott moved that Thursduy next, at the hour of 3 o'clock p. m., be mude a special hour for electiug a county drain comrnissioner. Mr. Gilbert moved to amend by electing the draiu commissioner at once. Lst. Whereupon the motion of Mr. Scott was tlien carried. Mr. Shannon, from committee on printing, presented the following bid for printing the proceedings of thia board in the Hausfreund und Pust, to-wit: A.w Lbbor, Oct. 13, 1893. To the committee mi printing and the Board of Supervisors : We hereby Hgree to publish the prord, translated into Germán, for the suui of seventy-two dollars. Very re.spectfully, Si bkey Paul. Mr. Case moved that the Hausfreund and Post be allowed the sum of fifty dollars for publishing the proceedings of this board in Gerinan, which motion was lost by the following vote : Yeas - Messrs. Bibbins, Case, Dancer, Edwards, Forsyth, Gilbert, Hunter, Osborn and Sage. Xavs - Alber, Duncan, Gill, Jedele, Oesterlin, Pond, Speechly, Scott, Shannon, Watkins, Wheeler and Walter. Yeas, 9; nays, 12. Mr. Gilí moved to accept the bid of Suekey & Paul. Mr. Case moved to funend by allowing fifty-five dollars. Mr. Duncan moved as a substitnte that the Uausfreund be allowed seventy dollars. Mr. Hunter moved that to-morrow at 2 o'clock be named as a special order for the further eonsideration of said subject matter, which motiou was lost. On motion, the board adjourned to tomorrow morning at 11 o'elock. AbthüB Browx, Clerk. Thomas Yoüng, Ju., Chairman. ïiesday, October 17, 1893. The Board of Supervisors met pursusuant to adjournment. Koll called and quorum present. The journal of Friday and Monday last was then read and approved. The substitute offered by Mr. Duin-an allowing the Uausfreund und Post the gum of seventy dollars for printing the proceedings of this board in Germán was taken up for eonsideration, and after some debate the motion was carried. Mr. Duncan, froin committee on criminal claims No. 1, reported the following bill and recommended lts allowance : Claimed. Allowed. James H. Eaton, deputy sheriff 9 00 Ï9 00 Report adopted. Mr. Watkine offered the following resolution : Resolved, That the treasurer be instructed to collect the rent now due the county from Messrs. Brown & Kearns, the same to be computed at the rate of $2D per month from the time said firm commenced business, and said treasurer is hereby ordered to collect said rent semi-annually hereafter, to-wit : on the first days of January and July, as long as said firm maintain their office in the court house. Adopted. On motion, the board took a recess until 2 o'clock. AFTERXOON SESSION. The board met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by the chairman. Roll called and quorum present. Mr. Gilbert, from committee on civil claims, reported bill of M. J. Cavanaugh and recommended its allowance as claimed, and that the sum of six dollars contained in said bill be deducted from the salary of the janitor, said six dollars being the sum of nioney paid the janitor by Baid Cavanaagh for janitor work done at tlie court house. ('luimed. Allowed. M. J. Caranaugh, supplies for otlice of school commlssloner $122 'a Report adopted. Mr. Davenport moved that the board reconsider the vote taken apon the resolution of Mr. Watkins relativo to office rent. Carried. Mr. Gilbert moved that the further consideratioa of said subject matter be indetiuitely post poned. Carried. On motion, the board adjourned to tomorrow morning al 11 o'clock. Akthdb Brown, Clerk. Thomas Yoi scr, Jb., Chairman. Wbdnisday, October 18, 1893. The board of supervisors met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called and quorum present. The journal ■; - day waa read and approved. Mr. Duncan, trom committee on criminal claims Xo. 1. reported the following bilis, and recommended their allowanoe at sunis stated, to wit : Ölaimed. Allowed. Palmer, deputy sheriff... i Zina Buck. deputy sheriff 4 r 4 60 iherlff... Alberl Sinlth, deputy 4 00 el Brenner, sheriff 6505 5505 Report adopted. Mr. Davenport, from committee on criminal claii ie N 1. 2, n ported the lowing bilis, and recoinmended their allowance at budib Btated, to wil : Clalmed. Allowed. I '. I'. 1 - - of the 06 J250 $250 Ie H. Ureenman, Juror- 7ï 75 C. H. Finnev " ._ 75 7ó Gèorge Brldgers __ -,:, Edwin Stitt " __ 7"i 75 Frank (.on :. -,:, 75 Chai ■ I ■ __ 75 75 Jqhn Block. witner-s 38 38 m.t Haber, 38 Ed Schrader, " . Fred. 8omes, " ; : I 8. liray, " 3x 38 Emma Bordine, " 38 38 Frank J. Rust, justice of the peace- 4 05 4 05 Charles Fox, constable, _- 5 80 5 80 Myron Webb, justice of the peace 20 7" 20 75 O. M. Kelsey, juror 100 100 Charles Clark, " 100 10 Jno. McKinnon," 1 00 1 00 Win. Derindlrger, juror 1 00 J 00 Wm. J. Jackson, " 1 M 1 (K) Frederlck Schwitzer, witness. 96 James Youug, witness II", 115 Wm. Hanson. " 95 95 John W. Bennett, justice of the peace 38 55 38 56 lieport adojited. Tlie clerk presented to tlie board the bill of Michigan Asvluin for I):uij;erou8 and Criminal Insanc, im-cure of Edwin Dowdigan, which bill, was, on motion, referred to the committee on civil claims. ílr. Ilunter moved that tlio bilis of slierift's, deputy shcrids and constables íor work done for county be allowed according to the statute. Carried. Mr. .1 edele moved that the clerk cali e roll, and that the vacancies occuring in the persons appointed tohave charge of the burial of deceased soldiere and sailors be filled. Carried. The roll was called and perfected as follows : Ann Arbor City, lst ward - H. S. Dean. " 2d " - CouradNoll. " 3d " -I'. Irwiu. " 4th " - J. Laughlin. " " 5th " -E. S. Manly. " 6th " - H. Marsh. Ann Arbor Town- R. M. Nowland. Augusta - C. H. Greenman, Willis. Bridgewater - Joseph Linden, Clinton. Dexter - F. McNeil, Dexter. Freedom - John Esslick, Fredonia. Lima - David Schneider, Saline. Lyndon - Kd. Gorman, (Jhelsea. [ter. Manchester - G.B. Sherwood, ManchesNorthfield - James Brokaw, Ann Arbr. I'ittstield- H. H. Webb, Ypsilanti. Salem - J. I). Haywood, Salem. Saline - Orrin Parsons, Saline. Scio - A. E. Phelps, Dexter. Sharon - C. C. Dorr, Grass Lake. Superior - T.V. Quackenbush, Plymouth Sylvan - John A. Palmer, Chelsea. Webster - Worcester Blodgett, Dexter. York - John A. Jackson, York. Ypsilanti Town- N. B.Tuttle, Ypsilanti. Ypsilanti City, let ward-O.A.Ainsworth " 2d " - J. W. Wise. " 3d " -E. P. Allen. " 4th " -Art Bedell. " 5th " -E. Hathaway. Mr. Oesterlin offered the following : Resolved, That a speeial committee, consisting of three members, be appointed by the chair, to con.sider and report to tbia board the coinpensation to be allowed the sheriff for the board of prisoners at the county jail for the enBning year. Carried. On motion, the board adjourned to 2 p. in. AKT ERNOOK SESSIOX. The board met pursuant to ndjournnicnt. Eoll called and quorum present. The chair appointed Messrs. Oesterliu, Case and Sage as a committee to report to the board the amount of fees to be allowed the sheriff for board and care of prisoners at county jail for the ensuuig year. Mr. McQuillan, from committee on civil claims, presented the following bilis, and recommended tbeir allowance at sums stated, to wit: Clolmed. Allowed. B. F. Watts, care of tower clock lor one yeur $25 00 ?25 00 Mi.-s H.E. Btewart, typewritin;; for Kearney 10 00 10400 C. M. P.rker, 17(1 sets of questions for schools 3 00 3 00 H. J. Brown, meiliciil supplies (perblll) 115 115 Suphia Harlley. wit. P. C, Bliss Case 5 00 5 00 O. M. Martin, burial of K. Bortle 40 00 40 00 E. P. Mason. services as Supt. of Poor 63 00 63 00 C. 11. Ivf inpf, services as Supt. of Poor 78 00 78 00 E. Loomls, services as Supt. of Puor 84 00 84 00 J. Kearns, asslgnee of claim allowed ior ourhil of John Riilhrafl __ 40 00 40 00 Arthur Brown, clerk's fees in case of Supt. of Poor agalnst Mary Rabbitt 8 00 8 U0 Roblson & Howlett, livery 2 50 2 m A T. Hugries, poslage for 1 year. ïö 00 25 00 Report adopted. Mr. Braun, from committee on criminal claims No. 2, reported the following bilis, and recommended their allowance at sums statcil, to wit: Olalmed. Allowed. V. P. Hoyardus, jnstice of the peace -$149 90 Ï149 90 Jiini'-s Doyle. justice of the peace - 5 25 5 ■.."■ John Gillen, wltness 165 155 Rose Potter, ' 1 SS 1 .Vi Emory E. Brooks, wltness 4 55 4 55 Paul Srhi.ll, " 8ö & Stephen (eiitel, " 95 !' Miles C. Kelly, ' 5 SS Rppoit adopted. Mr. offered the following: Resolved, That the Superintendent of Poor be instructed t expend from th' county poor Eund the aum of j)2S 00 each year for the improvemeni of the higliway running sast and west past the county farm, or its equivalent in tabor from the farm. Carried. Mtr. Dancer moved that the eommittee heretofore appointed to report to the board the amount to be ullowe'd the sheriff for the care "f prisoners, b aothorized to report a bilí of fere-tobe given tu non-resident prisonero. Carried. On motion, the board adjonrned to tomorrow morning at 11 o'dock. Akthdb Brow n, 'lerk. Thomas Yoono, Jr., ('hairman. Thdbsday, October 19, 18!3. The board met pursuant to adjonrnment. Roll called and quorum present. The reading of yesterday's proeeedinuswaa by requesl of the clcrk and b3' it of the board omitteá. Mr. Duncan, from committeon criminal claims No. 1, rij 'isiug billa, and i , ■;, allowance at suma stiitcil, tu v it : ('laimed. Allowed. Joseph Gauntlet, deputy nerlff, til 20 S 4 30 John Lockwood, ' H uo 14 00 Report adopted. Mr. Dancer, from same committee, reported bilis . rlff, and recommended their allowance, as follows : Clalmed. Allowed. M. lirenner, sherifT, board at iail, S635 95 Ï535 95 " " 851 55 951 56 668 10 56810 Report adopted. Mr. Wheeler, from commmittee on criminal claims No. 2, reported the following bilis, and recommended their allowance as claimed : Clalmed. AllowedE. B. Pond, justice of the peace. fiUS 75 $205 75 G. L. Gage, stenograplier 250 2 50 Report adopted. Mr. Oesterliu, from committee on flDance, made the íollowing report, which was, on motiíin, adopted. The followinjjr is the report: Mr.Scott, Erom special mmuiittee appointed to consider and report to the board the matter of depositing the owing report : You committee to whom was referred the care of the county funda, respectfully report asfollows: By a Local act passed and approved June 3, 1886, and designated as local act No. 373, which authorized the treasurer of Washtenaw connty to depositthe county funds with certaiu bank or banks on interest, and which reads as follows : (No. 373). An Act to provide for the deposit of the county rnoneys by the treasurer of Washtenaw county with banking corporatione on interest, and to authorize the investment of certain moneys now in the hands of the treasurer of said county. Bection 1. Tlie people of the State of Michigan, enact that it shall be lawful ftr the board of supervisors of Washtenaw county to conó-act with any bank or banks incorporated underany laws of this iate or United States, for the safe keeping of any uumeys belonging to the county, and tor the payment by such bank or bank.s d interest thereon, at a rate not exceeding that estabtished by law, interest to he computed uion daily balances, and sliall Ije paid on the 31st aay oí uecemoer, uncí the 3utii day of June, in each year, or at any other time whi'ti the account may be closed. Section 2. Before any deposit shall be made witli any bank or banks, as aforesaid, such bank or banks shall exeeute and deliver to said connty treasurer a bond in siich sum and with such sureties as may be approved by said board of Bupervisors ; said bond shall be made to the connty, and shall be conditioned for the safe keeping and re-payment of gucfa moneys (ir any part thereof on demand, and the payment of the said interest. Said bood shall also contain other conditiODS as may be required by said board of supervisors. Bection 3. All interest maneyssopaid :y every snch bank or banks shall be credited, and form part of the general :und of the county. Section 4. The board of supervisors iver they shall deern t unsafe to continue said deposita with any Buch jank or banks, or they deern the security insufficient, may direct the county treasurer to withdraw said deposit from such bank or banks, and it shall thereupon be the duty of said treasurer to dein and and withdraw the deposita as so lirected bysaid board. Provided, Tliatif anysucli bank or banks sho'uldtuspend payment oí it deposita while it may hold any deposit of said public moueys, the county treasurer and bis bail or his sondsmen shall not be liable for the amount of any loss that may be occasioncd or Bntjtained by such suspension. Bection 5. The tréasnrer oí said county f Washtenaw is hereby authorized witn Jie consent and approval of the judge of probate of said county. to invest any noneys in his hands, subject tothe provisions oí act nümber eighty-sixj of the session laws of eihteen hundred and eighty-one, approved April Ij, L881, in interest bearing bonds ui the county of Washtenaw, or other municipal, state or government tioiids. to be ftpiíroved by the judge of probate. Whenever said treasurer shall bO calied upon to pay any money jiursuant to the provisión of the act aíoiesaid, he shall pay the same t'rom the general fond 01 the county il' there be surlicient money in the genera] fund available for that purpose, and if not, he may negotiate tb" sale of any lionds authorized uy this seetion, at not less than their par valne, to au amount snfficient theretor, and any advances that may be made t'rom the general fund, as herein provile.l, shall be reimbursed from the interest on any bonds hereby authorized ti. be issued, or from the principal theref, any anunal balances of interest that may be dúe or in the hands of s:üd treasui Br. Thisaci 'iï ordered to take immediate ■ Approved, June 3. Wc won ld recommend that before any 11 be made with any bank or baiika i id, said bank or banks shall the county of Washteuaw a goo1 and sulücient bond in the one luiudred and lil'ty thousand dollars, with such suretiea out of the tlirectors :md officers of said bank or banks a hall be approved by tliis Ixiard . 'vVe also recommend that the t'OUuty clerk of Washtenaw county be instructeil to cali for sealed proposale from the incorporated bai city oí Aun Arbor for the term of one year, ■ nc-ing .lanuary 1, 1894, for the liigbes il interest, payable on de. ii k or ban -t to be eompult-d on daily balances, bc ;i;iid mi tiif list ilays of June and Deiviulii -r bids on lowest ratee of interest on overdrafts on said i-a:ik. or banks lj said Washtenaw county. fully, Wm. B. Osbokn, .1. L. GlLBSRT, EVAET 11. SCOTT. Mr. Braan moved that the committee innty officers be directed to make a list of all county orders more ■ ; old, alphabetically ar. and that said i le'-■. that said list be pubi the pri this ad of proceedlngs. ■ - ■- Board, sai contato the uameof thepensontowhom the order is payable; also, the number of the order and the amonnt. Carried. Ou motion, the board uuti! p. in - Board called to order by the chairman. Boll called and quorum present. The special hour having arrived for receiving the i anty drain commissioner, Mr. Harrison Buthruff, presented and read bis report, which was mi motion received, ordered printed with the proceedings, and r coi drains. To t lic Boord of Supervisors of Washtenaw Oounty: iv i;h the pto ui Act No. 227, "i is Laws oí i, known as the liruiii Law, I have the honor herewith to Biibmft my annual report as County I amisi . covering the period from ■ 21, 1892 i.i October Is L898. 1. The following named drains were left unfinished at the 'late of my last report: The Fleming Treek Draln of Superior. The KurloDg Drain of the Township of Superior. The Murrayand Geer Drain of the Township of superior. Tlie Big Marsh ExteoalOD !)r:iin of Aoniata. Tlie West branch of A.UKUata ( 'en trui ürain. The Johnson Brancli Drain of Salem and Plymouth. The FleiiKant Lake Dralu of Freedotn Bh p. The abovc named drains are all completad and the Clark's Lake Drain ia about completad. 2. The tollowing named drains have been begun, constructéd and completed by me, daring the year, viz. : The West Branoh of Sugar Creek, York and Auyuwiu No, 2 prain. The Freedon] and Lodi DraiQ. VUB A NI I AI. SÏAIi'MÜNT Of the Pleaaant Lake Draln of Fn edom for 188S. Dr. ToJeromc Al!'ii, surreylngdralD $ 9 00 ïpsllantl Sen II i 6 -". rain 1 5(1 ií . Kir Jiraiu Tile for dll tway BÏ7Ö Haaling Ule from Brldgewal :i 10 51} i] for raootb of Ule ui 24 Tni per cent. added --- is iu Total Cr. Uy araonot asseaaed township nt large 330 00 By amouii' . the tlrst year 170 00 Total - Í200 00 The Kreedom and Ixxli Drniu lor Dr. To Jerome Alien, surveying dmin__ ? 9 00 ITpsUanU Comraerolal, printlng.. 7 75 H. Ituthrutf, comniissionir's lees 2fi 75 Help surveying draln._ 300 Replaoing brokeii tile 60 00 Jacob Rpothaff, con tractor. -14 rds. of tile 96 so Jacob Fritz, coutructor, 48 rods of opea ditcli 14 40 Ten per cent, added 21 77 Total _ J239 47 Cr. Of wlilph Lodi Tnwnslilp paysten p.-rcent. $23 95 And Townahlp of f r i-.lom at lares paya ten per oent. 23 3." Amount uaeaaed the lirst year __ 191 51 8239 4T The Jotmaon Hranch Draln of salcm and Plymouth tor IB8Z. br. ToJ nf aurveylng drain S 7 0C Ypallanti Sentluel, prln.lng... _ 551 Piymouth Malí. prlnting 3u 11. Rutliruff,commüj8lo 34 75 L. Dalton, Wayne oounty comniissiom-r's feea _____ 12 (X) Helpsurveylng drain and board 5 5C David W. Barber, oontractor, lió roda 124 70 Fivu percent, added 9 t_ Total _ (306 51 Ofwlilob Plymouth Ís assessed ■L per oent. __ $51 By aiiiourit aiaeaa ■■(! to Salem Townahlp al lar 1 88 By amounl aasessedthe Bret "■ 12 32 Total Í2!;5 51 The Salera and PlymooUi Drain for 1892-3. Dr. To Jeroine AJlen, surreylng (rain... $iú 00 Plymouth Malí, prlntlng. __ o jo YpsUantl Sentlnel, prlQtlng 55 .! u'lt of Probate __ 2 50 Special Oommlaaloner, A. J. Morray __ _ _ 3 go speciiil Cotnmlssloner, Hobert .Martin 3 50 Special Commiuloner, E. M. Colé 3 00 Help Burveylng draln. and board 8 50 H. Ituthriul, oommlas-ODen fees 74 00 David Jactüon, contraetor, 120 roda.. 204 00 Charles Piersoa, comractor, W rods _ 75 00 Alexia sta nbro, con tractor 40 roda 44 00 Gust l'atllson, contraetor, 246 rds 3i7 54 Adolf Olgler, contraetor, 80 rods. 74 (.0 L. Dalton Wayne county commissioner'B fees 18 qq Repalring brldges over dltch. ."."." 10 00 Kive per cent, added 43 72 Totfll - - UñiTñ Oí wbleh Plymouth Ís assessed 12 per cent ilio 17 To tbe Townabip of Salem at inrac I37 72 To amountaasegaed the lirst year 870 22 Total 9ig u The Wt-si Branoh ofSugarCreek and York and Augusta No. .' Draiu for W,. Dr. To Jernnio Alien, tarveying Drain 8 6 00 Ypnllanll Sentlnel, printlng " 7 30 II Uuihmtr, comn_l8slone?e ices 19 011 Help snrveylng dralo 4 00 Chester Etoae. oontraotor, 80 rods 16 40 Aualln Wardle, oontractor l_o roda 20 00 Donalil Uurray, oontractor, 12Ö - 40 40 Jului EUdge, oontractor, 80 rods 1 20 Johnatban Wardle, contractor, 80 rods _ 01 A Ten per cent, added i Total - - 1Ï6939 Cr. By amount aaieaaed to the Township at larBe $ie 93 íiy unouat aaaeaaed the tirst year 152 Ki Total- $16!) n The Clarks Iake Drain of Sylvan and Lyndon for 1881, 188Ï, and 1888. 3"yu ana To J. Willard Babbitt, for counsel Dr' on Kuit commenced by Ornuui Clark and olhers 011 said drain $62 50 Orrin T. Hoover, prlnting on draln 6 g - O. 0. TbomiMOD, tor ti 1a S -ii. í-utitriiit u commiuloner 139 00 A. C . Pleroe, contraotor, so rods 112 00 Hugh McLuusbiin, oontractor, 40 rods _ -- m Howard Caniield, oontracioiTIÓ rous __ _ it) on 1,1'1" -racto'r, 4Ö"rodiI 54 00 '■'. eontractor, hu rods 106 00 rank Kor,,. r.,v,Ml,aclo,'.Mrds; s" Uelp saryeytns draln ïjK D. B.Taylor, fur work 011 dnVi.. and atteudlng to tw paaa Peu-r Lustig, baullng tile frorn" JameaSnow, lo taklg rlTbbü i kn iw pan 5 qq Board wbfle surveylng draln Ten per C'iii, aildeit Total S9W "(i Cr. !;-■ uiMMtiii assflMvd to the Townahlpat lurge 5 Bv atnoiinl nannwfni to interested partlei Total (0 9 Tú The liussv Draln of Salem tol Dr. rorae AlleD, surveying .Irain .. Yisil;inti spntlnel, printing 9 J Jl. Huilmiir, c iinissioner's fees M ' Help KurveyiDg drain 7 oj Wllliam Tart, oontractor, m rods al 180 per cent per rod 00 00 Qeorge Walker, oontractor, 160 rods at 140 per een I per rod -'-'i 00 Win. Bunsy. oontractor, 280 n ,s:ion Mayoauiber, eontraotor, 190 f'ls - 114 BO Plve per oent. added n -Éi Total 18 Cr. Bj araounl o tbe rownshlpat large liy aiiKiUlil a-Tolal - - SS70 ïi Hornera ml Apple Run Drain of Wal n ('oiiniy. The above draln rnnsup to the Bast t'omitv Llneof Washtcnaw ainl otralna a portlon of the easl part of Ypsllantl Townshfp. Dr. ilng oot of sald draln 1960 uo Cr. 01 which Ypsilanti Townslii(i la asieesed nlne per ...- Í 85 50 Ypsilantl Townnhlpal large three per oent 28 50 AriKiuin aaaeaaed the flrl year - 51 00 Total ?ll5 00 :i. The following named dráins have been begun by me ■lurin; the year, and are only part Iv completad, viz. : The Saliie and Bridgewater Drain. The Saline liiver Drain. The Lambardt Drain of the Township o Freednm is survoyeci ana riglit of way obtalncd und will post notices lor letting in a few days. 4. The following drains have been iiili'il lor but not established, for the reasons given in e'acb Lnstance: The Stony Creek Drain was surveyed and Dotloea posted lor letting to be oleaaed out When I went to Iet sakl ditch, some of the partlea claimed that tlie aald dltob waa ueverlaid out to the width the appllcatlon oalled liir, mi I liil not sell Ihr dltch. Wil bave icK''i the rtght r way befora anythlnj more is done. j aleoreoeived au applioatlon to congtmct a drain In the vlllage of Willis. Augusu Township. Have looked ihu grouiui over bui. have nol soxveyed it yet. And do hereby eertify that the al embraces a ínil and true report of all the draina constructed, flnished or be;iiii ander mv supervisión daring tin oow endittg, m.l that the financja! gtatement oí each drain s true and correct. All oí wliicli is respectf ully submitted. Hasbison Rothbuff, County Drain Coininissioner of Washtenaw County. Dated, Oct. 19, A. D., 1893. Mr. Daveuport, f rom committee on criminal claims Xo. 2, repoorted th following bilis, and recommended theil allowance at suma atated, to wit : Clairacd. Allowed Hxuiii .lolinson, constable Sí 85 $2 85 N. (í. llciits, jusliceof peace,. (i 00 (i ik K. li. l'ond.Justlce of peace 9 00 9 00 F. P. liogardus, " " " 5 30 Wm. B. Seymour, juror 3 00 2 25 .I'MIM III1AI1I .1 UU Z 1 Obeater l. Vost, " 3 01) 2 25 0. 1 Westfull, ■ 3 00 2 5 Wmi. lüekey, " :j 01) 2 15 I 8. (Vortley, ' 3 00 2 2: Patrick Rlgney, witneaa 100 7." James O'Oonnor, " 1 00 7f ,Itisi'iii soper, " 1 00 7; P. k. Oven, " 1 lai 7.II. B. AiiHins, " 100 7." Nainin-l P, Hussel!, M 48 U Jamet 11 Raton, " is Wal ter Robblns, " 1 5.-, ] n George Thompson, " -is. 4t ZfDa r.iick, " }v n .1 1 LteMoah, " ___ George Palmer, " 50 5( MlloG " 50 si uandy, " 50 U. li. Harding, " 30 g 11. K. sliuits. " 50 5( James Merrltt, " 1 ss 1 5f Lewls i 1 ss 1 53 Albcrtshalthorn, " 1 35 1 35 Ajana Bhatthorn, ■ 1 35 1 3e MatSleln, ' 150 1 gr .1. M Cbldister, ■■ 50 ,-.) Sol Oslranddr. " ,-,( FYed. llunier, " m inunt, ' 50 5( Mllo 1 age, " 50 y w. k Davis, " :::::: ,-,,, 5; .lam. s Spawn, ': 1 if 1 ma ■ - ::: i 1 15 run, 1 15 1 ]S ürenaella, 1 15 1 15 Charleo Tbum, " „ 1 15 1 15 HenrvThum, i 15 , 15 '.. (' ".Vv"" 565 5 55 Wm, 1 lurk, ■' 4 4,j Josepb Mannlns, " I 48 4$ e Bichardaon, " 4m 4 Nancy Kobbln, 405 1 11-, HlramKlDR. '■ 4S g Bmma Wald.i, " is 4 BidSmlth, " " 48 Joaepb Sopar, " 150 150 Patrick Kigney, ' i 50 1 50 .1. K. Colvin, " 1 f0 1 ÍÍ Nioholiis Max, 75 „ k. K.owen, " :::::: % l .Idiin O'Connor, " 715 7 s. 1'. Kussell, ■ 75 i? S. I.. ('iiami)laln, " 1 50 1 u ■"" "„de.' ■ ..:::: í so íiS Nancy Moore, " 75 -r Ad iïrown, " 40 o Alloe Black, " ". & Etla BrookH, " _ 48 48 John A. Brown. ' 48 ' 48 Etla lirooks, " . 48 Ada Iïrown, " 4a ,. AMce Hiuck, .;:: 48 r Siininer Uainon, " fin 1 John n. Cook, ■' 50 Cieorge Amont, " 50 no UliarlesSeeger, " 50 i Prank McCatfrey. " kn [ra 8. Darla, " ___ 50 3. .Iones. . _ __ 4jj .„ Bdwarda, " 48 js lolm Hogan, " II 48 js I.W. skimmurhorn, " 48 4S Krank Boyoe, " ,,i Henry ha Fulge, " 50 50 David H Morford, " 50 HeoryHardy, "" 50 liantes, " vi i baríes Merrltt, " _ _ 00 Benjainla MoGraw, ' 7-, -s All" rt, smltli, ' "" 75 Llanies Uuichlnson, " _ 1 00 1 iii) lias. Davls, " 1 on A. H. Ooldamith, " .1"."" loo 100 Charla, P.Damoñ, .._..! 100 1 00 1. II. Mlller, " 48 7Í 11.11. Ni .. Il Oscar Walen, " is 40 Qeorge A. Neat, " _ 'II u Ia r. Mlller, ' '" 3 ïï Zlna Buok, " ""' 4 !o I rank siowell, 150 in a. 11. Ooldamlth, " . 1 50 ï ) las lluicbinsou, " 1 m 1 ï, MatStelo. I íso j 5X 1. P. MoKinatry, " 150 1 Z o. f. Westlall, ' { m 1 so OlvlaDeuuis. ■ ir" 1 % g George Dennis, " ZZ I g? M. A. Helmis. " 1 K j ?- FredKIramol, .1""" j Albert Kliniuel, ' 1 3s í - Henry Lewl, '■ l'. J L IK tieater l,wis, " 1 i Henry T Ilorner " II:.""" 5? } L John HuHloii, " 1 55 1 v. Alton LewlB. 145 í % Clifton Huston, 50 1 S hl s-ieeger, " ." m Klmer MoCDllough, 50 50 A. J. Murray, " 50 ï,, Samuel Kussell, " S fi, AuKustu Snvery, " . 50 Föhn II. Mlller, " 'S H. 1) Nlblao, ' 48 . Neat, " _ ... 48 isoar Welcb, " 1 U. J. Mlller, leorge Bopklna, ■ '" 43 ook, " I 2 00 2 00 1 r Brown, " 200 ■ N.E.cntt6nd'oii, IIIIII 2 55 a ÍS I'. U . K..SK, M ., .„ Í Roswell Norton, " 2 no 2 00 Aiviu Dennla. " 2 Sfl 2 80 üeorge in-mns. ' 1 1 53 Win. QoltS, ■ 1 -5 1 2 Henry F. Uorner, " í 55 1 60 Alberl Ktmmel, ■ 1 35 I 35 Fred Klmmel, " 1 :ö 1 88 John Boston, " - 1 55 1 55 Thos. Boalwrlght, " 1.55 166 Berl Sinith. ■' 1 ■""' 1 66 Bugene Kook, " 1 B . Furlouï, " - 1 "S 1 ö Back, ' 1- Samuel Barnard, " w 48 .1. H. Eaton, " M ■ .Morris J. O'Connor, " " Cornelia 1 1'( on nol . " ■ "6 rruckey, " "■ '■' (,. .. Sai " 1 W 1 U0 tforris Lanti. ' B W Jane Hopklns, " 1$ B Sopklna, " 48 48 Alfred i - 4 ÏB -I '5 Wm. A. Grlfflth, ■■ r 88 Joh A. Ferguson, " l 76 l " Oliver F. I! " i ?6 4 T. .1. O. Fenton, ' 4 76 Frank O'Uearu, " 1 00 ■ 00 w. Hunt, " 1 00 1 i Parrls S. Banfleld, " i uu i 00 Malhew .i::r. u 1 i 1 W llnalM Kitrlu"i. " I Wm. Denini " 1 'W 1 1U W. i.. " 1 70 1 70 H bluell, - 1 '" ii. S. Greeuwood, " onrad Sohoelder, " i onrad 8 hnelder.Jr" ■ urlstlna DIi i rle, " 8 ( hri-nna Lavear, " Patrick Douovan, " 's - Uacbel Lewla, '■ H David Kockwell, " 50 Jacob Seybolt, " ' Win. Goets, " 50 SJ A. R.Draper, " SO GO eb Dfeterle, " Ü0 Win. H. Huwen. " 50 5l Charles C. Sauer, ■■ 48 48 Alfred lieltz, " 48 48 Hrnry Brown, - 48 4 .1. v McFadden, " 85 86 Herman Kirn, " IS 48 Wm. Keitlck, " M 3S w ni. Masón, ' 48 68 Nelson Imus, " 4s B8 Henry McNally, " 48 48 Charles Battles, ■■ - 48 18 Peter Montes, " 48 48 Edward Ball, " 48 48 John Martin, " 48 48 John Martin, " 18 48 Ji. Hortle, '■ 48 is Conrad Scbnelder, ■ 18 48 ( has. Scnlelehei " 48 48 Adopted. Mr. Gibert, from cominittee on civil claims, reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at suma d, to-wit : Claimed. Allowed. 0, P. %;l achlan.wlt. P. C. S8 o,) :: ju 8 1U s i) v. p. Breakey, " ■' w 5 uu J. E. O. :. Pratt, 5 oo Edward Uatwell, " 7 iw 7 00 Wm. Pattlsou, ' ."j 00 C. G.B " 5 UO 5 00 Cieo. H. Fond. " 4 20 .lolni Kapp, " ■"' " I 5 UO W. B. S " 5 OU Sniiinil Jol " 5 00 ." 00 Thomas Shaw, " 7 (ki 7 UU Edward Batwell, " 7 mi 7 Ui w. .i. Herdman, 5 00 5 00 1). M.Tvler. ■ 5 00 5 00 e. F. Kiif.p. a Ml 'i 80 Thomiií Shaw, " 7 00 7 uu Geo. M. Huil, " 7 00 7 00 .1, N. Martin, " 5 00 5 00 A. Coiiklin, " 3 00 3 00 1!. A. Beal estáte 10-10 1U 10 Bacli & Abel, Buppliea at 1 00 1 00 C. M. Parker, school supplies 3 00 3 00 M.w. Weloh, school supplies - 1 08 1 08 (.11 Iïuthruff SSJ 3 90 Edward Duffy, tobáceo at jail n so n 50 Koba Pulcipher 1 00 1 00 Martín Clark, coroner . 2.5 10 25 10 W. w . .uiink'rí, juror 7-5 75 J. G. tí rossman, Jnror 75 75 It.1, juror 76 75 Chrlstiun sehumacher, juror 75 75 John L chmidt, juror 7."j 75 John lluaier, juror 75 78 Auna . iL'llu, witness 48 48 (ieo. BrosB, wltnesa 4 ís Phük'poua Hoffstetter, trltnen - - 48 48 Gertrude Hoffstetter, uitness 1 48 Jacob Hoffstetter, witu, 48 Í8 8, Ii. Alleu, juror 7;" 7s A. Keurnjy. juror 7j 75 H. C. Wilmot, Juror 71 75 M. D. Milkr. juror 76 75 ];. Waterman, juror 7! 75 . iuror 73 78 Chas. Kapp, witnese 48 -í Wm. A. Robison. rltnesB, 48 48 Henry McNally, wltness 48 Gil Siiowwltness s s Grace McNally, wltness 18 js V. C Vauffhan, witnesa 4S 48 Blmer E. Hagler. juror 7") 7") Chas. N. 8auer, juror 75 Tö Jumes C. Twltchell, juror, 75 7. Koot, juror 7". 75 Krank D. Pattárson, juror, 75 7ö D. D. Cannlngtuun, jaror.. 7í 7."i V. C. Vaughan, wltnee8 i 48 A. W. Reed, irltness 4s ís Geo. W. Khodcs, juror 150 150 A. Y. Roblsoü, j'iror 1 "hi 1 "(i Qeo. W. Cropsey, juror 1 .511 1 5j i.. K. Qwlnner, juror 1 .50 1 50 K. Waterman, juror 1 ."i 1 50 Theopliilu Porter, juror- 160 150 B. K. Kickson, wltness 48 48 James J. Horton, wltness- is 48 Robert Hecker, wltness- 48 4 John Fletcher, wituess 48 Is Eihviirci Duffy, juror 7.5 75 BCoses Seabolt, Juror 7.5 70 Geo. W. Cropsev, juror 75 75 Joha líaunigaraner, juror, 75 75 J. A. Freeman, juror 75 75 Joseph Donnelly, juror 7 75 A. A. Crawford, wituess 48 48 B.B. Sudworth, wituess- 48 48 J. J. Ferpusou, wltness 48 48 Geo. E. Peters, wituess 48 48 Don Crawford, wituesa 48 B Repm-t ado)ted. Mr. Gilbert from the same committee also reported the bilí of Robison & Howlett without recomrnendation. Mr. ('ase moved that the bilí be alowed as claimed. Carried. _ . , Clalraed. Allowed. Robison & Howlett $20 00 20 00 Mr. ( ilbert also reported the bilí of Emma J. Garduer without recomuienda;ion. Ou motiou of Mr. Case, the liill was aid uiKiii the table. The gpeeis] hooi having arrived lor ■lie election of county drain commissioner, the board proceeded to said elecion. Ttie chair appointed .Messrs. Davenxrt and Gilbert tellers of said election. First ballot - Whole number of votes ast, 27, oí which Daniel W. Barry received 14, E. M. Cole 5, Harriaon Uuthilff 7, blank 1. Mr. Barry was declared duly elected. Mr. ( Kil, tram cornmittee to settle with the superintendent of the poor, made he following report: ïo the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of the County of Washtcnaw : Gentlemen- Your committee appointed to examine the accounts of the superintendente of the poorrespectfully report that they have examined the said accounts, and liml that the stub-book and ledger agree with vouchers and billa for the same, and that the business g ,.,,,,- ducted in an económica! and satisfactory nianncr. We desire to thank the superintendents for thé aasistance rendered in the work ; also to Mr. and .Mrs. Shanklanil i'ur kindness ghown your committee. 1'. ï. Ou..., Ev IET II. BCOTT, S. 8. BlBBINS, Committee. i Mr. Scott oflfered the folio wing: Re$ohed, That Jadee E. D. Kinne b allowed one hundred dollars for persona expenses while holding courtin Monroe and thal the same be paid in quarterlj installmenta of twenty-flve dollars each ( lamed. .Mr. Miner offered the followlng: Resolved, That the building committee be and are hereby authorized and 1 rected to dispose of the lease of th stone-yard, the fence around it, and th broken Btone therein, and turn over tin o the county treasurer. Carril. 1. On motion, the board adjourned toto moi row al 1 1 o'clock. Aathur Brown, Clerk. THOM '.- YoüNG, Jb., ( 'liainnan. Friday, October20, 1893. The üiianl met pursuant to adjouru inent, lioll called and (jiionim pres ent. The journal of Wednesday an Thursday last was read and approved. ?Ir. Wheeler, l'roui tlie ('ommittee on Criminal Claims No. 2, reported the following bilis umi recommended their allowance at sums stated, to wit: Clalmed. AJlowed NoahG. Butts.Justlcebfthe ?14 18 1199 61 S. H. Perklns, Justice of i he Peaoe 5 30 5 30 Report adoptecl .', Mr. Case moved that when this Board adjourns it be to meet in special session on Monday the 23rd day of October, A. D. 1S93, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon. On motion, the Board took a recess until 2 o'clock p. m. : n:::(ii BESSION. Board called to order by the Chairman. Boll called and quorum present. Mr. Pond, from the Committee on Printinjc, presented the following bids for printing tiie proceedings of thia Board' Ypsilanti, Micii.. Out. I Eobert Sharmon: Dbab Sir- Yours of the 16th Insfc, asking for bidB for printing Supervisors preceedings, at band. We should be glad to bid. and Would do 80, but tor the condition requiring the completion of the ivork by Nov. 2ëth. The time is so short we could not do tlie work, and ni iist decline to give figures on the contract. Itespectf ully yours, V. M. OSBAND. Ypsilanti, Mich., Oct. 17, 1893. I w i 11 publish the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors, taking the pamphk't of 1S92 as a basis, in accordance with the DroDositinu m:nl,' liv IVm. mittee on Printing, at a uniform rate of $1.75 per page, counting the cover aa four pages. Underthis bid, 1,000 copies of tlie last pamphlet would liave cost Í87.60. Last year's contract was 1,500 copies and cost the coimty $108. Respectfully, M. T. WoODRUFF. Chelsea, Mich., Oct. 18, 1893. T'iüii Board of Supervisors of Washteiinir Cniinty: I would respectfully submit the folIowing: Iwill print 1,000 copies of the proceedingsof the Board of Supervisors, and also the same in the columns ot the Standard, lor the suni of $104.50. Respectfully yours, O. T. HOOVBB, Pub. Standard. Anu Arbor, Mich., Oct. 20, 1893. Printing Committee, Honra of Supi on: Believing that the interests of the people wil] be best subserved by printing the proceedings in two newspapers of general county circulation, of opposite politics, the Ann Arbor Courier and the Ann Arbor Argus make the following joint bid. We will publish the proceedings in both papers and print 1,000 copies in pamphlet form for $130, as per specificatiqns; more or less pages pro rata. We will also finish the work within two weeks after the adjournment of the Board. Yours respectfully, Beakks & Cl-utiss, J. E. Beal. Mr. Duncan moved to accept the bid of the Argus and Courier. Carried. Mr. Dancer, from the Committee on PerDiem, made the following report: To Ou HonorabU Board of Supervisors of Wnslitenuw i-. Your Committee on Per Diem make the following report: Ñames. 3 s - 2. S S ' 2 a 5 g John B. Mlner' oe i - - ing 19 Eugene Oeaterlio 12 :n 1 12 r, ,; Bobert Shanaon Vi 36 I 1" Re ís '■""-'■ n Pond 12 36 1 12 36 12 James Bpeechley 13 36 1 12 ;) 12 Kvurt B. Scotl 12 36 2 "4 ,; ■! Charles llnmn v H 4 48 SJS-Blbblns 12 w SO 2Ï0 R George Waltor. 1; ;w 35 4 2n 4,1-, Thomas MoQulllan... 12 M 16 1 !tí 8T M Mlchael Alber 12 88 20 i 4 88 W alter H.Dancer Vi 36 2 64 : 64 MUohaelSave 12 :w 10 120 :ir 20 "'!"il,S, y?un 1 42 27 3 24 i 4:, 24 VF.L. WatkiM 12 36 35 4 20 20 JaiikDuncan 13 36 10 12(1 JT 2U Jí-F.tase lg m 7 84 :; Í4 Pred ( . Wheeler 12 :) :iu :i su :;:, ,;, ■jdward DoPuy 12 36 11 132 :;: :12 1ll1am H Osborn... 12 : gs 1 :;il ,,,.,, Ptw i'"1" '- :16 Jtl ' '■'- n m ames L. Gilbert 12 an 18 2 l B8 1 K'';Hall 12 38 10 120 :r, 'm Alired Davenport... 12 :'-, ís 2 ii 88 M -Inhii 1j. Hiintt.T 12 lió 8 ; -wt oft David Édwards 12 'n 10 1 8? 20 James Forayth 12 :jb 10 1 2U :jt 5u W. H. Dancek, D. Edwaeds, MlCHAEL 8AGE. On motion, the report was adopted. On motion, the Board adjourned. ! Thomas Yotmo, .Ii:., Cbairman. A.KTHUK liiiüWN, Clerk. Monday, October 23, 1893. The Board oí Supervisors íor the County of Washtenaw met in special ses8ion a the Court House in the city of Aun Albor, in sai'l coutily of Waslitenau on Monday, the 23rd day of October, A. I)., 1893. board was called to order by the clerk in the absence of the chairman and chairman pro tem. On motion Ir. John L. Hunter was de. 'icd chairman pro tem. The roll was callad and quorum not ■ut. On motion the board took a n i until 2: 00 o'clock p. m. BNOON 8ESSION. The board met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by Chairman Young. Roll called and quorum present . Mr. lilberi from committee on civil claims, reported the following lillsand imended their aüowance at sume Btated, to-wit : Clslmed. AlllowedDr. H. jSlbbes, poet-morten $25 00 $16 00 Win. (t. Kittv, postagd iir Probate Oonrt ! 2-5 00 erhach, one gas range fortatl 25 00 25 00 E. II. Scutt , wlllli'SS ÍU Probate Court 2 10 a 10 O. F. Kapp, wltneae In Probate Coart„. _■___ o 20 6 40 Hutzel i ('o., suppücs at jail 10 34 10 34 Tlios. A. Bogle, services in Hand oase 315 00 315 00 A. Havenport, witness in I'ioliate Oourt 5 00 5 00 V. M. Welob, snpplies for district schools 24 00 24 00 M. Brenner, serving declarallon on Mar; Uabbitt ___ 3 00 3 00 Granü RapidsLitliograpliCoinpany - 58 00 B8 00 M. Parker, suppiies for district sobools 3 10 3 10 )■:. A. Clark, bolding i'.t morteui 5 00 5 00 Roblson iV llowlpt. flve backt tu convoy snpi vlsors lo oounty poor bOBM 20 00 20 00 D. J. Mnllory, repatring beds ;it j;iil t 65 4 65 Forman Basset! IJntWi Co. tetti rheads js OD ir, oo C. I.. Yont, llvery for sheriff In Hand case 1 í.'i l a Dr. II Glbbes, expert testlmony In Haudcase 5 0 00 200 00 Reporl adopted. Mr. Gilbert Erom the same committee reported the bill of Mr. Seery for one lounge, anda majority of said committee recommended the allowance óf said lill as claimed and the miuoritv recomineuded that said bill be disallowed. On motion the report of the minority was adopted. Mr. Watkina moved that the voto allowiu' the bill of Dr. H. Gibbes at $200 be reconsidered. Carried. Mr. Bibbins moved to allow the bill af $160. Mr. Gilí moved to allow the bill at $200. On motion of Mr. Gilbert the bill was laid apon the table until to-morrow ai'teriioon at 2: 00 o'clock. On motion the board took a recesa until 1 1 : 00 o'clock to-morrow ïnorninsr. Thomas YoüNG, .Ir., Aurnru Bbown, Chainnan. Clerk. Tcksd.w, October 24, 1893 Tlie Board of Supervisors met mrBaant to adjournment. Called to order liy Chairman Young. Roll called anc quorum present. The journal of Fridaj and Monday last was read and approved Mr. Case from committee on criminal ílaiins iiunilcr one reported the following bilis and n tmended their allowance at snms stalc!, to-wit: Claimed. Allowed. Staffen.dept'y sheriff _. Síi) DO KM 56 tf.Brenner, sheriff -2 mi 2 uu H. J. .Martin, deputy sheri!l' (; ir, 6 95 Report adopted. Mr. Braun from coninnttee on criminal claims, nnmber two, reported the i'ollown' bilis and recommeuded their allowance at sume stated, to-wit : Claimed. Allowed. Nee Forbes, cnnstulile ti 20 18 00 Monroe V. Wolsey, witneas 48 4g rank Kmiihorn. witness. 48 4g .Miss Valentina Ring, witness 4g 4g iz7.ie8tock, wittiess 48 m Wm.Carleton. witness _ 48 48 Sarah J. Sherldan, witness 48 48 .ibbie Prlce, witness 48 48 Maurloe R. Walllngton, witness 48 48 Hosanna Johnson, wttnt'ss 48 48 Fas. R. Johnson, witness- 48 48 ee Forsyth, witness 48 48 ■vlttle Hagerdon, witness. 85 85 ). J. Haertou, witness 85 85 Cornellus M. Hogan, witness 85 85 Nathan Hagerdon, witness 85 85 Wm. Itowo. . BS BS Vm. Potter, witness 118 1 is Martin Penic, witness 118 1 is 'ed Johnson, witnoss 48 4g P.P. l!o_'ardus, justice of the Peace 11, se 10 38 s. A. Fltzgerald, constable 5 65 5 65 Report adopted. The elerk tlien presented to the board thefollowingbids tor medical attendance at the : Aw Aeboe, Oct. 19, 1893, We hereby agre to attend the prisners of VPashtenaw County Jail for the insuing year for $35.00, both medical and surgical attendance. Dus. Kapp & Kapp. Ann Arbor, Mich., Oct. 16, 18(13. To the Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County : Sirs :- I hereby tender to do the niedcal and surgicaj work for the iumates )l the county jail for the ensuing year or the snui of $36.00. I am yours, ' E. A. Cl.AÜK. Mr. Davenport moved that the board accept the bid of Dra. Kapp A Kapp. The motion of Mr. Davenport was hen carried. Mr. Braun moved that the couuty reasurer le requested to make i report o the board .l the ainouut of fine loney received by him and trom whom aid. Carried. Mr. Edwards moved tu take from the ible the bilí oí Kmnia J. (iardner. Carriel. Mr. Edwarda moved tu allowthe l)ill aa claimed. Mr. Bcott moved that the sideration of the matter be postponed until 2 : 00 o'clock p. m. Carried. On motion the board took u recesa until 2: 00 o'tlock p. ju. AFTERNOON 8E88ION. Called ti order by th chairman. Boll called and quorum present. The hour having anived for further consideration of the claim of Emma .1. Gardner, the motion of Mr. Edwards that the bill le allowed as claimed was carried. Claimed. AJlowed. Emma J. Qardner 810109 $10109 The hour for furtber consideration of the bill of Dr. Gibbes having arrived, Mr. Scott moved as a substitute tliatthe bill be allowed as claimed. Carried. tned. Allowed. Dr. Gibbeg, expert test iiiiony J500 00 $500 00 Mr. Miner moved to re-coneider the vote allowing the bil] of Dr. Gibl Lost. The following report of the County I urer was then presented lo the board : Ti the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County : i rENTLEMEN : I herewitb report to you the amountof fine money paid iuto the treasury y justices of the peace and other persona from .Tan. 1, 1893 up to and including Sept. 30, 1893. By E. B. Pond, .1. P $129 00 By N. G. liutts, J. P 10 00 By J. W. Jiennett, .1. P 20 00 By 1'. .1. I.ehmnn, .1. P 10 00 By .J;unes Doyle, J. P 35 nu By A. llrown, Couuty Clerk 115 00 By J. Xicbolson 35 00 Respèctf ully Bübmitted, I'. i. SUEKEY, Couuty Treasurer. Report accepted anJ ordered printed with the proceedings. Mr. Bibbins from committee ondrains reported t.i the board that th.-y found certain mistakee in the figures of the Couuty Drain Commissioners' report. Mr. Edwarda moved to refer the report of the County Drain Comtnissioner back to liiiu tur correctioa. Mr. Oaborn moved to amend by allowing the committee on drains to retain the report until the correction liad been made. Mr. Scott moved as a substituto to refer the report of the committee on drains back to said committee and that the committee be authorizedtocomrnunieati' with the drain commissioner relative thereto and hold their report until said corrections were made. Mr. Jedele from committee on salaries of county officers made the followiug report : ïo the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County: Gentlbmen : - Your committee on salaries of county officers would recomniend that the salaries remain as fixed last year, viz : County Clerk, per annum, (without fees in criminal oasei) $1,500 00 County Treasurer, per aunurn 100 00 County Treasurer for keeping daily balancea - ioo oo Proseeuting Attorney j.200 00 rrooaie negister ._ 1300 UO Superintendente of the Poor, perday :i ml uiilcjiire ;j OQ Memben of board of school examiners.per day 4 00 County Commlasloner of schools, per annum 1,500 00 Respectfully submitted, Febd Jbdele. ËVART II. Sr,, l'T, Gbo. Walteb. Report adopted. Mr. Case froni eommittee on criminal claims aumber one reportad the bill of M. Brenuer, sheriff, and recommended that said biU be allowed at the sium of $498.55 less the sum of $75.00, that being the amoant charged in said bill for goiug to the State of Tenuessee after Albert Murch. Rír. Davenport moved to allow the bill at $498.55. Mr. Forsyth moved to reconsider the vote just CarriecL Mr. Forsyth moved that the further consideration of said bill be postponed until the hour of 11 : 00 o'clock to-morrow, at which time the consideration of said )ill be made a special order. Carriéd. On motion the board adjourued until to-morrow morning at 10 :00 o'clock. ' Thomas Yodng, Jr., Abthur Bbown, Chairman. Clerk. Weiinksdav, October 25, 1893. The Board of Supervisors niet pursuant to adjourninent. Roll called and quorum present. The journal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. McQuillan from eommittee ou civil claims reportad the followins; bilis and recommended tlieir allowance at suma stated, to-wit : ,.,,.,. . Claimed. Allowed. . J.. ostjllvery for sheriff In the Hand case il so íl 50 II. Kittredge, reut lor stone yard to Jan. 1,18.44 52 00 ■ 50 00 Vitliur Browu, clerk's certiflcates in iusaue cases. 7 50 7 50 Report adopted. The saine eommittee reported the bill ! M. .1. Lehman for services in case of he People vs. Francis Gould and recommended its allowance. Mr. Echvards moved to lay the report on the table. Carried. Mr. Da venport from the eommittee of he whole to viait the county house nade the following report : To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of W i-htenaw ( 'ouncy : Your eommittee of the whole to visit the eounty house beg leave to report that tlii'v have performed tha( duty and üave made a careful examination oí the county house and other buildings, also the farm, and they flnd that the farm is . carefully managed, the house is exceedïngly clean, the inmatee appéftr to l)e properly cared for' and everything is done for them that can be reasonably expected. We recommend that ; vote eed by the board commending ccellent management of Mr. andMts. shaiiklancl all of whicb 8 respecti'nlly Biibmitted. A. Da enpob r, rirman i the Cominitte of the Wh The following bida for the use of the county funda for the following year were then presented. V. & M. Bank I Anv Arbor, Oct. 25, '93{ Arthub Bbow s, Esq., Oounty Olerk, Aun Arbor. I ij m: Sib : - 1 11 reply to your favor inviting bida for the couiity funda for the ensuing year, 1 wish to say that this Bank wil! pay the county three an quarter per Vent. on all balances and charge six percent, on all overdrafts. interest payablè July and January. Yours ti'iily, F. 11. Bj ( lauhier. First National Bank Ans Abbob, Oct. 24, '93.Í Airniri: Bbown, i County Clerk, Ann Arbor. Deab sü: :- Ycnirs of the 23rd, soliciting bids for the county mqney for the ensuing year at hand. Thia Bank will pay interest at the rate of three and oue-hall per cent. per annum op daily balances to be credited June 3Oth and Dec. 3l8t and will charge at the rate of se vu n per rent. on all overdrafts. Kespectfully, s. '. Clarkson, Cashier. State 8 ivings B ink, ) Ann Arbor, Oct. 24, '93.) Aüthii: Bbown, Esq., County Clerk, Ann Arbor. Dear Sir :- Replying to your requisition for bida, 1 ain authorized to make the following proposition: We will pay four per cent. interest on daily credited balances and upon over.hatïs np to (10,000) we would charge six per cent. excess of that amount to be arranged for by special contract at current rates of interest. We would be pleased to be favored with the county's business and would assure you of every pourtesy in your relations with us. Very Respectfnlly Yours Robe et Phillips, I lasliier'. Ann Aebob Savings Bask) n Akbob, Oct. 25, '93 To the Bourd oí Supervisors oí Waal County : Sibs: - In response to your resolution asking bids from the different banka of the city, we aubmit the following: Tlii' Bank wil] pay live percent, interest on county funda and charge six percent, interest mi overdrafts iu aceordance with the terms of the Oounty Clerk'a letter of October 23rd, 1893. By order of the Bank, CllA. E. IllsCOCK, Cashier. Mr. Case offered the following resolution. Resolved, That this board do accept the bid of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank for the care of the county funda for the year 1894, and that the county treasurer be authorized and instructed todeposil the county funds in said bank commencingjan. 1, 1894; that the clerk be instructed ti notit'y said tiank of the acceptance of said bid and that said bank be instructed to present its biind to this board for approval r before the hour of L':00 o'clock on Thursdav, October 26, 1893. Adopted. The special hour having arrived lor the special consideration of the bill of M. Brenner, the motion of Mr. port allowing tlip bill al (497.55 was then earried by the following rote, the yeaa and aaya having been ralled for. Yens. - Mi '-si-s. Alber, Braun, Dancer, Dancan, Davenport, Edwards, Forsyth, Gill, Jedele, McQuillan, Pond, Speechley, Scott, Shannon, Wheeler, W'altei and Young. - 17. Naya - Messrs. liïbbins. and ('aso. - 2. The petition of Mr. Peterson relativa to the compeiisation while attending court doring the Hand murder trial was Uien presented to the board by the clerk. Mr. Edwards moved that the clerk be instructed to draw an order on the county fund in favor of Mr. Peterson for the sum of $27.00. Carried. On motiou the board took a recesa, until 2 : 00 o'clock p. m. AFTERNOON' SESSION. The board was called to order by Chairman Young. Roll called and quorum present. Mr. Davenport frorn committee on criminal claims number t wo recommended their allowance at sums stated, towit : Claimed. Allowed Anton Gable, justice of the peaoe - $5.25 $4 75 Auton Gable, justice of the peace 4 00 4 00 Margaret Fredcrick. uitoess before J. W. Bennett 1125 1125 Jessie Frederlck, witness before J. W. Bennett 11 ii 11 25 Florence Tweedale, witiicss before J. v. Bennett 9 00 ) 00 Chas. B. Tweedale, u Unesbefore J. VV'. Iiemiett 4 50 4 50 Margarel Coollng, irltnesa betore J. W. Bennetl 2 25 2 29 Hope Frederlck, witneea before .1. W. Bennett 4 50 4 50 Lea Kredcrick, wltneia before J. W. Bennett _ -J 26 -' SS Win. Bowen. witness before J. W. Bennett i ro i tu Arthur Walker, witness before J. W. Bennett 2 25 2 25 Win. Waslihurn, witness before J. W. Bennett 2 25 2 2.5 HLand Stanbro.witnesa before j. w. Bennett 2 25 2 25 Myroo (.'iilliiiii. witness before J. V. Bennett 4S 48 Fred Colluni, witness !.- fore J. W. iiennett 48 48 Wil! Collum, witness before J. W. Hennett 4S 48 Joseph Dennison, witness beforej. w. Bennett 4S 48 Maud staehlor.wit Desa befare J. W. Kennett, l' ■_'." 2 25 Almand Killingbeck, witness befni'v A. (jable, J.R 38 38 Wllliam Blrd, witneu before A. Gable, J. P _ 3s 38 Frank DeMuy. wltoeat before A. (jable, J . P _ 38 38 Fred Koos, witness before A. Qable, .1. 1'. 38 3g Wllliam Jobnson, wituesa before A. Oable, J. P 3s ,-;s Dr. H. I. Post, wiliicss before A. Uuhif, .7. I' y 7$ Fred Kloss, Juror before A. Qable, J. l'. :.-, 75 Charles Doss, juror before K.Oa J. p 75 7.-, Lewls Ulller, luror before A. Qable, J. I'. 75 75 W. A. FTeatta, uror before A. (Jalili1, .1. 1' 7,5 Pred l'iss. juror befure A Gable, J.P 7.-, Frank i ■' May. luror before A.Qable,J.P 75 :.-, M. M.Oampbell, oonstable 6 10 &70 P. J. Letaman, J. 11 12 go Report adopted. Mr. Wheeler from the sume comrnii tee ■ ted the bill óf Walter 1'. Beach, and reconiinended Lts ;iü iwanne ;is claimed. Clalmed. Allowed. Walter P. Beacn $18 su I48 60 Mr. Iiinc;ui moved that the bill be allowed al the som "i' í 18.60 sum of $40.00, that being the amounl of money deposited in said Beach'a hands by mie Hanmer to pay costa in case against one Murch and delivered to Hanmei by the said Beach witboul consent ol the Progecuting Attorney. Clalmed. AllowedWalter r. Beacb, ustioeof tbepeace f48 60 $8 50 Mr. McQuillan from committee cu civil claims reported the the folio liills aad recommended their allov at suma sta ted, o-wit : Claimed. Allowed. John Kapp, mediaal at tendanee atjall $2 00 M. O. Straight, Beven i in Hand oase- - 4 50 M ichael i lauss, repalrlng Blioes tor somebody 7" 75 1). M Tyler, medical attendanceat tbèjall 1 50 1 "0 Ealamazoo Pub. Company, boobsand ulatlonary 1U 76 111 73 Barlow Bms., lu.)!; and Bttttionary. 80 iX) 80 00 Carried. Mr. Gilbert presented the bill of M. E. sill without ree nendation. (in motion of Mr. Walter.' the bill was dis-. I allowed. Mr. Gilbert also presentod the bill of V. F. Rehfusa and John Roller without recommendation. On motion the bilis were allowed. Clalmed Allowed W. F. Kehfiiss f 89 John Roller 3 96 3 96 Mr. Gilbert also reported the bill for the care of E. Dowdigan at the Michigan Asylum for the dangeroua and criminal insanc without reconinicnilatiiin. and on motion the bill was disallowed. Mr. Duncas from committee on criminal claims number one reported the í'úlnu ing and aded their allon anee at suma etated, to-wil : Claimed. Allowed. Bell, depnty BherIff f38 86 Reported adopted. Mr. Dancer from the same committee reported the bill of C. Brenner and recommended its allowance. Clalmed. Allowed C. Brenner, deputy S7S 75 $78 75 Adopted. Mr. Walter moved to reconsider the vote allowing the bill of Dr. Gibbes. Carried by yea and nay vote, as follows: Yeas - Messrs. Alber, Braun, Bibbins, Ball, Case, Dancer, Duncan, Davenport, Gill, Gilbert, Hunter, Jedele, McQuillan, sl)orn, Oesterlin, Sage, Shannon, Watkins, Wheeler, Walter and Yoimg. Xavs - Messrs. Edwards, Miner aud Scott. Mr. Dancer moved to allow the bill at .300, the sum of fIJOO to be paid now, and the sum of $200 to be paid at the final conclusión oi the snit, which motion was lost by the following yea and nay vote : Yeai - Messrs. Alber, Case, Dancer, Duncan, Davenport, Edwards, ül!. Os.(iiii, Scott and Watkins. Naya - Messrs. Braun, lUbbins, Bal], Silbert, Hunter, Jedele, McQuillan, Miner, Oesterlin, Sage, Shanaon.Wheeler, Walter and Xbung. Yeas, 10; nays, i:j. Mr. Gilbert moved to allow the bill at $200 to I-e paid at once, and $100 to 1' allowed at the conclusión of the Hand trial. Mr. Miner moved as a substituto, the Eollowing resolution : Resolved, Thatthe sum of $260 be al-j lowed Dr. Gibbes for services in the i Hand case, and that il' said case isagaio i tried, and when said case is linally 1 posed of, the county clerk be authorized and directed to pay to Prof. Gibbes the further sum of 250, provided Professor (lililíes has aSBÍBted the prosecutinir attorney in the case as fully and conipletely as the prosecuting attorney mav require, and upon filing tlie prosecuting attoruey's certifigate that said services have been duly rendered. Carried. Mr. Gilbert moved to strike out of said substitute all after the words, $250. Lost. The original inotion as substituted was then carried. Mr. Miner moved to reconsider the vote just taken. Mr. Gilí moved to lay the motion to reconsider ou the table. Carried. On motion oi Mr. Duncan, the board adjourned to tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. Arthur Brown, Clerk. Thomas Yoüho, Jr., Chatrmsn. Thursday, Oct, 26, 1893. The Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County met pursuant to adjournment. ltoll called and quorum present. . The reading of the journal of yesterd;iy was, upon requestof the Clerk and by consent of the Board, postponed uu til tomorrow. Mr. Braun, from Committee on Criminal Claims No. 2, reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sutns stated, to-wit: Olalmed. Allowed. Pred O. Ryder, constable 1 10 BB i 10 05 Fred Jerry , oonstable 4 4ñ 445 E. B. Pond, justioeof peaoe.. ih :: x, lleport adopted. Mr. Alber from Committee 011 Kejected Taxes, made the iollowing report: Totlu Board of Supervisors of Washteitmr ( 'mmty: (iKNTi.kmkn - Yiniv ( 'oiiimittee to whom was referred the subject of rejected taxes wonld report that 110 list las been farnisbed tbe County Treasurei by the Auditor General, but that there are two defective descriptions upon the treasurer's books, one for tlie township of Saline tlie tax amounting to $12.24 and one for the township ra York, tlu; tax amounting to Í 11.20, which e recomtnend be re-assessed by the Supervisors of tlios townships in accordanoe with descriptiona to be furnished by County Treasurei and that Baid Supervisors te authorized to oorrect such defective descriptions. M. 1'. Alber, Geo. II. Pond, Fked Jkdele, Committee. Mr. Osborn from Committee on EDqualization made the following report : a,,,] Board of 5 Your Committee on Equalization respectfully report tbat they have carefally examined and compared the tax rolls for the year 1892 and Bnd an increase in the cities and ,i dearease ia the townships, generally. Therefore, the undersigned membera of your Committee recommend that the equalization for the year 1893 be as follows: Townstalps I Real, Persn'l Total '"if1' and Cltles, Dollars Dollars Dollars [,,,7,,.., A. A. City: letwurd.. 1,646,028 227,300 1,778 M ward... 680,860 280,100 910, 8dward... 478,065 85,550 688,685 4thward... 788,000 171,425 869,425 5tbward.. 130,576 14,90" 144,475 Bthward.. 1,198,1 175.000 A, A. fw'p . l.iKnta! (i-: .t::i i,ï u:w.mxi August.... 611,0011 46,510 67,500 502,000 KriilL'ewatr 899,470 50.07 949.640 V Dexter 639,105 39,300 678,4 5 640,04 Ir.rdom... 83S.310 78,480 911,790 730,000 I.inm 809,945 66,195 876,140 823,000 972,115 77,526 1,048,640 92 Lyndon.... 464,750 I l.Tfi" 4H0,0fl0 Manchester 1,098,966 199,600 1,398,56o! 1,115,(00 Northfleld.. 809,130 46,860 865.480 730,000 PJttsfield... 1,173,305 66,240 1,239,645 1,118,000 Salem 888.510 77.230 865,740 915, Saline 1,159,560 90,45" l,250,10 1,130,000 Sclo 1,176,075 117,050 1,293,125 1,815,000 Sbaron 899.5'0 82,900 m--j.iv 750,000 Superior.... 1,078,120 51,470 I 124,690 955.000 Syfvan 9810 113,305 1,094,805 906,000 Webiter.... 871,530 73.660 945,190 ( l.i'Ct. ■■ Ypsi. t''p . 1,101,970 83,080 I,i85,050 '...KX) Vpsi. : . :.;- !.". : ,700 126,200 2,163 5,000000 W'M. B. OsiiOKN .lollN L. illN'TEU, Michael Sage, EDWIM 15.VI.L, Committee. Mr. Davenport moved to lay the report of the Committee on Equalization on the table until 2:30 this afternoon. Carried. Mr. Edwards moved to reconsider the vote allowing the bill of Walter P. Beach. Carried. Mr. Edwards moved to allow tlie bill as clainied. Mr. Gilbert moved that the further consideratiori of said subject matter be made a special order for tomorrow at the hour of 2:30 p. m. and that Mr. Beach be requested to be present at that time with the bond said to have been given him by A. V. Hannier. Carried. On motion, the board took a recess until 2 o'clock p. m. AFTEKNOON SESSIOX. Board called to order by the Chairman. lioll called and quorum present. Mr. Braun, from Cominittee Xo. 2, reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated, tO-WÍt: Ulalmed. Allowed. .1. V. X. Clivirory, justice of thepeace $ 18 20 $ 18 20 J. M. Wood, constable 18 S 13 ao Qeo. Jaokson, board i rf onere at Ypsllanti ts7 50 67 50 Ileport accepted. Mr. Forsyth from Committee on Civil Claims reported the bilis in reference to cases of small-pox in Pittsfleld and recommended their allowance at sums indicated on said bilis by the Committee. Mr. Edwsrda moved to adopt the report. Mr. Scott moved to lay the motion of Mr. Edwards on the table and make the same a special order for toniorrow at ten o'clock. Carried. Mr. Bibbins from Committee on Drains, reported that as yet they had been unable to communicate with the County Drain Corumissioner. Mr. Miner moved that the Washtenaw Agricultaral Society be pennitted to use the Supervisors' room in which to hold business meetings. Carried. Mr. Sueechley moved that the siun of flfty dollars be allowed Mn. Stark for her owii personal services wbicb she liad rendered the ceunty during the time she lias been janitor of the I Court House. Carried. Mr. Miner, from Committee toSettle with County Ollicers, reported the old county orders destroyed by thein nul the number of said orders and the amount thereof: Your committee to settle with county ofttcers, pnrsuant to resolution heretofore passed by this board, authorized said committee to prepare a list of county orders more than six years old, and to destroy the same, do hereby report the number of the order, to whom drawn, and the amount of said order as follows, to wit : ! HO. NAME. AilOINI. 7 Alger, Libbie ___s is :;iii) Archer Mnry K 749 Andrews, M 47 :i") Banks, Mattie _ 48 36 Banks, Frank U 132 Rrown, John E._ H MS Balley, Oeorge W MS 152 1 :irk, &UKUSI Is 288 Brown, Charlee 4K 832 Barnes, Nelson _ 333 Barnes, Nelson 9 05 ■lis Brennan, Ieaac is 746 Burke, Andrew, ]r : 7 ! 751 Hurk.. :",7 tt,S. 1! 914 Becraft, John 941 i .ph ._ ._ 48 . Arthiir 7r. 1004 Bravtou.J, E 1S0 1007 Buck, T. I _ 1 50 ll Bvcraft, J. F 88 ii ! Breiman, P 78 ll Bower, Elger 7ï ."i Behr.Eugene ■! 208 AlTred.. 85 :;lii Burt.o. I, l-i öi Clinton, Jane 48 Jane 5 oldron, Bert 48 272 Cross, J. A - 88 - ], 2 i'.') 881 I 1! ij:. H7 Cetta, Frank i is 608 i 50 742 C'rowley, Thos 7" arroll, Janus 48 I llngman, Robert- . 961 ( i 18 c.'.i_' cavin, .i..-. -.ii H a 78 1. W. II - "ö SDI Cerman. John. ñ M Dunn, [saac 50 2(8 Deyer, Barnest BW Durheli - 18 058 !'■ 'atrick 1 2: luli Hany.Thoma 1 50 ,Setb 1 .i tave - -.: 38 Edwards, II 50 280 Fuller.l harlesF - 2W) Faltón, James- -is l'il Fletcher, m___ ! .".-■I Frey, Michael ó Itzgerald, Thomas H 48 98 Frey.Mrs. C 7ï lilfespie, .lames 1 IK 258 Garrison. R. A 389 Grogan, Thomai 4s i,Fred._ l 88 178 Gay, John s 1 70 928 Ganson, Edward I 85 1171 Grasco, Joseph 88 I loe tz, John '.- - 87 iii Qoetz, Mary - - :i7 66 Goetz. Albert- 'i7 1.11 (, iv.ii. 1!. .1 - Hl 3 0 Hazen, Johu 86 868 Hemple, Jalla J 85 459 Herí, Uargaret 48 i, II. I) 1 oo BW Harney, Henry 48 :iii 11.!--.., Charles 1 Dl !H7 Hanzleman, Sophla 48 949 Harrlngton, Lucy A 48 964 Iliirst.Wm M mui Ho].kiiis. John 4S 1002 Hotchkiss, S. C 1 50 liKiii Haines. Albert 1 50 11 llaves, H W .. 48 204 Hiller. Andrew 48 67 Jackson, Josepb i 2!tt Johnson, Elija 48 1008 Jacobs. P 1 50 249 Kenyon, Elmer A .„ 48 liil Kan-iiH-, Aarón 1 85 817 Knhlenbaeh, Charles " ' 819 Kuhlenbach, John 50 '.i::; Kempf, Fred 169 Karberg, Mra 194 Klrn, John 48 . lilni. Christlan.-s. 1-mis Ketchune. Rosa 18 :1 Koyle, James 1 lö - . L. R „- 60 :;:;:, 1 11 4.S 711 l.éuis.S. K 76 748 Lewls, James : 7 Laubengayer, Chris. D L idlak, Anna is 989 Lomen, CA nu:; Lewis, E. M 150 ll'd Lazell, J. M 1 ö" 1170 l.ookey, John 38 ■M l.araway, Dr 7. $14 Lamb, Georfre L - 18 i Ineman, c.eorge 60 15 Morgan, Charlea 48 157 Moker, Laureuce 212 Morton, Anii 88 27i Manlbetaoh, JOhn 1 2." ■J7s Moore, Cora 48 286 Morris, James 48 I'. Morton. J. W 1 88 788 Markson. M. A 75 889 Myer.Abram- - o 960 MUler, Alma H 4S luis Moulton. Lewia - 1 50 ïoio Mlller, Frank 1 SO 1!I2 Monroe, .lames 48 BS McMurr, Luetta 48 2X5 McAtt'erty. Daniel is liüi McPhersou, Naucy 58 205 McFnll.C. II 48 l_"l Newton. Klizabth- 1 50 482 Xorris, Lizzie 3 50 S27 Norton, Andrew öl) 745 Neithamer, Fred 37 912 Nash, Qeorge P - is 1169 Nlchola, Pratt 88 jsi O'Brlen, James 48 m O'Relley. Wm. J 48 818 Osborn, Mra 50 942 Ottley, Edward. 48 9,5 Osborn, Mrs I it" 24 Powers, Delbert 4s 264 Pester.Wm - 1 25 ■_'.'. Pool, Lizzle 48 1013 Palmer, Sarah 8S5 l'iilluin, George 86 J2 Ryan, Andrew 4S 755 Reynolds, Jacob i 85 U98 Rashak.John is 171 Rai&ch, George - - 5i 198 Rhode, Louis is 889 Ross.John 50 W Bedgwick, Mrf -is IS Boott, John is 158 Bchaffer, Herman -is 9nerwood, C.C 88 269 sherwoüil.C.C s 862 stol!. Adam 1 m 165 Bchloupe, Suco 48 874 S lalen 48 875 Stewart, Charlotte lï 888 Mr. tut. Chris "7 8M Bchnelder, Mary - - 81 909 Bchoeffler. Charlee l 15 948 Shlrley, .lames 4S 948 Bchlotterbeck, Hatt 4t 981 Btlmpson.Wm M 1086 Btebbins, charles - 1 SE 97 ca-ka. Loulse 75 183 Sweet, George 4.s :;n7 Bmlth.Wm J- 48 810 Stefley, Oscar 4S 818 Bparks, Wm In 287 Thnnili. C.eorge 48 S66 Tern, wm.. 1 00 'JB9 Taylor, Amelia --- 48 70 Taylor, Miss fi 1001 Tlffany, W. S 1 5( 1H0.3 Thompson, Charles 1 5( 2n2 Taylor, Thomas 4Í 811 Travis, Charles 4S 71 Weinmann, Frederick 4s 72 Weiumann, Lena 4S 346 Wallace, Daniel C 48 2SI Whitmore, George 48 890 Warner, Henry 1 95 75H Wllson, Wm - 1 35 835 Williams, E _ 1 10 Ulö Webber, Mrs John. 48 !I8O Wagner, Charles E _ _ 50 1WM Waggott, Wm - 1 22 IHfi Williams, Eayer 50 1U1 Wood, Cari 1 48 174 Winans.N 5( 820 Watson, Tillie % 342 Wright, Daniel ar 260 ZlettenfSM, Dr. W. E 85 All of which is respectfully submitted W. L. Watkihs, .IiiHN' 1!. MlNER, ïiids. Speechlt. Jeport adopted. Mr. Gilbert moved to take the bill of Mr. Lehraan f rom the table. Carried Mr. Gilbert moved to allow the bil as claimetl. Oarried. Claimed. Allowed M. ,T. Lehman, services in Gould case Í 205 00 ï 205 oo Mr. Case moved to take f rom the table the report of the Committee on Equalization. Carried. Mr. Edwards moved to adopt the report. Mr. Scott moved as a substitute to adopt the report of 1892, as the report of this year. Lost. The original report was then adopted. Mr. Gilbert moved to reconsider the vote just taken. Mr. Wheeler moved to lay said mo" tion to reconsider on the table. Carried. On motion the Board adjourned to tomorrow at 10 o'clock. Tiios. Yousg, J i . , Ainiuit ÜKowx, (hairnian. Clerk. Friday, October 27, 1898. The Board oí Supervisors met purBottnt to adjournmeat. Eoll called and quorum present. Th& journal of Wednesday and Thursday last was read, correi-ted and approved. The special liour having arrived for tlie fui'tber consideration of the bilis relativo to small-pox cases, the Board proceeded to the tinal disposition thereof. The question recurring upou the motion of Mr. Edwards to allow the bilis at sumg indicated on said bilis by the Committee on Civil Claims, and in accordanee with the recomrnendation of said committee, Mr. Oesterlin moved to amend the motion of Mr. Edwards by allowiüg the bill of Dr. (ieorg as claimed. 'uiiecl. Mr. Gilbeit moved as an aniendinent tü the motion, to allow the bill of Dr. Unterkircher as claimed. Carried. The motion of Mr. Edwards as amended was then carried. Claimed. Allowed. Dr. C.Georï, medical attend,111. v Í235 00 $2a5OO Dr. C. l'. ünterklroher, inediance 1800 1800 Kin_' Co., grocerlee 28 48 F. K. fiexford l80 1980 B. Hardwood KOO 35 00 D. 1'. McI.aclVliin 35000 3 Kivd Forayth 800 800 C. f. Unterkircher 150 i 60 Dr.8. W. Ohandler 500 500 M. F Case 12000 ViU 00 llonry Schnetder 51 0 5180 P. C. rtherwoud.. 916 9 75 Morford & Hyzer 510 5 10 Jueob Avery 1200 12 U0 Alhan & Johnson T 35 ', 'V Charles Morgan 410 400 H. FairchUd. 630 8 C. Burkhart 430 4 30 M.F.Case MM 202 Eberbaoh Co ü26 2886 Alhan A Johnson 1200 12 0 A. (J. Clark - 30 00 30 00 Mr. Wheeler, trom the Committee on Fractional School Districts, made the following report: Tniln Honorabl Board of Supervisors of Wathi i: Your Committee on Fractional school Districts would herewith make the following report : tiii (iiy , 073 dei Vnn Arliiir in i 178 Vugusta 236 trldgewater - 1W " 204 ■ruetloni ... - .l'-f.t Lima IX " Lyndon au Manchester 141 " Nmthtield 146 Plttsfleld 102 Salem Ü.V.' Saline WW Scio 018 increa8e Sharon sw decrease Superior 10 Sylvan 091 Kebster BW York 207 " Vpsilanti Towo 18 Ypsilanti Ciiy, Ut district ,128 Ypellanti City, 2d diitrict 1&4 All of which is respectfully submitted. Wm. B. Osborn, Fi:i:d. C. Wueeler, Peter T. Gill. Keport adopted. Mr. Wheeler, from the Committee on Criminal Claims Jso. 2, reported the followiiig bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated: Claimed. Allowed. Paul Bcnall.constable Í2UÍ62 ïMUü Oeorge W. Turn Huil, Jual the peaoe 20 s; 80 86 Mlnnie Mills, witness 1 75 17- WltUam Mills, witnesa - 175 1 75 M;irv WfstOD, WltneSS 1 7i 1 75 Artiiur May, witness 166 IM Artluii' ötewart, witnesa 165 18t Stepheo 0 Hadley, witness 240 2 Justin Hadley, witnesa ... - ui '.' n UM. Harria, witness. 2 60 ZW Samuel Dubois, witnesa ri Perry Mills, witness Í28 ÍK L. K Hadley, witnese 57U 571 Edson J. May, witness ttim BO 8. G. Palmer, witness i 4.", n 4: M. C. Petereon, witness.. .. VIS a 15 Report adopted. Mr. McQuillan, from the Committee on Civil Claims, reported the followinji bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated, to wit: Claimed. Allowed Frank Staffan, buiial of M. Fallen 1000 $ 4000 O. M. Martin, buiial of J. M. Stafford 4000 4000 M. J. Lehman, services In oase ofMary Kabbitt 12100 12100 Telephone & THesraph uon-trui'tioii ( o., rent of teleplione for office of Judge of Probate In Fjwilanti 4800 4800 M. Brenner, telephone and icleArraph 2270 2275 H. I. Post, hoIdiDK post mortem 500 500 Tracy L. Towner 800 8 OU 0. 8. Woodwaro 24 5n 3450 James Tolbert 1000 loou Telephone Company 175 1 75 Georsie Palmer - 35 00 BSO John H. Davis loOO 1000 John Moor.' 1 125 J.J. Goodyear 7" 70 John W. Iiennett 300 300 Report adopted. The Committee on Apportionmentof State and County ïaxes made the following report: Your Committee to apportion the State and County Taxes to the several Supervisors' districts, lieg leave to report the following: State Cniiiiiv Tax. Ta. Ann Arbor City I 10.971 A.nn Arbor Town 1.W71 00 1, Augusta - UOMU 808 20 Bridgen r 1,83180 1,824 Dexter.... l.lti-i tw dom 1,547 60 l,iK Lima 1,744 7(1 1,816 80 Lodi l.H'iO 4U 1,472 Lyndon 8 MO Manchester 2,803 80 i,;m Northfleld 1,547 60 1,168 Plttsfleld 2,359 56 1,780 80 Sak-m L.98S80 1,494 Superior ■'4 80 I.KM Bharon 180 1,200 Saline 2,:i95 60 l, Scio S.T8T 80 E.J04 Sylvan 2.1d 40 l.-V.i-; Webster 1,812 0 1.888 York -'.08164 lJUtO Ypsilanti Town ,0U 1,520 ypsllantl City, lat dist.. 3,wtl 20 3,016 Ypsilanti City, 2d diat. ... 1,184 20 866 I B8.1 00 00 Í40.U00 00 Your Committee finding the decimal necessary to exaetly make the State ïax &62,980-.22 so latís, they concluded to figure ai Í2.12 per 1000, which raises in the county $10 78 surplus, wbich we recommend be retaiued by the County Treasurer in the Coatingeot Fund of the county. Respectfully subnoitted. a. Dates pobt, .1. L. Gilbbbt, Thomas McQüihah, Committee. Report adopted. Mr. Wiitkins, from the Committee to Settle witfa County OfiBcers, made the ! following report: Your committee to settle with county oflicers beg leave to report tliat they lave settled with the County Clerk vith the following resul t: an.lM.U0S- lalanoe due a last gettlement l 79 08 Rec'd fees ;is follows: cases, 2 H CO M 45 00 88 08 Balance duo County Clerk 153 W Credit 421 94 84 recordedand returned 10 Beoretary ot State, 6 oenta 35 04 Odeat hsreeorded and returned to . ol Btate, t oenta 28 80 : liares rooorded and returned to -1 '!■. 6 oenta 17 10 'Inc. iders for March, May and Oetober, $10 .'. 30 00 ervioes as Secretary of Board of 1 rassera ioo 00 n : '. O. box rent 60 e and tt'lephone 32 Ü0 N 94 ■1 Delinquent Uu c.-i-es- ses at3 ! 150 00 28 oases at Í1 as 00 4; 84 John lï Muras, W.L. Watkin-. Thomas Spekchly, Yourcomrmttee tosettle with county officers beg leave to report that they ïave examined the books and vouch'is in the office of the county treasurer md tVmt the following report of receipts and disbursementa is correct and the statement of resources and iabilities agree with the ledger. RECEIPTS. Tases trom Tra-urers $ 68,153 25 paid 344 00 jiquortaxes 36,37 78 Delinquent taxes H7 7 inniul tiix sales 160 1 ". '1 -iiiKii-y nioney 9,674 28 'ram Superinteiidents of Poor 190 36 raiti taxes :!.iï:i 'M) DStltUte lees 50 00 Hiargred back taxes -- Farmers' & Meohanlcs' Bank 7,5T6 78 ppropi:ations 886.812 38 DISBUIIsfIMENTS. Itate and County taxes 'aid Treasurera 88,78 itate treasurer :;- -n i ïastern Michigan Asylum :.'.- dlchlgan Asylnm si .v, [ouse of CorreotlOB 660 18 "ounty Fund 3.) iontingeot Fund; 11: 'oor Fund : 1174 si Building Fund 1,:" 00 lurors Futid 2,090 00 Witnesa Fund 14."i !K) ïuard of School Examinéis Futid .. 1,399 00 itenographers Fund SIS 20 Salary Fund 5,558 69 rail Fund 1,1:2 4: ■'m ■! Fund 1,401 92 nterest Fund 74 4 Jelinquent Tax Returns 816 26 "nes 524 -:! Jrain Fonds s.tu ir, Paid Farmers' & Mechantes' Biink.. 2t,140 50 Apportionments, Ueneral Fuiid;inl Tax. '81 56,054 03 General Fund al 70 i 265,843 3 ■V. L. Watkins. John R. Mixer, Thomas Speechly. Aun Arbor, Mich., üct. 26, 1893. Mr. Duncan, from the Committee on Criminal Claims Xo. 1, reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated: Ol&lmed. Ailowcd. M. C. Petsnon, deputy sherlf] 1389 96 - :-:i 96 ZlnaBuok, deputy sherifl I9R6S 19886 Albirt Smith, deputy sheriff. . :W 10 3110 Fames Eaton, depaty sheriO 2880 26SS Jolm Gillen, deputy sheriff-.-. 7S4" 7840 L, M. Dnggan, deputy sheriff . 11157 10000 Report adopted. Mr. Duncan, from the same committee, reported the bill of Barth Flynn and J. Mason, detectives, without recommendation. Mr. Gilbert moved to allow the bill as claimed. ('arried. Flyun & Mason Ï20 00 Í20 00 Mr, Davenport moved that Thomas Kearney be allowed the sum of live bandred dollars for attending to cases in Justice courts tor the yearof 1893. Mi. Gilbert moved to amend by allowing said Kearney the sum of three bundred dollars for perfonuing said services, and for the assisting in the collection of liquor taxes and for compelling liquor dealers to obey the Uw in reference to tbeir business. Mr. Scott moved, as a substitute, to allow Mr. Kearney the sum of four bundred dollars for performing all of the duties covered by the atnendment of Mr. Gilbert. Carried. On niotion, the Board took a recess imtil 2 o'clock p. m. AFTEIiNOON BE8SION. The Board met puisuant to adjournment, Roll called and quorum present. Mr. Dancer, from the Committee on Per Diem, made the föllowing report: Tb ih' HonorabU Board of Supervisors of WanhU nam County: Your Committee on Per Diem do recommend that the several sums be allowed to the different Supervisors of the several toWDsbips and wards of the county, for their services, inchidmg attendance and mileage, during the session, be as follows: John R. Miner 818 12 Eugene Oesterlin 18 12 llobert Shannon 18 12 George H. Pond 18 12 James Speecbley 18 12 Evart II. Seott 18 24 Charles Braun 18 48 S. S. Bibbins - 20 40 George Walter 22 20 Thomas McQuillan 19 92 Michael P. Alber 20 40 Walter II. Dancer 20 64 Michael Sage 19 20 Thomas Young 24 24 W. L. WatUna 22 20 Frank Duncan - 19 20 M.F. tase IS 84 FredC. Wheeler 21 60 Ecrward DePuy 19 32 Fred Jedele.. 18 84 William 1!. Osborn 22 20 Peter s. Gilí.... 19 92 James L. Gilbert 20 16 Edwin Ball 19 20 Alf red Davenport - 1? 82 John L. Himter 18 L6David Edwards.. 19 20 James Forayth i(l -(l Wai.tei: II. DáNCBB, Mk íiaki. Sage, D. Ei)"Ai:i). Committee. Report adopt. The bond of the Aun Arbor Savinqs Bank was presentad to the Board, and on motion of Mr. Scott the bond was referred to the Committee on Finance, said committee being hereby authorized to accept said bond when tl ie sarae is corrected, and to approve of the same. The special hour having arrived for the further consideration of the motion of Mr. Edwards to allow the bill of Mr. Beach as claimed, said motion was carried by the following vote, the yeas and nays having been called for: yeas_Messrs. Braun, Bibbins, Ball, Case, Dancer, Davenport, DePuy, Edwards, Foreyth. Gill, Gilbert, Hunter, Jedele, MeQuillan, Osborn, Pond, Speechley. Nays- Messrs. Alber, Duncan, Miner, Öesterlin, Sage, Sbannon, Wat. kins. Wheeler, Walter. and Voung. Feas, 18. Nays, 10. Mr. Scott moved tont the Prosecuting At torn ey bring suit against A. W. Hanmer for the forty dollars mentioned in the bond of Mr. Hanmer to W. P. Beach, if in the opinión of said Prosecuting Attorney it is proper so todo. Carried. Mr. Bibbins, from the Committee on Drains, reported that they had examinad the report of Harrison Ruthruff, CountyDrainCommissioner, andfound the same in all things correct. Mr. Gill offered the following: Resolved, That the Committee on Public Buildings are hereby author. ized to make all repairs on the county buildings which in the judgment of the committee are necessary; that said committee certify all bilis for labor and materials; that the County Clerk is hereby directed to draw orders on the Contingent Fund for the payment of all expenditures so certified by said committee. and that said committee be directed to present at the next annual session of the Board of Supervisors an itemized statement of work performed and the cost thereof. Further, that the committee is hereby authorized and instructed to maintain the insurance on all county property in such amounts and premiums and in such companies as they may deern advisable. Adopted. To Un Chairman and Memberi 01' (ht Board of Supervisors of Waihtenau Count'i, Mici.: - our special committee to consider the amount to be allowed for the board of prisoners at the county jail for the ensuing year, beg leave to report that there should be allo wed lifteen cents for each meal and fifteen cents for each lodging, and your comtnittee recommend that no charge be made for more than actual meáis and lodging furnished, and the county clerk be authorized to pav seventy per cent for sach board and lodging bilis quarterly from the contingent fund of the county; provided, however, that the clerk shall not pay seventylive per cent until bilis are presented in such manner and form as shall show the nomber of nieals and lodgings for each day for the time covered by the bilis: and such bilis to be subject to the Snal review and ailjustment of this Board. KrcENE Oesteklin, M. F. Case, Michakl Sage, Committee. Supervisor Case presented the following fee bilí, which he asked to have printed with the proceedings of the Board, as follows: ■TUSTTCE COITHT I'EES. For service of Sheriffs and Constables in criminal cases - For serving a warrant or any other process, for the arrest of any person, issued by any magistrate or court $ .50 Por traveling to niake service, going only, per mile 10 When an arrest is made, for travel f ron place of arrest, to the court trom which the warrant was issued, per mile 10 If the prisoner is put in jail before taken to court, the officers shall receive 10 cents per mile from place of arrest to the jail. Taking prisoner before court, per mile .10 For attending court 60 For taking prisoner back to jail .10 For committments or mittimus .15 For serving snbpcBna 15 For every mile of necessary travel 08 When more than one subpoena is Berved in the same direction tliere shall be only one traveling fee charged. For summoning a jury 7", For attending a jury 50 If a jury trial símil take more time than half a-day the oiiicer in charge shall receive a fee of a dollar a day until the case is concluded. witness raas befóse justicb of THE PEACE. For traveltng, per mile, going only 10 Ter day 7,5 JTJEORS BEFORE JUSTICB8. Per day 1Oo For every person committed to Ja 86 For every Jperson discharged from jail, 86 ets., and no more. For taking prisoner to House of Correction at Detroit, $4 and railroad f are. JU8TW B OF TUK PEACE I Complaint 25 "Warrant 25 Bond or recognizance 26 Approving bond of recognizance .10 Subpcena. not to exceed four in any case 10 For cause to another justice 16 Por Comtnitment ormittimas. . -25 Adjournment 15 Certifícate of ctfDviction to file with county clerk 25 Return to circuit court in appeul caso 1.00 For trial orexaminationperday 8.00 For trial or examination, per half day 1.50 CORONKRS' FBE8. When acting as sheriff or constable, the same fees as in justice court. For review of dead body, and taking inquest tliereon. and for returning the verdict to the county clerk 3.00 For traveling to the place of the dead body, per mile 06 For every subpoena warrant or venire -2-5 Forswearingwitnesses, 10 cents each, not toexceed in any one case, 50 cents. For taking recognizance 25 Witness shall receive the same fees as in justice court. Jurors 1-50 For serving notices in insanity cases, each .50 For taking an insane person to Pontiae, railroad fare and - 6.50 If an assistant is required they shall be paid therefor $3 aud railroad fare. SlIEIill'l's CIECTTIT COUBT FEES. For attending court, per day. . . 1 .50 Forserving subpoena for witnesses 15 For each copy of Subpoena 10 For each mile actually and necessarily traveled 10 If there is more than one subpuna served in the same direction there shall be only one mileage charged. For all other work done by the sheriff or his deputies, the work being done by the day, the charge shall not exceed $3.00 per day, and necessary expenses. In return for this they shall keep an itemized account of their expenses and furnish the same to the Board of Supervisors, also an account of the nature of the case and what they have accomplished. The sheriff to receive 50 cents for every trip with prisoner from jail to circuit court and return, while the prisoner is on trial, and for taking a prisoner from jail to court to testify as witness, $1.00. Mr. Mineroffered the following: Resolved, That the different vises are instructed to assess the several amounts as reponed by the Committee on Apportionment of State and County taxes also the amount due the County House for support of poor; also the amount apportioned in the several Supervisor distriots as the law provided. also drain tax and soldiers' relief fund, except the drain tax in the township of Lyndon. Adoüted. Mr. Miner offered the following: Resolved, That the County Clerk is hereby instructed to purehase supplies for the Court House and several county offices (except the county superintendente of the poor) and that the Clerk be authorized to draw orders on the contingent fund for the payment thereof . Carried. Mr. Oesterlin moved that a committee of three be appointed to prepare a statement of the county expenses for the past year and have the same published with the proceedings of the Board. ('ulied. The Chair appointed as said Committee, Messrs. Oesterlin, Miner and Bhannon. Mr. Wheeler offered the following: Resolved. That the Board does hereby tender to Chairman Young our tlianks for the able and considérate manner in which lie has conducted our deliberations and also to Chairman Pro Tem Edwards our thanks for the able expositions of parliamentory usage. Adopted. On motion, the Board adjourned without day. Thomas Young, Jr., Akthub Brüm'n, ' Chairman. Clerk. T'i tíu Kon. Chairman and Bouni of Supervisors of Washtenaw Uounty: Your committee on Finance would respectf ully report tliat thev have carefully inquired into the need of the oounty lor the ensuing year, also into the present condition of the County finalices and find that doriog the last year the County bas paid interest on overdrafts of $137.43. In the opinión of your Committee there should be a sufflcient suiii raised to pay the expenses of tbis County, and the interest of deposita should' balance the interest on overdrafts. We recomniend that there be raised for county purposes the suiii of Forty Tbousand Dollars ($40,000), and of thia amount we recommend that the gum of Two Thousand Eïve Hundred Dollars be appropriated to the Poor Fund. Charles iíkai , Thomas mi.u bxbt, eugene üesterlin. On motion the report Mas adopted. An electric eng-inehas been (iesig-ned for ordinary passender traffioon a subcity line in London, which admits ,if its motors beinff revolved vvhen the train is at a standstill. It operates on a center rail syStein, a id manyeconomical advantapres are clairaed for it. For the piano player, a circular sandbafr aboat twelve inches long and an inch in diameter, is found veiv usefulfor koepinf the music open. It is most, appropriately covered with some delicate shade oí silk or satin, upon which is painted or embroidered a bar of mn sic and a Jew flowers Tf is'stated that some of the senators favor wearing silk gowns while they aro in session. It is respeetfully nrged that they stop this side oí crinolines.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier