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Olf the 23a speeches against the sllver purchase repeal bill were made in the senate by ttirce senators from silver states- Jones and Stcwart, of Nevada, and Teller, of Colorado In the house the public printing bill was passed and a bill was introducid amending the civil service law so as to provide for an equal división of ofttiTS amone the stales and their congressional üistricts. The (hites bill to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the Uniied States was iliscussed. In itie senate on the 2-tih, after discussion of the silver repeal bill. it was announced that the 8outht'i-n senators opposed to the measure had decitíed to give up the tlght and allow a vote to be taken in a day or two.... In the house the time was occupied in discussintf the bill to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy in the United States Skvekai. sptrciies at,r:unst the silver repeal bill were made in the senate on the 25tb In the house billa were introduced providing for the retirement of the national bank notes and for the issue in their place of United States notes, and providing that no pension claim heretofore or heroafter allowed shall be annulled, suspended or set aside unless lt is showt] that the pension was obtained by fraud or perjury. The bankruptcy bill was further cons'dt'n-d. On the 2tith discussion of the silver repeal bill oecupied the time of Uie senate In the house the death of the chaplain, S. W. Haildaway, of Maryland, was announced, and a committee of seven was appointed to attend the funeral. The senate resolution extendiug the acknowledgment of the Uniied States to f oreign governments for their participation in the world's fair were concurred in. The bankruptcy bill was further considered. Senatok Peffeb's amendment to the repeal bill providine for silver coinage at a ratio of 16 to 1 was defeated by a vote of 39 to 28 in the senate on the 27th, which was taken as meaning that the Voorhees bill would become a law. The meftsnre was further üiscussed.... In the house a resolution calling for information as to state bankn was the cause of animated discussion, and an attempt to pass it disclosed the presenee of lesa than a quorum, whereupon an adjojrnment was taken until the 30th. DOMESTIC. Andrew KRisiBii.L.anold and wealthy citizen of South Chicago, and Henrietta Krimbill, his talented and beautiful daughter, drowned themselves in the lake while teruporarily insane. Geobge Meyeb & Co., carnage manufacturera in New York, made an assignment vrtth liabilities of $100,000. FivEof the directors of the Madison square bank in New York were arrested on criminal charges. In a row at Atkinsville, 111., William (iriffith shot Dcnnis and Martin Flynn and a son oí Robert Wyatt. Sixty prominent citizens of Baxter county, Ark., have been indicted under an old law for swearing in public. For lynehing1 the negro Smith at Roanoke, Va., indictments have been found against six persons, ineluding three pólice officers. Fire in Corkery's livery stable at Le Mars, Ia., consumed forty head of horses and destroyed other property valued at $100.000. Threk children of Mrs. Adelaide Crittendon feil into a creek near Clayhaltchee. Ala., and were drowned. A Mon lynched two negro thievesnear Knox Point, La. The fire waste in this country from January 1 to October 1 footed up $121,883,709. The loss the corresponding nine months of 1882 was 992,350; for the corresponding period of 1891 the loss was Í9S,960,G0. Judoe Maho.nev in a suit in Minneapolis decided that a barber was 1 uil il e for money abstracted from the rlutlu-s of a customer vvhile in his premisi GbobQS Winegar and his bronier Williara died of heart disease within a few minutes of each other while sitting1 in a boat on Perch river near Watertown, N. Y. A pkairie fire in Holt eounty, Neb., destroyed thousands of tons of hay, and in some places cremated horses, cattle and hog-s. The estáte of Miss Jane Holmes, of Alleg-heny, Pa., estimated at 81, 500,000, has been left to ten charitable institutiocs. Fba_nz HlLPBBT, of Chica g-o, in a fit of jealousy fatally wounded Paulina Thorman, his sweetheart, and then killed himseif. tí. G. Gaskis returned to Iïrooklvn, N. Y., af ter 'forty-one j'ears to find his wife remarried and himseif a greatgrandfather. FouiiTEEX business houses and residences at Ben ton, Mo., includin the post oflice and jail, were destroyed by fire. Tuk issue of Standard silver dollars from the mints and treasury offices for the week ended on the Stat was $1,191,487, ag-ainst 1807,368 for the period of 1S92, Lkna Hill made a record at Dallas, Tex., for 2-year-olds, covering- the mile in 2:133. Corbett and Mitchell are not likely to meet in the pugilislic arena. Both men have stopped training. A coach on an Indiana & Illinois Southern train left the track near Effingham, 111., and thirteen persons were injured. A firk in the freig-ht yards of the Mississippi Valley road in New Orleans .caused a loss of $100,000. The president has removed Commodore and Rear Admiral Stanton, stationed at Rio Janeiro, Brazil, f rom the command of the South Atlantic station for saluting Admiral Mello's flag. Two cnu.DREN of N. P. Stone, of New Bedford, Mass., died of starvation and the father and mother were in a precarious condition. No work was the cause. ■ The petitions for pardon of Qugh F. Deinpsey and Robert Beatty, convicted of non-union men at ÊomeBtead, Pa., the great strike last year, was denied by the state board of pardons. In the annual renort of Cnnt. W. T i. tr - ■ Sampson, ohief of the naval bureau, to the secretary of the navy, he estimatea that i7,i45,soi wiu bo requlred for ordnance vvork duf ing the next fisca1 year. James Stonk non Baya be alone killed the Wrattan fumily near Washington, Ind., and that the men implicated by his first confesaion are Innocent. Thhke tramps were killed in a wreek on the l'ennsylvania road near Lawrenee, N, J. Dndeu clondy skies and with a chili wind Manager paced in 2:065i and si., aboul trotted in i:09i at Terra Uaute, ; John Uannon's residence in ri.., burgh, Pa., was destroyed by fire and two children were cremated and their mother seriously burned. Richard Tate, the absconding treasurer of Kentucky, was captured in Arizona. The flrst annual national conve ntion of the order of Daughters of the King-, composed of women of the Protestant Episcopal church, convened at Baltimere, Md. Tuk work of fixing1 of a boundary line between the United States and Canada is in prog ress in Cleveland, O. The Phonolite Glass company, incorpora ted. at Denver vvith Í500,0()0 eapital, will manufacture g-lass by a new process. House, Lawsojj & Connor, wholesale dealers in dress goods in ev York, failed for iir0,000. NKLSOH Iíradv, ex-cashier of the Central Michigan savings bank at Lansing, was arrested for inisstating the bank'a conditiou. The penalty is twenty years' imprisonment NejlBLT -2,000 minera n Colorado in the Walsenburg district struck because of payrnent in store ehecks. The Pacific Mail company's steamer Civy of New York went ashore in a fog in San Francisco bay and was wrecked, the loss over (500,900. Six men were horribly burned by an explosión in a pulp mili at Ashland, Wis., and two would die and the others will be crippled for life. Gov. Hoog, of Texas, offers $200 reward for the conviction of each white cap engaged in burnin cotton gins. Thk governor of Massachusetts has selected November 30 as Thanksgiving day. J. Irvinö Latimkr, the Michigan matricule, was placed with the other prisoners after nearly seven months' solitary confineroent. Six maskedmen broke into the house of Peter Painter at Holmesville, O., tied the inmates aiid took $700. Mrs. John, of Duluth, Minn., was run down by G. L. Kobbins with a bicycle and her neck was broken. A fire in the foundry house of the state penitentiary at Lincoln, Neb., caused a loss of Í100.0UO. A I'ACKAGE containing $22,000, signed from New York to the Whitney national bank of New Orleans, via American express, was stolen by some one unknou n. Mus. Lizzif. Lkk and Peter Adaras, of Richmoml, Ind., were arrested for grave robbing. Adams was caught in the act. IIe.miï Starr, . Kid Wilson and Alf Chaney were found guilty of train robbery on six counts at Fort Smith Ark. Information was received at Milvvaukee from Rome that the Order ftf Good Teraplars had been placed under the ban, so far as Catholics are concerneil. l'i.r.vttiNG into a sink hole near Hamburp, Mich., an Ann Arbor freight train caught iire and Engineer Ueaulieu, Firemar. Albers and Head Hrakeman Mullican were burued to death. Tuk waekly pay law passed by the last legisl ature was declared unconsti♦utional by the Illinois supreme eourt. Thk n, the largest battle-ship in the United States navy, was launehed at San Francisco. Louis J. Silva, eashier for the Rain water Hat company in St Louis. v;is said to be a defaulter for over $100,000 and as a result of his peculations the flron was forced to assign. Director General Da vis has prepari'd a il order for the immediate re moval of exhibits from the worM's fair buildings after November 1. MORE than 1,500 vvomen . reetivec world's fair medals for their handiwork Mexicana -aiued the greatest share o: the awards. THK exehanes at the leading clearing houses in the United States during the week ended on the JTtli agregated $928,141,581, ajrainst 1984,566,630 theprevious week. The decrease, comparec with the correspondinff week in 1SU2, was 20.3. President Pauibb lias selected the committee of national commissicjners to write the history of bhe world'a fair. The explosión of a barrel of whisky in the uarehouse of the Chautauqua Lake lee company at Pittsburrh, l'a., ciiused the destruction of over $500,000 worth of property and serious injury to eight persons. Cowed nen giren the oath of his own country. Jun Jeck Lili confessed in Chicago to the murder of Jung Din Kok. Dis. F. O. Vincent, a wife murderer, was liany-ed at Fresno, Cal., Ike Williams (colored) was executed at Madison, Ga., ior the murder of Harriet Williams, and Marshall IJ. Taylor was hanged at' Wise Court House, Va., for killing Ira Mullins and bis wife and daughterand his brother, John Mullins. Capt. Aahon Kingston with a party of ten left i'ittsburgh, I'a. , in three boats on a voyage to the Antarctic and Aretic seas. A xudk wild man was caught in the woods near Lojfansport, lnd. The entire neig-hborhood turned out in the hunt, .Maüshall Field has promised tt,000,000 toward a fund to assure for Chicago a Columbian museum. Miss Daisv Gaklaxd, aged M, daufrhter of the ex-attorney-general, shot herself through the heart with a revolver at her home in Washino-ton. cause was known. Joskpb Millkr while drnnk at Coutinental. O., shot anil killed Georjfe McDonald and fatally wonnded Andy Hamilton. Tuk Georgia house of representatives passed a bilí prohibitinf tho sale of cigarettes in the state. J. V. MlTCBJEIX, clerk oí Faulkner county, Ark., h:ts dlsappeared and so has intrusted to bis care. The post mortem on a supposed baby foundin the Battle Creek (Mich.) railway wreek showed the iinil was a bolopna sausage. Business failures to the numberof 35:2 occurred in the United States in the seven days ended on the 27th. Durin# the week previous the failures numbered 340, against 187 in the correspndini time in 1892. I ivr persons were seriously and thirty-five otherwise huft in a riot by Boston Italians, who Kouirht a.n oflïmt's Ufa A THiRTEKx-foot vein of natural stove polish was found near Fort Dodfje, la. It s a zinc sulphate. The proposed tiffht between Jim Corbett and Charley Mitchell for the championship of the world before the Coaey Island Athletio assouiation in December has been officially declared oft. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The act of the last Michigan legislatura permitting women to vote at municipal eleetiona was declared naconstitutional bv the supreme conrt. IÏKAR ADMIRA!, WaI.TEK W. QlKKX, United States navy, retired, died suddenly of heart faiim-e at his. home in Washington, agèd B9 yeara. Ja.mks A. Dkmaiíkk. tot twenty years grand reporter of the Kni-lits of Honor, and founiler of the order, ctied suddenly in LouiSTille, Ky. A HiaBO womu natned Jordán died in Little Koek, Ark., at the idvaneed age of 1:2!) years. Ai NTY P.AI.DV, the oldest woman in Indiana, celebrated her 104th birthdav at her home in Terre Baute. Tuk Georgia lafislature begtin its flfty-day seasioo at Atlanta Miss Sai.i.ik Wiikki.kk died in Philadelphia, aged 103 years. Up to the time of her death she was in possession of all her facultkvs. Mbs. Weltz (colored) died at Rockford, 111., aged 100 years. She was bom in Georg-ia. Hknky Mitcheli, the pioneer wagon manufaeturer of the west, died at his home in Racine, Wis., aged 84 years. ALEXA.NDBB Beckwell, a lineal descendant of African kings, died in Xew Orleans, aged 100 years. Mus. Christina Bokdner, of Lewiston, 111., attained the 104th year of her age and was in fair health. Justice Williams at Syracuse, N. Y., declared unconstitutional the law of 1892 which gives women the right to vote for school commissioners. Ex-Jüpge William McKexna, of the United States circuit court, died at Pittsburgh, Pa. He was born in 1816. FOREIGIM. Admiral Mello has proclaimed Frederico O. de Lorena, a captain of a rebel war vessel, provisional president of Brazil. All the Canadian sealers had arrived for the season at Victoria, 15. C. The number of sealskins taken this yea was 69,471, or 19,000 more than last year. The ritish b;irk Florence Treat, bound from Singapore to Shang-liai, was wrecked in a storm and twenty persons were drowned. Wiiii.k on their way to a lumber camp near Parry Sound, Out., William Lynch, J. Douglas, Narcasse Woods and John Sweet were drowned by the upsettinff of their boat. lx the City of Mexico the banking house of Pedro Martin & Son, established thirty years ago, failed with liabilities of il.000.0UU and nominal assets of $1,200,000. Tuk Fyfield church near Abing-don, Eng-land, which was built in the thirteenth century, and which was considered an important historical monument, was destroyed by fire. LATER. The United States senate on the 28th passed the urgeney deflciency bilL Varions amendments to the silver bill were defeated, and Senator Shcrraan closed the debate, sagring, daring bis remarks, that the further purchase of silver and makinfi it the Standard of valué would, it wasbelieved, wurk irreparable in jury to the business of the whole country, to the waffes and property of every citizen of the land. In the house the bankruptcy bill was further diseusi(l. At Hernesand, a port on the Oulf of Uothnia, the Norwegian bark Is'ordstjernen ran into a small boat and suuk it. drowninjr ten persons. Mks. Haiuukt Van Dkkihhg (colored) died at Sheffleld, 111.. at the age of HO years. Official delegations from fifty-four American cities and towns assisted at the reunión of American cities of the nation at the world's fair. Ilruii QOBDOH wasfriifhtfully burned by acid placed upou his blowpípe by a unión glassblower at Wellsburg, W. Va. Kkv. N. S. Hoi.mks, oí Columbus, O., created a stir by declaring in his pulpit that foreifjners control the labor unions of this country. BENJAMIN Bakford, oorresponclence clerk of the New York Continental bank, is aecused of stealinff over Í50,000 f rom the flim Saloonkkei-ers at Eureka, S. D., angered because thi-y were Wackballed, set tire to the masonic and pythiaa lodffe rooms. S. E. NoBTH, of Carbondale, 111., claims to have liiscovered the secret for vrelding copper. lle says the discovery ia worth millions. Levi 11. Koss, of West Lebanon, O., iwo weeks asfo advertised for a wií'e to share with him a fortune of $10,000 and up to date he had received 100 offers. The paid utmissions to the world's fair durinjr the week ended October 28 were 1,864,672; total since May 1,91, 889,4-Z-2. In leading a sortie agáinst Hiffians at Melilla the Spunish (en. Marg-allo was shot dead with seventy of his men. Carter II. IIakiuson, mayor of Chicago, was shot and killed at his home at about 8 o'clock " the eveniag of the -hth by I'utrick 10. Prendergast, a newspaper carrier, who was thought to be insano. Mr. Harrison was (8 years of affe, and ;is gerving hls Kfth term as mayor of Chicago. Be was a vidwer and leavesfour chlldren. He was o have been tnarried .November 10 to Alsa Annie Howard, f New Urleans.


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