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Mr. Hwwells has livrn the title oí "My LJterary Pasalooe" to his iiterary autoblagrapjhy vtftGch he has vritteai for The Ladies' Home Journal, and wiil begtn ín ttte next iswiic of 1 1 1 a t magazine. The (' number of Qarper'a Magazine vvill be eren in tJie history oí that perlodiaal. It will Ík: pro.usely iliu.-tra t ctl. A gympathetic study of ''Tlie 01(1 Dominion" by Tilomas .N'elson 1'aue, añil a entemponiry view of 'The Ifnuse of Oommons," by Thomas Power O'Coniion-, are ainonií tlie at I ract ions cu' tJie numler. It wlll cantata niiic short storlee. Tlie November Forum coutaioe a lowg list o-f valuallii articlea by notel writorx on iinii'irtaiu injiics. l'roí. íí. vo'n Holst, the eminent constitutfamal Jiitorian, in discüesing -"Tlie Decline of tJie Benate." oííers a f-lashinir crlticism o: fche preseñ.1 senate mctilioils in an article entitlcil, "Shall tbe Sfuatc Hule t he RepuMlc?," "The Senate ba the L.igh1 ■): listoty" ís tibe headlng gl-re a searchlng .analysis 1 iJic chai'act rv and c:ipaelty i preeeni eenators, as comparecí wilh thc ■ Oí Wcbsti'i'. ('lay and CaMinuii.. A magazine Is usualiy eat Isd with oae strong feature tor ilic montli. The OoemopolHíun, however, presente tos XovrmiHT no i's.s t.iian flve very uimsuai ornes. William Dean Howclls prives tlie íirst OÍ tile letters of ihr i i-.-i .-iiT. w i i lias been vlsltlng t.his comntry, Erom Altxurla, We liavc read Mr. Howella' lmpreselon o.' tlie Altriirian ; bul iu this l'irst let ter we have 1he Alt niriaiiV impressio'as oi Xew York, wil li some cominent.s upoo goremmeni and soeiety. oalculaU'd to awaken tlie most rvative miiids. The second feahne is tJie portiom of the magazine uivni ip to coliiv vork, no less thaii ten supei'b color illustrat ions betng ireseuted tlie first time in magazirne liistnry. acoampanylng an article by Mts. Rager A. Pryor om "Thc QhangeB in Wotnen's Costnmes." The third feature is ■■American Notes," by Waïber Beaamt, -vho was recently in Amerie:i. and is diiinii tlie United States for The Cosmopolitas a la Dickiiis. The fourth feature is an art'ci ■ by (!' n. Badeau on ''Th ■ Forma oí luvitatiou I'sed by the ElliïHsh Nolnlity."' The article is illustrated by 1.he faiKimile of cards to tlie (Jueeu's lravinti-ri" nu. bO ilinnet' at tlie Princesa oí "Wales, añil to many leading boasefl oí Eogtend. Finally, wo Ikvvc a aew and vcry curious Bbory by Mark Twain, callad ''The Esquimau Maiden'.s liomanco." It is ini his Ua]i]ie-t vein anil is illustrated by Dan l'.card.


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Ann Arbor Courier