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Clinton has suoeeeded In securing o very eutectahllng lecture oourse. WVll attrnilrd revival nnithms are belng beld ar the M. E. church, Dexber. 'l'h,' Clinton lias a very nberbalnlng eorrespooiöent in the Hawaüaii blanda. Tin i. R. Kyic. "ttoe village blacksMiiih.'1 has been appotnt-ed poetmaster al '1'fi-uniscii. The viiíani' o. Clinton s pejolclng (ivci t'Jw íact tbere are no ampty liiiililiims in tile tiiwn. anas BLrketi added two mni'p haiiiIsDiiic deec t" ttie inmates ol liis park. Hj uow has íour ol' thc lcautics. It takcs tea ilays lo m'l (relbi Iroiu Detroit to PlymoutJx, iiij Mail says. l'ut 11 1 an (!( ríe linc, t h.-ifs bh snrt Uiat íi-ctM there. Tlio 1 "ilion Vetaran Dnlon orgenlzatioii h;is cst ahlislird hcaihiuart i'i-s al, llow'll, wilh most oí the offlcera elect'd Irmii tliat city. T3iie aomg cvaii-rlisi-. Smart and Mcl.aclilan. are miw engageá in con vertíaos ttae people af Chetoea. They are to be tliere sixteem days. Tin; 15tli annivcrsary of the marriiiiíc oí Mr. aun .:s. .1. i'idd, o( Kortb i.akc, was made a very pleasant occasion loc tinin by thelr trienda ciü the 28tlh ult. A Ilillsdali' man tuuk seven premlunis v. ii ]ionluy at ihe World'S l'air. Only let a Hillsdale rooster get away írom tiome and !ie kIiows up ama iniily. - Hudson Poet. Cliiristia-n Fiegel, cd Freedom, a prominent man of tdie township, liod tast iSumday Grestkng, and services were 'held to-da.y from St. Thomas' I.ut.heran chiirch in tnwn. Mrs. Sarah Kelley, of Ypsilanti town. died (in Wcdnesd.'i y di last ,. aged 87 years. Sbe was a pioneer oí t3iL county and state. Shc lea ves bwo suns, B. I). and C. J. Kelly. Tïw Oommerclel aaye iliat there is a coiinpany iliat (esires t llght Monroe with elctrtetty and at the same time run a si i-eet vailway tlure with the sanie lluid. Munroe slniuld let 'er flit-kei-. The loys ivi'it int In forcé to celébrate liallciwe'en and the Avay articies niTc scatt(ri'd tibe nert moraing it was diffienlt to find some places of bustaess jmlging ii-oim the. síííhs In i'iiint. - Salitne Obeerver. Seci'etaiy Morton ha.s removed Dr. Hawkins, live stock inspector at Detroit, and appotated ('has k. Parker, V. s., of Dexter to tbe office, wbich pays .$1,400 a year. A ivortüiy appo int ment. - Dexter Leader. An Adrián woman's hnslKind remarked testily th:it hè ''wouldn't glve 2 cente iov lier iniy of cooklng," and siie iimdo it tbe baflta of a suit of divorce. Some woinen ai-e cntirely 2 cents ative. - Xorthvllle Record. Olnelsea ministers do not seem to be luarvesting las mnny marriage fees as at thls time, as on other years, altJuough cupid is Btill getttng in a deal of liiis work, nnd dressmakers omd tailors huetle.- Chelsea Standard. Mr. Gorgnn, as reparted ly the Indianapolls Journal, Bays : "I see by the papers that the smal] boys tüiat was frittln' thimselves ilrownt last Bummer i oow a-fallln' out o' luickiory trees a-n' breakln' their net ks." Tlve laBt Stock bridge Su,n contains a line picture of the beautiful Town Hall in tht TUlagA. It coet $2,500, lias a seatinj? capaeity of 52ó, and :s oertalnly au ar; liitectural beauty. Well mey Sttx-kbridge feel proud of it.. Tlie barn of John Blmntoos, on the rivor ro.'Kl cast of üaiKinvillc station, was il,stroyc(l by lire .vrstcrclay momiiiíí, togetilier wH 7h buBhels ui wlheatf ateo oate, hay, one buil and Otber articlcs. ND iiisurani-c. - Dundee Reporter. Tlie IMiirkiicy llispatrh says that a Xort5i Lafce yOUDg man rcccntly took liis beet glri out rldtog on a bucklinaril drawn by a yofce o! oxen. Thai is all i-iiili t . The COUple wlsh 1ii show world tlioy tbey are ïcitlicr proud nr iasi. probably. IVi' have Immmi ï-cincnihricil by tin.' board of supervisors again bhta year, and tlii' valnat ion of Saline low.Trd $15,000 below the aliiation iiivcn il ei yea.r agO. Ami ArlKr city was rateed $200,000.- Saline Observer. TÜmnks ! Awfully ! All HaiiowcVn oigStt waa oelebrated uitih the usual iL[iay oí cabbage and ropenuraated old boggies lelt in cmispirumis places, : 1 11 tl ;i tombstone or tu-(j erected to the memory of a ïi-w doctors and merchante, at thelr respective buslnsea iilacc.--.- 'Waync Keview. Eiurlit men and two woinrii. ol Y)silanti, have stied tlic Ivi-clcy anli-jnp;gery compcuny, to reeorcr $55,000 wortb of stock whteh tluv claim looked all íiaie 0D tfae siirfaci', but at lnst Hitotli like a serpent and Btingeth Mke aai adder, ' and is m good. - Adlian I'rees. Hallowe'ftn p&ssed aCt very quletly in tliis city. oí eourse tiiere were a .i-w BldewalkH toro up. a fence - i wo iiiis.-ini;-, gatee removed, and gomt sin.'ul ci-cni in-es ttïrew cobbages at iin' tromt doom, hut no eerloua ilamagé was done.- Ypsilantlan. Ves. Aun Arboc was similaiiy afteoted. ]'r.i. i.isii'i-, of the Saline schools avIio s engaged in au anaiysis i the water. ïi-oin a Vlllage wrll, lias alrcady iliscov crrd a trlloblte, nautilus, liairy oroeodlle hadrnsaurus and a nest, o,' liumlniirs. The init-roscope is a grea.1 revealer of Uic dead ly ]i ui 1 invisilil'' WDrld.- Adrián I'rcss. rl lic sparrows tiial have been allowed t) multlply dwing the snnimer mnmoleated, are now betog slauiilitcrcd in rr'at iitniílx'rs li the boys, and the bimnty oí 8c pe sparriiw collected. It wlll be ttoe meaos oí Fttrnfclhhig hoüday money fo mans a youth who could not obtain it cillicrwisc. It is said tibat the íarincrs llave 80 niiuii faitli in the eventual succese ui i-lci-i ï-k-ity as a motive jimvi'r, tiiat tiicy i'.iint cari' whetheT tliry do any roed work ur not. Thcy expect that in t.lie inot dlstani future, all thflr hauUiiiï wlll be djn' by the electric cars. and that liorses ;is propellors wlll be uut oí date ntJrely. On Wedno.sday ovening of last weck, tlie inarriafie ,oi Miss ('arrie J. Havenport ajid (has. F. JSurkhardl a crlebiatiMi at tthie hoime oi the bride's inother. Mis. H. Da vejipOTt, in Saline, liev. e. s. Bullocic performing tihe ceremony. It was a ve:y Happy occasion, and .uuests were iiiesnt [rom botín at home mid abroad. Thoy have ''Guees where and come tin-i-.-" partjes a1 Ghelsea. The nvitations gtve the date ooly and the youmg men have to hunt the place.- Plymoatfh Mali! Ii a fellow only geta in liis best girl'a house befare she get awa.v be will have no tióuble at all. Tlicy always know all aboul it. aiul inake a niLstuke. Mk'hiiian stands lirst in yield of wtheal per acre, u' the wheat growbng States ; 18 L-2 budhels, 1891; first lm thr value jut acre of farm cvops göoerally ; ï in hard wood forcsts and liai-d wood manufacturi's; lirst in the produc-tinn (il peppermint oil. more tlian all the pbhI ol ihccomitry i-ciiiHined. - ('lK-lsca Ili-rald. Hallowe'en is paai and smir and we have 'ncard o.' no serioiis (Irprcdation. A nmnber o!' citizens on irn.-nd year and thf youogtera would honre met witli a warm receptloo ironi same qaartërs Jiad ihoy attemptcd a rcpctitimii of last year's performance. Innoceni ton is all rlgbt Hm destructkxn oí property is objcte(l to. - Bntrp'ris,'. Ii the editor oí the Dexter Leader lias mot been massacred by t.his tfane, yon may look for hfe demisc at any m imite. Tlie people of Chelsea can stand almost anytJiiing, but they will oever poi-t up witih this stander frtxm t(he last Leader : "Verfly, it is easier íor a camel to go tilirougli the eye of a needle tlian for a Chelsea mam to get a shave in liexter. Tliey have the barber's ltch up there." James CaBswly, tlie Dundee poetmaster, has in hts popsesskm, ome of the bornee oí a nmstolon. Among ttvem Ís a tootih welífhliiK four pounds. ThiK provee that the early politlclans oí Ihiiwlee, weire oí larjc; size, and tflieir teeth indicíate that they had orRHnized a.ppetites, and liad the.y liveO :ti tiCm age, would mot have let the Dundee poetofflce slip wltüiout a figiit.- Adrián Pres. In spite of 1Jie fact that the marBbal and four deputies paraded the town Tuesday nipht, the Hallowe'en Drowulea wens out and rut tip toeft1 pramks in abundante, although so far as we can learn tfoère was no deetroytog of proper t y as on somc fornier occasions, only tlie niischievims iiis]ii,-H'i'iin :id of wagons, i-ai-rianf.-. carts, gaten, agricultura I !ni])l1'iii( nts. etc.- MIlan Leader. Mal i'.ln.-.-cr. ui tttie Manchester Enterprise drove a rtusty naU in liis tooi 6he day, and took to cnitHu's. The cltlzenfi o, Manchester sJvould take up a CoUectlom and a p.iir cm' ebtoee for him. it is not dtegracero] to gro barefooted, bul it's (lanu-c-i-ous. - Adrián Presa. When Oro. Bloeeer [a abíe bo get on hts shni's agajn, ir m.-iy 1h' wr for the Prese maai in keep out oí the i heren '.. A car load oí tramlng aharcoal 'as iai ti Wabasii trato whcn it reached Adrián last Monday. It was placed HMiicr tlic spinit of the u.-itcr tank. and Uit'n Hit' ciicniM-ai engine waa lirnuulit Itnto arquisit ion. It is said Uiat nothinu: wouM eubdue the flre until n parcel oí oíd niails made t helr regular 1 i j to the depot, and smilt'd with tfaeir usual mcceeB, for nerer WM an oíd inaid la Adrián known to amtte -without Bubdutng all the "flamee."- HudBoo Pos: . Hm appearamce. oí eme town WiM'.ni'sday niiiminií indic-ated the visit oí a cyclone, bul when we ramemUt'v that tlic precedtng evenlng ■ s HallOTve'en, the chaotic condltlon oí movable property is casily accountcd íor. But fcw are bo oM t ha t they can mu appceciate Hir hanntoa pronta oí fun-lovlmg yonth. Thr is .-i limit, liinvcviT, beyond whlcl mtecJüel beeomea destructlon and thi r.-i.u ímt he too beartrily condemned In .'i niiiniivr of easea tibe ími waa car ried ton ín Tueeday &vebing and vn quletly wacm the ihmiüiitirss tha a i-'iK't.! t ion oí it nicaii.s troub]-. Si s.iy ttKMG in mtliiirit y. - Drxtrr lycail er. The l!a]it:st niissHinary society o WaahteoKW Ooouty, eleoted th ínilcju oíflcere few Un' enMiing yeai at tfoeir meettng in Milán reoently J'i-csiih-iit- Mn, .). C. Rouee, Milán Vite I'rcsiilriit - Mrs. Bverett, ( lul sea. Becordhng Seerefcary- Mr, lioilgi Yiisilanti. Oorrespanding Srcn-tarv uí lióme inissioii - Mi-s. Salycr, Aim ArbOT. CorreNiKHuling St'ci-ctary oí (orelgi niiKsioiis - Mrs. Hume, Ypsilanti. Ti-easiwr- Mrs. Iuiib, Aun Árbol" Miss May Wlilte, wlio has been a su: ferer tor nearly three years, is rec-O'V fi-iiiu-, at least trata sonuioleoaoe, foi slic lias only tO le awakcned once a day dow, and Uiat in the tnornlng Then abe taya awake tbrongh the day. Sin; is still coiiüincil toher bed or ctaalr, nut benig able to walk Altboogtl yiías White is am invalid and lias Ihm'H aslcc] so much oí licl tinne for the past three years, slic has ftnproved tibe time In whleh she has been awake : (os many are the artl clc-s, Iwth fanoy and useful, uh lias made ; and at tllie fair lield in Stock bridg-e títLs fall, the productiops o her bnsy hands were to be seen


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier