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Prol. Votoay M. BpanMlng h it present at Leipeic, Cnnnany. The senior Hts propase to have a a plee clul of their wwn tliis year. '1 lic Bopboauorea expeci to pni the Oracle on ale bolMay time tliis year. There are 667 Minleiits a ml 65 nieinbera ï ühe faculty ai Browa tliis year. Tlie S. C. A. faiseil and nearly expended $2,770.66 ctartng the year 1892-8. Miss lü-lian'siin is l'd vire president, and Miss Katim secretary oí t lic m alor !a claas. Chlcfcerlng -and MeKenzie iiow lmld tlie 'iennis ('ïampiiiiiship. Must ni lile oetB st.ilell H1 1 1 a lh iïr' 11 llave heen n'cnvered. The lady nicnilwra ofl t.he S. ('. A. are feo gfw i rerept ion 1o bbe M u(!rnt u; t'.ic ]av dcpurt ïn.-nt at Newi erry Hall, FrMay eyeolng. 'llic editora ui the WrinUlc are dliraiiy ]ii-r]iariirí fOT a t'inr issue fnr ( !ii-:tuias. 'l'licy li.-ivr B mass of matter ti eelect trom, much oí whlcb is lllrril :)}-l)HS. iin1::. Jeve siinpsiin holde the lniai'ils hi'i-c at linviTsity Hall n Saturday cvcninir. .Nov. 11 til. instcail I l'riday eveolng Uw lOtli, M.s uiiiounoed last week. The K()])liunw)rr uiris w}lO liad charge of the annnal BreBtaman spread given at Graïiger'e Hall last Friday eTOieiiijr, did tibemdelves prond. It as a happy affalr. The Castellaa board has resolved Id issur a jiuMirat inn tliis year lintwithetamcllng tbe hard times. E. J. Ottaway la tbe meinaglng editor and I). It. Iluten., business manager. The varlo-us íaculties have adopted a rule relativa to ''ponytoflf'' at exanis. t.liat wBl lie hard om the class oí students wiio retnrt to tiiat dlslii.iioraUlc mclhod of gettiug through. Tli Unlveralty ezteaBkm course of i lie Toledo, O.rhlgh whool, was openr I'i-id.iy enening last by Prof. I. N. Demmodi by tihe first of slx lcctures upoin "Stuakeepeare and liis Tlays." l'li.' r. ol tí. Glee Club will be undier tbe dlreetKn of Trof. B. H. Kempí tflÜB yt-ar, and the Banjo Club under Heary Haug's caa and (Urectkm. Botdi are masters oí their professiooi. Among tüie new thhigs obtained by President Angelí, foir tihc Univcrsit y museum, le a section of a petirified tree .trom Arizoiiia. It is nat only inlrinsU'ally valiiaHlp. but a wandertul forme I Oteo. W. Pnller trae been Qhoeen preshlant of tflie U. of M. RepubUc&n Club; & W. Sims. '!) t 1; v. vtoe president; F. TV. Xewtoii and James J. Shrerri(lan. memlK'rs ol c.xccut iv' coinmittee. At I'iiiK'eton tJie gnjne of foot ball bas been (orbVMen becawse : ''The roogdi ctnd brutal game does nut comport wHUi the pnrpoosea for -whieli ntudcnts ore liere, and must be aboliebed." No more kickins at Prlnceton. 0 'I lic meeting betweeö the U. oí M. aind U. of W. foiotball 1 cams on the atliletie iield last Sa t iinlay rcsiiltcd disast rniiNly (o onr Ixiys, by u score erf .'! i to 18. Our club put up a good giame, luit fortune was aiiainst ttoem and they had to lose. ' I { 1 1 Novenil.ei Inlandoir iis a very at tract ivc öumbeT. It is a . inodi'1 of typógrapbéc aioeüence, and emita ins ïnany articles of general interest is well as of interest in Vniversity cire.lcs. The poemB are nuraerous, and sciine of tliein excellent. Tickets tor the two entertainni.nts to he girvem by tlie Oratortcal Associatioi!. (e. i:vinjr, Dec. Oth, and tlie iinnl Inter-daae ciratorlcal eontesl Mareh 16tb ; are now on sale. Help tjlis ;lsso;-i:l t ion. It la (me Of the most -u-'Oirthy i,n the Uuiversity. I B8W hlm at the play dirturbed in mind. And at the hut m front I hcarii liini swenr: Next Suiidav moni ut clinrch he Bal bftbtnd The sume high bat and didn't seem to care. -N. Y. Press. Miss Fee Iíilcy. lit '95, lefi last eveoIng tot Boston to attend tibe annual cíiiiivi'iii ion ni Gamma I'iü BetaTiie coiicction oí pottery ol the Cliíf Dwellere, liiiii Mas just been aildcd to t in' museum, conslsfclng oí ."ir, pteon, is one ol tihe most ínteresrtng that has ímcn placed therein n a loog time, i'roí. i-', x. CJark, as:stant profes BOC oí rciiinoiiiics al l-i-lanil Staníonl i 'iiivt'i-sit.v. California, lias reslguetl .■i.nil wlll spriul a ycar in Ccrnuiiiy stuil.Vni; so.-ial ([Hfslions [OT a bOOk he le wrlttog. He is expected in Aun Arbor tJi:s ■■! tor a ahort visü . The meeting ol bhe W.inian's Leegie al MeMillan Hall Satunlay p. ni., was a,n exceediastr enhjyaWe affalr. ni.-irks vcn hy Mrs. Dr. -f. N. Martin, Mrs. I!. M. heever, Mr. Ellz;i Sum'.rrlaml. ;ui(l variiius Otfaer jueinlH rs. all rela-tlve to tin' Worid'a Fair its leawns.' It is .-i s.-k] ,'KiMiini'iii ;iv,v cm the loy.-ilty iinil liberailty ai ïmi only Michigan aiuinni. bul ol bhe people of tliis state, tliat the haodeome gymïiashiin built by a Valí' alumnus mugí lie jdli' moaiíli alter mniith because of kick of fuinH bo complete it. - TSiie Ij)1ik1t. All tl 1 boys ni tibe law departïiii in. regardlees oí politica went down t'O tttie M. C. i.'isscnficr station tJiis iiioniiiifr. and draw Proi. ;nifiu in a. hiack up to tfee campus. Tlie cause of this demomstration as hks eleotttom to eongpass frooi the first district of tbe stat,1 ycstcnlay, to sucoefcd the late Judge Chipman. Tlie 3icv oongreasman is wrj popular Wltfh tlic D. OÍ M. Imivs. It is a queetiom wltlh socne of the l.ciys w-üietlier the non de pJnwoea assuiiicii iy cértata ol ttoe rtudents In tilie act of real Ufe pwformed bcfore Justice Bennott rcccntly, will not cUog tn tlicm tlumiKli college liie. Of course ttiey are conwnoo, ordinary. cvcryilay nanu'S. Smitih, Bdwards and Jaekson, but tliat event gave tliein a wondertul sound, and ttoey can be pponounced witli all the trills, quiaTers and dorp base iioarseness of Walker Whifcestde, in Hamleti Tlie fnme oí Our int.itutinn la plninly dbivwa by ühe immber of útotlngulahed persons-, Iwtih froin home and .ibro.ui. %iio make it a point to inspect our Vniversity. This weck two (lUstiiiiíuisiied gentlemen trom toreign tands lvave m.-iilc i cali: Dr. John M. Tlionu1. dlrectOT of th-c Natinnal (ilisi-rvatni-y in Arjii'iit ini' Bepnbllc, and RapSiftel-GeorgeH l.cvy. Pralfeseur a L'Bcote Des Sciences Politiques , ',. Paris. 'l'he [omneT WBM c(munissiuueil by liis fiovi-riirneiit tO COme to taepect the great obBerwfttorleti i tlie ü. 8. He sails from New York on the 9tih inst.- V. of II. Daily. Society is aio comfort to otie ïiot sociable. Ivearai to dance ;imi be socáebie. The fací is unidcniable, that tihe legft-hmate dancing school of today te appruvcd and Bonctbooed ty liberal dlvknee, reecxmineBded by the medical (uroteBetoo, and Uberally patromized by all intelligent cla.s-s of society. The man with business can muy gala, by "dancing,'' re1 tor weary brain. Join one oí the lasses at Graimvr's Afademy, strict}y ix scilvool. No. 6 Maynard Sb.


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