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As -weet a jrirl ns one would wish to see silo is. and we're devoted to ench olher Most fomllv. but she Jia-i - alas for me! A little sister aud a little brotlier. Miss May Leiter is visitlnjí fricinls in Detroit. Hoin. Wm. n.'iii. ot Samtrar?, w i.n cily S.i t u rday. Mrs. Di-, A'(:i;nci lias returned [rom lier visit in Wiscimsin. M.-iyoT Tlminp.MHi irivi's a receplii.,1 at bdfl liiunc tliis cvcniiiír. Miss Ada Ooeby, of Stockbrldge, s visiliim' relat ives in Aun Arbor, .Iiulfii' Iv:inif went tr Maoroe TJuesl;y, where he is bolding n regalar term oí COurt. Mrs. M. W. Bwett, oO Brobklyn, X. Y., is Vteltlng H. Kaniiall and írionds in t !ir ■ity. D. -'. Fali. wiii is at present Ding a bramen, atore a1 Dextr, wu In towin over Suiidny. Mrs. Thos. .1. Km-ii báe gune bo her tonner home, Lancaster, X. Y., to visit ti-iriiils .nul relatives, Sani Longsdorl bas been entertainIng Mr. and Mrs. Kred. H. Abbott, of ( ï.swil Falla, tering tlw week. Mrs. W. s. Perry ül li:ivc as her micst this winter, her Bister, Mrs. Kan: Cliiford, of Xorthvillc, Dak. Miss Ida Wadhanis. of Mt .I'lcas ant. is vteitlng her Urothcrs T. II. and V. W. WwBwmn, for i fpw weeks. Mr. and Mrs. James I'oley, whO woiT g-ucsts oí C. A. Mayiiurd and wi.C, llave returoed home to iyansiniï. Mire. Wm. W. Wbedoo ba expeeted home to-d;iy iioin Boston, where she bas leen tor eeveral weeks, vlsitlng her soji, W. T. Whedim, and family. Mrs. (. H. Ci-ay and dauniner Miss Marión, Avho have been epemdlng Beveral nmaiUis wit relat i ves and íri.Mids lwre and in Dexter, leave toda.y lor tiheir home at AliH'na. Merrill Matton, B lad alxeut 12 years o'f age, was genteneed to the torca Sctool at Leuning, until he Ís 17 jx'.mi-s o; ano, by .lusiicc Bemnett, Monday Ttoe charge was íor lostroylng peoperty on Hallowe'on nigiht. This boy clainiK tliat liis home is at Soutli Ilavm. and that abOtlt tiro niontlis ano his íi-aiidfattor wlio Uves tlicri', tpgetber wlth iiis muytber, baasrht hini n railroad lirkct and sent him adriít. He brmiidit ut hece wit h the above reKiilt, amd Oíficer Petewon took h'un t LfUDBtng yostcrday. The boy s an excccdhiiíly brigfat lad. íar above tJie onünary, and with the proper traJui-ng will mafce a good eltizea. The uews tliat Rev. A. S. Cannan lor tüie past fivo years pastor of the Baptist cïmrch, oí thla city, has resiirncii. -uili receiTed wlUh general pegpet by Christian peopte o4 t iicity, rriranllrss of diinonniiation, for he is :i man umiTereally esteeined for lus inany exeeBeot (iiialitics i mintl and beert. n' is aa earneet and ttooroiiííh Christian. llis reelgnation will take effect Dec. lst, at wMch time bs will leeve tor Sprlnglleld, (iiiin, iiavint; aceepted a cal] to the Brst- aad I'.apt ist cliurch of Wint city. Sprimgiield is a place of Bomie, 35,000 inlialiiiant s. and the charu-c Ilicre is nmch more exteoBlTW t'han Ur.s on. Dturlng' ttoepastorate of Mr. Carinan iicrc. lie has iiuriascd Ihc iiicnihcrslii]i Of the Baptist ihnrch ii-iMii 815 bO l"i. a,nd the snin of over $25,000 bae been oollecfed and dislmrsed M1 ttmë. Whiïi; idiiuratulatiiii; Bprtagfield) Aim Arimr tégretm bo kse bo able a niinistcr froan tïw rnnks. ütoBB poinl is 0O of fhe most important for chureb wnvl; hi tiho üalted Btatee, and it in-nis an abh' jiastur. AVni. MiiMiolI.üid. oí WxbOTO, W8S lii-outrlit iK-foro Jnwtitt' l'ond Monday, (har.ïi' o. "i'.niiiii gïea.1 liodily liarni. lesa tliain ninrdcr.'' On kvg. 12, lasi, vrhipped hls wlfe in an unmerciinl nianncr. pulllng locka ui hair out of her hefid, in her Iront teetlb. a-nd almsinii her JttOBt horiilily. hc fiad just rcviivi'i-rii suffLctemtly to get about, whem last Wednesday hc Btruck 1 1 in-a'm, '.■111(1 TO slu' fiurtly brins tiiis guit, wlii&n wül be töie meaavs nn doubt, of putting him wihere be wHl toot caw to rqeat the deed upan .'iny dcirnsclrss person, ;inl h.ivc Miifuiriil time iu riilcct upon Wie terrible act. H wlU be rememhiiril t .1 ï ; 1 1 .-i man by tlic nunie oí Illiiow. Cmvaii, Avas taricil and ïcath(rcil ai Ube Uttne bhie happened, fchis part i'u Uio afiair, he urglng Mul:u];.ni(l Ki ■'ihl-csll lier gOOd so thut w -iiiil .1 al'trrwarcl know her plací . ' Ii is the genera} leeling tliat Oowan (,uj.iit to be au i Mina 1 partner i Mulhiiiland in ihc penalty ií punisiiincnt. Uní tin'i-c appears to be tu way ol gettlng ai Wan excepi tlirn-n.n'li pulillc i-ral iincnt , whlch aaa aJready Bpokem. Mnliiulland's h tng is aei d:ivn tor Thureday, and In úit oí $1,000 bei] ne is umv witih Sbrl!i l'.ivüiier. On Wonda y Mis. .Mulhe'.lani! ühci a bilí fOT divorcr. IkisimI on -si facts, and Judee Kiniic bas granted au iujuncpieventlng Mi-. Mullioiland irom (lisiioshiií oí liis ]roporty. The X. Y. Z. Club are biir preparatlona tor ttoelr hop Fridoy nigih.


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Ann Arbor Courier